Add KDE Frameworks 5.26 to the SUSE Package Hub

This update provides KDE Frameworks 5.26 for the SUSE Package Hub.

The following packages and versions are included:

AppStream 0.10.0
PackageKit-Qt 0.9.5
PackageKit-Qt5 unknown
attica-qt5 5.26.0
baloo5 5.26.0
bluedevil5 5.8.2
bluez-qt 5.26.0
breeze 5.8.3
breeze-gtk 5.8.2
breeze4-style 5.8.3
breeze5-icons 5.26.0
discover 5.8.3
extra-cmake-modules 5.26.0
frameworkintegration 5.26.0
hack-fonts 2.020
kactivities-stats 5.26.0
kactivities5 5.26.0
kactivitymanagerd 5.8.2
kapidox 5.25.0
karchive 5.26.0
kauth 5.26.0
kbookmarks 5.26.0
kcm_sddm 5.8.2
kcmutils 5.26.0
kcodecs 5.26.0
kcompletion 5.26.0
kconfig 5.26.0
kconfigwidgets 5.26.0
kcoreaddons 5.26.0
kcrash 5.26.0
kdbusaddons 5.26.0
kde-cli-tools5 5.8.2
kde-gtk-config5 5.8.2
kde-oxygen-fonts 0.4.0
kde-user-manager 5.8.3
kdeclarative 5.26.0
kded 5.26.0
kdelibs4 4.14.26
kdelibs4support 5.26.0
kdesignerplugin 5.26.0
kdesu 5.26.0
kdewebkit 5.26.0
kdnssd-framework 5.26.0
kdoctools 5.26.0
kemoticons 5.26.0
kf5-filesystem 20160807
kfilemetadata5 5.26.0
kgamma5 5.8.2
kglobalaccel 5.26.0
kguiaddons 5.26.0
khotkeys5 5.8.2
khtml 5.26.0
ki18n 5.26.0
kiconthemes 5.26.0
kidletime 5.26.0
kimageformats 5.26.0
kinfocenter5 5.8.2
kinit 5.26.0
kio 5.26.0
kirigami 1.1.0
kitemmodels 5.26.0
kitemviews 5.26.0
kjobwidgets 5.26.0
kjs 5.26.0
kjsembed 5.26.0
kmediaplayer 5.26.0
kmenuedit5 5.8.2
knewstuff 5.26.0
knotifications 5.26.0
knotifyconfig 5.26.0
kpackage 5.26.0
kparts 5.26.0
kpeople5 5.26.0
kplotting 5.26.0
kpty 5.26.0
kross 5.26.0
krunner 5.26.0
kscreen5 5.8.2
kscreenlocker 5.8.2
kservice 5.26.0
ksshaskpass5 5.8.2
ksysguard5 5.8.2
ktexteditor 5.26.0
ktextwidgets 5.26.0
kunitconversion 5.26.0
kwallet 5.26.0
kwayland 5.26.0
kwayland-integration 5.8.2
kwidgetsaddons 5.26.0
kwin5 5.8.3
kwindowsystem 5.26.0
kwrited5 5.8.2
kxmlgui 5.26.0
kxmlrpcclient5 5.26.0
libKF5ModemManagerQt 5.26.0
libKF5NetworkManagerQt 5.26.0
libkdecoration2 5.8.2
libkscreen2 5.8.2
libksysguard5 5.8.2
milou5 5.8.2
oxygen5 5.8.2
oxygen5-icon-theme 5.26.0
patterns-SLE-kde5 20150918
phonon4qt5 4.9.0
phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer 4.9.0
plasma-framework 5.27.0~20160928~b115ea1.git
plasma-nm5 5.8.2
plasma5-SLE 42.1.1
plasma5-addons 5.8.3
plasma5-desktop 5.8.3
plasma5-integration 5.8.2
plasma5-pa 5.8.3
plasma5-sdk 5.8.2
plasma5-session 5.8.3
plasma5-workspace 5.8.3
plasma5-workspace-wallpapers 5.7.3
polkit-kde-agent-5 5.8.2
powerdevil5 5.8.3
sddm 0.13.0
solid 5.26.0
sonnet 5.26.0
systemsettings5 5.8.2
threadweaver 5.26.0

Fixed bugs
missing kde4 pkgs
Selected Binaries
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