Formatter for Printing XSLT Processed XML Files

Edit Package xmlgraphics-fop

FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is driven by XSL formatting objects
(XSL-FO). It is a Java application that reads a formatting object (FO)
tree and renders the resulting pages to one of the following output
formats: PDF (primary output target), PCL, PS, SVG, XML (area tree
representation), Print, AWT, MIF, and TXT.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
encoding.patch 0000000478 478 Bytes
fix-javadoc-java8.patch 0000000475 475 Bytes
fop-2.10-QDox-2.0.patch 0000006431 6.28 KB
fop-2.10-src.tar.gz 0020903590 19.9 MB
hyphenation-more-stack.patch 0000000668 668 Bytes
java8-compatibility.patch 0000001090 1.06 KB 0000883080 862 KB
reproducible-build-manifest.patch 0000002759 2.69 KB
reproducible.patch 0000008691 8.49 KB
xmlgraphics-fop-cli.patch 0000000622 622 Bytes
xmlgraphics-fop-fontlist.script 0000000972 972 Bytes
xmlgraphics-fop-fontlist.xml 0000003663 3.58 KB
xmlgraphics-fop-fontmetrics.script 0000001188 1.16 KB
xmlgraphics-fop-fontmetrics.xml 0000003797 3.71 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.changes 0000026456 25.8 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.script 0000001054 1.03 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.spec 0000006879 6.72 KB
xmlgraphics-fop.xml 0000023668 23.1 KB
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