An easy-to-use IPMI server management utility

Edit Package ipmiutil

IPMIUTIL performs a series of common IPMI server management functions to allow administrators to perform management functions without a learning curve. It can gather FRU inventory data, SEL firmware log, sensors, watchdog, power control, health, monitoring, and has an SOL console. It can write sensor thresholds, FRU asset tags, and supports a full IPMI configuration save/restore.
OS support includes Linux, Windows (natively), Solaris, BSD, and MacOSX.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
harden_ipmi_port.service.patch 0000000740 740 Bytes
harden_ipmiutil_asy.service.patch 0000000753 753 Bytes
harden_ipmiutil_evt.service.patch 0000000747 747 Bytes
harden_ipmiutil_wdt.service.patch 0000000810 810 Bytes
ipmiutil-3.1.9.tar.gz 0001871109 1.78 MB
ipmiutil.changes 0000008478 8.28 KB
ipmiutil.spec 0000008733 8.53 KB
ipmiutil_checksel.service 0000000436 436 Bytes
ipmiutil_checksel.timer 0000000137 137 Bytes
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