File Makefile of Package monasca-kibana-plugin

.PHONY: all

# This Makefile is used for updating node_modules.tar.bz2 and dependencies.json
# when updating the package. node_modules.tar.bz2 contains node.js build
# dependencies for the %build section and dependencies.json lists all of these
# dependencies in JSON format for content and license auditing.

all: node_modules.tar.bz2 dependencies.json

package/: monasca-kibana-plugin-*.tar.gz
	rm -rf package
	tar -xzf $<

node_modules.tar.bz2:	package/
	(cd package/; npm config set json)
	(cd package/; npm install)
	(cd package/; npm install)
	(cd package/; npm install gulp-cli)
	tar -C package -cjf $@ node_modules/

dependencies.json:	node_modules.tar.bz2
	(cd package/; npm list 2>/dev/null || true ) > $@  # Will exit 1 because of unlisted gulp-cli, hence true

	rm -rf package/
	rm -f dependencies.json
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