File libgcrypt-fips_fipsdrv.patch of Package libgcrypt.22247

Index: libgcrypt-1.6.1/
--- libgcrypt-1.6.1.orig/	2014-01-12 12:19:50.000000000 +0100
+++ libgcrypt-1.6.1/	2014-09-02 16:51:10.315504510 +0200
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ EXTRA_DIST = autogen.rc READM
+bin_PROGRAMS = fipsdrv drbg_test
+fipsdrv_SOURCES = tests/fipsdrv.c
+fipsdrv_LDADD = src/ $(DL_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS)
+drbg_test_CPPFLAGS = -I../src -I$(top_srcdir)/src
+drbg_test_SOURCES = src/gcrypt.h tests/drbg_test.c
+drbg_test_LDADD = src/ $(DL_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS)
 # Add all the files listed in "distfiles" files to the distribution,
 # apply version number s to some files and create a VERSION file which
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