A Script to Build SUSE Linux RPMs

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This package provides a script for building RPMs for SUSE Linux in a
chroot environment.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
PKGBUILD 0000000385 385 Bytes
_service 0000000870 870 Bytes
build.changes 0000089315 87.2 KB
build.dsc 0000000303 303 Bytes
build.spec 0000008967 8.76 KB
debian.changelog 0000005869 5.73 KB
debian.compat 0000000002 2 Bytes
debian.control 0000000453 453 Bytes
debian.rules 0000001428 1.39 KB
obs-build-20250306.1.tar.gz 0000756159 738 KB
Comments 2

Anonymous User's avatar

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Jimmy Berry's avatar

This error is showing up in all stagings. Perhaps a maintainer can add a conflict to the packages. For lack of that I'll whitelist to avoid blocking staging.

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