File libgcrypt-CVE-2014-5270.patch of Package compat-libgcrypt11.5136
Index: libgcrypt-1.5.0/mpi/mpih-div.c
--- libgcrypt-1.5.0.orig/mpi/mpih-div.c 2014-08-19 16:32:31.749904672 +0200
+++ libgcrypt-1.5.0/mpi/mpih-div.c 2014-08-19 16:32:33.479925088 +0200
@@ -212,9 +212,8 @@ _gcry_mpih_divrem( mpi_ptr_t qp, mpi_siz
switch(dsize) {
case 0:
- /* We are asked to divide by zero, so go ahead and do it! (To make
- the compiler not remove this statement, return the value.) */
- return 1 / dsize;
+ _gcry_divide_by_zero();
+ break;
case 1:
Index: libgcrypt-1.5.0/mpi/mpi-pow.c
--- libgcrypt-1.5.0.orig/mpi/mpi-pow.c 2014-08-19 16:32:31.749904672 +0200
+++ libgcrypt-1.5.0/mpi/mpi-pow.c 2014-08-19 16:32:33.480925100 +0200
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
#include "longlong.h"
+ * When you need old implementation, please add compilation option
+ * or expose this line:
+ */
@@ -77,7 +85,7 @@ gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t res,
ep = expo->d;
if (!msize)
- msize = 1 / msize; /* Provoke a signal. */
+ _gcry_divide_by_zero();
if (!esize)
@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t res,
MPN_COPY ( rp, bp, bsize );
rsize = bsize;
- rsign = bsign;
+ rsign = 0;
/* Main processing. */
@@ -179,7 +187,7 @@ gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t res,
xp = xp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( 2 * (msize + 1), msec );
memset( &karactx, 0, sizeof karactx );
- negative_result = (ep[0] & 1) && base->sign;
+ negative_result = (ep[0] & 1) && bsign;
i = esize - 1;
e = ep[i];
@@ -331,3 +339,449 @@ gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t res,
if (tspace)
_gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( tspace, 0 );
+ * Internal function to compute
+ *
+ * X = R * S mod M
+ *
+ * and set the size of X at the pointer XSIZE_P.
+ * Use karatsuba structure at KARACTX_P.
+ *
+ * Condition:
+ * Enough space for X is allocated beforehand.
+ *
+ * For generic cases, we can/should use gcry_mpi_mulm.
+ * This function is use for specific internal case.
+ */
+static void
+mul_mod (mpi_ptr_t xp, mpi_size_t *xsize_p,
+ mpi_ptr_t rp, mpi_size_t rsize,
+ mpi_ptr_t sp, mpi_size_t ssize,
+ mpi_ptr_t mp, mpi_size_t msize,
+ struct karatsuba_ctx *karactx_p)
+ _gcry_mpih_mul ( xp, rp, rsize, sp, ssize );
+ else
+ _gcry_mpih_mul_karatsuba_case (xp, rp, rsize, sp, ssize, karactx_p);
+ if (rsize + ssize > msize)
+ {
+ _gcry_mpih_divrem (xp + msize, 0, xp, rsize + ssize, mp, msize);
+ *xsize_p = msize;
+ }
+ else
+ *xsize_p = rsize + ssize;
+#define SIZE_B_2I3 ((1 << (5 - 1)) - 1)
+ * RES = BASE ^ EXPO mod MOD
+ *
+ * To mitigate the Yarom/Falkner flush+reload cache side-channel
+ * attack on the RSA secret exponent, we don't use the square
+ * routine but multiplication.
+ *
+ * Reference:
+ * Handbook of Applied Cryptography
+ * Algorithm 14.83: Modified left-to-right k-ary exponentiation
+ */
+gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t res,
+ gcry_mpi_t base, gcry_mpi_t expo, gcry_mpi_t mod)
+ /* Pointer to the limbs of the arguments, their size and signs. */
+ mpi_ptr_t rp, ep, mp, bp;
+ mpi_size_t esize, msize, bsize, rsize;
+ int msign, bsign, rsign;
+ /* Flags telling the secure allocation status of the arguments. */
+ int esec, msec, bsec;
+ /* Size of the result including space for temporary values. */
+ mpi_size_t size;
+ /* Helper. */
+ int mod_shift_cnt;
+ int negative_result;
+ mpi_ptr_t mp_marker = NULL;
+ mpi_ptr_t bp_marker = NULL;
+ mpi_ptr_t ep_marker = NULL;
+ mpi_ptr_t xp_marker = NULL;
+ unsigned int mp_nlimbs = 0;
+ unsigned int bp_nlimbs = 0;
+ unsigned int ep_nlimbs = 0;
+ unsigned int xp_nlimbs = 0;
+ mpi_ptr_t b_2i3[SIZE_B_2I3]; /* Pre-computed array: BASE^3, ^5, ^7, ... */
+ mpi_size_t b_2i3size[SIZE_B_2I3];
+ mpi_size_t W;
+ mpi_ptr_t base_u;
+ mpi_size_t base_u_size;
+ esize = expo->nlimbs;
+ msize = mod->nlimbs;
+ size = 2 * msize;
+ msign = mod->sign;
+ if (esize * BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB > 512)
+ W = 5;
+ else if (esize * BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB > 256)
+ W = 4;
+ else if (esize * BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB > 128)
+ W = 3;
+ else if (esize * BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB > 64)
+ W = 2;
+ else
+ W = 1;
+ esec = mpi_is_secure(expo);
+ msec = mpi_is_secure(mod);
+ bsec = mpi_is_secure(base);
+ rp = res->d;
+ ep = expo->d;
+ if (!msize)
+ _gcry_divide_by_zero();
+ if (!esize)
+ {
+ /* Exponent is zero, result is 1 mod MOD, i.e., 1 or 0 depending
+ on if MOD equals 1. */
+ res->nlimbs = (msize == 1 && mod->d[0] == 1) ? 0 : 1;
+ if (res->nlimbs)
+ {
+ RESIZE_IF_NEEDED (res, 1);
+ rp = res->d;
+ rp[0] = 1;
+ }
+ res->sign = 0;
+ goto leave;
+ }
+ /* Normalize MOD (i.e. make its most significant bit set) as
+ required by mpn_divrem. This will make the intermediate values
+ in the calculation slightly larger, but the correct result is
+ obtained after a final reduction using the original MOD value. */
+ mp_nlimbs = msec? msize:0;
+ mp = mp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space(msize, msec);
+ count_leading_zeros (mod_shift_cnt, mod->d[msize-1]);
+ if (mod_shift_cnt)
+ _gcry_mpih_lshift (mp, mod->d, msize, mod_shift_cnt);
+ else
+ MPN_COPY( mp, mod->d, msize );
+ bsize = base->nlimbs;
+ bsign = base->sign;
+ if (bsize > msize)
+ {
+ /* The base is larger than the module. Reduce it.
+ Allocate (BSIZE + 1) with space for remainder and quotient.
+ (The quotient is (bsize - msize + 1) limbs.) */
+ bp_nlimbs = bsec ? (bsize + 1):0;
+ bp = bp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( bsize + 1, bsec );
+ MPN_COPY ( bp, base->d, bsize );
+ /* We don't care about the quotient, store it above the
+ * remainder, at BP + MSIZE. */
+ _gcry_mpih_divrem( bp + msize, 0, bp, bsize, mp, msize );
+ bsize = msize;
+ /* Canonicalize the base, since we are going to multiply with it
+ quite a few times. */
+ MPN_NORMALIZE( bp, bsize );
+ }
+ else
+ bp = base->d;
+ if (!bsize)
+ {
+ res->nlimbs = 0;
+ res->sign = 0;
+ goto leave;
+ }
+ /* Make BASE, EXPO and MOD not overlap with RES. */
+ if ( rp == bp )
+ {
+ /* RES and BASE are identical. Allocate temp. space for BASE. */
+ gcry_assert (!bp_marker);
+ bp_nlimbs = bsec? bsize:0;
+ bp = bp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( bsize, bsec );
+ MPN_COPY(bp, rp, bsize);
+ }
+ if ( rp == ep )
+ {
+ /* RES and EXPO are identical. Allocate temp. space for EXPO. */
+ ep_nlimbs = esec? esize:0;
+ ep = ep_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( esize, esec );
+ MPN_COPY(ep, rp, esize);
+ }
+ if ( rp == mp )
+ {
+ /* RES and MOD are identical. Allocate temporary space for MOD.*/
+ gcry_assert (!mp_marker);
+ mp_nlimbs = msec?msize:0;
+ mp = mp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( msize, msec );
+ MPN_COPY(mp, rp, msize);
+ }
+ /* Copy base to the result. */
+ if (res->alloced < size)
+ {
+ mpi_resize (res, size);
+ rp = res->d;
+ }
+ /* Main processing. */
+ {
+ mpi_size_t i, j;
+ mpi_ptr_t xp;
+ mpi_size_t xsize;
+ int c;
+ mpi_limb_t e;
+ mpi_limb_t carry_limb;
+ struct karatsuba_ctx karactx;
+ mpi_ptr_t tp;
+ xp_nlimbs = msec? (2 * (msize + 1)):0;
+ xp = xp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( 2 * (msize + 1), msec );
+ memset( &karactx, 0, sizeof karactx );
+ negative_result = (ep[0] & 1) && bsign;
+ /* Precompute B_2I3[], BASE^(2 * i + 3), BASE^3, ^5, ^7, ... */
+ if (W > 1) /* X := BASE^2 */
+ mul_mod (xp, &xsize, bp, bsize, bp, bsize, mp, msize, &karactx);
+ for (i = 0; i < (1 << (W - 1)) - 1; i++)
+ { /* B_2I3[i] = BASE^(2 * i + 3) */
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ base_u = bp;
+ base_u_size = bsize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ base_u = b_2i3[i-1];
+ base_u_size = b_2i3size[i-1];
+ }
+ if (xsize >= base_u_size)
+ mul_mod (rp, &rsize, xp, xsize, base_u, base_u_size,
+ mp, msize, &karactx);
+ else
+ mul_mod (rp, &rsize, base_u, base_u_size, xp, xsize,
+ mp, msize, &karactx);
+ b_2i3[i] = mpi_alloc_limb_space (rsize, esec);
+ b_2i3size[i] = rsize;
+ MPN_COPY (b_2i3[i], rp, rsize);
+ }
+ i = esize - 1;
+ /* Main loop.
+ Make the result be pointed to alternately by XP and RP. This
+ helps us avoid block copying, which would otherwise be
+ necessary with the overlap restrictions of
+ _gcry_mpih_divmod. With 50% probability the result after this
+ loop will be in the area originally pointed by RP (==RES->d),
+ and with 50% probability in the area originally pointed to by XP. */
+ rsign = 0;
+ if (W == 1)
+ {
+ rsize = bsize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rsize = msize;
+ MPN_ZERO (rp, rsize);
+ }
+ MPN_COPY ( rp, bp, bsize );
+ e = ep[i];
+ count_leading_zeros (c, e);
+ e = (e << c) << 1;
+ c = BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - 1 - c;
+ j = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ if (e == 0)
+ {
+ j += c;
+ i--;
+ if ( i < 0 )
+ {
+ c = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ e = ep[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int c0;
+ mpi_limb_t e0;
+ count_leading_zeros (c0, e);
+ e = (e << c0);
+ c -= c0;
+ j += c0;
+ if (c >= W)
+ {
+ e0 = (e >> (BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - W));
+ e = (e << W);
+ c -= W;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i--;
+ if ( i < 0 )
+ {
+ e = (e >> (BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - c));
+ break;
+ }
+ c0 = c;
+ e0 = (e >> (BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - W))
+ | (ep[i] >> (BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - W + c0));
+ e = (ep[i] << (W - c0));
+ c = BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - W + c0;
+ }
+ count_trailing_zeros (c0, e0);
+ e0 = (e0 >> c0) >> 1;
+ for (j += W - c0; j; j--)
+ {
+ mul_mod (xp, &xsize, rp, rsize, rp, rsize, mp, msize, &karactx);
+ tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
+ rsize = xsize;
+ }
+ if (e0 == 0)
+ {
+ base_u = bp;
+ base_u_size = bsize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ base_u = b_2i3[e0 - 1];
+ base_u_size = b_2i3size[e0 -1];
+ }
+ mul_mod (xp, &xsize, rp, rsize, base_u, base_u_size,
+ mp, msize, &karactx);
+ tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
+ rsize = xsize;
+ j = c0;
+ }
+ if (c != 0)
+ {
+ j += c;
+ count_trailing_zeros (c, e);
+ e = (e >> c);
+ j -= c;
+ }
+ while (j--)
+ {
+ mul_mod (xp, &xsize, rp, rsize, rp, rsize, mp, msize, &karactx);
+ tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
+ rsize = xsize;
+ }
+ if (e != 0)
+ {
+ if ((e>>1) == 0)
+ {
+ base_u = bp;
+ base_u_size = bsize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ base_u = b_2i3[(e>>1) - 1];
+ base_u_size = b_2i3size[(e>>1) -1];
+ }
+ mul_mod (xp, &xsize, rp, rsize, base_u, base_u_size,
+ mp, msize, &karactx);
+ tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
+ rsize = xsize;
+ for (; c; c--)
+ {
+ mul_mod (xp, &xsize, rp, rsize, rp, rsize, mp, msize, &karactx);
+ tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
+ rsize = xsize;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We shifted MOD, the modulo reduction argument, left
+ MOD_SHIFT_CNT steps. Adjust the result by reducing it with the
+ original MOD.
+ Also make sure the result is put in RES->d (where it already
+ might be, see above). */
+ if ( mod_shift_cnt )
+ {
+ carry_limb = _gcry_mpih_lshift( res->d, rp, rsize, mod_shift_cnt);
+ rp = res->d;
+ if ( carry_limb )
+ {
+ rp[rsize] = carry_limb;
+ rsize++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (res->d != rp)
+ {
+ MPN_COPY (res->d, rp, rsize);
+ rp = res->d;
+ }
+ if ( rsize >= msize )
+ {
+ _gcry_mpih_divrem(rp + msize, 0, rp, rsize, mp, msize);
+ rsize = msize;
+ }
+ /* Remove any leading zero words from the result. */
+ if ( mod_shift_cnt )
+ _gcry_mpih_rshift( rp, rp, rsize, mod_shift_cnt);
+ MPN_NORMALIZE (rp, rsize);
+ _gcry_mpih_release_karatsuba_ctx (&karactx );
+ for (i = 0; i < (1 << (W - 1)) - 1; i++)
+ _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( b_2i3[i], esec ? b_2i3size[i] : 0 );
+ }
+ /* Fixup for negative results. */
+ if ( negative_result && rsize )
+ {
+ if ( mod_shift_cnt )
+ _gcry_mpih_rshift( mp, mp, msize, mod_shift_cnt);
+ _gcry_mpih_sub( rp, mp, msize, rp, rsize);
+ rsize = msize;
+ rsign = msign;
+ MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rsize);
+ }
+ gcry_assert (res->d == rp);
+ res->nlimbs = rsize;
+ res->sign = rsign;
+ leave:
+ if (mp_marker)
+ _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( mp_marker, mp_nlimbs );
+ if (bp_marker)
+ _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( bp_marker, bp_nlimbs );
+ if (ep_marker)
+ _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( ep_marker, ep_nlimbs );
+ if (xp_marker)
+ _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( xp_marker, xp_nlimbs );
Index: libgcrypt-1.5.0/src/g10lib.h
--- libgcrypt-1.5.0.orig/src/g10lib.h 2014-08-19 16:32:31.749904672 +0200
+++ libgcrypt-1.5.0/src/g10lib.h 2014-08-19 16:32:33.480925100 +0200
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ void _gcry_bug (const char *file, int li
void _gcry_assert_failed (const char *expr, const char *file, int line);
+void _gcry_divide_by_zero (void) JNLIB_GCC_A_NR;
const char *_gcry_gettext (const char *key) GCC_ATTR_FORMAT_ARG(1);
void _gcry_fatal_error(int rc, const char *text ) JNLIB_GCC_A_NR;
void _gcry_log( int level, const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF(2,3);
Index: libgcrypt-1.5.0/src/misc.c
--- libgcrypt-1.5.0.orig/src/misc.c 2014-08-19 16:32:31.749904672 +0200
+++ libgcrypt-1.5.0/src/misc.c 2014-08-19 16:32:33.480925100 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include <config.h>
+#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -296,3 +297,10 @@ _gcry_burn_stack (int bytes)
if (bytes > 0)
_gcry_burn_stack (bytes);
+_gcry_divide_by_zero (void)
+ gpg_err_set_errno (EDOM);
+ _gcry_fatal_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (errno), "divide by zero");
Index: libgcrypt-1.5.0/tests/mpitests.c
--- libgcrypt-1.5.0.orig/tests/mpitests.c 2014-08-19 16:32:31.749904672 +0200
+++ libgcrypt-1.5.0/tests/mpitests.c 2014-08-19 16:32:33.480925100 +0200
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ test_powm (void)
int b_int = 17;
int e_int = 3;
int m_int = 19;
+ gcry_mpi_t mpi_0 = gcry_mpi_set_ui (NULL, 0);
gcry_mpi_t base = gcry_mpi_set_ui (NULL, b_int);
gcry_mpi_t exp = gcry_mpi_set_ui (NULL, e_int);
gcry_mpi_t mod = gcry_mpi_set_ui (NULL, m_int);
@@ -269,10 +270,31 @@ test_powm (void)
if (gcry_mpi_cmp (res, base))
die ("test_powm failed at %d\n", __LINE__);
- /* Fixme: We should add the rest of the cases of course. */
+ /* Check for a case: base is negative and expo is even. */
+ gcry_mpi_set_ui (base, b_int);
+ gcry_mpi_sub (base, mpi_0, base);
+ gcry_mpi_set_ui (exp, e_int * 2);
+ gcry_mpi_set_ui(mod, m_int);
+ gcry_mpi_powm (res, base, exp, mod);
+ /* Result should be positive and it's 7 = (-17)^6 mod 19. */
+ if (gcry_mpi_cmp_ui (res, 0) < 0 || gcry_mpi_cmp_ui (res, 7))
+ {
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "is_neg: %d\n", (gcry_mpi_cmp_ui (res, 0) < 0));
+ fprintf (stderr, "mpi: ");
+ gcry_mpi_dump (res);
+ putc ('\n', stderr);
+ }
+ die ("test_powm failed for negative base at %d\n", __LINE__);
+ }
+ gcry_mpi_release (base);
+ gcry_mpi_release (exp);
+ gcry_mpi_release (mod);
+ gcry_mpi_release (res);
+ /* Fixme: We should add the rest of the cases of course. */
return 1;
Index: libgcrypt-1.5.0/mpi/mpi-bit.c
--- libgcrypt-1.5.0.orig/mpi/mpi-bit.c 2014-08-19 16:32:33.479925088 +0200
+++ libgcrypt-1.5.0/mpi/mpi-bit.c 2014-08-19 16:33:48.649811694 +0200
@@ -115,13 +115,15 @@ gcry_mpi_test_bit( gcry_mpi_t a, unsigne
gcry_mpi_set_bit( gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n )
- unsigned int limbno, bitno;
+ unsigned int i, limbno, bitno;
limbno = n / BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
bitno = n % BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
if ( limbno >= a->nlimbs )
+ for (i=a->nlimbs; i < a->alloced; i++)
+ a->d[i] = 0;
mpi_resize (a, limbno+1 );
a->nlimbs = limbno+1;
@@ -134,13 +136,15 @@ gcry_mpi_set_bit( gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned
gcry_mpi_set_highbit( gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n )
- unsigned int limbno, bitno;
+ unsigned int i, limbno, bitno;
limbno = n / BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
bitno = n % BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
if ( limbno >= a->nlimbs )
+ for (i=a->nlimbs; i < a->alloced; i++)
+ a->d[i] = 0;
mpi_resize (a, limbno+1 );
a->nlimbs = limbno+1;