File supportutils.changes of Package supportutils
Mon Apr 27 14:04:06 MDT 2009 -
-updated supportconfig.conf(5) man page to include AFP/CIFS
-added eDirectory ndsd arch check (bnc#497586)
-added NSS volume attributes (bnc#496686)
-added real time process check to slert.txt (bnc#496721)
-supportconfig: 2.25-104
Wed Apr 15 16:50:36 MDT 2009 -
-added password policy info to novell-{afp,cifs}.txt (bnc#472071)
-added Novell CIFS support OPTION_CIFS, novell-cifs.txt (bnc#472068)
-added Novell AFP support OPTION_AFP, novell-afp.txt (bnc#472063)
-added NCS ldap check (bnc#491646)
-fixed invalid sam option in basic-environemnt.txt (bnc#495138)
Tue Mar 24 12:30:09 MDT 2009 -
-fixed tarball overwrite (bnc#487475)
-added NSA integration
-updated plugin section header (bnc#481442)
Tue Feb 24 12:32:30 MST 2009 -
-added title to show_help
-supportconfig: 2.25-96
Thu Feb 19 18:00:20 MST 2009 -
-fixed tomcat CATALINA_HOME source
-supportconfig: 2.25-95
Thu Feb 19 14:45:56 MST 2009 -
-added OPTION_WEB for web.txt (bnc#477039)
-added /etc/hosts.nds (bnc#475824)
-supportconfig: 2.25-94
Tue Feb 10 10:09:52 MST 2009 -
-fixed schealth taint check (bnc#472791)
-moved supportconfig(1) and chkbin(1) to man page section 8
-schealth: 1.00-5
Thu Jan 30 14:32:05 MDT 2009 -
-fixed taint status handling (bnc#469094)
-fixed order changes that were missed (bnc#468510)
-supportconfig: 2.25-92
Thu Jan 28 10:16:39 MDT 2009 -
-fixed 'network-bridge file not found (bnc#470258)
-fixed symlink directory listing (bnc#469871)
-supportconfig: 2.25-91
Thu Jan 23 15:55:37 MDT 2009 -
-added brctl showmacs to network.txt and xen.txt (bnc#469012)
-modified and reorganized xen.txt (bnc#468510)
-supportconfig: 2.25-89
Wed Jan 21 16:30:45 MDT 2009 -
-added terminated PIDs to supportconfig.txt
-modified updates.txt with patch checking (bnc#465758)
-added hwinfo --netcard to network.txt (bnc#465891)
-added HP PSP files (bnc#466856)
-supportconfig: 2.25-88
Fri Jan 09 09:02:04 MDT 2009 -
-fixed /dev/evms file listings (bnc#464164)
-fixed NCS EventLog.xml location tests (bnc#463867)
-added iptables-save to network.txt (bnc#463862)
-added brctl to network.txt (bnc#463690)
-supportconfig: 2.25-85
Wed Dec 31 15:11:37 MDT 2008 -
-added pre_/post_ndsd scripts (bnc#463156)
-Updated SAM interface message
-supportconfig: 2.25-84
Wed Dec 04 13:12:02 MDT 2008 -
-rug prefs moved to updates.txt
-fixed supportconfig hang after time out (bnc#448866)
-timed out commands get terminated (bnc#455733)
-supportconfig: 2.25-82
Tue Dec 02 12:17:51 MDT 2008 -
-added LUM preferred server ping (bnc#450937)
-moved suseRegister info to updates.txt and included full log
file (bnc#450947)
-made several changes per (bnc#449622)
-supportconfig: 2.25-80
Wed Nov 26 08:57:19 MDT 2008 -
-initialized SKIP in updates
-added --no-abbrev to rug sl (bnc#449308)
-supportconfig: 2.25-73
Fri Nov 21 14:04:23 MDT 2008 -
-added -o keyword toggle switch (bnc#447664)
-supportconfig: 2.25-72
Wed Nov 20 10:21:02 MDT 2008 -
-echolog not trapped after tar ball (bnc#447212)
-added default ntp log (bnc#447168)
-fixed scp .md5 upload (bnc#446669)
-fixed encrypted uploads (bnc#446146)
-enhanced sbm output
-fixed gpg encryption with -Q (bnc#446647)
*supportconfig: 2.25-71
Fri Nov 14 11:38:15 MDT 2008 -
-added screen buffer mode -b (bnc#444285)
-replaced SPident with sam for SLE11 (bnc#443468)
*supportconfig: 2.25-65
Thu Nov 06 10:23:15 MDT 2008 -
-library paths beginning with ../ are now accepted in chkbin
*supportconfig: 2.25-61
*chkbin: 1.01-16
*schealth: 1.00-3
Tue Nov 05 11:45:00 MDT 2008 -
-the .md5 file is uploaded with the tarball
-http(s) silent upload now use case insensitive {TARBALL}
-UPLOAD_TARBALL is set with -U and -u (bnc#440666)
Tue Nov 04 13:57:30 MDT 2008 -
-changed evms_gather_info to timed_log_cmd
Mon Nov 03 15:21:00 MDT 2008 -
-changed mounted.ocfs2 -f to timed_log_cmd
-changed mounted.ocfs2 -d to timed_log_cmd
Thu Oct 31 14:22:30 MDT 2008 -
-fixed -DQ errors (bnc#440675)
-added tarball md5sum
Wed Oct 29 11:13:22 MDT 2008 -
-SC_CONF can be set externally (bnc#439923)
-fixed -R relative path errors (bnc#439899)
Fri Oct 24 13:01:39 MDT 2008 -
-modified plugin directory security (bnc#438338)
Thu Oct 23 16:54:35 MDT 2008 -
-fixed plugin directory security (bnc#438338)
-fixed conf_file reference (bnc#438317)
Fri Oct 17 14:38:25 MDT 2008 -
-added plugin skipped (bnc#436655)
-added timed_log_cmd to plugins (bnc#436624)
-fixed executible plugin check (bnc#436625)
-added SMT support in smt.txt (bnc#436627)
Thu Oct 16 13:29:56 MDT 2008 -
-SLES10 now includes infiniband probe
-added InfiniBand and disk commands
-added ldconfig and lsof to chkbin
Wed Oct 15 12:01:38 MDT 2008 -
-changed VAR_OPTION_UPLOAD_TARGET default to Novell's https
Tue Oct 14 15:05:50 MDT 2008 -
-New version: 1.01-15
*supportconfig: 2.25-35
*chkbin: 1.01-14
*schealth: 1.00-3
-cleaned up schealth comments
-uploads to Novell automatically include the -q
-the {TARBALL} reserved word used with -U is now case insensitive
-removed -n, no longer needed. curl -L handles redirects
Mon Oct 13 16:33:41 MDT 2008 -
-fixed repeat directory name selection
-fixed including compressed log files (bnc#434896)
-added -q enables the unique id string
-added uuidgen or date +%s%N to tarball for uniqueness
-added -n for secure Novell tar ball uploads
Fri Oct 10 11:45:35 MDT 2008 -
-added dmesg output in boot.txt
-added InfiniBand support and ib.txt
Mon Oct 08 09:54:49 MDT 2008 -
-http/s uploads now require certificates, curl -k removed
-added VAR_OPTION_GPG_UID to select GPG encryption uid
-added GPG encryption for the tar ball
Thu Sep 25 09:36:45 MDT 2008 -
-changed BASE FROM_DIRECTORY to look for nts
Tue Sep 23 14:55:51 MDT 2008 -
-added rpm verify for sysconfig in network.txt
Mon Sep 22 11:59:13 MDT 2008 -
-changed -u so the srnum is not required (fate#305191)
* Use -r <srnum> with -u when uploading to Novell
Thu Sep 19 15:54:04 MDT 2008 -
-updates.txt supports zypper (fate#305226)
-updates-daemon.txt is not used and ignored in SLE11 (fate#305224)
-updated SLES_VER for SLE11 component support (fate#305177)
-added http and https support for -U
-added -y for ADD_OPTION_MINYAST
-changed OPTION_CIM to OPTION_CIMOM in code and man pages
Thu Sep 18 14:11:19 MDT 2008 -
-changed OPTION_OPENWBEM to OPTION_CIM in code and man pages
-look for other cim packages (fate#305221)
-fixed plugin directory error (bnc#42750)
Thu Sep 17 11:45:53 MDT 2008 -
-New version: 1.01-5
*supportconfig: 2.25-11
*chkbin: 1.01-14
*schealth: 1.00-2
-added -g to save in gzip instead of bzip2 (bnc#425495)
Thu Sep 17 11:00:19 MDT 2008 -
-changed all bug reporting URL references to:
-changed man page title to "Support Utilities Manual"
-separated conf_files and conf_text_files to get boot.msg (bnc#425631)
Thu Sep 11 12:42:29 MDT 2008 -
-changed package name from ntsutils to supportutils
Tue Sep 09 07:20:32 MDT 2008 -
-changed to System/Management package group
Mon Sep 08 21:19:48 MDT 2008 -
-updated man pages with Store and Terminal indentifiers
-fixed schealth location (bnc#424640)
-added Store and Terminal identifiers (fate#305243)
-added schealth.conf (bnc#420809)
-added ignore options to schealth.conf (bnc#420810)
Wed Sep 03 10:51:29 MDT 2008 -
-included /usr/local/bin in PATH (bnc#422623)
-added target/from directory options (bnc#419516)
Tue Aug 27 13:36:43 MDT 2008 -
-added -p to disable all plugins
-updated man pages (bnc#420132)
-added full command-line feature support (bnc#413945)
Mon Aug 25 17:54:26 MDT 2008 -
-changed plugin directory to /opt/supportconfig/plugins (bnc#420147)
Fri Aug 22 16:12:34 MDT 2008 -
-added scp upload support
-added NUMA details to memory.txt (bnc#419558)
-added last reboot info (bnc#415535)
Fri Aug 01 08:55:11 MDT 2008 -
-New version: 1.00-80
*supportconfig: 2.19-66
*chkbin: 1.01-14
*schealth: 1.00-1
-fixed schealth limit logic
Thu Jul 31 13:53:50 MDT 2008 -
-taint status correctly analyzed (bnc#413348)
Mon Jul 28 13:03:32 MDT 2008 -
-novell-ncs.txt gets /var/run/ncs/*out files (bnc#412692)
Tue Jul 22 11:28:32 MDT 2008 -
-added -o switch to overwrite basic-health-report.txt
-added schealth to supportconfig as basic_report()
-fixed schealth spaces in path names (bnc#411308)
-added schealth to ntsutils
Thu Jul 10 15:16:20 MDT 2008 -
-New version: 1.00-75
*supportconfig: 2.19-63
*chkbin: 1.01-14
Wed Jul 09 08:55:26 MDT 2008 -
-added mcelog info if present (bnc#407187)
Tue Jul 08 15:27:29 MDT 2008 -
-fixed only one dlopen library (bnc#402965)
-added status message to screen output (bnc#402967)
Thu Jul 03 15:51:39 MDT 2008 -
-added NSS performance information (bnc#405435)
Fri Jun 13 13:56:40 MDT 2008 -
-added conf_files check for ascii file (bnc#398995)
Wed Jun 12 12:55:00 MDT 2008 -
-added commit to Makefile
-changed sc-plugins references to supportconfig-plugins
Wed Jun 11 17:57:42 MDT 2008 -
-updated Makefile to complete a build
-added %clean to spec
Tue Jun 10 09:31:22 MDT 2008 -
-New version: 1.00-66
-added lsscsi -g to mpio.txt
-added udevinfo to udev.txt
-added ntsutils.changes and moved changes from spec
Fri Jun 06 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-updated bug reporting URLs
Tue Jun 04 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-updated SPEC with public url
-checks for missing plugins
-documents plugin errors
-updated supportconfig man pages
-updated ntsutils.spec for OBS
Thu May 22 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-show plugins as the run (dncs#74)
-added support for all plugins (dncs#73)
Wed May 21 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-changed the plugin display order (dncs#75)
Fri May 09 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-New version: 1.00-45
-added -u <srnum> for tar ball uploads (dncs#62)
-increased tmp file security (dncs#71)
Thu May 08 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-added basic contact and SR# info to basic-environment.txt (dncs#63)
-added -r <srnum> to include the SR#
-a valid sr number is added to the tar ball filename
-added commands to mpio.txt (dncs#68)
-added dmsetup commands to evms.txt and lvm.txt
-added netstat -as to network.txt (dncs#70)
Wed May 07 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-chkbin errors out with invalid file paths (dncs#65)
-added man page for supportconfig.conf(5) (dncs#67)
-updated supportconfig(1) man page with plugins (dncs#66)
-updated chkbin(1) man page
Tue May 06 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-optimized log_cmd for piped commands
-added the plugin to the plugin log file
Mon May 05 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-simplified UI output, details only in logfile (dncs#59)
-degraded dlopen missing from error to warning (dncs#60)
-fixed misspelled word on 330 (dncs#61)
-added newest installed RPMs to rpm.txt (dncs#58)
-added repackaged mpio check (dncs#46)
-added plugin support (dncs#50)
Wed Apr 30 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-finds correct _ndsdb.ini path for newer eDir (dncs#57)
Tue Apr 29 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-added ipcs to env.txt (dncs#56)
Thu Apr 24 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-added -Q for silent run (dncs#41)
-changed AppArmor messages to show reject count (dncs#54)
-top 10 cpu/mem always show header on first line (dncs#55)
-removed exit 0 from supportconfig main (dncs#47)
-networkmanager detection fixed for xen (dncs#48)
-nssstart.cfg correctly found (dncs#45)
-the -l option now includes conf file comments (dncs#49)
-added command timer to skip commands that are hung (dncs#41)
-added VAR_OPTION_BIN_TIMEOUT_SEC for time to wait
Tue Apr 22 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-ldd paths beginning with . are processed (dncs#51)
-dlopen libraries supported (dncs#52)
-all file input accepted without error (dncs#53)
Fri Mar 08 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-chkbin: fixed ldd symlinks (dncs#40)
Tue Feb 26 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-added inode info to basic-healthcheck.txt (dncs#36)
-fixed top 10 lists (dncs#37)
-added mpstat to basic-healthcheck.txt if available (dncs#38)
Fri Feb 08 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-added dns_info/dns.txt (dncs#35)
-rpm verify ntsutils instead of supportconfig
Thu Feb 07 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-report package conflict (dncs#34)
-added zmd info to updates-daemon.txt (dncs#33)
Mon Feb 04 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-added rpm distro output to basic-environment (dncs#30)
-moved sdbutil commands down a few lines in novell-ncs.txt
-created chkbin man page (dncs#31)
-added separator line (dncs#32)
-chkconfig errors go to log
-only UG route used for default route
Fri Feb 01 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-conf files beginning with // are now excluded as comments
-get /root/autoinst.xml if present (dncs#13)
-optimized conf_files and log_files
-improved xen info (dncs#22)
-changed rcd.txt to updates-daemon.txt
-changed rug.txt to updates.txt
-added suseRegister info to updates-daemon.txt (dncs#26)
-added zmd data to updates-daemon.txt (dncs#29)
-updates appropriate boot loader information (dncs#17)
Thu Jan 31 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-shortened the tarball name from tar.bz2 to tbz
-added powermt output if EMC PowerPath is used (dncs#24)
-chanaged multipath -l to -ll (dncs#25)
-updated ncs load script directories (dncs#23)
-added owcimomd support as openwbem.txt (dncs#19)
-updated path to sysconfig/ncs for OES2 (dncs#18)
Wed Jan 30 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-dmidecode added to hardware.txt (dncs#12)
-added ncsd check and host.conf to network.txt (dncs#16)
-added openwbem support (dncs#19)
-added getconf to env.txt (dncs#21)
Mon Jan 28 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-chkbin: includes LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD variables embedded in scripts
-chkbin: non-dynamic executibles identified
-chkbin: check for ldd errors
-chkbin: promoted RPM 'unsolved dependencies' to error
-chkbin: promoted RPM 'missing' to warning
Wed Jan 23 08:00:00 MDT 2008 -
-chkbin: continue processing, even if the binary is not owned by an rpm
-chkbin: check for LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD in the environment
-chkbin: fetch /etc/ and /etc/ (+includes)
-chkbin: do an md5sum on unowned files
Wed Nov 14 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-fixed iscsiadm -m hang (dncs#11)
-added basic network/tcp checks (dncs#8)
Tue Nov 13 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added s390x vmcp support (dncs#10)
Mon Nov 12 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added slert_info/slert.txt (dncs#2)
-fixed grep for audit.log (dncs#9)
-added nscd conf and log to net.txt (dncs#7)
-added confs and slpd.log to slp.txt (dncs#6)
-added conf files to samba.txt (dncs#5)
-added wbinfo to samba.txt (dncs#4)
-updated docs with (dncs)
Mon Nov 05 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-updated man page
-added option to disable autoloaded modules
Thu Nov 01 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added additional hostname information
-fixed LUM LDAPS connection status
-moved module_info after basic_environment
-fixed nss path for novell-nss.txt
-added ls output for dibdir to novell-edir.txt
Tue Oct 31 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-iptables modules must be loaded to check
-rug options used based on rug version
Thu Sep 12 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added before.local and after.local to boot.txt
-added pdbedit -L to samba.txt
Thu Sep 07 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-fixed rcd upgrade check
-added 'ncpcon version' to novell-ncp.txt
-added ocfs messages entries to ocfs2.txt
-added mounted.ocfs2 to ocfs2.txt
-added xm list -l to display more vm details
-added -r to crm_mon; display inactive resources
-edir_info used ndspath to set PATH
-fixed default eDir /opt/novell/eDirectory path
-novell-NDSServ rpm not required for instances
Mon Aug 13 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-messages.txt includes /var/log/localmessages
-limits pengine logs, unless -l used
-ha.txt now includes /var/log/ha-log /etc/ and /var/lib/heartbeat/*
-added VAR_OPTION_MIN_Y2LOGS, default is to get all files
-using VAR=0 instead of VAR= to exclude functions
-added /etc/sysconfig/lvm to lvm.txt
-gets nfsserver info only if nfsserver is running
-rpm -e backs up /etc/supportconfig.conf
-switched from /etc/sysconfig/supportconfig to /etc/supportconfig.conf
Mon Jul 23 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-chkbin: modified display output
-chkbin: output copied to /var/log/nts_chkbin_*.txt file
-chkbin: performs rpm -V only on uniq RPMs
-chkbin: warns if binaries are different
-chkbin: checks for broken symlinks
Mon Jun 05 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added boot.omsg to boot.txt
-modified get_sles_ver to detect properly
-excludes zip/gz/bz2/tgz files from /var/log/samba
-fixed ncs un/load script location
-added clstrlib.conf with password omitted
Wed May 23 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-updated env.txt order
Thu May 18 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added xvd disks to parted
-default log file line count is configurable
-include check for incorrect oes update
-include samba logs
-look for vmcore files in crash_info
-optional log dirs can be selected
-added check for successful log dir creation
Thu May 10 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-changed ps output order to user,pid,ppid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,stat,time,cmd
-rpm %postun removes /etc/sysconfig/supportconfig
Wed May 09 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-removed SMART check as default, some hardware problematic
-added traps for SIGINT and SIGQUIT
-changed to bash getopts, --long opts no longer supported
-optimized eDir search
-rpm %post installs default /etc/sysconfig/supportconfig
-/etc/sysconfig/supportconfig turns on/off any info category
-added /etc/sysconfig/supportconfig support
-fixed multiple rpms checked by rpm_verify
-removed siga/sitar dependency
-added lspci, some proc, and others to hardware.txt
-renamed hwinfo.txt to hardware.txt
-added boot.msg to boot.txt
-added iptables filter to network.txt
-added hosts.allow/deny to network.txt
-added sar_info and sar.txt
-added print_info and print.txt
-added ssh_info and ssh.txt
-added x_info and x.txt
-added sysconfig_info and sysconfig.txt
-added proc_info and proc.txt
Wed Mar 28 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-version format change for rpm format
-name changed from to supportconfig
-added man page
Thu Mar 22 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-clarified using GPLv2 license
-removed extra / file
-added nsswitch.conf automount: check in fs-autofs.txt
-added chkconfig to fs-autofs.txt
-added ldap_info and ldap.txt
-added smartmon_info and fs-smartmon.txt
-added mount to fs-diskio.txt
-added PPID to ps output in basic-health-check.txt
Mon Mar 05 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added minimal firewall detection to basic-environment.txt
-changed iostat from -p to -x
-fixed novell-lum LDAPS connection test
-added fibre hba info to fs-diskio.txt & mpio.txt
-more specific on rpm.txt sort order
-fixed SLES10 bad_page and external support taint status
-added -L|--rootfs-list options for fs-files.txt
-added fs-files.txt for root filesystem listing (ie find /)
Fri Jan 05 08:00:00 MDT 2007 -
-added -f|--edirsearch start option for eDir 8.8 instances
-added last apparmor reject message to basic-health-check.txt
-apparmor_info now supports SLES9 and SLES10
-added support for eDir 8.8 with multiple instances
-changed filenames from oes-*txt to novell-*txt
-changed function names from oes_ to novell_
-changed umask to 077 for all files
-added samba_info support
Tue Nov 21 08:00:00 MDT 2006 -
-added /proc/devices to lvm.txt
-crash_info doesn't care about OS version
-added memory_info in memory.txt
-added /var/log/warn to messages.txt
-The -l switch applies to rcd/rug/ntp logs too
Tue Oct 10 08:00:00 MDT 2006 -
-removed meaningless stonith info
-added open_files for lsof output
-ps changed to wide output
-added partition table backup to fs-diskio.txt
-added analysis files to crash.txt with lkcdutils
-added {pv,vg,lv}display commands and better lvm1 support to lvm_info
-added volume details to oes-ncp.txt
-added ncp2nss.log to oes-ncp.txt
-updated EventLog.xml path to check /_admin and /admin
Tue Aug 29 08:00:00 MDT 2006 -
-changed base log directory to /var/log, not /tmp
-added policy engine logs and ntpq check to ha_info
-checks correct ntp service for SLES10
-added evms.conf to evms_info
-added unique distribution list to rpm.txt
-added ocfs2_info
-get entire messages file unless over 500Mb, then only 5000 lines
-added dasd support to fs-diskio.txt
Tue Aug 01 08:00:00 MDT 2006 -
-crash_info supports SLES9/10
-renamed lkcd_info to crash_info, and lkcd.txt to crash.txt
-made startup options more descriptive
-expanded oes_edir_info with _ndsdb.ini, logs and ndsd version
-log_cmd returns command exit status
-added ndstrace -c threads to oes-edir.txt
-added /etc/sysconfig/kernel to boot.txt
-optimized disk_info to use parted only
-updated iscsi_info to include SLES10 iscsitarget and open-iscsi
-added xen_info, apparmor_info, ha_info, slp_info, oes_lum_info
-get all files in /var/log/YaST2 recursively
-supports SLES10/SLED10