
Edit Package kitty
No description set
Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000117 117 Bytes
buildmode-and-skip_docs.diff 0000001205 1.18 KB
kitty-0.40.1.tar.gz 0008744289 8.34 MB
kitty-rpmlintrc 0000000261 261 Bytes
kitty.changes 0000160718 157 KB
kitty.spec 0000006291 6.14 KB
vendor.tar.gz 0002844673 2.71 MB
Comments 2

Attila Pinter's avatar

Not sure how or why, but after the rebuild with gcc 12 kitty does something weird for me. Almost randomly freezes or forces to hang my keyboard, and it stops working until I unplug and plug it back. Tried 4 different cables with the same keyboard, and another 2. Got a pretty large (~8GB) debug log from it, not sure if I should open a bug report or bring it upstream so I will just a post a link to it here:

Attila Pinter's avatar

Setting sync_to_monitor no seem to solve the issue. Weird, but I'm also ~~lazy~~ too busy to debug it further ^-^

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