Recommended update for hawk2

This update for hawk2 provides the following fixes:

- When generating SSL certificates, make sure the commonName is not too long,
fixing it when necessary (bsc#1046820)
- Fix a problem when parsing the IP resource that could cause Hawk to grant a ticket to the
wrong site. (bsc#1059492)
- Don't offset a failure's time by 10 minutes when showing the notification. (bsc#1056483)
- Make it possible to revoke locally granted tickets. (bsc#1059662)
- Fix a problem that was causing Hawk to add one new attribute per character when entering
a name for an Utilization Attribute of a node. (bsc#1053456)
- Remove some strange characters showing up in the dashboard when hovering for information.

This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-12-SP3:Update update project.

Fixed bugs
Strange character in Dashboard
Hawk: SSL generation should check if hostname > 64 characters
Hawk2: Edit Utilization Attributes
Hawk2 displays timestamp of monitor timeout event that is 10 minutes earlier than the logs and crm status
Hawk2 displays timestamp of monitor timeout event that is 10 minutes earlier than the logs and crm status
Booth site detection breaks on complex rule expressions
Hawk should show revoke operation for tickets granted here, not just elsewhere
Selected Binaries
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