File 0001-add-usr-share-project-dist.conf-to-the-default-confi.patch of Package python-oslo-config

From 9e78caadf9a668f799de1274a729d0b157a83330 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Javier Pena <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2016 17:02:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add /usr/share/$project/*-dist.conf to the default config set

This will lookup /usr/share/$project/$project-dist.conf
and /usr/share/$project/$prog-dist.conf
in the correct precedence order by default.
For example from command line utils which don't specify
the --config-file option.  Note if daemon init scripts
explicitly specify a --config-file then they must specify
all required.

For reference the precedence order is that later --config-file
options will override settings from previous ones.
So when no --config-file option is specified, we insert
the "dist" config file as the first to be parsed,
and settings from there are overridden by any from
/etc/$project/$project.conf and /etc/$prog.conf respectively.

For completeness, note settings in configs from --config-dir
take precedence over any of the --config-file settings above.
 oslo_config/ | 8 ++++++--
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/oslo_config/ b/oslo_config/
index b7b10bf..564341a 100644
--- a/oslo_config/
+++ b/oslo_config/
@@ -651,8 +651,12 @@ def _find_config_files(project, prog, extension):
             prog = prog[:-3]
     cfg_dirs = _get_config_dirs(project)
-    config_files = (_search_dirs(cfg_dirs, p, extension)
-                    for p in [project, prog] if p)
+    config_files = [_search_dirs(['/usr/share/%s/' % project], p,
+                                 '-dist%s' % extension)
+                    for p in [project, prog] if p]
+    config_files_default = (_search_dirs(cfg_dirs, p, extension)
+                            for p in [project, prog] if p)
+    config_files.extend([x for x in config_files_default if x])
     return [x for x in config_files if x]

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