Whois Client Program

Edit Package whois

This is a new whois (RFC 954) client rewritten from scratch by Marco
d'Itri. It is derived from and compatible with the usual BSD and RIPE
whois(1) programs. It is intelligent and can automatically select the
appropriate whois server for most queries. This package also contains
mkpasswd, a simple front-end to crypt(3).

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
whois-nobsdsource.patch 0000000784 784 Bytes
whois.asc 0000001296 1.27 KB
whois.changes 0000025447 24.9 KB
whois.keyring 0000012997 12.7 KB
whois.spec 0000003165 3.09 KB
whois_5.2.10.tar.xz 0000078732 76.9 KB
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