
Edit Package element-desktop
No description set
Source Files
Filename Size Changed
7za-path.patch 0000000766 766 Bytes
break-esbuild-for-good.patch 0000001830 1.79 KB
element-desktop-1.11.94.tar.gz 0003142827 3 MB
element-desktop.changes 0000226151 221 KB
element-desktop.sh 0000000053 53 Bytes
element-desktop.spec 0000009429 9.21 KB
hak-remove-devdependencies.patch 0000001021 1021 Bytes
io.element.Element.desktop 0000000769 769 Bytes
no-walrus-operator.patch 0000002010 1.96 KB
prepare.sh 0000003973 3.88 KB
remove-fuses.patch 0000001592 1.55 KB
vendor.tar.zst 0039723660 37.9 MB
Comments 4

Yash Tiwari's avatar

Can you add support for "Message search". See https://github.com/vector-im/element-desktop/blob/develop/docs/native-node-modules.md#adding-seshat-for-search-in-e2e-encrypted-rooms

Dominik Heidler's avatar

This requires the rust compiler to compile some native libraries. The problem is that the js build scripts and the rust cargo package manager try to download that stuff from the internet which doesn't work in the build environment.

Bunte Katze's avatar

Hi! There is a long running tracking issue on the element-desktop GitHub repository, where OpenSUSE Tumbleweed users describe a common problem: element-desktop allows to log in, but when quitting and restarting the app, it goes into "[Offline]" mode and says it lost connection and cannot load new chat contents.


My personal situation with some diagnostics is described here: https://github.com/vector-im/element-desktop/issues/850#issuecomment-1591491340

(I could not find a way to make the console output more verbose, and devtools did not work either.)

I installed OpenSUSE Tumbleweed fresh from USB yesterday and ran into this issue straight away.

Notably, before reinstalling Tumbleweed, I didn't have this issue with element-desktop.

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