File openhpi.changes of Package openhpi

Fri Sep 25 16:34:18 CEST 2009 -

- update to version 2.14.0
  + Content from development releases 2.13.0 through 2.13.3
  + Many bug fixes to the HPI Shell.
  + Fixes for building on Mandrivia.
  + Numerous other bug fixes.
  all details on:
- disable Werror patch but keep it for now
- added openhpi-2.x_array_out_of_bounds.patch (bnc#516203)

Tue Mar 10 15:22:27 CET 2009 -

- buildrequire ncurses-devel as it links against it

Thu Sep  4 16:33:24 CEST 2008 -

- update to version 2.12.0
  + Rollup development releases 2.11.0 through 2.11.3. 
  + Add documentation for new ilo2_ribcl and oa_soap plugins HP ProLiant plugin 
  + Make use of common SSL code HP c-Class Plugin. 
  + Various bug fixes.
  all details on:
- updated openhpi-2.10.x_no_Werror.patch
  new name: openhpi-2.12.0_no_Werror.patch
- dropped patches which are included in the version update:

Wed May  7 18:40:56 CEST 2008 -

- Run autoreconf.

Mon Jan 28 15:33:45 CET 2008 -

- update to version 2.10.1
  - saHpiGetIdByEntityPath() now returns the InstrumentId
  - OpenIPMI plugin - storing the cause of a hotswap state change
    in the proper event byte
  - hpiel, and other clients, no longer abort (possibly with a core
    dump) when the daemon is not present, but exit gracefully.
  - The spec file no longer requires libsysfs < 2 as OpenHPI now
    builds against libsysfs 2 fine. 
  - Fixed the gcc version check, which now works on gcc 4.2.
- additional changes from 2.10.0
  2.10  contains implementation and entry points for all new APIs
  added in the B.02.01 specification. Also, all APIs have been
  revised and updated according to minor return code changes and
  additions in B.02.01.
  Other featured highlights incude:
    Basic support for MicroTCA in IPMIDirect plugin (psangouard)
    Compilation problems on Solaris were reported and fixed
    Added recognition of a much larger set of manufacturer ids.
    Eliminated the need for plugins to implement/export get_event.
    Sysfs plugin now builds against libsysfs 1.x and 2.x.
    FRU resource can now report resource type failed events in
    addition to hotswap (psangouard).
- removed openhpi-2.8.1_gcc_detection.patch:
  included in 2.10.1
- added openhpi-2.10.x_open_calls.patch:
  fix one open call with O_CREAT without a mode,
  make all other open calls with O_CREAT use S_* macros instead of
- added openhpi-2.10.x_array_bounds.patch:
  fix array out of bounds warnings from gcc
- added openhpi-2.10.x_init_script_dependency.patch:
  add lsb header to the init script
- added  openhpi-2.10.x_no_Werror.patch:
  remove Werror from the cflags as some IO calls dont use error
  handling and upstream wants to keep that as is.
- added openhpi-2.10.x_parantheses.patch:
  fix a few warnings about using parantheses inside a complex
  boolean expression
- added openhpi-2.10.x_wd.patch:
  fix warning about ignored type qualifiers

Thu Jan 24 11:33:44 CET 2008 -

- fix open calls

Fri Oct 19 16:21:11 CEST 2007 -

- added openhpi-2.8.1_gcc_detection.patch:
  fix detection of gcc version
- build with no-strict-aliasing
- remove unused libpcap from the buildrequires

Tue Jul 17 19:07:38 CEST 2007 -

- update to version 2.8.1
  o New Features:
    * Blade Center Plugin 
      - 1588365 - Enhance isolation from event string changes 
      - 1588020 - Add support for more BladeCenters 
      - 1587534 - Support HS21 blade threshold event format 
    * HPI Clients 
      - 1585818 - New clients showing multiple plugins to same target 
    * OpenHPI base library 
      - 1572962 - Unblock events on discovery 
      - 1532151 - Improve configuration by eliminating plugin lines
 o Fixed Bugs
   * Blade Center Plugin 
     - 1590030 - Need to also init 'oh_event struct - add resource' for RSA
- changes from 2.7.0
  o New Features:
    * Blade Center Plugin
      - 1541402 - Re structure snmp_bc to use new oh_event
    * OpenHPI base library
      - 1533344 - Event/Resource processing enhancements
    * Simulator Plugin
      - 1533338 - Injector API without using linux queues
      - 1263998 - sim_sanityXXX uses the poison sprintf() util
  o Fixed Bugs
    * Build System
      - 1571708 - rtas plugin may not build. name clash with
      - 1538808 - hpi_shell and simulator build problems after
        oh_event change
    * OpenHPI base library
      - 1570274 - saHpiResourceSeveritySet accepts ALL_SEVERITIES
      - 1546787 - process_resource_event may run only once when
        sessions = 0
    * Test Suites
      - 1572322 - simulator unit test 45 wrongly expecting events
        in queue
- removed obsolete patches:
- fixed and ignored a few rpmlint warnings

Thu May 24 10:39:52 CEST 2007 -

- add missing %run_ldconfig calls

Fri Mar 30 15:05:58 CEST 2007 -

- add gdbm-devel BuildRequires.

Fri Feb  2 04:15:30 CET 2007 -

- added openhpi-2.6.3_array_bounds.patch: (#238658)
  make the array large enough so we dont overflow it in the loop.

Fri Jan 19 15:53:35 CET 2007 -

- added openhpi-2.6.3_doctype.patch:
  replaced the broken PUBLIC identifier with SYSTEM.

Wed Jan 10 18:33:45 CET 2007 -

- update to version 2.6.3: (Fate: 301553)
  - LED controls
  - watchdog timer support
  - Intel vendor logic
  Changes from 2.6.2:
  * OpenHPI Daemon Client
    - 1559388 - ControlGet from client is failing conformance test
    - 1553500 - Thresholds validation rejects valid Threshold
                setting values
  * OpenHPI base library
    - 1553422 - Conformance - saHpiSensorThresholdsSet/13.test

Mon Sep  4 17:07:33 CEST 2006 -

- update to version 2.6.1:
  Changes from 2.6.0:
  o New Features
    * Blade Center Plugin 
      1501830 - Add events for BladeCenter H
      1525421 - Add config option to disable snmpgetbulk
      1523919 - Add BladeCenter plugin documentation to EXTRA_DIST
      1523505 - Add new interfaces to snmp_bc plugin
      1522040 - Change snmp_bc get bulk default
      1518360 - Make Operational sensors readable
      1517739 - Add Blade BMC Reset Control
      1513402 - Enhance snmp_bc snmp config parm parsing
      1497740 - Add Slot Resources and their associated RDRs
    * HPI Utils 
      1524023 - Make uid_utils function prototypes use HPI types
      1517621 - Add base 10/16 conversion ability to oh_derive_string
    * OpenHPI Daemon 
      1520861 - Make the daemon the default configuration
      1520863 - Add a syslog log to the daemon
    * OpenHPI base library 
      1521589 - Hotswap management enhancements
      1491791 - Persist DAT data
  o Fixed Bugs
    * Blade Center Plugin 
      1526076 - make warning due to type mis-matched.
      1526075 - For re-announcement hotswap event set prev_state=cur_state
      1515094 - Place init of getbulk count in correct place
      1509510 - Correctly determine current state of I/O Module (switch)
      1512285 - Also consider BLADECENTER_SYS_MGMNT_MODULE_SLOT
      1512697 - Look in the correct copy of cache for setting Slot Sensors
      1512756 - Also set MM Slot Location for OVR_MMx
    * Build System 
      1502903 - openhpi-switcher run during install fails in cross env
      1529860 - There is not reason to check for FAM in configuration
    * HPI Clients 
      1531422 - hpiel is not printing entitypath when in client mode
    * HPI Utils 
      1522779 - oh_decode_time does not set DataLength
    * HpiView 
      1520673 - GThread-ERROR: conflict with newly improved HPI Core
    * None 
      1529555 - dummy plugin is in openhpi.conf but it is not installed
      1514565 - Incorrectly remove Virtual Management Module
    * OpenHPI Daemon 
      1529552 - init.d script gives error message on SuSE
    * OpenHPI base library 
      1531533 - _init() might cause problems when building statically
      1451541 - openhpi-switcher, bad behaviour
      1520630 - alarms will not get cleared in a particular case
    * OpenIPMI plugin 
      1364786 - SBC name seems to be hardcoded as SBC Blade

Mon Mar  6 18:05:20 CET 2006 -

- update to version 2.4.1
 * added ekeyfru.h to fix the build of the ipmi plugin
 * Reserve SDR command is always sent to LUN 0 even if 
   trying to reserve device SDR repository on another 
   LUN. As a result, subsequent commands to this device 
   SDR repository always fail. 
- additionally the following changes from 2.4.0:
 * New Features
  + OpenHPI Daemon:
   o 1414769 - Create service script for HPI daemon
  + OpenIPMI Plugin:
   o 1431652 - Add ATCA-HPI mapping support to OpenIPMI plugin
  + RTAS Plugin:
   o 1333708 - Create RTAS prototype plugin for support of 
     PPC platform
 * Fixed Bugs
  + Blade Center Plugin:
   o 1105644 - "make check" fails in threaded env
   o 1119537 - Enhance snmp_bc simulator and re-enable (missing)
     unit tests
   o 1427708 - Add checking for NULL pointers when open/close
   o 1427827 - tsensorget036.c - make check fails
  + Build System:
   o 1421012 - sysfs plugin tries to build when header doesn't
   o 1426676 - not included in tar ball.
     Needed to build docs
  + Dummy plugin:
   o 898156 - implement set_resource_severity in dummy plugin
   o 898157 - implement set_resource_tag in dummy plugin
  + HPI Utils:
   o 1183140 - Data Length Element in oh_big_textbuffer should
     include NULL
   o 1195478 - Length returned by oh_decode_eventstate() is short.
  + IPMI Direct plugin:
   o 1427422 - Plugin crashes if saHpiSensorMasksGet is called
     NULL masks
  + OpenHPI base library:
   o 1199880 - Setting Threshold Value of Type Buffer Always
   o 1413695 - saHpiAlarmAcknowledge does not check invalid
   o 1413699 - saHpiAlarmAdd does not check invalid Severity
   o 1413701 - saHpiAlarmDelete does not check invalid
   o 1421542 - saHpiSensorMasksGet with NULL masks returns
   o 1426093 - Incorrect alignment of HPI 64-bit types with
     gcc 3.3
   o 1428297 - saHpiIdrFieldSet fail with invalid Field.DataType
   o 1429330 - Problem with some plugins when dlopening
  + Test Suites:
   o 1429307 - BC unit tests fail due to autoregen files

Wed Jan 25 21:39:03 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Tue Jan 17 12:35:33 CET 2006 -

- update to version 2.3.1
- removed all patches
- added 2 new patches:
  - openhpi-2.3.1_builddirlinkflag.patch
    dont have -L paths pointing to the builddir
  - openhpi-2.3.1_no-Werror.patch
    disable -Werror until all warn_unused_results are fixed

Fri Sep 23 19:34:32 CEST 2005 -

- fix build-dir references in installed .la file 

Mon Aug 15 11:58:14 CEST 2005 -

- Cleaned up the spec file.
- fixed permissions of the config file
- Remove hardcoded version in Requires

Wed Jul 27 17:18:07 CEST 2005 -

- make sure the config isnt world readable it can contain passwords
- the documentation should be world readable

Tue Jun 14 11:20:46 CEST 2005 -

- added sysfsutils to nfb 

Mon Jun  6 18:44:16 CEST 2005 -

- Update to version 2.0.4

Wed Apr 27 12:21:33 CEST 2005 -

- fixed overflow in snprintf
- disable -Werror for now
- need to undef sprintf before poisoning.

Tue Feb 22 07:25:22 CET 2005 -

- Update to version 2.0.0

Thu Oct 28 04:20:16 CEST 2004 -

- Update to 1.0.1

Thu Aug 19 14:42:22 CEST 2004 -

- Fix use of net-snmp headers.
- Fix broken casts.

Tue Jun  8 06:02:32 CEST 2004 -

- Update to version 0.9.0

Thu May  6 00:22:06 CEST 2004 -

- Fixes to enable SEL clear operation via IPMI plugin.
- fix to IPMI connection with OEM privilage.

Wed Apr 28 23:20:34 CEST 2004 -

- Update to version 0.7.0

Thu Apr 22 21:22:09 CEST 2004 -

- Update to 0.6.0
- Split into -devel and -clients

Fri Mar 19 16:42:26 CET 2004 -

- initial version 0.5.0.

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