The RPM Package Manager

Edit Package rpm

RPM Package Manager is the main tool for managing the software packages
of the SuSE Linux distribution.

RPM can be used to install and remove software packages. With rpm, it
is easy to update packages. RPM keeps track of all these manipulations
in a central database. This way it is possible to get an overview of
all installed packages. RPM also supports database queries.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0002-log-build-time-if-it-is-set-from-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.patch 0000000611 611 Bytes
0003-Error-out-on-a-missing-changelog-date.patch 0000000533 533 Bytes
_multibuild 0000000055 55 Bytes
assumeexec.diff 0000001052 1.03 KB
auto-config-update-aarch64-ppc64le.diff 0000001211 1.18 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000062 62 Bytes
brp-compress-no-img.patch 0000000507 507 Bytes
brp.diff 0000001514 1.48 KB
brpcompress.diff 0000002730 2.67 KB
build-aux.tar.bz2 0000024182 23.6 KB
build.diff 0000000456 456 Bytes
canongnu.diff 0000000997 997 Bytes
checkfilesnoinfodir.diff 0000000760 760 Bytes
checksepwarn.diff 0000002323 2.27 KB
cmake_python_version.diff 0000000519 519 Bytes
db_conversion.diff 0000005685 5.55 KB
emptymanifest.diff 0000000424 424 Bytes
enable-postin-scripts-error.diff 0000001272 1.24 KB
fileattrs.diff 0000000513 513 Bytes
find-lang-qt-qm.patch 0000000801 801 Bytes
findlang.diff 0000006276 6.13 KB
findsupplements.diff 0000000717 717 Bytes
headeradddb.diff 0000001701 1.66 KB
headerchk2.diff 0000000367 367 Bytes
ignore-auxv.diff 0000001012 1012 Bytes
langnoc.diff 0000004251 4.15 KB
localetag.diff 0000005045 4.93 KB
macrosin.diff 0000005894 5.76 KB
mtime_policy_set.diff 0000001428 1.39 KB
nextiteratorheaderblob.diff 0000002048 2 KB
nobuildcolor.diff 0000000588 588 Bytes
nomagiccheck.diff 0000000563 563 Bytes
noprereqdeprec.diff 0000001307 1.28 KB
platformin.diff 0000001252 1.22 KB
posttrans.diff 0000012378 12.1 KB
python-rpm.changes 0000007789 7.61 KB
python-rpm.spec 0000002792 2.73 KB
refreshtestarch.diff 0000000457 457 Bytes
remove-brp-strips.diff 0000000438 438 Bytes
remove-translations.diff 0000001227 1.2 KB
rpm-4.20.1.tar.bz2 0004534720 4.32 MB
rpm-findlang-inject-metainfo.patch 0000001618 1.58 KB
rpm-shorten-changelog.diff 0000002838 2.77 KB
rpm.changes 0000172501 168 KB
rpm.spec 0000016637 16.2 KB
rpm2archive.diff 0000017409 17 KB
rpmconfigcheck 0000001951 1.91 KB
rpmconfigcheck.service 0000000193 193 Bytes
rpmpgp_legacy-1.1.tar.gz 0000033987 33.2 KB
rpmpopt.diff 0000000536 536 Bytes
rpmqpack.diff 0000003162 3.09 KB
rpmrc.diff 0000007647 7.47 KB
rpmsort 0000001494 1.46 KB
rpmsort_reverse.diff 0000001480 1.45 KB
safeugid.diff 0000005779 5.64 KB
selinux_transactional_update.patch 0000000761 761 Bytes
specfilemacro.diff 0000000453 453 Bytes 0000000379 379 Bytes
undefbuildroot.diff 0000000672 672 Bytes
unshare.diff 0000000973 973 Bytes
usr-lib-sysimage-rpm.patch 0000000358 358 Bytes
weakdepscompat.diff 0000000383 383 Bytes
zstdpool.diff 0000002191 2.14 KB
zstdthreaded.diff 0000000477 477 Bytes
Comments 2

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