Firmware Test Suite

Edit Package fwts

The FirmWare Test Suite (fwts) is a tool to do automatic testing of a PC's firmware. There can be a lot of subtle or vexing Linux Kernel/firmware issues caused when firmware is buggy, so it's useful to have a tool that can automatically check for common BIOS and ACPI errors. Where possible the tool will give some form of advice on how to fix issues or workaround firmware issues.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000593 593 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000640 640 Bytes
fwts-25.01.00.obscpio 0021916685 20.9 MB
fwts-fix-non-acpi.patch 0000001153 1.13 KB
fwts-no-compiletime.patch 0000000469 469 Bytes
fwts.changes 0000085216 83.2 KB
fwts.obsinfo 0000000096 96 Bytes
fwts.spec 0000003116 3.04 KB
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