
Edit Package apparmor


Note: In AppArmor 2.11,* moved to /usr/lib*/. Therefore I don't provide packages for distributions that still expect it in /lib*/ (Leap 42.3 and older).

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000061 61 Bytes
apache-extra-profile-include-if-exists.diff 0000001142 1.12 KB
apparmor-enable-precompiled-cache.diff 0000000830 830 Bytes
apparmor-enable-profile-cache.diff 0000000710 710 Bytes
apparmor-lessopen-profile.patch 0000001406 1.37 KB
apparmor-rpmlintrc 0000000387 387 Bytes
apparmor-v4.0.3.tar.gz 0006987429 6.66 MB
apparmor-v4.0.3.tar.gz.asc 0000000870 870 Bytes
apparmor.changes 0000104187 102 KB
apparmor.keyring 0000007156 6.99 KB
apparmor.spec 0000032255 31.5 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000186 186 Bytes
libapparmor.spec 0000003983 3.89 KB
mesa-cachedir.diff 0000001286 1.26 KB
py313-aa-notify.patch 0000003756 3.67 KB
python313.patch 0000002210 2.16 KB
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