File python-SQLAlchemy.changes of Package python-SQLAlchemy
Wed Apr 9 12:48:28 UTC 2014 -
- add fix-disconnect-detection.diff: Backport SQLAlchemy 0.8.x
variant of detecting disconnects with psycopg2
Fri Sep 6 09:54:16 UTC 2013 -
- added pool_overflow_counter_fix.patch: overflow counter not handled on
particular exception case. Upstream bug:
Might be related to bnc#832827
Fri Mar 8 08:14:13 UTC 2013 -
- update to 0.7.10:
* orm
+ [bug] Fixed Session accounting bug whereby replacing
a deleted object in the identity map with another
object of the same primary key would raise a
"conflicting state" error on rollback(),
if the replaced primary key were established either
via non-unitofwork-established INSERT statement
or by primary key switch of another instance.
* oracle
+ [bug] changed the list of cx_oracle types that are
excluded from the setinputsizes() step to only include
STRING and UNICODE; CLOB and NCLOB are removed. This
is to work around cx_oracle behavior which is broken
for the executemany() call. In 0.8, this same change
is applied however it is also configurable via the
exclude_setinputsizes argument. [ticket:2561]
* mysql
+ [feature] Added "raise_on_warnings" flag to OurSQL
dialect. [ticket:2523]
+ [feature] Added "read_timeout" flag to MySQLdb
dialect. [ticket:2554]
Wed Jan 2 18:01:09 UTC 2013 -
- Fix building on SLES
Wed Dec 19 15:48:13 UTC 2012 -
- The doc package is noarch
Fri Nov 2 17:53:22 UTC 2012 -
- do not require python-pysqlite package.
- update to 0.7.9:
- [bug] Fixed bug mostly local to new AbstractConcreteBase helper
where the "type" attribute from the superclass would not be overridden
on the subclass to produce the "reserved for base" error message,
instead placing a do-nothing attribute there. This was inconsistent
vs. using ConcreteBase as well as all the behavior of classical
concrete mappings, where the "type" column from the polymorphic base
would be explicitly disabled on subclasses, unless overridden
- [bug] A warning is emitted when lazy='dynamic' is combined with
uselist=False. This is an exception raise in 0.8.
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby user error in related-object assignment could
cause recursion overflow if the assignment triggered a backref of the
same name as a bi-directional attribute on the incorrect class to the
same target. An informative error is raised now.
- [bug] Fixed bug where incorrect type information would be passed when
the ORM would bind the "version" column, when using the "version"
feature. Tests courtesy Daniel Miller. [ticket:2539]
- [bug] Extra logic has been added to the "flush" that occurs within
Session.commit(), such that the extra state added by an after_flush()
or after_flush_postexec() hook is also flushed in a subsequent flush,
before the "commit" completes. Subsequent calls to flush() will
continue until the after_flush hooks stop adding new state. An
"overflow" counter of 100 is also in place, in the event of a broken
after_flush() hook adding new content each time. [ticket:2566]
- [feature] Dramatic improvement in memory usage of the event system;
instance-level collections are no longer created for a particular type of
event until instance-level listeners are established for that
event. [ticket:2516]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby a disconnect detect + dispose that occurs when
the QueuePool has threads waiting for connections would leave those
threads waiting for the duration of the timeout on the old pool (or
indefinitely if timeout was disabled). The fix now notifies those
waiters with a special exception case and has them move onto the new
pool. [ticket:2522]
- [bug] Added gaerdbms import to mysql/, the absense of which
was preventing the new GAE dialect from being loaded. [ticket:2529]
- [bug] Fixed cextension bug whereby the "ambiguous column error" would
fail to function properly if the given index were a Column object and
not a string. Note there are still some column-targeting issues here
which are fixed in 0.8. [ticket:2553]
- [bug] Fixed the repr() of Enum to include the "name" and "native_enum"
flags. Helps Alembic autogenerate.
- [bug] Fixed the DropIndex construct to support an Index associated with
a Table in a remote schema. [ticket:2571]
- [bug] Fixed bug in over() construct whereby passing an empty list for
either partition_by or order_by, as opposed to None, would fail to
generate correctly. Courtesy Gunnlaugur Þór Briem. [ticket:2574]
- [bug] Fixed CTE bug whereby positional bound parameters present in the
CTEs themselves would corrupt the overall ordering of bound
parameters. This primarily affected SQL Server as the platform with
positional binds + CTE support. [ticket:2521]
- [bug] Fixed more un-intuitivenesses in CTEs which prevented referring
to a CTE in a union of itself without it being aliased. CTEs now render
uniquely on name, rendering the outermost CTE of a given name only -
all other references are rendered just as the name. This even includes
other CTE/SELECTs that refer to different versions of the same CTE
object, such as a SELECT or a UNION ALL of that SELECT. We are somewhat
loosening the usual link between object identity and lexical identity
in this case. A true name conflict between two unrelated CTEs now
raises an error.
- [bug] quoting is applied to the column names inside the WITH RECURSIVE
clause of a common table expression according to the quoting rules for
the originating Column. [ticket:2512]
- [bug] Fixed regression introduced in 0.7.6 whereby the FROM list of a
SELECT statement could be incorrect in certain "clone+replace"
scenarios. [ticket:2518]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby usage of a UNION or similar inside of an
embedded subquery would interfere with result-column targeting, in the
case that a result-column had the same ultimate name as a name inside
the embedded UNION. [ticket:2552]
- [bug] Fixed a regression since 0.6 regarding result-row targeting. It
should be possible to use a select() statement with string based
columns in it, that is select(['id', 'name']).select_from('mytable'),
and have this statement be targetable by Column objects with those
names; this is the mechanism by which
query(MyClass).from_statement(some_statement) works. At some point the
specific case of using select(['id']), which is equivalent to
select([literal_column('id')]), stopped working here, so this has been
re-instated and of course tested. [ticket:2558]
- [bug] Added missing operators is_(), isnot() to the ColumnOperators
base, so that these long-available operators are present as methods
like all the other operators. [ticket:2544]
- [bug] Columns in reflected primary key constraint are now returned in
the order in which the constraint itself defines them, rather than how
the table orders them. Courtesy Gunnlaugur Þór Briem.. [ticket:2531]
- [bug] Added 'terminating connection' to the list of messages we use to
detect a disconnect with PG, which appears to be present in some
versions when the server is restarted. [ticket:2570]
- [bug] Updated mysqlconnector interface to use updated "client flag" and
"charset" APIs, courtesy David McNelis.
- [feature] Added support for the localtimestamp() SQL function
implemented in SQLite, courtesy Richard Mitchell.
- [bug] Adjusted a very old bugfix which attempted to work around a
SQLite issue that itself was "fixed" as of sqlite 3.6.14, regarding
quotes surrounding a table name when using the "foreign_key_list"
pragma. The fix has been adjusted to not interfere with quotes that are
actually in the name of a column or table, to as much a degree as
possible; sqlite still doesn't return the correct result for
foreign_key_list() if the target table actually has quotes surrounding
its name, as part of its name (i.e. """mytable"""). [ticket:2568]
- [bug] Adjusted column default reflection code to convert non-string
values to string, to accommodate old SQLite versions that don't deliver
default info as a string. [ticket:2265]
- [bug] Fixed compiler bug whereby using a correlated subquery within an
ORDER BY would fail to render correctly if the stament also used
LIMIT/OFFSET, due to mis-rendering within the ROW_NUMBER() OVER
clause. Fix courtesy sayap [ticket:2538]
- [bug] Fixed compiler bug whereby a given select() would be modified if
it had an "offset" attribute, causing the construct to not compile
correctly a second time. [ticket:2545]
- [bug] Fixed bug where reflection of primary key constraint would double
up columns if the same constraint/table existed in multiple schemas.
- update to 0.7.8:
- [feature] The 'objects' argument to flush() is no longer deprecated, as
some valid use cases have been identified.
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby subqueryload() from a polymorphic mapping to a
target would incur a new invocation of the query for each distinct
class encountered in the polymorphic result. [ticket:2480]
- [bug] Fixed bug in declarative whereby the precedence of columns in a
joined-table, composite column (typically for id) would fail to be
correct if the columns contained names distinct from their attribute
names. This would cause things like primaryjoin conditions made against
the entity attributes to be incorrect. Related to as this was supposed
to be part of that, this is. [ticket:2491, 1892]
- [bug] Fixed identity_key() function which was not accepting a scalar
argument for the identity. . [ticket:2508]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby populate_existing option would not propagate to
subquery eager loaders. . [ticket:2497]
- [bug] Fixed memory leak in C version of result proxy whereby DBAPIs
which don't deliver pure Python tuples for result rows would fail to
decrement refcounts correctly. The most prominently affected DBAPI is
pyodbc. [ticket:2489]
- [bug] Fixed bug affecting Py3K whereby string positional parameters
passed to engine/connection execute() would fail to be interpreted
correctly, due to __iter__ being present on Py3K string.. [ticket:2503]
- [bug] added BIGINT to types.__all__, BIGINT, BINARY, VARBINARY to
sqlalchemy module namespace, plus test to ensure this breakage doesn't
occur again. [ticket:2499]
- [bug] Repaired common table expression rendering to function correctly
when the SELECT statement contains UNION or other compound expressions,
courtesy btbuilder. [ticket:2490]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby append_column() wouldn't function correctly on
a cloned select() construct, courtesy Gunnlaugur Þór
Briem. [ticket:2482]
- [bug] removed unnecessary table clause when reflecting enums,. Courtesy
Gunnlaugur Þór Briem. [ticket:2510]
- [feature] Added a new dialect for Google App Engine. Courtesy Richie
Foreman. [ticket:2484]
- [bug] Added ROWID to oracle.*. [ticket:2483]
Wed May 23 06:44:12 UTC 2012 -
- python3 package added
- removed BuildRequires update-desktop-files, because there is no
desktop files in package
- minor spec improvement
Sun May 6 12:22:59 UTC 2012 -
- update to 0.7.7:
* orm
- [bug] Fixed issue in unit of work whereby setting a non-None
self-referential many-to-one relationship to None would fail
to persist the change if the former value was not already loaded.
- [feature] Added prefix_with() method to Query, calls upon
select().prefix_with() to allow placement of MySQL SELECT
directives in statements. Courtesy Diana Clarke [ticket:2443]
- [bug] Fixed bug in 0.7.6 introduced by [ticket:2409] whereby
column_mapped_collection used against columns that were mapped as
joins or other indirect selectables would fail to function.
- [feature] Added new flag to @validates include_removes. When True,
collection remove and attribute del events will also be sent to
the validation function, which accepts an additional argument
"is_remove" when this flag is used.
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby polymorphic_on column that's not otherwise
mapped on the class would be incorrectly included in a merge()
operation, raising an error. [ticket:2449]
- [bug] Fixed bug in expression annotation mechanics which could
lead to incorrect rendering of SELECT statements with aliases
and joins, particularly when using column_property(). [ticket:2453]
- [bug] Fixed bug which would prevent OrderingList from being
pickleable [ticket:2454]. Courtesy Jeff Dairiki
- [bug] Fixed bug in relationship comparisons whereby calling
unimplemented methods like
would produce a recursion overflow, instead of NotImplementedError.
* sql
- [bug] Removed warning when Index is created with no columns;
while this might not be what the user intended, it is a valid use case
as an Index could be a placeholder for just an index of a certain name.
- [feature] Added new connection event dbapi_error(). Is called for
all DBAPI-level errors passing the original DBAPI exception before
SQLAlchemy modifies the state of the cursor. "with engine.begin()",
the newly acquired Connection is closed explicitly before propagating
the exception onward normally.
- [bug] Add BINARY, VARBINARY to types.__all__, [ticket:2474]
* mssql
- [feature] Added interim create_engine flag supports_unicode_binds
to PyODBC dialect, to force whether or not the dialect passes
Python unicode literals to PyODBC or not.
- [bug] Repaired the use_scope_identity create_engine() flag when
using the pyodbc dialect. Previously this flag would be ignored if
set to False. When set to False, you'll get "SELECT @@identity"
after each INSERT to get at the last inserted ID, for those tables
which have "implicit_returning" set to False.
- [bug] UPDATE..FROM syntax with SQL Server requires that the updated
table be present in the FROM clause when an alias of that table is
also present in the FROM clause. The updated table is now always present
in the FROM, when FROM is present in the first place. Courtesy sayap.
* postgresql
- [feature] Added new for_update/with_lockmode() options for Postgresql:
for_update="read"/ with_lockmode("read"), for_update="read_nowait"/
with_lockmode("read_nowait"). These emit "FOR SHARE" and "FOR SHARE
NOWAIT", respectively. Courtesy Diana Clarke [ticket:2445]
- [bug] removed unnecessary table clause when reflecting domains, [ticket:2473]
* mysql
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby column name inside of "KEY" clause for autoincrement
composite column with InnoDB would double quote a name that's a reserved
word. Courtesy Jeff Dairiki. [ticket:2460]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby get_view_names() for "information_schema" schema
would fail to retrieve views marked as "SYSTEM VIEW". courtesy Matthew Turland.
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby if cast() is used on a SQL expression whose type
is not supported by cast() and therefore CAST isn't rendered by the
dialect, the order of evaluation could change if the casted expression
required that it be grouped; grouping is now applied to those expressions.
* sqlite
- [feature] Added SQLite execution option "sqlite_raw_colnames=True", will
bypass attempts to remove "." from column names returned by SQLite
cursor.description. [ticket:2475]
Mon Apr 30 09:13:02 UTC 2012 -
- Update to 0.7.6
* orm
- [bug] Fixed event registration bug
which would primarily show up as
events not being registered with
sessionmaker() instances created
after the event was associated
with the Session class. [ticket:2424]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby a primaryjoin
condition with a "literal" in it would
raise an error on compile with certain
kinds of deeply nested expressions
which also needed to render the same
bound parameter name more than once.
- [feature] Added "no_autoflush" context
manager to Session, used with with:
will temporarily disable autoflush.
- [feature] Added cte() method to Query,
invokes common table expression support
from the Core (see below). [ticket:1859]
- [bug] Removed the check for number of
rows affected when doing a multi-delete
against mapped objects. If an ON DELETE
CASCADE exists between two rows, we can't
get an accurate rowcount from the DBAPI;
this particular count is not supported
on most DBAPIs in any case, MySQLdb
is the notable case where it is.
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby objects using
attribute_mapped_collection or
column_mapped_collection could not be
pickled. [ticket:2409]
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby MappedCollection
would not get the appropriate collection
instrumentation if it were only used
in a custom subclass that used
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby SQL adaption mechanics
would fail in a very nested scenario involving
joined-inheritance, joinedload(), limit(), and a
derived function in the columns clause.
- [bug] Fixed the repr() for CascadeOptions to
include refresh-expire. Also reworked
CascadeOptions to be a <frozenset>.
- [feature] Added the ability to query for
Table-bound column names when using
- [bug] Improved the "declarative reflection"
example to support single-table inheritance,
multiple calls to prepare(), tables that
are present in alternate schemas,
establishing only a subset of classes
as reflected.
- [bug] Scaled back the test applied within
flush() to check for UPDATE against partially
NULL PK within one table to only actually
happen if there's really an UPDATE to occur.
- [bug] Fixed bug whereby if a method name
conflicted with a column name, a
TypeError would be raised when the mapper
tried to inspect the __get__() method
on the method object. [ticket:2352]
* sql
- [bug] Fixed memory leak in core which would
occur when C extensions were used with
particular types of result fetches,
in particular when orm query.count()
were called. [ticket:2427]
- [bug] Fixed issue whereby attribute-based
column access on a row would raise
AttributeError with non-C version,
NoSuchColumnError with C version. Now
raises AttributeError in both cases.
- [feature] Added support for SQL standard
common table expressions (CTE), allowing
SELECT objects as the CTE source (DML
not yet supported). This is invoked via
the cte() method on any select() construct.
- [bug] Added support for using the .key
of a Column as a string identifier in a
result set row. The .key is currently
listed as an "alternate" name for a column,
and is superseded by the name of a column
which has that key value as its regular name.
For the next major release
of SQLAlchemy we may reverse this precedence
so that .key takes precedence, but this
is not decided on yet. [ticket:2392]
- [bug] A warning is emitted when a not-present
column is stated in the values() clause
of an insert() or update() construct.
Will move to an exception in 0.8.
- [bug] A significant change to how labeling
is applied to columns in SELECT statements
allows "truncated" labels, that is label names
that are generated in Python which exceed
the maximum identifier length (note this is
configurable via label_length on create_engine()),
to be properly referenced when rendered inside
of a subquery, as well as to be present
in a result set row using their original
in-Python names. [ticket:2396]
- [bug] Fixed bug in new "autoload_replace" flag
which would fail to preserve the primary
key constraint of the reflected table.
- [bug] Index will raise when arguments passed
cannot be interpreted as columns or expressions.
Will warn when Index is created
with no columns at all. [ticket:2380]
* engine
- [feature] Added "no_parameters=True" execution
option for connections. If no parameters
are present, will pass the statement
as cursor.execute(statement), thereby invoking
the DBAPIs behavior when no parameter collection
is present; for psycopg2 and mysql-python, this
means not interpreting % signs in the string.
This only occurs with this option, and not
just if the param list is blank, as otherwise
this would produce inconsistent behavior
of SQL expressions that normally escape percent
signs (and while compiling, can't know ahead of
time if parameters will be present in
some cases). [ticket:2407]
- [bug] Added execution_options() call to
MockConnection (i.e., that used with
strategy="mock") which acts as a pass through
for arguments.
- [feature] Added pool_reset_on_return argument
to create_engine, allows control over
"connection return" behavior. Also added
new arguments 'rollback', 'commit', None
to pool.reset_on_return to allow more control
over connection return activity. [ticket:2378]
- [feature] Added some decent context managers
to Engine, Connection:
with engine.begin() as conn:
<work with conn in a transaction>
with engine.connect() as conn:
<work with conn>
Both close out the connection when done,
commit or rollback transaction with errors
on engine.begin().
* sqlite
- [bug] Fixed bug in C extensions whereby
string format would not be applied to a
Numeric value returned as integer; this
affected primarily SQLite which does
not maintain numeric scale settings.
* mssql
- [feature] Added support for MSSQL INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE table hints, using
new with_hint() method on UpdateBase.
* mysql
- [feature] Added support for MySQL index and
primary key constraint types
(i.e. USING) via new mysql_using parameter
to Index and PrimaryKeyConstraint,
courtesy Diana Clarke. [ticket:2386]
- [feature] Added support for the "isolation_level"
parameter to all MySQL dialects. Thanks
to mu_mind for the patch here. [ticket:2394]
* oracle
- [feature] Added a new create_engine() flag
coerce_to_decimal=False, disables the precision
numeric handling which can add lots of overhead
by converting all numeric values to
Decimal. [ticket:2399]
- [bug] Added missing compilation support for
LONG [ticket:2401]
- [bug] Added 'LEVEL' to the list of reserved
words for Oracle. [ticket:2435]
* examples
- [bug] Altered _params_from_query() function
in Beaker example to pull bindparams from the
fully compiled statement, as a quick means
to get everything including subqueries in the
columns clause, etc.
Wed Feb 22 12:36:45 UTC 2012 -
- Fixed SLE_11 build by disabling the testsuite for it
Thu Feb 9 09:39:26 UTC 2012 -
- Update to 0.7.5:
* Fixed issue where modified session state established after a
failed flush would be committed as part of the subsequent
transaction that begins automatically after manual call to
* Improved the API for add_column() such that if the same column
is added to its own table, an error is not raised and the
constraints don't get doubled up.
* Fixed issue where the "required" exception would not be raised
for bindparam() with required=True, if the statement were given
no parameters at all.
* for more details see the CHANGES file.
Thu Nov 10 10:56:36 UTC 2011 -
- Add depenendency on pysqlite
Wed Sep 21 11:51:17 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.7.2:
* A rework of "replacement traversal"
* Fixed bug where query.join() + aliased=True
* Fixed regression from 0.6 where Session.add()
against an object which contained None
- See CHANGES for more...
- Run testsuite
Wed Jul 20 17:42:11 UTC 2011 -
- Let doc package require base package instead of recommends
Wed Jul 20 17:23:11 UTC 2011 -
- Dropped unused BuildRequires for fdupes and python-sqlite2
Wed Jul 20 16:59:39 UTC 2011 -
- Initial version, replaces python-sqlalchemy
* Much simpler spec file
* Packaged LICENSE, CHANGES and README files