Environment Modules

Edit Package Modules

The Modules package provides for dynamic modification of a user's
environment with module files. Each module file contains the
information needed to configure the shell for an application. Once the
package is initialized, the environment can be modified dynamically on
a per-module basis using the module command that interprets module
files. Typically, module files instruct the module command to alter or
set shell environment variables, such as PATH or MANPATH. Module files
may be shared by many users on a system and users may have their own
collection to supplement or replace the shared module files. The
modules environment is common on SGI/Crays and many workstation farms.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Modules.changes 0000010548 10.3 KB
Modules.spec 0000006625 6.47 KB
Remove-empty-unused-static-function.patch 0000000709 709 Bytes
_service 0000000074 74 Bytes
modules-4.8.0.tar.gz 0002171216 2.07 MB
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