File openstack-heat.changes of Package openstack-heat
Wed Sep 17 00:19:47 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev12.g278f013:
* Updated from global requirements
Sun Aug 24 00:44:01 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev11.g975fec9:
* Set python hash seed to 0 in tox.ini
Fri Aug 1 00:37:01 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev9.gb8ef3e9:
* Qpid: advance thru the list of brokers on reconnect
Fri Jul 25 23:41:55 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev7.g8cf481c:
* Ensure routing key is specified in the address for a direct producer
Thu Jul 24 23:41:24 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev5.ge4d1415:
* Updated from global requirements
Thu Jul 3 13:51:19 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev4.g7e114a3:
* Don't dynamically create provider types in the global env
(bnc#879062, CVE-2014-3801)
Fri May 2 23:49:23 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.4.dev3.g6f91215:
* Disable check in pep8
* Bump stable/havana next version to 2013.2.4
Wed Apr 2 13:36:34 UTC 2014 -
- add check to prevent 3rd time introducing the same regression
Tue Mar 25 00:51:03 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.3.dev9.g527009d:
* Don't delete trust on backup stack delete
Sun Mar 2 01:37:30 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.3.dev8.g6c99dc4:
* Fix "members" property check
Sat Mar 1 01:39:39 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.3.dev6.gdefcf23:
* Raise the default max header to accommodate large tokens
Thu Feb 20 00:49:08 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.3.dev5.g28e2287:
* Bump stable/havana next version to 2013.2.3
* Don't raise MySQL 2013 'Lost connection' errors
Wed Feb 19 00:57:39 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version heat-2013.2.2.dev1.gcfd6b02:
* Fix incompatibilities in tests with keystoneclient 0.6
Fri Feb 14 11:31:53 UTC 2014 -
- Replace git_tarballs source service with download_files and set_version
+ Use upstream URL as source (enables verification)
- Update to version 2013.2.2.dev12.gab5d961:
+ Improve coverage of storing credentials in parser.Stack
+ Add coverage for trusts parser.Stack delete path
+ Catch error deleting trust on stack delete
Thu Feb 13 09:55:16 UTC 2014 -
- remove python-d2to1 dependency
Fri Feb 7 12:59:03 UTC 2014 -
- fix typo in init script
Sat Feb 1 01:16:28 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 2013.2.2.dev9.gec4ed57:
+ Allow DependsOn to accept a list
+ Use "python -m coverage" instead of coverage cli
+ Validate template parameter attributes
+ Do not attempt a stack update when it is suspended
Fri Jan 31 00:37:26 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 2013.2.2.dev5.ge483b38:
+ Tolerate lookup failures in Fn::Select
Thu Jan 30 15:09:12 UTC 2014 -
- move lock_path to /var/run
Wed Jan 29 09:12:32 UTC 2014 -
- Add refresh_patches source service
Tue Jan 28 19:39:35 UTC 2014 -
- configure signing_dir / lock_path
Tue Jan 21 16:27:06 UTC 2014 -
- fix running db migrations on start
Sat Jan 18 01:19:16 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 2013.2.2.dev4.g4ca7941:
+ Make LoadBalancer nested stack template configurable
Fri Dec 20 01:04:02 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.2.dev3.g2beab02:
+ Shorten physical resource name to custom limit
Tue Dec 17 01:14:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.2.dev1.gff69011:
+ Bump stable/havana next version to 2013.2.2
Mon Dec 16 09:30:43 UTC 2013 -
- fix requires
Sun Dec 15 00:43:32 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.1.dev10.g8283db7:
+ Fix missing policy enforcement in CFN API (bnc#855333, CVE-2013-6426)
+ Deny API requests where context doesn't match path
(bnc#855331, CVE-2013-6428)
Sat Dec 14 00:51:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.1.dev6.g25de97c:
+ Updated from global requirements
Sun Dec 8 00:54:03 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.1.dev5.g3fc572e:
+ Properly reconnect subscribing clients when QPID broker restarts
+ Sync rpc fix from oslo-incubator
Thu Nov 28 00:50:34 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.1.dev3.ga8c0b11:
+ Use all available headroom for autoscaling
Fri Nov 15 18:38:44 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.1.dev2.gf33297d:
+ Ensure autoscaling actions occur for percentage adjustment
Thu Oct 17 15:57:11 UTC 2013 -
- update to 2013.2:
+ No changes
- Update requires
Sat Oct 12 12:07:33 UTC 2013 -
- Update to verison 2013.2.rc2:
+ No changes
Wed Oct 9 09:25:16 UTC 2013 -
- default to sqlite (like the other openstack modules)
Mon Oct 7 10:09:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.rc1:
+ Log exception traces in APIs
+ Disable lazy translation
+ heat_keystoneclient: Fix consuming trusts via v2 API
+ Add _() around the attributes_schema in
+ Add the "show" attribute to the neurton attribute_schema
+ Purge Fedora getting started of old info
+ Purge ubuntu getting started guide of old info
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix F17 CFN link in Getting Started
+ Updated from global requirements
Wed Oct 2 00:22:31 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a205.g003a3b9:
+ Fix inconsitencies in HOT template guide and spec
+ Lazily load resources when loading a Stack
+ Remove tools/openstack*
Tue Oct 1 14:29:32 UTC 2013 -
- Fix description of python-heat subpackage.
Mon Sep 30 23:47:48 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a200.g002dcaa:
+ Conform stack resource error so it gives a 4xx
+ Do not assume fixed_ips is a specified property
Sun Sep 29 00:45:24 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a196.g31dac07:
+ Document EIP resource properties:
+ api : default signal body to None
+ Store tenant with trust details in user_creds
+ Remove Router resource id attribute
+ Remove Subnet id attribute
+ Provide config option to cap events per stack
+ Remove Neutron VPN resources id attributes
Sat Sep 28 00:49:53 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a182.gdcbd7b6:
+ Rename counter_name to meter_name in alarm
+ Do not translate HOT param constraints
+ Sync gettextutils from oslo
+ Document floatingip properties
+ For Subnet gateway_ip, pass None for empty string
+ Handle HOT param constraints in provider templates
+ Move Rackspace resources into contrib
+ Document neutron Net properties
+ Make availability zone for CinderVolume optional
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Skip None values in fixed_ips when creating Port
+ Return parsed list value in CommaDelimitedList
Fri Sep 27 16:23:53 UTC 2013 -
- switch to crudini
Thu Sep 26 23:40:04 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a158.g841862b:
+ Add config option to limit max stacks per tenant
+ Add attributes_schema to CinderVolume
Thu Sep 26 12:18:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a154.gd79ee71:
+ api ec2token: allow auth_uri conf to be set via keystone_authtoken
+ Remove CinderVolume id attribute
+ Remove Net resource id attribute
+ Remove Neutron load balancer resources id attributes
+ Remove Neutron firewall resources id attributes
+ Remove Port resource id attribute
Thu Sep 26 09:48:30 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a142.g217be2a:
+ Require oslo.config 1.2.0 final
+ StackResource set requires_deferred_auth=True
+ Improve test coverage of stack deletion
+ Stop nested stack updates exceeding resource limit
+ Add the shared property to neutron Net
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ HOT str_replace to use string.replace, not string.Template
+ Replace first_public_address/first_private_address
+ Comparing device name values instead of their reference
+ api ec2token: Clear failure when no auth_uri specified
+ Document internet gateway properties:
+ Add method to count events by stack
+ Make HOT parser errors translatable
Tue Sep 24 23:37:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a116.gb057d6e:
+ Sync gettextutils from oslo
+ Consider downloading a valid status for CinderVolume
+ Format error on urlfetch.get fail
+ Use name property in OS::Nova::Server if set
Tue Sep 24 00:34:16 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a108.gcf38339:
+ Use unicode() when serializing REST API errors
+ Add tenant_id property to neutron Net and Subnet
+ Document aws cloud watch alarm properties
+ Mark reservation_id, config_drive as implemented
+ Nested stack derive requires_deferred_auth from resources
+ Document swift properties and attributes
+ Document neutron health monitor and pool properties
+ Allow access to attributes of resumed resources
+ Allow resource_by_refid returning resumed resources
Mon Sep 23 00:17:39 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a90.gb21ce20:
+ assert_ is deprecated, use assertEqual
+ Stop stack updates from exceeding resource limit
Sun Sep 22 00:27:04 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a86.g0a72002:
+ Tolerate bad environment until validation
Fri Sep 20 23:44:30 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a84.ga06e37c:
+ Encode values as utf-8 before encrypting
+ Provide config option to limit resources per stack
+ Limit resources per stack in nested stacks
Fri Sep 20 00:03:02 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a78.gf00272b:
+ make get_flavor_id to work if input is flavor id
+ Document instance resource properties
+ Document nested stack properties
+ Document user properties
+ Document aws loadbalancer properties
+ Replace OpenStack LLC with OpenStack Foundation
Thu Sep 19 19:26:31 UTC 2013 -
- set up logging for heat daemons
Thu Sep 19 00:35:22 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a66.g3088aec:
+ Document ceilometer alarm properties
+ Use strings for block device mapping info
+ Validate OS::Nova::Server block_device_mapping property
+ Consistent logging in the API to better log exceptions
+ Add 'repeat_actions' property for OS::Ceilometer::Alarm
+ Document autoscaling resource properties
+ Docs for building heat-cfntools images with diskimage-builder
+ Document neutron vpn service properties
+ Remove broken tripleo links from on_devstack doc
+ Use built-in print() instead of print statement
Wed Sep 18 15:14:53 UTC 2013 -
- fix init script
Wed Sep 18 08:55:31 UTC 2013 -
- fix requires
Tue Sep 17 23:36:05 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a46.g2eb8138:
+ Fix misused assertTrue in unit tests
+ assertEquals is deprecated, use assertEqual
Mon Sep 16 23:57:38 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a42.gb97fb5c:
+ Add DB API to get the count of stacks per tenant
+ Add methods to help calculate a stack's resources
+ Only send traceback to users when in debug mode
+ Pass debug mode to eventlet.wsgi.server
Sat Sep 14 23:35:52 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a34.g95bab11:
+ Add security_groups for create_port()
Fri Sep 13 23:40:34 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a32.g378d73e:
+ Migrate remaining TEXT columns to LONGTEXT
+ Add error handling to property value resolution
+ Document volume properties
+ Use the generic RequestLimitExceeded exception when possible
Fri Sep 13 00:07:35 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a24.g799b2ff:
+ Remove py33 from tox.ini until eventlet is ported
Thu Sep 12 00:09:31 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a22.g6cd54b3:
+ Add HOT functions to dependency checks
+ Make some heat resolve functions workable in hot
+ Enclose command args in
+ Impose a size limit on JSON request body
+ Use physical_resource_name as Ref for Instance/AS Group
Sun Sep 8 00:14:14 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a13.g20a8a08:
+ Only validate credentials on create based on resources
+ Set a small max_template_size for test_long_yaml
Sat Sep 7 08:03:20 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a9.g3734484:
+ Fix TemplateResource list property conversion
+ Fix H233 in sphinx config
+ Run cfg.CONF.reset() on test cleanup
+ Make the new template validation usable from tests
+ Make global TemplateResources usable in the tests
+ Move dbinstance into a TemplateResource
+ Change the dbinstance to F19
Thu Sep 5 23:57:17 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a549.g4be2474:
+ Implement parallel delete
+ parallelize volume deletion
+ parallelize instance delete
+ Remove some heat-cfnclients only exceptions
+ update neutronclient to 2.3.0 minimum version
+ Adding VPN Service to Heat resources
+ Adding IKE policy to Heat resources
+ Adding IPsec policy to Heat resources
+ Adding IPsec site connection to Heat resources
+ parallelize StackResource delete
Wed Sep 4 23:36:10 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a529.gfceff8b:
+ Add unit tests for Resource dependency inference
+ Make error message for InvalidTemplateReference sane
+ Migrate stored credentials to keystone trusts
+ Change _testnoexisthost_ references in tests
+ Create a Stack.update_task() method
+ Fix problem with mocking tasks
+ Update nested stacks in parallel
+ Fix AttributeError exception in autoscaling
Wed Sep 4 00:19:34 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a514.g9d5d70c:
+ Don't use a query for stack_get()
+ Add trust_id and trustor_user_id Context and DB
+ Parallelise Server updates
+ Don't use a query for watch_rule_get()
+ Allowing to pass network name to router gateway
Tue Sep 3 07:48:18 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a505.g4fd7441:
+ autoscaling test fix assertRaises Exception warning
+ Support ISO8601 duration format for UpdatePolicy PauseTime
+ Make security groups associated with Neutron port work
+ Do updates based on a single dependency list
+ Don't stub LoadBalancer.update in autoscaling tests
+ Allow resources to be updated in parallel
+ Parallelise Instance updates
+ Sync rpc from oslo-incubator
+ EC2token middleware implement multi-cloud auth
+ Rackspace: Parallelise CloudServer updates
+ Remove references to the multiple config files
+ Delete the old example config files
Sat Aug 31 00:20:28 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a482.g752da8e:
+ Remove localhost references from tests
Thu Aug 29 23:46:33 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a481.g566bc32:
+ Add the missing heat.po files into heat
+ Implement native nova server resource
+ Generate docs using new properties Schema class
+ Add auto code api doc generation
+ Cleanup the Properties doc strings
+ Implement interruption-free update and rollback
+ Fix CFN API error responses
+ Add schema for security group rule
Thu Aug 29 00:17:28 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a465.g1fdc7e0:
+ Remove backup resources on stack delete
+ Include Description in conversion from legacy Property schema
+ Don't delete failed instances in InstanceGroup
+ Improve error message for nova unknown status
+ Add VPCZoneIdentifier attribute for autoscaling
+ Catch a NotFound exception in signal_responder delete
+ Rename OS::Metering::Alarm to OS::Ceilometer::Alarm
+ Remove unused service_* columns from user_creds
+ Remove unnecessary aws_* from user_creds
+ Make logical_resource_id renaming backward compatible
+ Add the api config opts in groups to deal with the single heat.conf
+ Add support for local file urls
+ TemplateResources need to download from local "file://" urls
+ Change localhost references in test_nested_stack
+ Provide user control for maximum nesting depth
+ Remove aws_creds from DB API
+ Give Property constraints a string representation
Tue Aug 27 09:40:47 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a434.g2a01ae7:
+ Add support for source security groups
+ Enhance StackResource update for more use cases
+ Allow in-place update of nested stack
+ Implement a load balancer resource using new neutron pool
+ Remove the rest references to
+ Use oslo.sphinx for the doc templates
+ Adds support for Neutron Firewall
+ Always resolve properties against the current stack
+ Add a "rollback" parameter to StackUpdate
+ Autoload Nova extensions
+ Support native naming in InstanceGroup
+ Add a DB API to swap two resources between stacks
Mon Aug 26 08:22:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a412.g093638e:
+ Introduce nova_utils.server_to_ipaddress
+ Add new attributes to EIPAssociation resource
+ Fix crash in "make html" introduced by the global env
+ Fix some flake8 warnings in doc/
+ Fix all the sphinx-build warnings
+ Add an like the template one
+ Load deployer/global environment files at startup
+ Use the global environment to define AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
+ Add UpdatePolicy attribute to Instance/AutoScalingGroup
+ Improve update debugging messages
+ Pass the previous stack to StackUpdate
+ Make the API for getting dependency graph edges public
+ Limit maximum size of all templates
+ Implement Fn::MemberListToMap
+ Try to reduce the number of tests with the same stack_id
+ Remove "lazy=joined" from the resource_data backref
+ Store the generated signed urls in resource_data
+ Add some basic evironment docs
+ Remove the usecases from as they are in the docs
+ Fix the main docs index page
+ Convert heat.common.template_format to use C yaml
+ Add a script show all possible state transitions
+ Do not assume nova provides a fault on ERROR
+ Do not delete nova server on create fail
+ To support both CW and CM, return alarmurl from policy ref
+ Add a CloudWatch::Alarm implementation based on Ceilometer
+ Use string constants to prevent typo errors
+ Use Template to instantiate TemplateResource
+ Generate property Schema objects directly from parameters
+ Remove the Property.schema_from_param() method
+ Pass token as a callable to Ceilometer client
+ Rename event logical_resource_id to resource_name
+ Always validate auth_uri with allowed_auth_uris
+ Add a has_interface() method to the resource class
+ Use the global environment to map Quantum to Neutron
+ Replace httplib with requests for ec2tokens auth
+ Handling re-delete in rackspace db resource
+ Evaluate lazy translation in exception __str__
+ Allow a Provider with a known facade its own schema
+ Add a method of creating a backup stack in the DB
+ Pass owner_id to stack_get_by_name()
+ Store the backup stack during updates
+ Fix calling
+ Fix incorrect use of ServerError
+ Use system locale when Accept-Language header is not provided
+ Process request exceptions while fetching template
+ remove unused config options
+ Only create user_creds row on initial stack store
Thu Aug 22 00:16:48 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a316.g044a8aa:
+ Allow Description in properties schema
+ Wrap the resource registration in a global environment
+ Create a Schema from a parameter
Wed Aug 21 00:11:39 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a310.ge409910:
+ Use LONGTEXT for templates in MySQL
+ Allow Parameters to set defaults for TemplateResource
Mon Aug 19 23:51:17 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a307.gad22636:
+ Add code from Oslo DB 96d1f887dda Part 2
+ Revert "Implement an "Action in progress" error."
Mon Aug 19 12:45:45 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a303.g20bdc0f:
+ Move _check_resize to nova_utils
+ Use nova_utils for keypair validation
Mon Aug 19 11:23:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a301.ga18f711:
+ Move _deferred_server_statuses to nova_utils
Mon Aug 19 09:11:19 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a300.g5420135:
+ Adding HOT str_replace and get_resource functions
+ Catch "FloatingIpPoolNotFound" in
+ Translate user-facing exception messages
+ Move _delete_server to nova_utils
Fri Aug 16 23:55:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a293.ga4a823a:
+ Tests for s3 and swift resources were extended
+ Updated LaunchConfig for AutoScaling UpdatePolicy
+ Make Event object independent of resource object
Thu Aug 15 23:53:17 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a287.gdfdef84:
+ Extract failure reason before deleting nova server
+ Tolerate missing user on signal responder delete
+ Store owner_id on Stack so updates maintain it
Thu Aug 15 00:07:28 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a281.gc92aa02:
+ Do validation in parameter schema
+ Handle heat with SQLAlchemy >= 0.8
Wed Aug 14 10:11:34 UTC 2013 -
- fix requirements
Wed Aug 14 09:14:41 UTC 2013 -
- Fix file permissions for /etc/heat/heat-*.conf files
Wed Aug 14 09:09:07 UTC 2013 -
- Install global heat config file (etc/heat/heat.conf.sample) as
/etc/heat/heat.conf and load that from init files
Wed Aug 14 07:09:23 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a277.g752bf20:
+ ReST API: Add an API for retrieving resource schemata
+ Introduce new resource_data_delete db api
+ Add constraint checking to Property schema
+ Remove unneccessary Property constraints from unit tests
+ Move property constraints validation to Schema
+ Fix intermittent failure in autoscaling tests
+ Move heat-cfn, heat-boto, heat-watch to new repo
+ Add debug option to
+ Fix syntax description of HOT get_attr function
+ Update Oslo to 96d1f887dda Part 1
+ Tidy up a few places in
+ Validate created/updated stacks in StackResource
+ Use correct actions for StackResource
+ Ensure all REST API error responses are consistent
+ Fixes files with wrong bitmode
+ Hot SoftwareConfig model part
+ Revert "Add missing _ imports to allow doc generation"
+ Not to eat Metadata parsing error
+ Derive keystone_ec2_uri from auth_uri
+ Update test requirements
+ Stub ResourceWithProps instead of GenericResource
+ Differentiate resource types in test_update_rollback_remove
- No need to require shadow-utils anymore, even SLE_11_SP3 has pwdutils
- Refresh dependencies
- Drop outdated binaries (heat-boto, heat-cfn, heat-watch) and their
Mon Aug 12 23:51:33 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a237.g499ef45:
+ Fix problem creating ResourceFailure
+ Port policy from oslo and refactor heat policy
+ RPC Client: Add missing unit tests
+ RPC: Add an RPC call to get a resource type schema
+ Enable multi-cloud standalone mode
+ Don't raise ResourceFailure directly in Instance
+ Initial input for HOT template guide and spec
+ Resolve LaunchConfig references
+ Get rid of unused greenlet things in test_resource
+ Fail fast if Resource action methods are missing
Sun Aug 11 23:53:59 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a219.g82e01b6:
+ Define a Schema format for properties
+ Tidy up RPC API definitions
Sat Aug 10 10:55:30 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a215.g872fcf8:
+ Remove unnecessary individual import tests.utils.X
+ Add unittests for faultwrap middleware
+ db: Remove deprecated assert_unicode attribute
+ Implement neutron health monitor resource
+ Implement neutron pool resource
+ HOT parameter validator part
+ Use openstack rpc functions to generate _Remote exceptions
+ Remove meaningless property set in models.HeatBase
+ Tolerance for modified ceilometer alarm notification
Thu Aug 8 23:52:25 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a198.gbafa5fe:
+ Implement an "Action in progress" error.
+ Fix H501 Do not use locals() for string formatting
+ Fix H231 Python 3.x incompatible 'except x,y:'
+ Add missing _ imports to allow doc generation
+ Refactor InstanceGroup to use a nested stack
+ Provide a way to clean up testing database
+ Refactor some tests for stack soft-delete
+ Exclude heat-cfn, heat-watch from pep8
+ Enable stack soft delete for event persistence
+ Provide a way to clean up soft deleted data
+ Remove raw_template_get_all from db api
+ Refactor compute resources to use nova_utils
+ Updated from global requirements
Thu Aug 8 00:03:20 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a173.gc84b280:
+ Returns text error when instance validation fails
+ Add the enabled property to the ceilometer alarm.
+ Don't assign "error" variable twice.
+ Stop copying UUIDStub, put it into tests.utils
+ DB models and migration scripts for soft delete
+ Fix test cases pass dict schema directly as parameter schema object
+ Add help option to Config Settings
+ Rename Quantum to Neutron
+ Don't cache data from the API that could change.
+ Refactor useful nova functions for re-use.
Tue Aug 6 23:34:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a155.g5270ec8:
+ Change token name from context.
+ Add Babel missing requirement
+ Fix test cases pass dict as template object directly.
Tue Aug 6 00:02:34 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a148.g6a4f8a5:
+ Small tweaks to recreation of remote errors
Mon Aug 5 21:08:56 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a146.gc1342fc:
+ Sync gettextutils from oslo
+ Enable localizable REST API responses via the Accept-Language header
+ Make Volumes work with the default AvailabilityZone
+ Remove support for eventlet 0.9.16
+ Resource: Clean up exception handling and error messages
+ Rackspace: Don't raise ResourceFailure exceptions
+ unit tests: Add a handle_delete method to GenericResource
+ Unit tests: Don't raise ResourceFailure directly
+ Include the resource and action in ResourceFailure exceptions
+ Revert "Replace with write-files cloudinit mechanism"
Mon Aug 5 15:54:28 UTC 2013 -
- quantumclient -> neutronclient
Fri Aug 2 23:38:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a128.gbd380aa:
+ Stop delete polling after status == DELETED.
+ Call cfn-create-aws-symlinks in rackspace servers.
+ Add the AutoScalingGroupName to the server Tags
+ Allow the Ceilometer Alarm to be used with cfn-push-stats
+ Rename rackspace server ImageName, Flavor, UserData.
Thu Aug 1 13:52:40 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a120.ge6ec146:
+ Don't use a static uuid for the stack_id in ceilometer_alarm
Thu Aug 1 12:27:25 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a119.g1e496dd:
+ Enable service validate-template for hot template
+ Sphinx extension to generate resource documentation.
+ Auto-document all resource types.
+ Fix a timing sensive cloudwatch testcase
+ Add a Ceilometer alarm resource
+ Allow template resource use outside of Environment
+ Print before exiting
+ Add Cloud Server support for RHEL and CentOS.
+ Add rest endpoints for resource template generation.
+ Clarify text in heat/tests/templates/README
+ Functions documentation cleanup.
+ Rackspace database resource output is null
+ Initialize resources to DELETE-COMPLETE if missing during stack delete
+ Tolerate an actual boolean for NoEcho.
+ Replace with write-files cloudinit mechanism
+ Replace rackspace PublicKey property with key_name.
+ Support any distribution without UserData/MetaData
+ Assign rackspace server name from physical_resource_name.
+ Move the random_name() function from loadbalancer to utils
+ Clean up the attributes module
+ Fix for bad content inside Resources element
+ Remove password auth from pyrax
+ Use subsections in resource doc generation.
+ Use dummy_context() for rackspace server test
+ Rackspace database resource output is null
- Fix broken requirements
- Remove heat-specific Sphinx extension (similar to autodoc) for man-pages build
Fri Jul 26 00:08:53 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a73.g07793f1:
+ Only create the period watch task if there is a watch in the stack
+ Set tenant headers from ec2 authentication.
+ Set role headers from ec2 authentication.
+ Configure standalone pipelines for cfn and cloudwatch.
+ Add a py33 tox environment
+ Reset state before resource recreation
+ add docs from the heat wiki
+ Update openstack.common.config
+ Handle 'detaching' state of Volume
+ Refactor the code in heat/tests/
+ Reset the the watch_rule.last_evaluated on start up
+ Migrate all tests to use dummy_context.
+ Add missing Aapche 2.0 license headers (H102)
+ Add `default` attribute in hot parameter definition
+ Add resource for Rackspace Cloud Servers.
+ Use new style classes
+ api : Implement OnFailure option to cfn API CreateStack call
+ make heat-api return a parsable error
+ Only use a token for openstack client operations.
+ remove remote_error and corresponding try...catches.
+ HOT parameter validation model translation
+ Fix loguserdata output to file issue
+ Replace urllib2 with requests in urlfetch module
+ Add some docs for intrinsic functions.
+ Add an API for passing a signal through to a resource
+ Make the current alarms use the signal action
+ Generate a template from a resource implementation.
+ Teach ScalingPolicy and Restarter to create signed urls
+ Always convert AllowedValues to a list
+ Skip RSA generation during tests
+ Fix cloud_watch delete when the watchrule is not found.
Mon Jul 22 00:15:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a15.g4d7ab4c:
+ Wrap the watch rule start in a method
Sat Jul 20 15:04:01 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a13.ga19d3bc:
+ Handle InstanceType change in Instance.handle_update
+ Test utils dummy_context for tests that need one.
+ Move url_for into heat_keystoneclient.
Thu Jul 18 23:55:27 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a334.ga37d2b4:
+ Put pre-created resources in state INIT COMPLETE.
Thu Jul 18 07:35:02 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a332.g3e4e007:
+ Fix version and location of heat doc build
+ Make sure that Tags on the InstanceGroup get passed to nova
+ Update oslo.notifier and always register options
- Fix location for man-pages
Wed Jul 17 10:24:19 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a326.g48701ed:
+ Don't reload haproxy and use ensureRunning=true
+ Let git ignore pydev project description files
+ Test that Tags get converted into nova metadata
+ Fix resource-data delete bug.
+ Add tests for resource-data delete bug.
+ Check missing parameters during stack create
+ Add a test for customizing AWS::EC2::Instance
Tue Jul 16 00:06:11 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a312.g95191f0:
+ Cleanup and make HACKING.rst DRYer
+ Add resource_data table for free-form key/value data.
+ Align OpenStack client versions with project requirements.
Sun Jul 14 23:42:32 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a306.g034d054:
+ Suggest the use of tripelO images
Sat Jul 13 23:42:44 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a304.gc6ace94:
+ Create implicit depends from gateway to public subnet.
Fri Jul 12 23:43:52 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a302.g446a8f8:
+ Wait until quantum resources are deleted.
Fri Jul 12 07:14:31 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a300.gc2317f7:
+ Handle conversion of MAP properties to JSON params
+ Use new environment and parameters on stack update.
+ Add length validation to properties of type LIST and MAP.
+ Global disable scheduler _sleep instead of mocking.
+ Do not override FnGetAtt
+ provide test for nested stack error path
+ Add Rackspace cloud loadbalancer resource.
+ engine : Allow loadbalancer resource to work with no key
+ Rename to so it can be imported
+ avoid excessive database calls while loading events
Fri Jul 12 07:13:53 UTC 2013 -
- remove neutron-rename.diff
Thu Jul 11 08:11:45 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a280.g535c441:
+ Make the waitcondition signed url more generic
+ Tolerate an empty environment properties.
Tue Jul 9 23:54:54 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a276.g64edc76:
+ Enforce credentials requirement on stack create/update.
+ Check duplicate names between params and resources
+ Define behaviour for properties with None values.
+ Sync install_venv_common from oslo.
Tue Jul 9 08:42:39 UTC 2013 -
- add neutron-rename.diff
Mon Jul 8 23:55:23 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a268.g0a530a8:
+ Stop patching the GenericResource's property_schema
+ engine : add suspend/resume support to watch resource
+ engine : add suspend/resume support to User resource
Mon Jul 8 08:52:08 UTC 2013 -
- remove 0001-update-to-use-Neutron-and-deprecate-Quantum.patch
Sun Jul 7 11:22:28 UTC 2013 -
- add 0001-update-to-use-Neutron-and-deprecate-Quantum.patch
Fri Jul 5 23:50:31 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a262.gc03efe6:
+ Tolerate 404 on user delete.
+ cleanup watchrule delete logic/tests
Fri Jul 5 13:02:37 UTC 2013 -
- quantum -> neutron
Thu Jul 4 08:12:03 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a258.gcfb4a60:
+ engine : autoscaling pass instance id's not names to loadbalancer
Wed Jul 3 23:56:11 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a256.g1d8e205:
+ Fix command name display issue in heat-manage usage
Wed Jul 3 08:47:17 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a254.gd47fb8e:
+ implement stack metadata
+ engine : perform periodic tasks with stored stack_context
+ Fixup assert_has_keys.
+ Rework associations from vpc to quantum resources.
Tue Jul 2 23:57:34 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a246.g3c17227:
+ Explicitly pass old json snippet to update
+ Get rid of template caching in resources
+ Add resume support to Instance
+ api : Add actions resume support
+ engine : resume support for nested stacks
+ Add resume support to InstanceGroup
+ Expose resource dependency required_by to REST API.
+ add missing gettextutils imports
+ tests : remove duplicate suspend tests
+ Ports depend on the subnets in the same network.
+ Rackspace cloud database resource provider
Mon Jul 1 23:45:51 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a224.g4b355a7:
+ engine : remove unnecessary default check_*_complete functions
+ engine : simplify resource state check
+ add GET /{tenant_id}/stacks/detail to Heat API
+ install "_" via gettextutils
+ Fixup handle_create backup restore.
+ destroy failed instances created by auto scaling
+ check content type in JSONRequestDeserializer
+ Add initial resume logic to engine
Fri Jun 28 23:44:17 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a210.gda3b5ec:
+ Add editor backup files to .gitignore.
+ autoscaling : Fix issue when scaling to zero instances
+ Add suspend support to InstanceGroup
+ Remove comments from requirements.txt (workaround pbr bug)
Thu Jun 27 23:43:10 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a203.ge8b893b:
+ Initial provider templates
+ Add dependency between RouterGateway and RouterInterface
+ Add MinLength, MaxLength to properties schema
+ Add suspend support to Instance
+ Raise suitable exception when stack validation fails
+ engine : suspend support for nested stacks
+ engine : parser.Stack create general stack_task
+ api : Add ReST actions POST method
+ engine : autoscaling refactor Instance list->object logic
Thu Jun 27 09:56:01 UTC 2013 -
- Only depend on python-discover on SLE, it's a Python-2.6 feature
Wed Jun 26 23:42:06 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a185.g84e0ed4:
+ Changes for HOT hello world template processing
+ Pass before and after snippets to template diff
Wed Jun 26 14:17:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a181.gb48463c:
+ Allow JSON values for parameters
+ Refactor and partly parallelise stack update code
+ Simplify a stack update unit test
+ Handle YAML parser error as well
+ Allow a resource delete to be re-attempted.
+ Store created nova client in OpenStackClients.
+ Cache snippets in StackUpdate
+ engine : stack_resource change state_description to status_reason
Tue Jun 25 23:41:59 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a165.ge5e1616:
+ Adding common base class for Rackspace Resource providers
+ Use print_function compatible syntax
+ Add initial suspend logic to engine
+ OS::Quantum::Subnet resource, add enable_dhcp
Mon Jun 24 23:41:47 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a157.g123b386:
+ make stack creation return json response
+ Emit alarm actions if a rule remains in ALARM state.
+ Fixup some trivial license header mismatches
Fri Jun 21 23:41:33 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a151.g47f9f54:
+ Do not refresh timestamp from database on read.
+ Fix BaseException.message DeprecationWarning
+ Give alarm a physical_resource_name which need no id.
+ Add VerifyAll to test methods using mox.
+ Unrestricted username length causing error.
Thu Jun 20 23:41:38 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a142.gf236917:
+ Implement attribute schema for resources
+ Revert "check content type in JSONRequestDeserializer"
+ Fix one of the last stack.state's -> status
+ Updated common module from oslo
+ Fix and enable H303 and F403 No wildcard (*) import.
Thu Jun 20 00:06:09 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a134.g6d7c84d:
+ scheduler: Simplify DependencyTaskGroup interface
+ Detect failed instance creation in autoscaling
+ check content type in JSONRequestDeserializer
+ Initial provider template uploading
+ Add dependency between FloatingIP and RouterGateway
+ Restore babel setup config options
+ Convert Stack to separate action/status
+ Introduce a schema for attributes
Wed Jun 19 00:02:37 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a119.g2d673e5:
+ Use physical resource names with a short_id
+ Use physical_resource_name() for Swift containers
+ Fix bizarre Swift DeletionPolicy unit tests
+ Use PhysName for testing Swift container names
+ Initial Environment class and test
+ Convert Resource to separate action/status
+ engine : abstract state-transition logic
+ Add InstanceId property to EIP resource
+ Standardise resource names in Invalid Attribute errors
+ Return None for physical resource name during validation
+ autoscaling fix LoadBalancer reload static resolve
+ scheduler: Improve task descriptions in debug logs
+ suppress and log API internal exceptions
+ Add a Fn::Split function to aid provider templates
+ Use the Environment from within the engine
+ Remove unused parameter.user_parameters()
+ Make template_format.parse usable by environments
+ API support for Environments
+ Cleanup the doc strings in heat/rpc/
+ Support cloud-specific suffixes to server status.
Mon Jun 17 07:16:28 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a86.gd0cdcca:
+ Remove unused python-memcached from requirements.
Fri Jun 14 23:49:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a84.g157223c:
+ Gate on H703
+ Make resource ids UUIDs in the database
+ Unit tests: Create User for testing AccessKey
+ Store stacks in the database when running unit tests
Thu Jun 13 23:46:56 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a78.g28528ba:
+ Add bin/heat-manage to flake8 checks
+ Use Python 3.x compatible except construct
+ Convert Events to separate action/status
+ fix an CFN API and AWS error mapping
+ allow using image uuid for instance resource
+ Unit tests: Don't use mox to stub uuid.uuid4()
Thu Jun 13 22:03:14 UTC 2013 -
- fix init script
Wed Jun 12 23:47:01 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a69.g580c554:
+ Fix various Sphinx errors/warnings
+ scheduler: Fix an issue with wrappertasks and exceptions
Wed Jun 12 09:19:21 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a65.g843d127:
+ Adds possible topdir to python search path
+ engine : remove GreenletExit workaround
+ Add descriptions of the pep8 checks
+ Key error when auth in standalone mode
+ Fix H702 errors and enable them
+ Remove explicit distribute depend.
Tue Jun 11 09:39:37 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a54.gc77d4d1:
+ Use Python 3.x compatible octal literals
+ Initial mariadb support
+ Add Fn::Replace template function.
+ Return empty string when Fn::Select target is None.
Mon Jun 10 21:18:17 UTC 2013 -
- fix buildrequires
Mon Jun 10 21:03:03 UTC 2013 -
- update requires
Mon Jun 10 09:51:21 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a46.ga2df351:
+ Enable H403
+ raise an UnknownUserParameter exception when receiving an unknown param
Fri Jun 7 23:54:49 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a43.g760e1b1:
+ get rid of no-op __init__ methods
Thu Jun 6 23:55:49 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a42.g23768d8:
+ Make Fn::GetAtt add a dependency
+ Only call FnGetAtt if resource is in acceptable state.
+ flake8 F812 list comprehension redefines fix.
+ Fix instance creation when a network with no subnet is used
+ Rename functions which should not be run as tests.
+ Make autoscale not dependent on loadbalancer impl.
Wed Jun 5 23:56:09 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a32.gbc69152:
+ For Fn::Join, replace None items with an empty string.
+ Add Fn::Select template function
+ Use a physical name matching class in unit tests
+ Use - instead of . for physical_resource_name delim.
Tue Jun 4 23:53:09 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a26.gc981c55:
+ tests : fix cut/paste test name shadowing
+ Relax lxml version requirements.
Mon Jun 3 23:53:04 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a23.g73a9d36:
+ a minor fix to
+ Fix Hacking H304 Warnings
+ Log at DEBUG level in unit tests
+ Handle metadata updates during stack creation
Sun Jun 2 23:48:20 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a15.g2135963:
+ Fix an intermitting failure in test_metadata_refresh
Fri May 31 23:38:02 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a14.g027e91c:
+ Allow stacks to be created without a timeout
+ Implement timeouts for nested stacks
+ Create stacks with a co-routine
+ Create nested stacks in parallel
+ Clarify a comment which says we require KeyName - which is incorrect
+ add error flow tests for volume detach
+ scheduler: Fix inifinite loop for no-wait tasks
Thu May 30 15:02:06 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a342.gbc635e6:
+ Add a basic heat-manage
+ Fix the handling of non-existing paste file
+ Use heat-engine.conf for heat-manage config
+ Make dependency graph node class public
+ Make the mutable dependency graph a separate class
+ Move deletion from dependency graph to __delitem__
+ Add a dependency-aware task group
+ Create resources in parallel where possible
+ Restore heat.db.sync and add Deprecated message.
+ Get rid of extra delays in unit tests
+ Add CONTRIBUTING.rst file.
+ Clean up DB migrations when running unit tests
+ Add a separate Template class for the HOT format
Wed May 29 11:18:19 UTC 2013 -
- remove setBadness call from rpmlintrc
Mon May 27 23:36:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a321.g5c348d6:
+ refactor
+ Fail validation when security groups and interfaces conflict
Mon May 27 22:08:55 UTC 2013 -
- update requires of test subpackage
Mon May 27 11:20:22 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a318.g60ea259:
+ Migrate to pbr.
+ Add a convenience method to get instance volumes
+ Handle instance volume attachments with co-routines
+ Detach Volumes from an Instance in parallel
+ Use a task to delete Instances
+ Remove eventlet dependency from unit tests
+ Migrate test base class to testtools.
+ Update the oslo code before importing a new module
+ Bring in oslo.cliutils for heat-manage
- Updates test requirements
Fri May 24 23:36:47 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a301.g3eafb93:
+ engine : replace UPDATE_REPLACE with ResourceReplace exception
+ heat tests : add coverage for instance UpdateReplace
+ Instance resource remove unreachable/redundant Metadata update check
+ engine : move update_template_diff functions into Resource
+ Rename requires files to standard names
+ Change SecurityGroups to be passed directly to nova
+ Make IDs for resources unique to ensure tests pass
+ Use UUIDs for Quantum security groups
+ Implement SecurityGroupIds property for instances
Thu May 23 23:36:39 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a291.gb34c3d3:
+ Make volume attachment a co-routine
+ engine : Fix ResourceFailure exception issues
+ Make volume detachment a co-routine
+ Move VolumeAttachment polling to check_create_complete()
Wed May 22 23:37:26 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a284.g71eb123:
+ Remove unrelated tracebacks from test output
+ Stub out sleeps in quantum unit tests
+ Verify function calls in cinder_fn_getatt unit test
Tue May 21 23:38:35 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a279.g7b224c0:
+ PEP: be explicit about what errors are ignored.
+ Fix PEP H402 "one line docstring needs punctuation."
+ Fix PEP H301 (one import per line)
+ engine : cleanup Resource.update error paths
+ engine : remove unused update states/status
+ Adds sudo check for privileged operations.
+ UpdateStack for AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
+ Fix PEP H902 (Use the 'not in' operator)
+ Implement OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment
+ Fix PEP H101 (Use TODO(NAME))
+ update on_devstack doc
Mon May 20 23:38:27 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a261.g97191c3:
+ Implement check_active for quantum net, port, router
+ Tolerate resource lookup errors for quantum FnGetAtt.
+ Tests for Router, RouterInterface, RouterGateway.
+ Exclude build/ from flake8 checks
+ The oslo module called utils is no more.
Sun May 19 23:38:52 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a255.g75c449f:
+ The utils module in oslo is no more.
Sat May 18 23:38:51 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a254.g1d79afc:
+ Migrate to flake8
Sat May 18 13:06:32 UTC 2013 -
- update requires based on pip-requires
Fri May 17 23:39:03 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a253.g8102ccb:
+ Handle errors in Volume creation
+ Move Volume polling to check_create_complete()
+ Make Volume snapshot a task
+ Clean up import of cinderclient exceptions
+ Fix SecurityGroups for AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
+ Initialise resources when service is created.
+ Fix error in Dependencies representation
+ Use mox for mocking quantum client test calls
+ Align usage of test skipping.
+ Clean up a pyflakes error in a comment.
Thu May 16 23:55:54 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a234.gdea685e:
+ use skipIf for all quantum test skip checks
+ Cleaned up some simple hacking/pyflakes errors.
+ Rename handle_snapshot and pass state
Thu May 16 00:11:09 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a228.g03f6d0a:
+ Move WaitCondition polling to check_create_complete()
+ Use python logging for, log to console
+ Clean up VPC unit tests
+ Implement CinderVolume.FnGetAtt
Wed May 15 09:20:47 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a220.gd14efee:
+ engine : rename check_active to make it more generic
+ api : Fix template-show partial URL redirect
+ Implement the SubnetId property in the Instance resource
+ Provide example config option for instance_user.
+ Use hostname from env in heat-keystone-setup
+ Add new exception for invalid template ref
+ Add a timeout option to the scheduler
+ heat-cfn : Make error with missing auth details more obvious
+ Update install_venv_common from oslo-incubator
+ Copy the RHEL6 eventlet workaround from Oslo
+ Implement OS::Cinder::Volume
Mon May 13 08:02:06 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a200.g652a5c0:
+ docs : update local template references to heat-templates url
+ tools : remove fetch-cloudformation-examples
+ tests : utils parse_stack allow stack_id override
+ tests : utils parse stack specify tenant in context
+ tests : convert most remaining tests to inline templates
+ tests : convert test_template_format to test-local templates
+ templates : remove in-tree templates
+ Skip more tests that require Cinder backups
+ Explicitely register options to fix intermittent failure
+ Fix unit test coverage issues for wrappertask
+ Fix GroupSet assignment to use resource id instead of name
+ Deprecate tools/
Tue May 7 23:54:00 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a181.g60e7ef0:
+ Support SnapshotId in volume creation.
+ Give each cli its own test.
+ Add a PollingTaskGroup task
+ Support password authentication.
+ Add a wrappertask decorator
+ Use a PollingTaskGroup to simplify autoscaling
+ Use scheduler for driving autoscaling task
+ Fix skips done in the test suite by using testtools skipIf
+ Add test to handle nova BUILD status on create
+ Wait for any nova server status that makes sense
Tue May 7 16:31:35 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a161.gf333d77:
+ Support Snapshot policy in volumes
Mon May 6 10:02:04 UTC 2013 -
- heat switched to testr - adjust requires
Fri May 3 23:53:23 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a159.g6ad24e4:
+ Depend on discover to fix python2.6 tests
+ Fix test_validate to run by itself
+ Allow non-replacement updates of Alarms
+ Sometimes use quantum for SecurityGroup
+ Use install_venv_common from oslo
+ heat api: ec2token remove unnecessary jsonutils retry
+ Set Stack id to None when deleted
+ Fix error reporting in @stack_delete_after unit tests
+ heat tests : add parse_stack function to test utils
+ heat tests : convert most tests to inline templates
+ heat tests : separate Autoscaling and CW alarm tests
Thu May 2 23:56:20 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a139.g9405fcc:
+ Remove all references to nose
+ Enhance testcase for failed resource deletion
+ Refactor instance tests to share common code
+ Remove unused jenkins arguments from tox.ini
+ Fix test_dbinstance not running by itself
+ Make DeletionPolicy a resource attribute instead of a property.
+ Split the module lines in openstack-common.conf
Wed May 1 23:54:45 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a126.g1ba1280:
+ Enable running tests via testr
+ Use testr for running gate tests
+ Remove examples and update testing-overview.txt
+ Remove functional tests in preferece for tempest
+ Removing all prints and capturing logging
+ Remove use of nose attrib plugin and most unittest
+ Remove broken --doctest call from
+ Re-work to call testr instead of nose
+ Remove unused and outdated heat/testing dir
+ Remove unused skip_unless and skip_test decorators
+ heat docs: deprecate old GettingStarted guide
+ Retrieve the list of availability zones from nova in Fn::GetAZs
+ heat tests : reinstate text coverage report
+ heat api : Update ec2token middleware for v4 signatures
+ Fix "No handlers could be found" warnings
+ Fix warning about using os.tempnam in test suite.
Tue Apr 30 23:55:48 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a106.g36dea3a:
+ Remove pyflakes_bypass
+ Validate properties against the schema in validate_template
+ Update tools/ script to new docs tree
+ heat api: fix ec2token authentication
+ Add a scheduler module
+ heat docs : Update jeos building documentation
+ Make Resource.create() a co-routine
Tue Apr 30 00:04:35 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a93.gc8711ce:
+ Do not initialize anything during import phase
+ heat engine : register options before using them
+ Fix DB sync script
Mon Apr 29 08:13:58 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a89.g117e73b:
+ Propagate creation errors with exceptions
+ Mark resources as failed when creation aborted
+ Mock delete_network in Quantum unit tests
+ Propagate deletion errors with exceptions
+ Consolidated api-paste.ini file
+ Send RPCs to 'engine' topic not 'engine.$host'
+ Remove engine_topic configuration option
Thu Apr 25 00:07:12 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a77.ga2e8cab:
+ Optionally allow ec2token config to come from .conf
+ Move ec2token defaults from paste.ini to .conf
Tue Apr 23 22:00:47 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a73.gf3be3d9:
+ Subclass keystone middleware to set headers
+ Move heat-api auth_token conf from paste.ini
+ Remove service _user, _password, _tenant from context
+ Fix pyflakes-bypass for PyFlakes 0.7
+ Get rid of create state in Autoscaling
+ Clean up metadata refresh unit test
+ Get rid of create state in Instance
+ Fix issues with EIP unit test
+ Assert on Resource double-create()
Mon Apr 22 23:47:41 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a61.gf83b7ea:
+ Improve Python 3.x compatibility
Mon Apr 22 14:25:57 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a60.g4ce8855:
+ validate_template returns whole Parameters snippet
+ heat : remove fallback ec2signer implementation
+ heat engine : Autoscaling reload Loadbalancer correctly
+ Don't assume a Parameter value is a str
+ Make swift FnGetAtt fault tolerant and block less
+ Fix swift client token authentication
+ Catch NotFound exceptions on Volume handle_delete
+ Log tracepath for stack validate exceptions.
+ Allow cinder operations with only auth_token
+ Pass in endpoint url for swift auth_token auth
+ Allow nova operations with only auth_token
+ Pass in endpoint url for quantum auth_token auth
+ No longer pass no_cache=True to novaclient create
+ Add Getting Started Guides the developer doc's
+ Fix sphinx warnings
+ Replace deprecated commands with current equivalents
+ Delete unused ContextMiddleware
+ ReST API: Translate the documentation to WADL
+ Fix AccessKey deletion with bad credentials
+ Attempt to delete resources even if they failed
+ Remove unused and deprecated auth-context filter
+ Remove paste config for non-existant cache filters
+ heat tools : openstack script fixes for grizzly
+ heat : cloudwatch paste.ini credentials incorrect
+ heat : Getting started updates for grizzly
+ heat templates : Update Wordpress config for F18 guests
+ Update to the latest loopingcall from oslo.
+ Update the README to point to
+ heat-cfn: Handle parameters with = in them
+ uses os.urandom instead of Crypto.Random for backward compatibility
+ Fix the exception message in stack_resource.get_output()
+ Updated OpenShift template
+ Pass data from handle_create() to check_active()
+ Simplify rpc client calls
Mon Mar 25 13:55:05 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.2.a8.g84ba8f8:
+ Bump Heat version to 2013.2
+ Change executable file permissions for rpmlint
+ Change executable file permission for rpmlint
+ Tolerate missing keys in reformat_dict_keys
+ Get rid of versioninfo cruft
+ heat getting started : fix heat-jeos URL
Thu Mar 21 10:18:05 UTC 2013 -
- Require cloudwatch subpackage for the unit tests
Mon Mar 18 10:48:37 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a414.g4efb51c:
+ Add heat-keystone-setup man page
+ If a stack create fails, ensure the stack is deleteable
+ Create a wsgi factory method for Debug filter.
- Drop +git.$TIMESTAMP.$COMMITHASH version suffix
Sun Mar 17 11:23:54 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a408.g9b6b6df+git.1363519434.9b6b6df:
+ Fix security groups (need to be accessed as attributes)
+ heat docs : Add manpage for heat-boto
+ heat docs : Add heat-watch manpage
+ Remove Nova dependencies from hacking test
+ heat engine : fix exception syntax issue
+ Update dependency versions to match oslo-incubator
+ loguserdata: prevent shadowing of arguments and globals
+ Sort the manual page list in
+ Remove ssh from cloud-config-files
+ Allow per-deployment configuration of user id
+ loguserdata: handle exceptions from running the userdata
+ part-handler: add missing import
+ Use built-in exception filtering for GreenletExit
+ Add a manual page for heat-db-setup
+ heat docs : Add 2013 to the copyright string
Wed Mar 13 08:56:19 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a381.g724a6fe+git.1363164979.724a6fe:
+ Register DB options independently of engine
+ Use internal DB management
+ Switch to final 1.1.0 oslo.config release
+ Pin SQLAlchemy to 0.7.x
+ Squash Grizzly database migrations
+ heat templates : Update for F18
+ heat engine : Add validation of stack names
+ Revert NestedStack FnGetRefId changes
+ Only split roles if they are not None.
+ Remove todolist from docs index
- Drop sqlalchemy-update.diff: fixed upstream.
Tue Mar 12 10:52:07 UTC 2013 -
- python-oslo-config -> python-oslo.config
Tue Mar 12 00:09:04 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a364.gdd2d5c9+git.1363046944.dd2d5c9:
+ heat clients : Fix --timeout option for heat-boto
+ Skip quantum unit tests if client not installed
+ Set correct type for owner_id in DB model
+ Establish an initial version of the database
+ Avoid manipulating DB directly in unit test
Mon Mar 11 16:10:59 UTC 2013 -
- Add sqlalchemy-update.diff
* Add support for SQLAlchemy 0.7.x
Mon Mar 11 12:57:14 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a355.g0174b7d+git.1363006634.0174b7d:
+ Recognise arn: for REST stack lookup.
+ Delay calling _get_user() until AccessKey is created
Mon Mar 11 09:58:54 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a351.gf75171a+git.1362995934.f75171a:
+ add missing licence header
+ When updating the metadata load the stack with the stored context
+ Test coverage for NestedStack, and fix FnGetRefId
+ heat engine : Ensure properties validation is caught
+ heat engine : Loadbalancer template watch reference should be Ref
+ heat engine : watchrule quietly discard unused metric data
+ make parsed template snapshots before updating
+ Switch to oslo.config
+ Allow REST stack lookup by ARN
+ Allow instance NetworkInterfaces to be list of str or dict
+ heat tests : move GenericResource into tests directory
+ heat engine : allow Properties validation failure events
+ heat tests : Improve test coverage
+ Convenience method to look up resource by FnGetRefId
+ fakes: remove some duplicate methods
+ heat common : change LOG to logger
+ heat common : quieten policy logging
+ heat clients : make --host option error for heat-boto
+ heat common : BaseClient respect host argument
+ Use quantum IDs for VPC, Subnet, RouteTable resources
+ Add tests to validate REST path to action mapping.
+ Add Quantum floating ip tests to improve coverage.
+ Add Quantum port tests to improve coverage.
+ Add Quantum floating ip assoc tests to improve coverage.
+ Use stack.resource_by_refid to get the user resource.
+ heat engine : store stack on failed update
+ Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
Tue Mar 5 17:20:44 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a303.g8634e15+git.1362504044.8634e15:
+ heat engine : Add parser parameter support for AWS::StackId
+ heat engine : Set stack parameters AWS::StackId on stack create/store
+ heat engine : Compare runtime resolved resource snippets on update
+ heat engine : Re-resolve resource static data before create
+ heat engine : loadbalancer resource template, refer to StackId
+ Removes unused config settings from heat-engine.conf
+ heat tools : openstack script install mysql via openstack-db
+ heat engine : fix hardcoded DisableRollback value
+ heat clients : make boto client library pass disable_rollback
+ Update infrastructure to more closely match other OpenStack projects
+ Add heat-watch to pep8 checks
+ Remove unused imports from repo in preperation for pyflakes
+ Gate on certain pyflakes failures
+ Make the exception string a little more useful
+ Do a metadata refresh after an explicit metadata write.
+ Allow heat to be used without a KeyName set.
+ Fix flaky unit test
+ Fix Unrecognized Attribute admin_state_up Error
+ Remove unused import from
+ Fix unit tests for Instance IP
+ Split resource create into create and check_active
+ Add breaks to for loops
+ Remove unused import from
+ Add pyflakes to test-requires
+ heat engine : Disable stack rollback by default
+ heat clients : Change --disable-rollback to --enable-rollback
+ heat clients : Make heat-boto rollback disabled by default
+ Use oslo logging setup.
+ Move instance polling into check_active()
+ Separate public/private autoscaling adjust() APIs
+ Create autoscaling instances in parallel
+ Add N802 rule to
+ vpc_test: move DependsOn to the correct template section
+ Validation failures now raise StackValidationFailed
+ Fail validation when an unknown property is supplied in a template.
+ Prevent shadowing of the "context" module/parameter
+ Make sure we have a volumes property before trying to use it
+ Stop heat services from logging to stderr by default
Thu Feb 28 13:27:41 UTC 2013 -
- Fix test_cli binary path
- Install templates/, currently into python_sitelib
Thu Feb 28 11:17:30 UTC 2013 -
- Split up into sub-packages: api, api-cfn, api-cloudwatch, engine
+ Add init scripts
- Install global configuration
- Proper logrotate configuration
- Add documentation sub-package
- Update to version 2013.1.a244.g95c8037+git.1362050250.95c8037:
+ Make quantumclient optional again
+ Remove compat cfg wrapper
+ Protect AccessKey deletion from failing
+ Add a module for generating random short ID strings
+ Use a short_id for naming Swift containers
+ Use a short_id for naming S3 containers
+ heat : Only set qpid loglevel when rpc_backend specifies qpid
+ Throw a proper error if the flavor is missing.
+ Make the alarm actions run in one thread
+ Update the metadata if an alarm action makes changes
+ heat engine : reinstate resources import
+ heat engine : fix variable/import shadowing in
+ Add waitcondition to loadbalancer nested template
+ heat engine : Make loadbalancer nested template raw string
+ Depend on recently released python-quantumclient 2.1.2
+ Remove duplicate Mapper() constructor
+ Put heat data files in /var/lib/heat-cfntools
Sun Feb 24 18:54:46 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2013.1.a218.gbf64384+git.1361732086.bf64384:
+ Fix Instance deletion in unit tests
+ Wait for deletion of Instances during creation
+ heat engine : don't replace resource template before update
+ heat engine : pass json snippet into resource handle_update
+ heat engine : add Resource update_template_diff method
+ heat engine : Support Metadata update for Instance resource
+ heat engine : pass fully resolved template to update
+ heat engine : don't treat UPDATE_COMPLETE as failure
+ heat engine : WaitConditionHandle use creation time for timestamp
+ heat api : add register_api_opts to
+ heat tests : Add utility decorator for deleting stacks
+ heat tests : test_waitcondition move cleanup out of teardown
+ heat tests : test_api_cfn_v1 move verify out of teardown
+ heat engine : WaitCondition add Handle property validation
+ heat docs : Fix version string issue
+ heat engine : Resource remove redundant None get defaults
+ heat tests : update_allowed_keys should be tuple
+ heat engine : Resource add function to compare properties
+ heat engine : AutoScalingGroup UpdateStack support
+ Fix typo in AutoScaling update
+ Update to latest oslo-version code.
+ Change install scripts to use cinder
+ Fix a few bash logic errors in install script
+ Remove unused heat/common/
+ update openstack common and include
+ Add initial code to support policy.json implementation
+ heat tests : remove duplicate import
+ heat tests : fix StackControllerTest name duplication
+ Add cinder support to resource volume
+ heat common : context should split roles from X-Roles
+ heat api : Add policy.json authorization to CFN API
+ Use yaml.safe_load: full yaml.load isn't needed
+ test_s3: use try_import from common
+ Add missing logging import
+ heat scripts : Avoid using lsb_release in tools/openstack
+ heat api : Add policy.json authorization to cloudwatch API
+ heat tests : split user test into User/AccessKey
+ heat templates : Remove IAM Policy sections
+ Implement simple AccessPolicy Resource
+ heat clients : Make boto client select http/https from configfile
+ Remove sendfile as a dependency.
+ Depend on WebOb==1.2.3 to align with other OS projects
+ Add update support to InstanceGroup
+ heat engine : add option to control instance boto http/https
+ Refactor so it can be tested.
+ Implement the "Volumes" property of Instances
+ Catch 404s when deleting quantum resources.
+ Implement NetworkInterfaces instance property.
+ Make the doc look a bit better and give a better overview.
+ heat templates : allow access to wordpress in example templates
+ Impement VPC subnet resource
+ Fix policy checks for users without policies
+ Add Tags to vpc properties schema (Unimplemented)
+ Implement VPC Network Interface resource
+ ip_version is mandatory for quantum create_subnet
+ Use physical_resource_name for quantum/vpc resources.
+ Complete tests for NetworkInterface
+ Escape awk + sign so heat-keystone-setup works on Ubuntu 12.04
+ Implement Internet Gateway and VPC attachment
+ Make AvailabilityZone parameter available to nova create
+ heat engine : Add support for disable_rollback to engine API
+ Implement RouteTable and subnet association
+ Add information about using the python-heatclient to the documentation
+ make engine api handle string or bool disable_rollback
+ heat api : Handle DisableRollback parameter in cfn API
+ heat tests : delete stacks from DB in parser tests
+ heat cli : Add --disable-rollback option to heat-cfn
+ Provide unit test coverage for AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
+ make stack_delete_after decorator tolerate deleted stacks
+ heat engine : Only create periodic task on CREATE_COMPLETE
+ heat engine : Implement rollback for stack create
+ Use 2013.1 for Grizzly release version info in
+ Missing policy json files from tarball
+ heat engine : avoid returning empty resource error strings
+ Add config for boto https_validate_certificates
+ heat common : Add ResourceUpdateFailed exception type
+ heat engine : fail update immediately on resource update failure
+ heat engine : Update stack dependencies during update
+ heat engine : Add support rollback support for stack updates
+ Update GettingStarted with link to prebuilt images
+ Use oslo-config-2013.1b3
+ Remove "deny from all" line in wordpress config
+ heat : bump oslo-config version to fix import error
+ Add an attribute to InstanceGroup and AutoScalingGroup to return the ips
+ heat tests : fix pep checks
+ Do not tag development releases "dev"
+ heat api : don't store whole request in ec2Credentials context
+ heat api : allow validation of YAML templates via cfn api
+ heat loadbalancer : make LB nested template create credentials
+ Get rid of unused imports
+ Fix tarball tag to be empty rather than a point
Fri Feb 22 10:27:08 UTC 2013 -
- BuildRequire openstack-suse-macros instead of openstack-macros
Mon Feb 4 11:56:50 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version grizzly.2.77.g4103368dev+git.1359979010.4103368:
+ Hardcode provision-finished file path
+ Initial support for Transifex translations
+ heat engine : error on resource update with invalid properties
+ Store instance resource-id earlier
+ Merge from Oslo-incubator
+ Make sure failures in groups (autoscaling & static) are raised.
Mon Jan 28 09:20:18 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version grizzly.2.67.g0eff406dev+git.1359364818.0eff406:
+ heat engine : AutoScalingGroup implement Cooldown property
+ Make a dedicated InstanceGroup
+ heat engine : ScalingPolicy implement Cooldown property
+ heat tests : autoscaling test add missing VerifyAll
+ heat tests : WatchRule test add missing VerifyAll
+ Use pkg_resources to detect version of cloud-init
+ A native Swift container resource type.
+ heat_keystoneclient make token auth work
+ heat api paste.ini auth_uri should use auth_port
+ heat rename HEAT::HA::Restarter resource
+ heat engine : make WatchRule state message info
+ heat engine : make WatchRule initial state NODATA
+ heat tests : test_watch add tests for set_watch_state
+ heat tests : test_watch add create_watch_data test
+ heat engine : make watchrule actions run in stack ThreadGroup
+ heat tests : Add WatchRule evaluate test
+ heat engine : watchrule save state when actions undefined
+ ReST API: Don't overwrite webob error messages
+ heat tests : test_watch remove logging
+ ReST API: Return 400 for malformed JSON input
+ Typo error, "requied" -> "required" in
Wed Jan 23 14:11:03 UTC 2013 -
- Clean up %config(noreplace), only logrotate config and *.conf
files should be noreplace
Mon Jan 21 09:50:14 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version grizzly.2.36.g55c9032dev+git.1358761814.55c9032:
+ openstack/common : rebase to latest oslo
+ heat tests : test_engine_service remove commented lines
+ heat engine : watchrule don't run rule for every SampleCount
+ heat templates : IHA enable cfn-hup
+ heat templates : fix IHA HeartbeatFailureAlarm during instance build
+ heat templates : IHA HeartbeatFailureAlarm should be Ref
+ heat templates : add missing credentials to IHA template
+ ReST API: Clean up exception-handling cruft
+ RPC API: Add a WatchRuleNotFound exception
+ RPC API: Add a PhysicalResourceNotFound exception
+ RPC API: Add a ResourceNotAvailable exception
+ RPC API: Add a ResourceNotFound exception
+ RPC API: Add a StackExists exception
+ RPC API: Add a StackNotFound exception
+ RPC API: Add an InvalidTenant exception
+ Prepare the groundwork for more exception types
+ Fix duplicate naming in unit tests
+ Get rid of unused initialisations in Resource
+ heat tests : remove debug print
+ Don't inherit from NestedStack
+ Move abstract nested stack class to separate file
+ Add a convenience method for deleting nested stacks
+ Only delete the flavors that the script will then replace.
+ Make pip-requires a little F18 friendlier
+ Remove instance in ERROR state after failed create
+ Remove extras dependency with a partial oslo sync.
+ heat engine : WaitCondition FnGetAtt return correct signal data
+ heat engine : Implement Count property for WaitCondition
+ heat engine : Add metadata validation to WaitConditionHandle
+ heat engine : implement metadata_update per-resource
+ Add auth middleware for custom cloud backend
+ Add configurable cloud backend
+ Trivial commit to make daily rpm builds work again.
+ heat engine : DBInstance don't pass credentials to cfn-init
+ heat engine : LoadBalancer resource delete nested stack
+ heat engine : DBInstance fix so nested stack is deleted
+ heat engine : allow NestedStack template validation to work
+ heat engine : ensure create thread exits on stack delete
+ Handle different cloud-init versions gracefully
+ Add missing files to generated tarballs
+ heat tests : remove unused get_sftp_client()
+ heat tests : remove pointless get_ssh_client
+ heat engine : map DBInstance DBSecurityGroups parameter correctly
+ heat tests : functional tests align eip output with Folsom
+ Turn off tag_date on branch master
+ heat tests : CFN_API functional tests NoEcho Parameters fix
+ heat tests : functional tests remove erroneous finally clause
+ heat tests : convert stack ID to uuid format
+ heat tests : functional tests poll_glance cleanup
+ heat tests : convert functional tests to folsom glanceclient
+ Use correct stack_id arg name for metadata_update()
+ On master branch, tag tarballs as dev snapshots
+ RPC API: Simplify describe_stack_resources call
+ Use the new find_physical_resource RPC call
+ RPC API: Add a separate find_physical_resource call
+ CFN API: Fix DescribeStackResources with physical ID
+ Handle duplicate physical resources IDs
+ RPC API: Clean up list_events results
+ RPC API: Clean up list_stacks results
+ RPC API: Clean up show_stack results
+ Include new doc directory
+ fixup venv/novenv logic
+ cosmetic, make if/then style consistent
+ cosmetic cleanup indents
+ update tox.ini to pep8 latest (1.3.4)
+ heat cleanups to align unit tests with pep8 1.3.4
+ heat cleanups to align functional tests with pep8 1.3.4
+ heat cleanups to align with pep8 1.3.4
+ Fix DescribeStacks command for all stacks
+ ReST API: Improve format of resource_types response
+ Return an ARN as the Ref for nested stacks
+ Split nested stack implementation into abstract and concrete
+ Avoid logging.getChild for python2.6 compatibility
+ RPC API: Pass a stack identifier to metadata_update
+ Pass correct types in RPC Client unit tests
+ Update links in composed templates
Wed Dec 19 14:50:03 UTC 2012 -
- Use macro %openstack_sphinx_build_manpages_only
- Adapt new runtime requirements
Wed Dec 19 12:38:28 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1355917108.c477779:
+ A new documention structure, ready for contributions
+ pip-requires PyCrypto should be >= 2.1.0
+ Add support for missing Instance attributes PrivateIp and PublicDnsName.
+ GettingStarted: Install python-pip package
+ Fix issues with deleting a WaitCondition
+ Fix importing of novaclient exceptions
+ tools/openstack_ubuntu fix nova-manage network create command
+ Handle empty UserData for instance
+ Make resource registration conditional
+ Add a resource type list to the ReST API
+ Add an RPC API to list resource types
+ Standardise client imports
+ Fix ReST API documentation for template validation
+ non-root error should go to stderr
+ add logic detecting rabbitmq
+ tools/openstack fixup header formatting
+ Add ubuntu version of tools/openstack
+ simplify heat-engine.conf conditional
+ Remove heat-metadata man page
+ Get rid of naked "except:" clauses in tests
+ Don't skip watchrule test on exception
+ Get rid of unused imports
+ Get rid of nose.main() in unit test files
+ heat_keystoneclient ec2 user fix
+ Move the cfn client code to a subpackage
+ heat cfn api, format waitcondition error responses correctly
+ Override events for AutoScalingGroup instances
+ resource state_set, abstract update/store logic
+ Don't allow identifiers with slashes
+ Don't allow slashes in Stack or Resource names
+ Move resolved template comparison to stack update
+ Fix race condition in list_stacks
+ Get rid of glanceclient dependency
+ heat engine : convert WaitConditionHandle URL to ARN format
+ heat : Add HeatIdentifier from_url function
+ Eventlet monkey-patch heat-api-cloudwatch.
+ Eventlet monkey-patch heat-api-cfn
+ Eventlet monkey-patch heat-api
+ Add test to simply run a few binaries
+ Switch over missed file in version switch
+ Don't pass -1 as a stack_id in unit tests
+ Make Volume tests independent
+ Clean up the volume test
+ Fix Instance unit tests
+ Add back catch_error which is used for CLI errors
+ Switch to openstack style versioning
+ Update openstack-common to get newly fixed
+ heat-db-setup read engine config file for DB connection details
+ Don't get nested stacks by name
+ Fix exception handling in AccessKey fetching
+ Move to a more appropriate location
+ Get rid of leftover heat-jeos code in utils
+ Get rid of pointless file
+ Get rid of the cfn_helper tests
+ Enable VPC unit tests
+ Enable Quantum unit tests
+ Get rid of naked except: clauses
+ heat : Update getting started wiki links
+ heat : Clarify openstack versions for Fedora releases
+ heat : Update repositiory in getting started guide
+ Add from openstack-common
+ Do not wrap exceptions during quantum resource delete
+ Update openstack-common
+ Use common implementation for fetching templates
+ Add a common implementation for fetching a URL
+ Pass string to template_format.parse()
+ Resource.__eq__ allow resources in different stacks
+ Fix importing of quantum resources subpackage
+ Do the same install_requires as other projects
+ Install extras during pip install; fixes devstack
+ heat remove unused config options
+ heat getting started, add pip install extras
+ heat engine : remove KeystoneClient get_user_by_name
+ heat engine : Rework AccessKey to avoid keystone user lookup
+ Make sure heat uses its own control_exchange
+ Make default encryption key long enough for unit tests
+ Update the README with more current links
+ Add VPC resource implementation
+ Update .gitreview for org move.
+ Use pkgutil to load cloudinit data
+ Use module names as logger names
+ Add a plugin directory for Resources
+ Automatically register engine options
+ Move db crypto code out of the engine
+ Create a new heat.rpc package
+ Move template-format parsing code into common
+ Move the identifier module into heat.common
+ Remove gen(erate)_uuid from heat.common.utils
+ Remove is_uuid() from HeatIdentifier class
+ Use uuidutils from openstack-common
+ Add uuidutils from openstack-common
+ Update openstack-common
+ Remove heat-metadata service
+ heat engine : Convert WaitConditionHandle to pre-signed URLs
+ heat engine : subclass keystone client to encapsulate common code
+ Process engine config before initialisation
+ heat api : add waitcondition to cfn api
+ Add documentation on plugin_loader module
+ Lookup the class for an Instance in Autoscaling
+ Refactor autoscaling Instance creation
+ Load resources dynamically
+ Add a module for dynamically loading plugins
+ Distribute resource mapping to individual modules
+ Move the resource module out of the resources package
+ Remove YAML template trailing spaces
+ Convert some existing templates to YAML format.
+ For Fn::Join join strings in resolve_static_data
+ Set default empty dicts for missing sections
+ Don't assume parsed JSON in REST API.
+ cfn-json2yaml file-mode bugfix
+ pip-requires fix boto version
Wed Dec 5 09:35:45 UTC 2012 -
- Use @PARENT_TAG@ in _service file to automate versioning
Mon Nov 26 15:35:32 UTC 2012 -
- Add logrotate config
Mon Nov 26 14:35:45 UTC 2012 -
- Initial version