File make-jobserver-detection.patch of Package java-1_8_0-openjdk.27036

Index: openjdk/make/MakeHelpers.gmk
--- openjdk/make/MakeHelpers.gmk.orig
+++ openjdk/make/MakeHelpers.gmk
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ endef
 # Hook to be called as the very first thing when running a normal build
 define AtMakeStart
-	$(if $(findstring --jobserver,$(MAKEFLAGS)),$(error make -j is not supported, use make JOBS=n))
+	$(if $(findstring jobserver,$(.FEATURES)),,$(error make -j is not supported, use make JOBS=n))
 	$(call CheckEnvironment)
 	@$(PRINTF) $(LOG_INFO) "Running make as '$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_ARGS)'\n"
 	@$(PRINTF) "Building $(PRODUCT_NAME) for target '$(call GetRealTarget)' in configuration '$(CONF_NAME)'\n\n"
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