File of Package kiwi-config-openSUSE

# FILE          :
# PROJECT       : OpenSuSE KIWI Image System
# COPYRIGHT     : (c) 2006,2007,2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH. All rights reserved
#               :
# AUTHOR        : Marcus Schaefer <>, Stephan Kulow <>
#               :
# LICENSE       : BSD
# Functions...
test -f /.kconfig && . /.kconfig
test -f /.profile && . /.profile

set -e

exec | tee /var/log/config.log
exec 2>&1

# Greeting...
echo "Configure image: [$name]..."

# Load sound drivers by default
perl -ni -e 'm,^blacklist snd-, || print;' \

# and unmute their mixers.
perl -pi -e 's,/sbin/alsactl -F restore,/bin/set_default_volume -f,;' \

# these two we want to disable for policy reasons
chkconfig sshd off
chkconfig cron off

# enable create_xconf
chkconfig boot.braille on
chkconfig boot.langset on
chkconfig boot.compcache on
chkconfig boot.ldconfig off

cd /
patch -p0 < /tmp/config.patch
rm /tmp/config.patch

patch -p0 < /etc/YaST2/liveinstall.patch

# disabled for now - if you reenable, don't forget correct_live_install
# bnc#382158
# patch -p0 < /etc/YaST2/policy.patch

for i in /rpmkeys/gpg*.asc; do 
   # the import fails if kiwi already had this key
   rpm --import $i || true
   rm $i
rmdir /rpmkeys

insserv -r boot.apparmor || true

rm -rf /var/cache/zypp/raw/*

bash -x /tmp/
rm /tmp/

# /etc/sudoers hack to fix #297695 
# (Installation Live CD: no need to ask for password of root)
sed -i -e "s/ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL/ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/" /etc/sudoers 
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers

/usr/sbin/useradd -m -u 999 linux -c "Live-CD User" -p ""

# delete passwords
passwd -d root
passwd -d linux
# empty password is ok
pam-config -a --nullok

: > /var/log/zypper.log

mv /tmp/*.pdf /home/linux

# SuSEconfig
mount -o bind /lib/udev/devices /dev
umount /dev

for script in /usr/share/opensuse-kiwi/live_user_scripts/*.sh; do
  if test -f $script; then
     su - linux -c "/bin/bash $script"

rm -rf /var/cache/zypp/packages

#USB /usr/bin/correct_live_for_reboot usb
#USB /usr/bin/correct_live_install usb

# bug 544314
sed -i -e 's,^\(.**\),#\1,'  /etc/pam.d/common-auth

# Umount kernel filesystems
baseCleanMount || true
exit 0
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