A Tool for Automating Interactive Programs

Edit Package expect

Expect is a tool primarily for automating interactive applications,
such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, and more. Expect
really makes this stuff trivial. Expect is also useful for testing
these applications. It is described in many books, articles, papers,
and FAQs. There is an entire book on it available from O'Reilly.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
config-guess-sub-update.patch 0000078264 76.4 KB
expect-5.45-format-security.patch 0000000276 276 Bytes
expect-errorfd.patch 0000001201 1.17 KB
expect-fix-implicit.patch 0000004848 4.73 KB
expect-fixes.patch 0000002174 2.12 KB
expect-log.patch 0000000770 770 Bytes
expect-rpmlintrc 0000000088 88 Bytes
expect.changes 0000010736 10.5 KB
expect.patch 0000002448 2.39 KB
expect.spec 0000003218 3.14 KB
expect5.45.4.tar.gz 0000632363 618 KB
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