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Job history of openSUSE:Tools / git-buildpackage

Repository / Architecture: openSUSE_12.3 / i586
Revision Time (not formatted) Time Reason Status Code Build Time (not formatted) Build Time Worker
9 1711549101 new build failed 26 26s i04-ch4a:25
8 1631613149 source change failed 65 1m 5s sheep85:9
7 1624269646 source change failed 56 56s lamb26:9
6 1583925496 source change failed 95 1m 35s lamb02:5
4 1583883294 source change failed 60 1m 0s build36:3
2 1583862666 source change failed 65 1m 5s cloud122:2
1 1583860349 new build failed 43 43s build79:3
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