Dashboards and editors for Graphite, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB

Edit Package grafana

A graph and dashboard builder for visualizing time series metrics.

Grafana provides ways to create, explore, and share
dashboards and data with teams.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-Add-source-code-reference.patch 0000001235 1.21 KB
0002-Use-bash-instead-of-env.patch 0000001161 1.13 KB
0003-Bump-go-jose.patch 0000001783 1.74 KB
Makefile 0000001539 1.5 KB
README 0000001585 1.55 KB
_constraints 0000000132 132 Bytes
_service 0000000609 609 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000216 216 Bytes
grafana-11.5.2.tar.gz 0097165183 92.7 MB
grafana-rpmlintrc 0000000121 121 Bytes
grafana.changes 0000500499 489 KB
grafana.spec 0000007421 7.25 KB
vendor.tar.gz 0078302714 74.7 MB
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