File mkspec of Package kernel-source.6708


use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;

my $dir = ".";
my $rpmrelease = 0;
my $patches="";

	"patches=s" => \$patches,
	"release=s" => \$rpmrelease
) or die "Usage: $0 [--release <release>] [--patches <dir>]\n";

# flavor -> [supported archs]
my %flavor_archs = parse_config_conf();
# subset to include in kernel-syms
my %syms_flavor_archs = parse_config_conf("syms");

# template name -> template body
my %templates = read_spec_templates();

# variables
my %vars = parse_config_sh();
my ($srcversion, $variant, $vanilla_only) =
	($vars{'SRCVERSION'}, $vars{'VARIANT'}, $vars{'VANILLA_ONLY'});
$vanilla_only ||= "0";

# package name -> [summary, description]
my %binary_descriptions = parse_descriptions();

# arch -> flavor -> [obsoleted packages]
my %obsolete_packages = parse_old_flavors();

$patches="--patches $patches" if $patches;
my $patchversion = `$dir/ $patches`;
chomp $patchversion;
my $rpmversion = $patchversion;
# stuff the -rcX tag into the rpm version if possible;
$rpmversion =~ s/\.0-rc/.rc/;
$rpmversion =~ s/-rc\d+//;
$rpmversion =~ s/-/./g;

$rpmrelease =~ s/-/./g;

my $sources = join("\n", $templates{source} =~ /^Source\d+:[^\n]*/msg);
# Find all SourceN: foo.tar.(bz2|xz) lines and generate the NoSource:
# lines and the %setup line
my @tarballs = ($sources =~ /^Source(\d+):[^\n]*\.tar\.(?:bz2|xz)/msg);
my $nosource = $sources;
$nosource =~ s/^Source(\d+):.*?$/NoSource:       $1/mg;

# Source0 (the linux tarball) is unpacked manually
@tarballs = grep { $_ > 0 } @tarballs;
my $unpack_patches = join(" ", map { "-a $_" } @tarballs);
# List of scripts to automatically chmod +x before build
my $scripts = join(",", grep { is_script($_) }
			($sources =~ /\nSource\d+:\s*([^\s]*)/mg));

my $tarball_url;
if ($srcversion =~ /^(\d+)(?:\.\d+)*(-rc\d+)?$/) {
	$tarball_url = "$1.x/";
	$tarball_url .= "testing/" if $2;
} else {
	# has no tarballs for  linux-next or vanilla snapshots
	$tarball_url = "";

my $commit = get_commit();

my %macros = (
	VARIANT => $variant,
	VANILLA_ONLY => $vanilla_only,
	SRCVERSION => $srcversion,
	PATCHVERSION => $patchversion,
	RPMVERSION => $rpmversion,
	TARBALL_URL => $tarball_url,
	RELEASE => $rpmrelease,
	COMMIT => $commit,
	SOURCES => $sources,
	NOSOURCE => $nosource,
	UNPACK_PATCHES => $unpack_patches,
	SCRIPTS => $scripts,
	YEAR => (localtime time)[5] + 1900,

# binary spec files
for my $flavor (sort keys(%flavor_archs)) {
	my ($summary, $description);
	if (!exists($binary_descriptions{"kernel-$flavor"})) {
		print STDERR "warning: no description for kernel-$flavor found\n";
		$summary = "The Linux Kernel";
		$description = "The Linux Kernel.";
	} else {
		$summary = $binary_descriptions{"kernel-$flavor"}->[0];
		$description = $binary_descriptions{"kernel-$flavor"}->[1];

	my %obsolete_macros;
	for my $subpac ("", "-base", "-extra", "-devel", "-hmac") {
		(my $macro = "PROVIDES_OBSOLETES" . uc($subpac)) =~ s/-/_/;
		$obsolete_macros{$macro} =
			provides_obsoletes($flavor, $subpac, @{$flavor_archs{$flavor}});

	do_spec('binary', "kernel-$flavor.spec", %macros,
		FLAVOR => $flavor,
		SUMMARY => $summary,
		DESCRIPTION => $description,
		ARCHS => join(" ", arch2rpm(@{$flavor_archs{$flavor}})),
		COMMON_DEPS => $templates{common_deps},
# kernel-source.spec
do_spec('source', "kernel-source$variant.spec", %macros);

# kernel-docs.spec
do_spec('docs', "kernel-docs$variant.spec", %macros);

# kernel-syms.spec
	my $requires = "";
	my %all_archs;
	my $all_archs;
	for my $flavor (sort keys(%syms_flavor_archs)) {
		next if $flavor eq "vanilla";
		my @archs = arch2rpm(@{$syms_flavor_archs{$flavor}});
		$all_archs{$_} = 1 for @archs;
		$requires .= "%ifarch @archs\n";
		$requires .= "Requires:       kernel-$flavor-devel = \%version-\%source_rel\n";
		$requires .= "%endif\n";
	chomp $requires;
	$all_archs = join(" ", sort(keys(%all_archs)));
	if (keys(%all_archs)) {
		do_spec('syms', "kernel-syms$variant.spec", %macros,
			REQUIRES => $requires,
			ARCHS => $all_archs);

# kernel-obs-*.spec
	my @default_archs = arch2rpm(@{$flavor_archs{default}});
	# No kernel-obs-* for 32bit ppc
	@default_archs = grep { $_ ne "ppc" } @default_archs;
	my $default_archs = join(" ", @default_archs);
	if (!$variant) {
		do_spec('obs-build', "kernel-obs-build.spec", %macros,
			ARCHS => $default_archs);
		do_spec('obs-qa', "kernel-obs-qa.spec", %macros,
			ARCHS => $default_archs);


# _constraints
	my @packages = map { "<package>kernel-$_</package>" } sort keys(%flavor_archs);
	my $packages = join("\n", @packages);
	do_spec('constraints', "_constraints",
		BINARY_PACKAGES_XML => $packages);

exit 0;

sub parse_config_conf {
	my @symbols = @_;
	my $symbols = join(' ', @symbols);
	my %res;

	for my $arch (split(/\s+/, `$dir/arch-symbols --list`)) {
		my @flavors = `$dir/guards $arch $symbols < $dir/config.conf`;
		next if @flavors == 0;
		chomp @flavors;
		@flavors = map { s/.*\///; $_ } @flavors;
		for my $flavor (@flavors) {
			$res{$flavor} ||= [];
			push(@{$res{$flavor}}, $arch);
	for my $flavor (keys(%res)) {
		$res{$flavor} = [sort @{$res{$flavor}}];
	return %res;

sub read_spec_templates {
	my %res;

	for my $template (qw(binary source syms docs obs-build obs-qa)) {
		xopen(my $fh, '<', "$dir/kernel-$");
		local $/ = undef;
		$res{$template} = <$fh>;
		next unless $template eq "binary";
		if ($res{$template} =~ /^# BEGIN COMMON DEPS\n?(.*)^# END COMMON DEPS/ms) {
			$res{common_deps} = $1;
		} else {
			print STDERR "warning: Expected # BEGIN COMMON DEPS in\n";
			$res{common_deps} = "";
		xopen(my $fh, '<', "$dir/");
		local $/ = undef;
		$res{constraints} = <$fh>;
	return %res;

# return a hash of variables
sub parse_config_sh {
	my %res;

	xopen(my $fh, '<', "$dir/");
	while (<$fh>) {
		if (/^\s*([A-Z_]+)=(.*)/) {
			$res{$1} = $2;
	return %res;

sub parse_descriptions {
	my %res;
	my $current;
	my $blank = "";
	# 0 - expect summary, 1 - eating blank lines, 2 - reading description
	my $state = 0;

	xopen(my $fh, '<', "$dir/package-descriptions");
	while (<$fh>) {
		next if /^\s*#/;

		if (/^==+\s+([^\s]+)\s+==+\s*$/) {
			my $package = $1;
			if ($current) {
				chomp $current->[1];
			$current = ["", ""];
			$res{$package} = $current;
			$state = 0;
		if (/^$/) {
			if ($state == 2) {
				$blank .= $_;
		# non-blank line and not === package ===
		if ($state == 0) {
			$current->[0] = $_;
			$state = 1;
		} elsif ($state == 1) {
			$current->[1] = $_;
			$blank = "";
			$state = 2;
		} else {
			$current->[1] .= $blank;
			$blank = "";
			$current->[1] .= $_;
	if ($current) {
		chomp $current->[1];
	return %res;

sub parse_old_flavors{
	my %res;

	xopen(my $fh, '<', "$dir/old-flavors");
	while (<$fh>) {
		next if /^\s*(#|$)/;
		if (!m:^\s*(\w+)/([\w-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+([\w.-]+)\s*$:) {
			print STDERR "$dir/old-flavors:$.: expected arch/flavor <old flavor> <old version>\n";
		my ($arch, $flavor, $old_flavor, $old_version) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
		$res{$arch} ||= {};
		$res{$arch}{$flavor} ||= [];
			["kernel-$old_flavor", $old_version]);
	return %res;

sub is_script {
	my $script = shift;

	return undef if $script =~ /\.(tar\.(gz|bz2)|in|conf)$/;
	return undef if $script =~ /^README/;
	return 1 if $script =~ /\.pl$/;
	open(my $fh, '<', $script) or return undef;
	sysread($fh, my $shebang, 2);
	return 1 if $shebang eq "#!";
	return undef;

sub arch2rpm {
	if (wantarray) {
		return map { _arch2rpm($_) } @_;
	return _arch2rpm($_[0]);
sub _arch2rpm {
	my $arch = shift;
	return "\%ix86" if $arch eq "i386";
	return "aarch64" if $arch eq "arm64";
	return $arch;

sub provides_obsoletes {
	my $flavor = shift;
	my $subpac = shift;
	my @archs = @_;
	my $res = "";

	for my $arch (@archs) {
		my @packs = @{$obsolete_packages{$arch}{$flavor} || []};
		my $printed;

		next if (!@packs);
		my $rpmarch = arch2rpm($arch);
		chomp $rpmarch;
		for my $pack (@packs) {
			my $name = $pack->[0] . $subpac;
			my $version = $pack->[1];
			if ($subpac) {
				# The -base and -extra split has been
				# introduced in SLE11 (2.6.27)
				my ($v1, $v2, $v3) = split(/\./, $version);
				next if ($v1 <= 2 && $v2 <= 6 && $v3 < 27);
			if (!$printed) {
				$res .= "\%ifarch $rpmarch\n";
				$printed = 1;
			$res .= "Provides:       $name = $version\n";
			$res .= "Obsoletes:      $name <= $version\n";
		$res .= "\%endif\n" if $printed;
	chomp $res;
	return $res;

sub get_commit {
	my ($commit, $fh);

	if (!open($fh, '<', "source-timestamp")) {
		print STDERR "warning: source-timestamp: $!\n";
		print STDERR "warning: Cannot determine commit id\n";
		return "0000000";
	while (<$fh>) {
		if (/^GIT Revision: ([0-9a-f]{7})/) {
			$commit = $1;
	if (!$commit) {
		print STDERR "warning: Commit id missing in source-timestamp file\n";
		return "0000000";
	return $commit;

sub do_spec {
	my $template = shift;
	my $specfile = shift;
	my %macros = @_;

	my $text = $templates{$template};
	my $prev_text;
	do {
		$prev_text = $text;
		for my $m (keys %macros) {
			$text =~ s/\@$m\@/$macros{$m}/g;
	} while ($prev_text ne $text);
	print "$specfile\n";
	xopen(my $fh, '>', "$dir/$specfile");
	print $fh $text;

sub copy_changes {

	opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "$dir: $!\n";

	while (my $name = readdir $dh) {
		next unless $name =~ /\.spec$/;
		next if $name eq "kernel-source$variant.spec";

		$name =~ s/\.spec$/.changes/;
		copy("$dir/kernel-source$variant.changes", "$dir/$name");

sub xopen {
        open($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) or die "$_[2]: $!\n";

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