File italc.sysconfig of Package italc

## Path:           Applications/iTALC
## Description:    ICA remote monitoring startup parameters

## Type:        yesno
## Default:     yes
# Enable or disable ICA, the iTALC application running on 
# a client to allow connections from iTALC

## Type:        integer
## Default:     0
# Set port at which ICA should listen. 
# Please remember to adapt the firewall settings, too.
# Default: 11100

## Type:        yesno
## Default:     no
# Use the MIT-SHM extension for the polling. 
# Remote displays can be polled this way: be careful this 
# can use large amounts of network bandwidth.  
# This is of use if the local machine has a limited number of 
# shm segments and -onetile is not sufficient.

## Type:        yesno
## Default:     no
# Use the new copy_tiles() framebuffer mechanism.
# Disabling limits shm segments used to 3.

## Type:        string
## Default:     ""
# Additional parameters for ICA like "--quiet"
# Please refer to the iTALC wiki for details

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