Virtual Machine Viewer
Virtual Machine Viewer provides a graphical console client for
connecting to virtual machines. It uses the GTK-VNC widget to provide
the display, and libvirt for looking up VNC server details.
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Source Files
Filename | Size | Changed |
a13173ae-remote-viewer-fix-free-on-dangling-pointe |
0000005025 4.91 KB | |
a724dff8-remote-viewer-add-handler-for-SIGINT-sign |
0000003424 3.34 KB | |
c2dabf07-Fix-a-regression-when-initial-connection- |
0000005675 5.54 KB | |
e4bacb8f-remote-viewer-add-a-default-extension-to- |
0000001504 1.47 KB | |
netcat.patch | 0000000512 512 Bytes | |
virt-viewer-8.0.tar.gz | 0000937457 915 KB | |
virt-viewer.changes | 0000033939 33.1 KB | |
virt-viewer.spec | 0000002948 2.88 KB | |
virtview-desktop.patch | 0000000906 906 Bytes | |
virtview-dont-show-Domain-0.patch | 0000001137 1.11 KB |
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