File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.9089

<patchinfo incident="9089">
  <summary>Recommended update for Salt</summary>
  <description>This update fixes the following issues:

- Improved IPv6 address handling (bsc#1108557)
- Better handling for zypper exiting with exit code ZYPPER_EXIT_NO_REPOS (bsc#1108834, bsc#1109893)
- Fix for dependency problem with pip (bsc#1104491)
- Fix loosen azure sdk dependencies in azurearm cloud driver (bsc#1107333)
- Fix for Python3 issue in zypper (bsc#1108995)
- Allow running salt-cloud in GCE using instance credentials  (bsc#1108969)
- Improved handling of Python unicode literals in YAML parsing (bsc#1095651)
- Fix for Salt "acl.present" and "acl.absent" states to make them successfully work 
  recursively when "recurse=True". (bsc#1106164)
- Fix for Python3 byte/unicode mismatch and additional minor bugfixes to x509 module.
- Integration of MSI authentication for azurearm
- Compound list targeting wrongly returned with minions specified in "not".
- Fixes the x509 module to work, when using the sign_remote_certificate functionality.
- Fix for SUSE Expanded Support os grain detection (returned "Redhat" instead of "Centos")

  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1095651">regression: salt show_highstate breaks - found unexpected ':'</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1104491">Error encountered during module reload. Modules were not reloaded.</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1106164">Inheritance of the salt state "acl.present" not working properly</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1107333">salt-cloud azurearm throws exception</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1108557">Salt is puzzled by %eth0 in IPv6 address of domain name server</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1108834">pkg.installed fails when no repositories are configured</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1108969">Support use of GCE instance credentials</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1108995">pkg.install resolve_capabilities broken on python3</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1109893">Zypper shows no failure on package it cannot install</issue>
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