File xlogo.changes of Package xlogo
Sun Dec 16 00:07:54 UTC 2012 -
- fix license to be in SPDX format
- specfile cleanup
Wed Aug 5 12:54:30 CEST 2009 -
- add new ant properties
- set ant singJar property to false
- specfile cleanup
Mon May 18 22:12:29 CEST 2009 -
- Update to version 0.9.95
+ Manual has been rewritten
+ New primitives:
* setdigits: Allow to set an arbitrary number of digits while calculating
* decimales: Returns the number of digits precision while calculating
* text: Returns all information on a procedure (variable, body)
* externalcommand: Allow to launch an external command from XLogo
* mp3play, mp3stop: Playing mp3
+ New language added: asturian,catalan,hungarian,italian
+ Modified primitives: define, zoom, setzoom
Thu Sep 25 18:09:54 CEST 2008 -
- moved to Education base repository
Sun Jun 8 22:04:13 MSD 2008 -
- Update to version 0.9.93
+ Better viewer 3d
+ Two new loop struture: primitives forever and foreach.
+ New language: greek
+ Better editor performance. Support for large files (several thousand lines).
+ Better workspace management
+ Two new arithmetic primitives: log, exp
+ Primitives ed, edall for editor
+ Ability to select a zone on the drawing area using the mouse
+ Primitive ifelse
- xlogo.jar is actually built from source codes
Sun Mar 23 03:06:57 MSK 2008 -
- Initial build of version 0.9.92 for openSUSE-Education