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Job history of SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:Core:0.1 / mozilla-nss

Repository / Architecture: standard / ppc64le
Revision Time (not formatted) Time Reason Status Code Build Time (not formatted) Build Time Worker
1 1681050220 rebuild counter sync succeeded 5262 1h 27m 42s obs-power9-10:14
1 1681028213 rebuild counter sync succeeded 6360 1h 46m 0s obs-power8-04:18
1 1680916402 meta change succeeded 12445 3h 27m 25s obs-power9-11:4
1 1680649815 meta change succeeded 7929 2h 12m 9s obs-power8-01:18
1 1678821388 rebuild counter sync succeeded 9313 2h 35m 13s obs-power9-07:10
1 1678467502 meta change succeeded 6067 1h 41m 7s obs-power9-06:10
1 1677649111 meta change succeeded 5861 1h 37m 41s obs-power9-07:8
1 1677554851 meta change succeeded 6621 1h 50m 21s obs-power9-11:18
1 1677307536 new build succeeded 6410 1h 46m 50s obs-power9-11:5
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