File python-xmltodict.changes of Package python-xmltodict

Thu May 18 15:01:55 UTC 2017 -

- Implement single-spec version
- Fix source URL.
- Update to version 0.11.0
  * Determine fileness by checking for read attr
  * Add support for Python 3.6.
  * Release as a universal wheel.
  * Updated docs examples to use print function.
  * unparse: pass short_empty_elements to XMLGenerator
  * Added namespace support when unparsing.

Tue Sep  6 07:25:55 UTC 2016 -

- update to version 0.10.2
  + Fixed defusedexpat expat import. 
- v0.10.1
  + Use defusedexpat if available.
  + Allow non-string attributes in unparse.
  + Add postprocessor support for attributes.
  + Make command line interface Python 3-compatible.
- v0.10.0
  + Add force_list feature.
  + Add support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.
  + Performance optimization: use list instead of string for CDATA.
  + Include Arch Linux package instructions in README.
  + Improved documentation.
  + Allow any iterable in unparse, not just lists.
  + Bugfix: Process namespaces in attributes too.
  + Better testing under Python 2.6.
- v0.9.2
  + Fix multiroot check for list values
- v0.9.1
  + Only check single root when full_document=True

Thu Nov 27 14:46:28 UTC 2014 -

- add python-xml to all *suse distributions as SLE 12 requires it too 

Mon Nov  3 13:45:57 UTC 2014 -

- add python-xml to requires to enable SLE build 

Wed Sep 10 12:48:51 UTC 2014 -

- initial packaging of 0.9.0 version 

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