
Edit Package openafs

AFS is a cross-platform distributed filesystem product, pioneered at
Carnegie Mellon University and supported and developed as a product by
Transarc Corporation (now IBM Pittsburgh Labs).
It offers a client-server architecture for file sharing, providing location
independence, scalability and transparent migration capabilities for
data. Authentication is based on krb5.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
ChangeLog 0000040428 39.5 KB
README.SUSE.openafs 0000003820 3.73 KB
RELNOTES-stable-1_8_x 0000001282 1.25 KB
afs3-bos.xml 0000000195 195 Bytes
afs3-callback.xml 0000000203 203 Bytes
afs3-fileserver.xml 0000000179 179 Bytes
afs3-prserver.xml 0000000191 191 Bytes
afs3-rmtsys.xml 0000000192 192 Bytes
afs3-update.xml 0000000188 188 Bytes
afs3-vlserver.xml 0000000197 197 Bytes
afs3-volser.xml 0000000199 199 Bytes 0000001889 1.84 KB
kmp_only.files 0000003149 3.08 KB
logrotate.openafs-server 0000000177 177 Bytes
openafs-client.service 0000000536 536 Bytes
openafs-client.service.allow_unsupported 0000000542 542 Bytes
openafs-fuse-client.service 0000000496 496 Bytes
openafs-server.service 0000000278 278 Bytes
openafs-stable-1_8_x-doc.tar.bz2 0003372548 3.22 MB
openafs-stable-1_8_x-doc.tar.bz2.md5 0000000123 123 Bytes
openafs-stable-1_8_x-doc.tar.bz2.sha256 0000000155 155 Bytes
openafs-stable-1_8_x-src.tar.bz2 0014644448 14 MB
openafs-stable-1_8_x-src.tar.bz2.md5 0000000123 123 Bytes
openafs-stable-1_8_x-src.tar.bz2.sha256 0000000155 155 Bytes
openafs.CellAlias 0000000020 20 Bytes
openafs.SuidCells 0000000000 0 Bytes
openafs.ThisCell 0000000012 12 Bytes
openafs.cacheinfo 0000000031 31 Bytes
openafs.changes 0000033205 32.4 KB
openafs.spec 0000029480 28.8 KB
preamble 0000000104 104 Bytes
sysconfig.openafs-client 0000000310 310 Bytes
sysconfig.openafs-fuse-client 0000000315 315 Bytes
sysconfig.openafs-server 0000000143 143 Bytes
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