File python-PyQt6.changes of Package python-PyQt6

Wed Apr 13 08:12:05 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.3.0
  * Added support for Qt v6.3.
  * Bug fixes.
- Enable Quick3D for Tumbleweed

Sat Feb  5 20:32:11 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.2.3
  * All Qt.GestureType callable arguments will also accept an int.
    All callables that return a Qt::GestureType in C++ will return
    an int (which can be compared with a Qt.GestureType member).
  * Bug fixes.

Fri Dec  3 14:36:02 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.2.2
  * Added the missing QBluetoothUuid constructors.
  * Added the missing QMediaPlayer loop-related methods.
  * Bug fixes.

Wed Nov  3 14:26:50 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Don't require python-sip-devel for python-PyQt6-devel.
  The project building against PyQt should explicitly know about
  the proper requirement.

Fri Oct 29 15:07:23 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.2.1
  * Bug fixes.

Sun Oct  3 12:46:47 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.2.0
  * Added support for Qt v6.2 including the QtBluetooth,
    QtMultimedia, QtMultimediaWidgets, QtNfc, QtPositioning,
     QtRemoteObjects, QtSensors, QtSerialPort, QtWebChannel and
     QtWebSockets modules.
  * Added support for QAxContainer on Windows.
  * Ported the QtMultimedia examples from PyQt5.
  * Bug fixes. 
- Drop PyQt6-6.1.1-OpenGL_ES2.patch merged upstream

Thu Aug 19 07:33:23 UTC 2021 - Bernhard Wiedemann <>

- Stop writing mtime-based pyc files during tests (boo#1047218)

Wed Jul 14 22:42:04 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Add PyQt6-6.1.1-OpenGL_ES2.patch for building ARM with OpenGL ES2
- first obs service cleaned specfile commit

Tue Jul  6 11:52:55 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- remove the noop %requires_ge libqt6-x11

Mon Jul  5 22:43:38 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Define skip_python2 for Leap

Tue Jun 15 13:08:10 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

* Update to version 6.1.1
  * Added the missing QtCore.QXmlStreamAttributes class.
  * Added the missing QtQml.QQmlExtensionPlugin class.
  * Added the --exclude command line option to pylupdate6.
  * pylupdate6 now handles PEP 263 embedded source encodings in .py
  * Bug fixes. 

Thu May 13 18:25:03 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.1.0
  * Added support for Qt v6.1.
  * All flag-based enums have been renamed so that they use the
    name of the Qt enum rather than the name of the Qt QFlag.
  * An integer ARGB value can now be used whenever a QColor is

Thu Mar 11 19:52:16 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.0.3
  * Bug fixes.

Thu Feb 25 11:12:29 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 6.0.2
  * Bug fixes.

Fri Feb 19 23:59:18 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Initial specfile for version 6.0.1, based on python-qt5 
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