OpenIPMI is an effort to create a full-function IPMI system to allow
full access to all IPMI information on a server and to abstract it to a
level that makes it easy to use.
OpenIPMI consists of two main parts: a device driver that is included
in the Linux kernel and a user-level library that provides a
higher-level abstraction of IPMI and generic services that can be used
on any operation system. This package contains the user-level library
part. This OpenIPMI library also includes the ipmicmd program, a small
program that lets you inject and receive messages.
- Sources inherited from project openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX
- Links to openSUSE:Factory / OpenIPMI
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osc -A checkout openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A/OpenIPMI && cd $_
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Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename | Size | Changed |
_link | 0000000096 96 Bytes |
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