File python-swift3.changes of Package python-swift3

Mon May 18 06:57:10 UTC 2015 -

- Update _service to track tarball generated on
- Switch to packaging style of openstack packages.
- Create a test subpackage.
- Update to version 1.7.0.dev372:
  + Add .gitreview file.
  + Update package data
  + Add tox-based tests support
  + Fix pep8 errors
  + Update .gitignore
  + Fix listing bucket when key contains special URL charcters
  + Fix type errors with s3multi
  + Fix an 'if' condition.
  + Use HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED when invalid method is specified
  + make handle_request return callable
  + Add setup.cfg and pbr support.
  + Remove unnecessary urllib.unquote calls
  + Improve coverage report
  + Use openstack.nose_plugin for tests
  + Make more use of Swob for code cleanup
  + Remove pbr dependency at run time
  + Split controllers
  + Added swift3.Response
  + test: add FakeSwift
  + Use InternalError for unexpected server errors
  + Use lxml for processing XML
  + tox: add support for pylint
  + Fix Pre-Signed URL
  + acl: fix PUT bucket acl
  + Add a wrapper for lxml to handle XML namespace
  + Define S3 errors as exceptions
  + Added swift3.Request
  + Raise SignatureDoesNotMatch for unauthorized requests
  + request: move status code check into swift3.Request
  + Split controllers into separate modules
  + test: split TestSwift3 based on controller modules
  + test: add support for functional tests
  + Don't intervene with non-AWS HTTP authentication
  + test/functional: remove bc dependency
  + response: remove StatusMap class
  + controller: add UnsupportedController for unsupported features
  + request: add missing subresources for signature calculation
  + tests/functional: remove unused parameters
  + Make the swift3 config global
  + Use tenant name and user name for user id
  + etree: add support for xml validation
  + bucket: fix success code of HEAD request
  + tox: update swift version
  + cleanup dependency in tox.ini
  + request: add support for virtual-hosted-style access
  + Return errors when unsupported headers are specified
  + test/unit: remove unused method
  + Fix HEAD bucket request string problem.
  + request: remove unnecessary check
  + obj: add support for altering response header values
  + test/unit: forbid empty path_info
  + request: return InvalidURI for non-utf8 URI
  + Add test case for HEAD bucket requests.
  + service: ignores subresource queries for service requests
  + request: add helper to check the target resource type
  + cfg: set default values for swift3 config parameters
  + bucket: make max_bucket_listing configurable
  + Fix typo in swift3/
  + response: drain response body on error
  + response: include resource_type in the MethodNotAllowed response
  + Fix Location header of PUT bucket response
  + Clean up Location header in Bucket Response
  + request: forbid request.body
  + bucket: handle location constraint requests
  + Set x-amz-id-2 and x-amz-request-id headers based on Swift txid
  + Check the target resource more strictly
  + response: add double quotes to etag headers
  + bucket: add missing type conversion
  + multi_delete: make content-md5 mandatory
  + cfg: convert types automatically based on default values
  + Remove unused variable
  + cfg: allow attribute access
  + request: raise InvalidDigest for non-base64-alphabet CONTENT_MD5
  + test/unit: allow running test directly
  + tox: update pep8 parameters based on the latest Swift
  + Make the swift3 logger global
  + test/unit: move swift3.etree test to
  + etree: handle invalid xml
  + multi_upload: preliminary support for S3 multi part upload
  + Unfold add_canonical_user()
  + Move x-amz-acl header handling into
  + multi_delete: limit the maximum number of objects
  + bucket: return delimiter only when it is specified in query
  + Remove string comparisons for illegal ACL
  + multi_delete: add support for quiet mode
  + multi_delete: return UserKeyMustBeSpecified when key is missing
  + etree: handle comments in xml
  + Add support for non-ascii string
  + tox: update swift version to 2.1.0
  + Add helper to decode and encode utf8
  + etree: add support for url-encoding
  + Check pipeline configuration
  + Add error response tests for object that are insufficient.
  + Update documentation to use keystoneauth name
  + Fix X-AMZ-ACL header is not applied
  + Fix Canned ACL Error with Empty Body
  + Fix set ACL fails to existing bucket
  + Add compatible with third party auth middleware.
  + Fix test_location unit test
  + Fix object copy requests.
  + Disable pylint failures
  + LOGGER can't output message to proxy.log.
  + Fix multipart upload is required SLO in pipeline
  + Draft: Acl class design for supporting S3 ACL
  + acl: add preliminary support for S3 ACL
  + acl: use S3 ACL for object and bucket APIs
  + Refactor test_s3_acl
  + Show warn/error log when no slo middleware
  + Draft: s3acl decorator
  + Support FakeSwift register overwritten
  + Fix 500 error when no DisplayName in request body.
  + Move tests related to s3_acl in the to the appropriate files
  + Add S3 ACL for DELETE Multiple Objects
  + Fix object copy with empty source
  + Fix validation of invalid bucket name
  + acl: Skip acl check for all requests of Account.
  + Blind whole buckets with invalid name
  + Fix InternalError when RequestTimeout occurs
  + Add S3 ACL for Multipart Upload APIs
  + Draft: Split Request class for s3acl
  + ACL Handlers
  + Add unit test for GET Bucket includes subdir
  + Delete check of write permission of the object in PUT Object
  + Fix response of Get Bucket when IsTruncated is true and delimiter is specified
  + Return NotImplemented at POST object
  + Fix response of DELETE Multiple Objects without bucket write permission
  + Support x-amz-copy-source-if-* for PUT Object Copy
  + Support range for HEAD Object
  + Fix max-uploads, key-marker, prefix and upload-id-marker in queries of List Multipart Uploads
  + Fix max-parts, part-number-marker, and encoding-type in queries of List Parts
  + Add config paramater `pipeline_check` to enable/disable pipeline check
  + Support x-amz-copy-source-if-* for Upload Part Copy
  + Add check the range of partNumber for Upload part.
  + Assemble similar stuffs into a validation method
  + Fix a limit validation to be in integer range
  + Fix canned acl to be effective for s3_acl
  + Fix response of PUT Object Copy requests
  + Fix ACL of Multipart upload.
  + Cleanup pipeline_check config and its description
  + Fix response of Upload Part Copy requests
  + Fix response of Upload Part Copy requests
  + Fix to be able to change the maximum value of partNumber for Upload Part
  + Fix default maximum value of max-parts for List Parts
  + Fix Swift3 to skip S3 authorization after initial authentication
  + Support x-amz-meta-* for Initiate Multipart Upload
  + Fix the response of GET Service to get only buckets owner are request user
  + Use swift.common.utils.json
  + Force error instantiation
  + Remove handmade json patterns
  + Update README.
  + Keystone_token is no longer needed
  + Register swift3 info to swift APIs(/info).
  + Fix List Multipart Uploads to get multipart uploads contain slash in key
  + Fix the version of Swift that required to install Swift3
  + Fix get_validated_param and APIs related to this method
  + output access log of subrequests from swift3 to proxy-server
  + Update doc about force_swift_request_proxy_log
  + Draft: Change functional tests to the new structure.
  + Enable reset to retry up to RETRAY_COUNT
  + Add documentation on s3_test_client
  + Refactor Functional Test Cases
  + Add Functional Tests for PUT Object Copy
  + Small refactor on list uploads
  + Support delimiter for List Multipart Uploads
  + Add document and refactor a bit
  + Add Functional Tests of normal for ACL
  + Add functional tests for normal statuses of Delete Multiple Objects
  + Add functional error tests for Delete Multiple Objects
  + Fix error handling of reset method in
  + Add functional tests of error for ACL
  + Add environment of s3acl to tox
  + Fix DELETE object response
  + Move container_info to Request class
  + Add Functional Tests of input param test of normal for DELETE Multiple Objects
  + Add Functional Tests of input parameter test of normal for Object
  + Make multi-range functional test to be more strict
  + Use common libraries for timestamp
  + Add src to src copy functional test
  + Use singular variable name for the single content
  + Add Functional Tests of input parameter test of normal for Bucket
  + Add assertion for Copied Object
  + Fix list multi uploads response
  + Object Creation Assertion, everywhare
  + assert_common_response_headers to TestCase class
  + Fix initiate multi_upload
  + Fix get_container_info authentication
  + list uploads should fail w/o the bucket
  + Add functional tests for normal statuses of Multipart Upload
  + Use singular variable name for the single content
  + More strict functional tests for multi-upload
  + Fix last-modified format on the copy result
  + Add mktime function to test.functional.utils
  + Fix lost response headers
  + Fix upload part error handling
  + Refactor container existence checking
  + Move acl related functions to
  + Fix non-exist bucket bugs on multi-upload
  + Fix invalid canned acl response
  + Add functional error tests for Multipart Upload
  + S3 allows fewer etags than actual uploaded parts
  + Add unit tests for test_subresource
  + More tests for logging controller for coverage

Thu Nov 21 01:16:26 UTC 2013 -

- Update to latest git (9a2ce5e):
  + preven double-quoting object name
  + fix requests without object_name

Wed Nov 13 09:31:55 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7+git.1379116028.c367e2f:
  + Issue #49 - fixed Date and ExpireDate checking logic Cleaned up PEP8 and Flake8 formatting errors.canonical_string refactoring + fix typing in middleware comment
  + Undo part of patch by Willys
  + Add a error of EntityTooLarge
  + fix signature generation
- Fix set_version service by changing the version from "v1.7..." to "1.7".
  Since RPM comparison says numbers are bigger than characters, it's just
  an ordinary version update

Tue Jul  2 11:43:51 UTC 2013 -

- Install HTML documentation

Tue Jul  2 11:35:57 UTC 2013 -

- Initial version

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