File groups.yml of Package 000package-groups

# There is an entry for every group file that needs to be written out.
# the name of it needs to exist as package group as well and the solver
# will take the instructions in this group and the included ones
# (that's why sle_minimal is included to get minimal instructions)
# and solve the packages in it (one by one next to 'silents' and 'locks')
# and then at the end remove packages in the 'excludes'.
# excludes are not package groups but solved module groups
# Note that the sequence of modules listed is important.
# Be aware that groupnames must not contain a '-'.
# modifiers:  ( - foo: [$MODIFIER] )
#   x86_64,s390x,ppc64le,aarch64:
#		  multiple platforms possible, separated by comma
#		  will get ignored if used in combination with 'recommended'
#   recommended :
#		  evaluate also 'recommends:' in package to determine dependencies.
#		  otherwise only  'required' are considered. Used mainly for patterns
#		  CANNOT be combined with platforms, overrides those! For architecture
#                 specific recommends, use patterns.
#   locked	:
# 		  do not put the package into this group/module
#		  used to "force" certain packages into other modules
#   silent	:
#		  use this package for dependency solving of groups/modules "on
#		  top", but do not add the package to this group. Mainly to mark
#                 the product to use by adding release packages.
#		  Use with care, this breaks dependency chains!
# note: group "update_test" is not used in final version of this file, needs to
#       be added to basesystem for a new betaversion, and to be removed before GMC

  - leanos:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal

  - sle_module_basesystem:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_base
      - sle_base_32bit
      - admin_tools
      - desktop_icewm
      - dictionaries
      - fonts
      - fonts_initrd
      - x11_base
      - x11_base_32bit
      - qt_standard
      - java_base
      - java
      - sle_base_devel_packages
      - documentation_minimal
      - perl_core
      - python3
      - python3_devel
      - update_test
      - leanos

  - overlap:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_desktop_applications:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - gnome_minimal
      - gnome_minimal_32bit
      - gnome_standard
      - desktop_base_apps
      - desktop_generic_32bit
      - x11_extended
      - qt_extended
      - sle_desktop_devel_packages
      - texlive
      - lock_old_openjdk
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_server_applications:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - nvdimm
      - ofed
      - sle_databases
      - sle_misc_applications
      - sle_webserver
      - sle_cim_infrastructure
      - ima_applications
      - virtualization
      - virtualization_gui
      - virtualization_devel
      - sle_server_devel_packages
      - lock_old_openjdk
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_transactional_server:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_transactional_updates
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_containers:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_containers
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_desktop_productivity:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - x11_wayland
      - gnome_extended
      - desktop_extended_apps
      - lock_old_openjdk
      - sle_module_desktop_applications

  - sle_module_web_scripting:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - php8
      - web_scripting
      - tomcat8
      - lock_old_openjdk
      - sle_module_server_applications

  - sle_module_legacy:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - legacy
      - java_ibm
      - php7
      - sle_module_server_applications

  - sle_module_public_cloud:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - public_cloud
      - sle_module_server_applications

  - sle_module_development_tools:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_devtools
      - sle_devtools_32bit
      - sle_devtools_java
      - sle_devtools_java_extra
      - perl_extended
      - lock_old_openjdk
      - sle_module_desktop_applications

  - sle_module_hpc:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - hpc_base
      - hpc_tools
      - hpc_mpi
      - hpc_lib_other
      # sle_module_server_applications
      # changed to reflect SCC
      - sle_module_web_scripting
      # HPC has some references to packages used in DevModules, but the current
      # solving would include those overlaping with 'Server Apps' into the
      # Basesystem, which we do not want.
      # This requires careful adaptions of both modules.....
      - sle_module_development_tools

  - sle_module_ha:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_server_applications

  - sle_module_sap_applications:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_ha
      # SAP includes kiwi-template-sap which results ina  heavy overlap with
      # the Development Tools Module, pulling quite some stuff into Basessytem
      # Module which we don't want there.
      # This should fix that, FATE#323792 will add a ReleaseNotes entry
      - sle_module_development_tools

  - sle_module_live_patching:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_server_applications

  - sle_manager_tools:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_rt:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_server_applications
      - sle_module_development_tools

  - sle_module_certifications:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - sle_module_python3:
      default-support: l3
      - sle_minimal: support
      - sle_module_basesystem

  - unsorted:
      default-support: unsupported

# End of Module definition

# packages in here are blocked from required on medium by means of
# telling the solver to forbid using them. A lighter form is to
# add packages to unneeded.yml - this just protocols the decision
# not to put them in any module *at this point*.
  - chrony-pool-openSUSE # bsc#1156884 / jsc#SLE-11424
  - sendmail # fate#313023
  - ntfsprogs-extra # not safe
  - libfbclient-devel # jsc#SLE-11695
  - libfbclient2 # jsc#SLE-11695
  - pipewire-pulseaudio # bsc#1182730

  - reiserfs # FATE#323394

  # glusterfs packages, not wanted by PM
  - libglusterfs0

  # upstream
  - gdm-branding-upstream
  - gfxboot-branding-upstream
  - gio-branding-upstream
  - gnome-menus-branding-upstream
  - grub2-branding-upstream
  - gtk2-branding-upstream
  - gtk3-branding-upstream
  - NetworkManager-branding-upstream
  - PackageKit-branding-upstream
  - MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream
  - icewm-config-upstream # bsc#1063272
  - plymouth-branding-upstream # jsc#SLE-11637

  # unwanted JREs
  - java-1_7_0-bootstrap-headless
  - java-9-openjdk-headless
  - java-1_8_0-openj9-headless
  - java-1_8_0-openj9-devel

  - selinux-policy #  bsc#1080505#c1

  - slecompliance # bsc#1158969

  - golang-github-prometheus-prometheus # rejected jsc#ECO-1659

  # dnf
  - PackageKit-backend-dnf # jsc#SLE-11804
  - hawkey-man # jsc#SLE-11804
  - libdnf-devel # jsc#SLE-11804
  - libdnf2 # jsc#SLE-11804
  - libmodulemd-devel # jsc#SLE-11804
  - librepo-devel # jsc#SLE-11804
  - librepo0 # jsc#SLE-11804
  - modulemd-validator # jsc#SLE-11804
  - python3-hawkey # jsc#SLE-11804
  - python3-libdnf # jsc#SLE-11804
  - python3-libmodulemd # jsc#SLE-11804
  - python3-librepo # jsc#SLE-11804
  - typelib-1_0-Modulemd-2_0 # jsc#SLE-11804

  # unsupported kubevirt packages
  - kubevirt-tests
  - kubevirt-virt-api
  - kubevirt-virt-controller
  - kubevirt-virt-handler
  - kubevirt-virt-launcher
  - kubevirt-virt-operator
  - kubevirt-container-disk
  - obs-service-kubevirt_containers_meta

  # unsupported containerized data importers (CDI)
  - containerized-data-importer-api
  - containerized-data-importer-cloner
  - containerized-data-importer-controller
  - containerized-data-importer-importer
  - containerized-data-importer-operator
  - containerized-data-importer-uploadproxy
  - containerized-data-importer-uploadserver
  - obs-service-cdi_containers_meta

  # unsupported build dependencies for kubevirt and CDI
  - libnbd
  - nbdkit
  - obs-service-replace_using_env

  # explicitly excluded systemd, boot and init packages
  - systemd-journal-remote
  - nss-myhostname
  - nss-myhostname-32bit
  - nss-mymachines
  - nss-mymachines-32bit
  - nss-resolve
  - nss-systemd
  - systemd-experimental
  - systemd-logger
  - systemd-network
  - systemd-portable
  - systemd-tests

  # old SUSEConnect, and other packages replaced by suseconnect-ng
  # jsc#SLE-17603
  - SUSEConnect
  - zypper-migration-plugin
  - zypper-search-packages-plugin

  # unwanted kernel subpackages
  - kernel-preempt # jsc#SLE-18857
  - kernel-preempt-devel # jsc#SLE-18857

  # unwanted python 2 packages (jsc#SLE-16747)
  - python-devel

  # unwanted busybox-links packages (jsc#SLE-18234)
  - busybox-bzip2
  - busybox-coreutils
  - busybox-dos2unix
  - busybox-findutils
  - busybox-gawk
  - busybox-grep
  - busybox-gzip
  - busybox-hostname
  - busybox-iputils
  - busybox-patch
  - busybox-psmisc
  - busybox-sed
  - busybox-sendmail
  - busybox-sysvinit-tools
  - busybox-tar
  - busybox-unzip
  - busybox-util-linux
  - busybox-xz

# the overlap is empty by default, will be filled for main product


#  Defines the packages that will be made available for a 32 bit runtime environment.

#  	Naming schemata:    "${groupname}_32bit" where ${groupname} is the
#  	  name of the group where the corresponding 64bit package is
#  	  available.
#    	Owner:            all Release Managers

#  	* sle_base_32bit
#  	* sle_devtools_32bit
#  	* x11_base_32bit
#  	* gnome_minimal_32bit

#  This contains also the 32bit packages for stuff in sle_minimal,
#  to avoid getting this onto the installation media.
  - patterns-base-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-apparmor-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-base-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-enhanced_base-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-minimal_base-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-sw_management-32bit: [recommended]
  - glibc-32bit: [x86_64]
  - alsa-plugins-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base-32bit
  - compat-libpthread-nonshared-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1188004
  - cyrus-sasl-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - cyrus-sasl-crammd5-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base-32bit
  - cyrus-sasl-digestmd5-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - libopenssl1_1-32bit: [x86_64] # pulled in by cyrus-sasl-digestmd5-32bit
  - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit: [x86_64]
  - cyrus-sasl-gssapi-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - dbus-1-glib-32bit: [x86_64] # x11_base_32bit:patterns-base-x11_enhanced-32bit
  - gettext-runtime-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - glibc-locale-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - glibc-locale-base-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - Mesa-libGL1-32bit: [x86_64]  # bsc#1081695
  - Mesa-libEGL1-32bit: [x86_64]  #  bsc#1081695
  - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit: [x86_64]  #  bsc#1081695
  - libada11-32bit: [x86_64,s390x]  #  MU#21075 / bsc#1199140
  - libasan6-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # MU#16622 / jsc#ECO-2373 / bsc#1199140
  - libatomic1-32bit: [x86_64,s390x]  #  bsc#1170907 / bsc#1199140
  - libcap-ng0-32bit: [x86_64] # partnerrequirement:oracle
  - libcap2-32bit: [x86_64] # partnerrequirement:oracle
  - libcryptsetup12-hmac-32bit: [x86_64] # FIPS
  - libcurl4-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
#   - libdfp-32bit-devel: [s390x] # bsc#1070719
#   - libdfp1-32bit: [s390x] # bsc#1070719
  - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit: [x86_64] # FIPS
  - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1196684
  - libgfortran4-32bit: [x86_64] # bnc#944324
  - libgmp10-32bit: [x86_64] # overlap
  - libgnutls30-hmac-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1169042
  - libgo19-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - libgomp1-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # bsc#1170907 / bsc#1199140
  - libidn11-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1133243
  - libitm1-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # overlap / bsc#1199140
  - libgfortran5-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # FATE#326486 / bsc#1199140
  - libgcc_s1-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # FATE#326486 / bsc#1199140
  - libstdc++6-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # FATE#326486 / bsc#1199140
  - libusan1-32bit: [x86_64] # FATE#326486
  - libharfbuzz0-32bit: [x86_64] # needed by gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit, moved in basesystem with its 64bit counterpart
  - libldap-2_4-2-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base-32bit
  - libLLVM7-32bit: [x86_64]
  - libncurses5-32bit: [locked] # overlap wants this, but it must be in Legacy....[bsc#1082744]
  - libncurses6-32bit: [x86_64]
  - libnl3-200-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1077771
  - libnscd1-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - libnss_nis2-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-minimal_base-32bit
  - libnuma1-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - libobjc4-32bit: [x86_64] # jsc#ECO-2373
  - libparted0-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - libpci3-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - libpcrecpp0-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base-32bit
  - libpgm-5_2-0-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1146257
  - libreadline7-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1146257
  - libsodium23-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1146257
  - libubsan1-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # bsc#1146257 / bsc#1199140
  - libstdc++6-pp-gcc11-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - libwrap0-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - libXi6-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1153311
  - libxcb-shm0-32bit # keep in the same module of 64bit version
  - mozilla-nspr-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - mozilla-nss-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - openslp-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - opie-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - pam_apparmor-32bit: [x86_64] # base in sle_base
  - pam_krb5-32bit: [x86_64] # base in sle_base
  - pam_mount-32bit: [x86_64] # base in sle_base
  - pam_pkcs11-32bit: [x86_64] # base in sle_base
  - pam_ssh-32bit: [x86_64] # base in sle_base
  - pam-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-minimal_base-32bit
  - pam-extra-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1168584
  - perl-base-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-enhanced_base-32bit
  - rpm-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-base-32bit
  - samba-libs-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1114407
  - samba-winbind-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1114407
  - sysfsutils-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-compat-base_compat-32bit
  - systemd-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_base_32bit:patterns-base-minimal_base-32bit
  - sssd-common-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1196166
  - tcl-32bit: [x86_64] # x11_base:patterns-base-x11-32bit
  - tk-32bit: [x86_64] # x11_base:patterns-base-x11-32bit

  - patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-devel-base-devel_kernel-32bit: [recommended]
  - gcc-32bit: [x86_64] # partnerrequirement:oracle
  - gcc-fortran-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1084311
  # gcc11 MU#21075
  - gcc11-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - gcc11-ada-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - gcc11-c++-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - gcc7-fortran-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1084311
  - gcc11-fortran-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - gcc11-go-32bit: [x86_64] # MU#21075
  - libstdc++6-devel-gcc11-32bit: [x86_64,s390x] # MU#21075 / bsc#1199140
  # endgcc11 MU#21075
  - libaio-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1062298
  - binutils-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - bison-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - gcc-c++-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - gdbm-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - gmp-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - libaio-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - libstdc++-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - libtool-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - ltrace-32bit: [x86_64]
  - ncurses-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - openldap2-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - oprofile-32bit: [x86_64]
  - pam-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit
  - zlib-devel-32bit: [x86_64] # sle_devtools_32bit:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis-32bit

  - patterns-base-x11_enhanced-32bit: [recommended]
  - libX11-6-32bit: [x86_64] #  partnerrequirement:oracle
  - libXau6-32bit: [x86_64] #  partnerrequirement:oracle
  - libXtst6-32bit: [x86_64] #  partnerrequirement:oracle

  - gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit: [x86_64] #  gtk2 hard dependency
  - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1081546
  - gnome-keyring-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1081546

  - libMrm4-32bit: [x86_64] #  motif
  - libUil4-32bit: [x86_64] #  motif
  - libXm4-32bit: [x86_64] #  motif

# Defines various desktop application groups that do not belong to core gnome or icewm
# 	Some of the packages here should maybe go into base
# 	Owner:               Desktop Project Manager
# Currently existing groups:
# * desktop_base_apps
#   This group will belong to the desktop application group
# * desktop_extended_apps
#   This group will belong to the 'sle-we' and SLED product

  - libopenssl1_0_0: [locked]
  - celt # inherited from SLE 12, dependency due to libcelt*
  - ddskk # Inherited from CODE15
  - dvd+rw-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - fetchmailconf #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - firewall-applet #  Initial package for SLE 15,FATE#320794
  - fonttosfnt #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gd # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1081709
  - hplip # Initial package for SLE 15
  - libMrm4 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libUil4 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libXm4 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - motif #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - open-vm-tools-desktop: [x86_64] # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1066368
  - pulseaudio #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - pulseaudio-lang # desktop_extended_apps:pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
  - sof-firmware # jsc#SLE-16518
  - ttf-converter # bsc#1169444
  - usb_modeswitch #  Inherited from CODE12
  - vncmanager #  FATE#319319
  - vncmanager-controller #  FATE#319319
  - vncmanager-controller-gnome #  FATE#319319
  - vncmanager-greeter #  FATE#319319
  - wireshark-ui-qt #  FATE#323341
  - yubikey-manager-qt #  FATE#323337

  - patterns-desktop-books: [recommended]
  - patterns-desktop-imaging: [recommended]
  - patterns-desktop-imaging_opt: [recommended]
  - patterns-desktop-mobile: [recommended]
  - patterns-desktop-multimedia: [recommended]
  - patterns-desktop-multimedia_opt: [recommended]
  - patterns-desktop-technical_writing: [recommended]
  - patterns-office-office: [recommended]
  - gfbgraph-devel # libgfbgraph-0_2-0 pulled in by typelib-1_0-GFBGraph-0_2
  - gtkmm2-devel # libgtkmm-2_4-1 pulled by inkscape
  - kernel-default-extra # bsc#1066145, FIXME supportstatus
  - xf86-video-nouveau: [x86_64,aarch64] #  bsc#1067351
  - Mesa-dri-nouveau: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - Mesa-dri-vc4: [aarch64]
  - libXvMC_nouveau: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libvdpau_nouveau: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libXpm-tools
  - libGLEW2_1
  - glew-devel # libGLEW2_1
  - libgadu-devel # libgadu3 pulled by pidgin
  - libGLw1
  - libGLw-devel
  - libGLwM1
  - libotr-devel # libotr5 pulled by pidgin-plugin-otr
  - libraw-devel # libraw16 pulled by typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3
  - libredland-devel # needed to build libreoffice bsc#1084887
  - metis-devel # libmetis5 pulled by typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3
  - opencv-devel # libopencv3_3 pulled in by libxcam-devel
  - opencv3-devel # jsc#SLE-18248
  # FIXME: to be reviewed
  - OpenPrintingPPDs #  FATE#314630
  - OpenPrintingPPDs-ghostscript #  FATE#314630
  - OpenPrintingPPDs-hpijs #  FATE#314630
  - OpenPrintingPPDs-postscript #  FATE#314630
  - alsa-firmware #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - alsa-oss #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - csync #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libcsync-plugin-sftp
  - libcsync-plugin-smb
  - dia-lang
  - gutenprint #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gutenprint-devel
  - imobiledevice-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - inkscape # FATE#316805
  - inkscape-extensions-dia # FATE#316805
  - inkscape-extensions-extra # FATE#316805
  - inkscape-extensions-fig # FATE#316805
  - inkscape-extensions-gimp # FATE#316805
  - inkscape-lang
  - ipw-firmware # Initial package for SLE 15
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk: [locked]
  - java-1_8_0-ibm: [locked]
  - libiso9660-10 # Initial package for SLE 15
  - libntfs-3g-devel # bsc#1170835
  - ntfs-3g # Initial package for SLE 15
  - ntfsprogs # bsc#1087242
  - os-prober #  FATE#314630
  - pulseaudio-module-bluetooth #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pulseaudio-module-lirc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - suse-prime # bsc#1121246
  - lirc-devel # needed to build pulseaudio
#     suitesparse-devel #  libsuitesparseconfig-4_5_5 pulled in by typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3, but adding this brings openmpi v1 into basesystem...
  - yast2-scanner
  - libxcam-devel: [x86_64] # FATE#322989
  - libyami-devel: [x86_64] # FATE#322990
  - beignet-devel: [x86_64] # FATE#322991
  - icedtea-web # provides javaws

# generated list from solver by used source rpms
  - accountsservice-devel
  - appstream-glib-devel
  - at-spi2-atk-devel
  - atk-devel
  - atkmm1_6-devel
  - bluez-devel
  - brasero-devel
  - cairomm1_0-devel
  - cairo-devel
  - caribou-devel
  - cdparanoia-devel
  - ibus-devel
  - celt051-devel
  - cheese-devel
  - clutter-devel
  - clutter-gst-devel
  - clutter-gtk-devel
  - cogl-devel
  - dconf-devel
  - dotconf-devel
  - enca-devel
  - eog-devel
  - espeak-devel
  - espeak-ng-devel
  - espeak-ng-compat-devel
  - evince-devel
  - flatpak-devel
  - fltk-devel
  - freeglut-devel # libglut3 pulled in by texlive-collection-binextrle_desktop_devel_packages
  - gcab-devel
  - gconf2-devel
  - gdk-pixbuf-devel
  - gdm-devel
  - geoclue2-devel
  - geocode-glib-devel
  - glibmm2-devel # jsc#SLE-8244 jsc#SLE-8245
  - glibmm2_4-devel
  - glog-devel # libglog0 is pulled by ibus-rime
  - glu-devel
  - gmime-devel
  - gnome-autoar-devel
  - gnome-bluetooth-devel
  - gnome-control-center-devel
  - gnome-menus-devel
  - gnome-online-accounts-devel
  - gnome-settings-daemon-devel
  - gnome-shell-devel
  - gnome-software-devel
  - gnome-vfs2-devel
  - grilo-devel
  - gsl-devel # libgsl23 pulled by texlive-collection-binextra
  - gspell-devel
  - gstreamer-plugins-bad-devel
  - gstreamer-plugins-rs-devel # jsc#SLE-19966 and jsc#SLE-5511
  - gtk2-devel
  - gtk2-engines-devel
  - gtk3-devel
  - gtk3-devel-doc  # jsc#SLE-8245
  - gtk4-devel # jsc#SLE-18648
  - gtkmm3-devel
  - gtksourceview-devel
  - gtkspell3-devel
  - gvfs-devel
  - hyphen-devel
  - ilmbase-devel
  - ImageMagick-devel
  - libadwaita-devel # bsc#1198008
  - libart_lgpl-devel
  - libass-devel
  - libavahi-gobject-devel
  - libavutil-devel
  - libbluray-devel
  - libbonobo-devel
  - libbonobo-lang
  - libbonoboui-devel
  - libbonoboui-lang
  - libburn-devel
  - libcanberra-devel
  - libcanberra-gtk-devel
  - libcanberra-gtk3-devel
  - libcdio-devel
  - libcdio-paranoia-devel
  - libcelt-devel
  - libcolord-devel
  - libcolord-gtk-devel
  - libdc1394-devel
  - libdjvulibre-devel
  - libdv-devel
  - libdvbv5-devel
  - libexempi-devel
  - libexif-devel
  - libgck-devel
  - libgcr-devel
  - libgdata-devel
  - libgee-devel
  - libGeoIP-devel
  - libgjs-devel
  - libglade2-devel
  - libgme-devel
  - libgnome-desktop-3-devel
  - libgnome-devel
  - libgnome-lang
  - libgnome-keyring-devel
  - libgnomecanvas-devel
  - libgnomekbd-devel
  - libgnomekbd-lang
  - libgnomesu-devel
  - libgnomeui-devel
  - libgnomeui-lang
  - libgphoto2-devel
  - libgphoto2-6-lang
  - libgsm-devel
  - libgtop-devel
  - libgweather-devel
  - libgxps-devel
  - libgypsy-devel
  - libical-devel
  - libidl-devel
  - libimobiledevice-devel
  - libiptcdata-devel
  - libisoburn-devel
  - libisofs-devel
  - libjasper-devel
  - libjte-devel
  - liblilv-0-devel
  - liblouis-devel
  - liblqr-devel
  - liblrdf-devel
  - libmad-devel
  - libMagick++-devel
  - libmbim-devel
  - libmjpegutils-devel
  - libmms-devel
  - libmodplug-devel
  - libmp3lame-devel
  - libmpcdec-devel
  - libmtp-devel
  - libndp-devel
  - libnetpbm-devel
  - libnotify-devel
  - liboauth-devel
  - libofa-devel
  - libopenmpt-devel
  - libostree-devel
  - libotf-devel
  - libpackagekit-glib2-devel
  - libpeas-devel
  - libplist-devel
  - libplist++-devel
  - libpostproc-devel
  - libqmi-devel
  - libQt53DAnimation-devel
  - libQt53DCore-devel
  - libQt53DExtras-devel
  - libQt53DInput-devel
  - libQt53DLogic-devel
  - libQt53DQuick-devel
  - libQt53DQuickExtras-devel
  - libQt53DQuickInput-devel
  - libQt53DQuickRender-devel
  - libQt53DQuickScene2D-devel
  - libQt53DRender-devel
  - libQt5QuickControls2-devel
  - libQt5QuickTemplates2-devel
  - libQt5XdgIconLoader-devel
  - libqt5-linguist-devel
  - libqt5-qt3d-devel
  - libqt5-qt3d-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtconnectivity-devel
  - libqt5-qtconnectivity-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtconnectivity-tools
  - libqt5-qtimageformats-devel
  - libqt5-qtlocation-devel
  - libqt5-qtlocation-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel
  - libqt5-qtmultimedia-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtscript-devel
  - libqt5-qtscript-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtsensors-devel
  - libqt5-qtsensors-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtserialport-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtsvg-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qttools-devel
  - libqt5-qttools-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtwayland-devel
  - libqt5-qtwayland-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtwebchannel-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtwebsockets-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5xdg-devel
  - python3-qt5-devel
  - libquicktime-devel
  - libquvi-devel
  - libquvi-scripts-devel
  - libraptor-devel
  - libraw1394-devel
  - librest-devel
  - librsvg-devel
  - libSDL-devel
  - libSDL2-devel
  - libsecret-devel
  - libsigc++2-devel
  - libsmi-devel
  - libspectre-devel
  - libspeechd-devel
  - libsrtp-devel
  - libswresample-devel
  - libswscale-devel
  - libtag-devel
  - libthai-devel
  - libtheora-devel
  - libtwolame-devel
  - libupower-glib-devel
  - libusbmuxd-devel
  - libv4l-devel
  - libva-devel
  - libvdehist-devel
  - libvdemgmt-devel
  - libvdeplug-devel
  - libvdesnmp-devel
  - libvdpau-devel
  - libvisual-devel
  - libvpx-devel
  - libwebp-devel
  - libwebrtc_audio_processing-devel
  - libwnck-devel
  - libXaw3d-devel
  - libxklavier-devel
  - libXvnc-devel
  - libyui-qt-devel
  - libyui-qt-pkg-devel
  - linux-atm-devel
  - lua51-devel
  - m17n-lib-devel
  - ModemManager-devel
  - motif-devel
  - MozillaFirefox-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64]
  - mozjs60-devel
  - mpg123-devel
  - mutter-devel
  - nautilus-devel
  - newt-devel
  - nss-shared-helper-devel
  - openal-soft-devel
  - openexr-devel
  - openjpeg-devel
  - orbit2-devel
  - PackageKit-devel
  - pango-devel
  - pangomm1_4-devel
  - portaudio-devel
  - ppp-devel
  - python-cairo-common-devel
  - python3-cairo-devel
  - sane-backends-devel
  - sbc-devel
  - schroedinger-devel
  - slang-devel
  - soundtouch-devel
  - soxr-devel
  - spandsp-devel
  - startup-notification-devel
  - telepathy-glib-devel
  - telepathy-logger-devel
  - tk-devel
  - totem-pl-parser-devel
  - tracker-devel
  - vte-devel
  - wavpack-devel
  - webkit2gtk3-devel
  - wireshark-devel
  - xf86-input-wacom-devel: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le]
  - yelp-devel

# Defines the various groups containing the stuff that should be provided
# 	Owner:               Project Managers
# Currently existing groups:
# * java_base
#   java tools, as well as headless java; no dependency on Desktop stuff
# * java
#   Java Runtime packages, requiring Desktop libraries (audio, etc)
# * java_ibm
#   Java Runtime packages from IBM

  - java-11-openjdk-headless # jsc#SLE-18742
  - java-17-openjdk-headless # jsc#SLE-18742

  - apache-commons-collections # needed by tomcat8 and maven (jsc#SLE-8786)
  - apache-commons-io # needed by tomcat8 and maven (jsc#SLE-8786)
  - apache-commons-lang # needed by tomcat8 and maven (jsc#SLE-8786)
  - bcel #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cglib # needed by tomcat8 and maven (jsc#SLE-8786)
  - ecj # needed by tomcat8 and maven (jsc#SLE-8786)
  - java-11-openjdk #  jsc#SLE-18742
  - java-11-openjdk-demo #  jsc#SLE-18742
  - java-17-openjdk #  jsc#SLE-18742
  - java-17-openjdk-demo #  jsc#SLE-18742
  - log4j # jsc#SLE-23440
  - log4j-javadoc # jsc#SLE-23440
  - log4j-jcl # jsc#SLE-23440
  - log4j-slf4j # jsc#SLE-23440
  - log4j12 # Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE1
  - mx4j # Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - oro # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120742
  - rhino # Inherited from SDK12, dependency of jython, icedtea-web and maven (jsc#SLE-8786)
  - saxon9 # jakarta-commons-modeler and others require saxon
  - servletapi5 # Required by jakarta-commons-fileupload, jython
  - setools-java #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - timezone-java # Inherited from CODE 12

  - java-10-openjdk-headless: [locked]
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless: [locked]

  - java-1_8_0-ibm: [x86_64,s390x,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15, TBD version
  - java-1_8_0-ibm-alsa: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15,FATE#317988
  - java-1_8_0-ibm-plugin: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15,FATE#317988
  - java-1_8_0-ibm-devel: [x86_64,s390x,ppc64le] # Reason: FATE#317988

# Contains packages that fall under a "development tool" characteristics
#   	Owner: TBD
# 	Potential candidates for adding: trace-cmd, blktrace
# 	Currently existing groups:
# 	* sle_devtools:
# 	  Development tools
# 	* sle_devtools_java:
# 	  Java Development tools
# 	* sle_devtools_java_extra:
# 	  Java Development tools Extra plugins
# 	* sle_tracing:
# 	  Tools for tracing and performance

  # gcc11 MU#21075
  - cpp11 # MU#21075
  - cross-nvptx-gcc11: [x86_64,aarch64] # MU#21075
  - cross-nvptx-newlib11-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] # MU#21075
  - gcc11 # MU#21075
  - gcc11-ada # MU#21075
  - gcc11-c++ # MU#21075
  - gcc11-fortran # MU#21075
  - gcc11-go # MU#21075
  - gcc11-info # MU#21075
  - gcc11-locale # MU#21075
  - gcc11-PIE # bsc#1195628
  - nvptx-tools: [x86_64,aarch64] # MU#16622 / jsc#ECO-2373
  # endgcc11 MU#21075
  - typelib-1_0-Ggit-1_0
  - typelib-1_0-Gladeui-2_0
  - typelib-1_0-Jsonrpc-1.0
  - patterns-devel-base-devel_basis: [recommended]
  - patterns-devel-base-devel_kernel: [recommended]
  - patterns-yast-devel_yast: [recommended]
  - apache-pdfbox # Inherited from SDK12, FATE#322405
  - autoconf-archive # Inherited from SDK12
  - autoconf #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - autogen #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - automake #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bcc-devel # FATE#322227, bsc#1068139
  - bcc-docs # FATE#322227, bsc#1068139
  - bcc-examples # FATE#322227, bsc#1068139
  - bcc-tools # FATE#322227, bsc#1068139
  - bdfresize # Inherited from SDK12
  - bin86: [x86_64] # Inherited from SDK12
  - bison #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - blktrace #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bonnie # bsc#1060907
  - bpftrace # jsc#SLE-13290
  - bpftrace-tools # jsc#SLE-13290
  - brp-check-suse # bsc#1066022
  - brp-extract-appdata # from SDK12, bsc#1067645
  - bsdtar # bsc#1080582
  - build # bsc#1066022
  - build-compare # from SDK 12, bsc#1067645
  - ca-certificates-mozilla-prebuilt # MU#21394
  - cabextract #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - cal10n #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - cargo # bsc#1075414
  - cargo1.43 # MU#20466
  - cargo1.43-doc: [aarch64,x86_64] # MU#20466
  - cargo1.58 # MU#23186
  - cargo1.59 # MU#23186
  - ccache #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - check-devel # Inherited from CODE12
  - chrpath #  bsc# 1070297, Inherited from SDK 12, was then a PM wish due to backport projects
  - clang7-checker
  - cmake #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - coccinelle # jsc#SLE-12597
  - compface-devel
  - compface # Inherited from SDK12
  - cppunit-devel # bsc#1084887
  - cppunit-devel-doc # bsc#1084887
  - crash-devel
  - crash #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - crash-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] # jsc#SLE-15406
  - crash-kmp-default #  required for live system debugging (FATE#315172)
  - cross-nvptx-gcc7: [x86_64] # bsc#1084311#c6
  - cross-nvptx-newlib7-devel: [x86_64] # bsc#1084311#c6
  - cscope # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1080855
  - ctags #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cunit-devel # Needed for ceph, bsc#1078769
  - cunit-doc # Needed for ceph, bsc#1078769
  - cups-ddk # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#982212
  - cvs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - dejagnu # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1056771
  - dev86: [x86_64] # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1082046
  - devhelp-devel #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - devhelp #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - devhelp-lang # Inherited from SDK 12
  - docbook2x # inherited from SDK 12, bsc#1084950
  - docbook-utils # needed to rebuild GNOME
  - doxygen # recommended for yast dev
  - dpkg-devel # Devel package for update-alternatives
  - dracut-kiwi-lib #  bsc#1082571
  - dracut-kiwi-live #  bsc#1082571
  - dracut-kiwi-oem-dump #  bsc#1082571
  - dracut-kiwi-oem-repart #  bsc#1082571
  - dracut-kiwi-overlay #  bsc#1082571
  - dtc # jsc#SLE-11052
  - emacs-plugin-devhelp
  - evtest # Initial package for SLE 15, required for certification, bsc#1080224
  - fabtests # Initial package for SLE 15, requested by maintainer
  - FastCGI-devel # Inherited from SDK12, dependency: perl-FastCGI, FATE#321403
  - FastCGI # Inherited from SDK12, dependency of  perl_extended:perl-FastCGI
  - firewall-macros # Initial package for SLE 15
  - flatpak-builder # FATE#322986
  - gcc7-ada #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1070542
  - gcc7-c++ #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc7-info #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc7 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc7-locale #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc-ada #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1070542
  - gcc-c++ #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc-info #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gcc-locale #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gccmakedep # Inherited from SDK12
  - gcc-objc # Inherited from SDK 12
  - gcc-PIE #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gdb #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gdbserver # Inherited from SDK12 [bsc#1077470]
  - gedit-plugin-devhelp # Initial package for SLE 15
  - gettext-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - git-arch #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git-core #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - git-cvs #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git-daemon #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git-doc  # Reason: fate#322294, bsc#977477
  - git-email #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git-gui #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1056771
  - gitk #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git-svn #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - git-web #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - glade
  - glade-catalog-evolution: [locked] # devel package for evolution when used with glade, prevent overlap
  - glade-catalog-gtksourceview
  - glade-catalog-libpeas
  - glade-docs # glade update for jsc#SLE-18648 split out glade-docs from glade
  - glade-lang
  - glibc-devel-static # Inherited from SDK 12, bsc#1068189
  - glibc-utils # Initial package for SLE 15
  - glm-devel # bsc#1084887
  - gnome-builder # Inherited from SDK 12, bsc#1057363
  - gnome-builder-lang  # Reason: FATE#319349
  - gnu-efi: [x86_64,aarch64] # Inherited from SDK12
  - go1.17 # MU#21306
  - go1.17-doc # MU#21306
  - go1.17-race # MU#21306
  - go1.18 # MU#22754
  - go1.18-doc # MU#22754
  - go1.18-race # MU#22754
  - gperf #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - gperftools-devel # Reason: FATE#318348, bsc#1078769
  - gperftools #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gts-devel
  - guile-devel #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - guile #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - help2man # moved from sdk12
  - icu4j  # Inherited from SDK12,  bsc#1032102
  - indent #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1056771
  - intel-gpu-tools: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - intel-opencl-devel: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-18964
  - intel-opencl: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-18964
  - intltool # Inherited from SDK12
  - itstool # Inherited from SDK12
  - jemalloc # fate#323344
  - jeos-firstboot # bsc#1101375
  - jeos-licenses # bsc#1101375
  - jing
  - kernel-docs # Inherited from SDK12
  - kernel-install-tools: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]
  - kernel-macros #  Initial package for SLE 15; TBD: more basic group?
  - kernel-obs-build # from SDK 12, bsc#1067645
  - kernelshark #  Inherited from CODE12
  - kernel-source #  Initial package for SLE 15; TBD: more basic group?
  - kernel-syms #  Initial package for SLE 15; TBD: more basic group?
  - kiwi-boot-descriptions # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#319678, bsc#1082571
  - kiwi-man-pages # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#319678, bsc#1082571
  - kiwi-pxeboot # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#872778, bsc#1082571
  - kiwi-pxeboot: [x86_64] #  bsc#1082571
  - kiwi-systemdeps # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-bootloaders # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-containers # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-core # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-disk-images # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-filesystems # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-image-validation # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-systemdeps-iso-media # bsc#1185228
  - kiwi-templates-Minimal # SR#264103
  - kiwi-tools # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1082571
  - latex2html # latex2html-pngicons is added by nfs-doc in basesystem, but we don't want latex in basesystem
  - libappindicator3-devel # jsc#SLE-11797 / jsc#SLE-11845
  - libcbor-devel # FATE#323337 build require
  - libbcc0 # FATE#322227, bsc#1068139
  - libcunit1 # Needed for ceph, bsc#1078769
  - libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel # jsc#SLE-11797 / jsc#SLE-11845
  - libfdt1 # FATE#321939, bsc#1072399
  - libgit2-devel # libgit2-26 pulled by typelib-1_0-Ggit-1_0
  - libgladeui-2-devel # libgladeui-2-6 pulled by typelib-1_0-Gladeui-2_0
  - libgpiodcxx1 # jsc#SLE-7312
  - libgpiod-devel # jsc#SLE-7312
  - libiterm-devel
  - liblapacke3 # Inherited from SDK 12
  - libopamgt0: [x86_64] # bsc#1076593
  - libopamgt-devel: [x86_64] # bsc#1083499
  - libopenssl-1_1-devel
  - libpapi: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]  # pulled in in SP0 by papi, now separate
  - libpcp-devel
  - libpcp_import1: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]  # pulled in in SP0 by pcp, now separate
  - libpcp_mmv1: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]  # pulled in in SP0 by pcp, now separate
  - libpfm-devel-static # bsc#1070297
  - libpsm2-compat: [x86_64] # bsc#1076593
  - libqt5-linguist
  - libqt5-qtdoc
  - libqt5-qtdoc-html
  - libqt5-qtdoc-qch
  - libqt5-qttools
  - libstorage-ng-utils # bsc#1123885
  - libtdsodbc0 # jsc#SLE-16059
  - libtidy-devel # libtidy5 is pulled in by docbook2x
  - libtidyp-devel # libtidyp-1_04-0 is pulled in by perl-HTML-Tidy
  - liburing-devel # jsc#SLE-7494
  - liburing1 # jsc#SLE-7494
  - liburing2 # jsc#SLE-7242
  - liburing2-devel # jsc#SLE-7242
  - libvala-0_38-devel # libvala-0_38-0 pulled by gnome-builder-plugin-vala-pack
  - libyui-ncurses-rest-api-devel # bsc#1139747
  - libyui-qt-rest-api-devel # bsc#1139747
  - libyui-rest-api-devel # bsc#1132247
  - libzdnn-devel: [s390x] # jsc#SLE-21645
  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-development-tools # bsc#1158385
  - linuxrc # bsc#1185501
  - log4j12-manual # Inherited from SDK 12
  - ltrace #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - lttng-modules: [x86_64] # MU#18435
  - lttng-modules-kmp-default: [x86_64] # FATE#315704, bsc#1055683
  - lttng-tools: [x86_64] # FATE#315704, bsc#1055683
  - lttng-tools-devel: [x86_64] # FATE#315704, bsc#1055683, bsc#1172662
  - lttng-ust-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#315704, bsc#1055683; lttng-ust-devel, pulling liblttng-ust0 and liblttng-ust-ctl4 in, is already among -devel files
  - make #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - meld # FATE#318492
  - meld-lang # FATE#318492
  - meson # needed by GNOME
  - mksusecd # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1072720
  - Modules # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1079446
  - nasm # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1083425
  - OpenCSD # jsc#SLE-13692
  - OpenCSD-devel # jsc#SLE-13692
  - OpenCSD-doc # jsc#SLE-13692
  - ocaml-compiler-libs-devel
  - ocaml-findlib # bsc#1170150
  - ocaml-findlib-devel # bsc#1170150
  - ocaml-hivex-devel
  - ocaml-libguestfs-devel
  - ocaml-ocamldoc # bsc#1102971
  - ocaml-rpm-macros  # Reason: bsc#955187
  - oprofile-devel
  - oprofile #  Inherited from SDK12,FATE#322257
  - osc #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - papi: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]  #  Inherited from CODE12
  - papi-devel: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1181191
  - patchutils #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pcp-devel
  - pcp-doc
  - pcp # FATE#324450
  - pcp-import-iostat2pcp # FATE#324450
  - pcp-import-mrtg2pcp # FATE#324450
  - pcp-import-sar2pcp # FATE#324450
  - pcp-pmda-perfevent: [ppc64le] # bnc#1124645
  - pcp-system-tools # bsc#1127977
  - perf # bsc#1064367
  - perf-devel # jsc#SLE-17360
  - perftest # bsc#867997, bsc#1068194
  - perl-PCP-LogImport # FATE#324450
  - perl-PCP-PMDA # FATE#324450
  - perl-YAML # needed for GNOME rebuild
  - policycoreutils-devel # bsc#1167843
  - post-build-checks # from SDK 12, bsc#1067645
  - powertop # Reason: jsc#SLE-7939
  - powertop-lang # Reason: jsc#SLE-7939
  - protobuf-devel # Reason: FATE#320088
  - python3-bcc # FATE#322227, bsc#1068139
  - python3-breathe # FATE#323337 building
  - python3-capng # jsc#SLE-13272
  - python3-coverage # bsc#1085744, ceph build requirement
  - python3-gpiod # jsc#SLE-7312
  - python3-kiwi # bsc#1082571#c6
  - python3-nose # buildrequires for some packages in OBS
  - python3-pluggy # bsc#1085744, ceph build requirement
  - python3-progressbar # jsc#SLE-4806
  - python3-pyfakefs # FATE#323337 building
  - python3-python-prctl # jsc#SLE-13272
  - python3-Sphinx # bsc#1078769, ceph build requirement
  - python3-tools # bsc#1080799
  - python3-tox # bsc#1085744, ceph build requirement
  - python3-ujson # FATE#323337 building
  - python3-virtualenv # bsc#1085744, ceph build requirement
  - qclib-devel: [s390x] # Reason: FATE#319342
  - qclib-devel-static: [s390x] # Reason: FATE#319342
  - qclib: [s390x] #  Inherited from SDK 12, FATE#319342
  - quilt #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - rcs #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#940665
  - relaxngDatatype # bsc#1075103
  - rls # introduced by maint.update
  - rls1.43: [aarch64,x86_64] # MU#20466
  - rpcsvc-proto-devel # Initial package for SLE 15
  - rpm-build # bsc#1066022
  - rpmlint-Factory # from SDK 12, bsc#1067645
  - rpmlint #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - rpmlint-mini #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-asciidoctor # Initial packagage for SLE 15
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-parallel # new for SP1, buildrequires for libstorage-ng
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-parallel_tests # new for SP1, buildrequires for libstorage-ng
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec # bsc#1082535
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-core # bsc#1082535
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-expectations # bsc#1082535
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-mocks # bsc#108253
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-support # bsc#1082535
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-yast-rake # formerly rubygem-yast-rake, bsc#1066885, bsc#1082535
  - rust-analysis # introduced by maint.update
  - rust1.43-analysis: [aarch64,x86_64] # MU#20466
  - rust1.43-doc: [aarch64,x86_64] # MU#20466
  - rust1.43-gdb # MU#20466
  - rust1.43-src # MU#20466
  - rust1.58 # MU#23186
  - rust1.59 # MU#23186
  - rustup # jsc#SLE-22290
  - saxon9-scripts # Required by jing
  - sccache # jsc#SLE-22290
  - strace #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - subversion-bash-completion #  complete subversion
  - subversion-python #  complete subversion
  - subversion-tools #  complete subversion
  - swig #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1059042
  - sysprof-devel # sysprof is pulled in by gnome-builder jsc#SLE-18648
  - systemtap-docs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - systemtap-headers # bsc#1084698
  - systemtap #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - systemtap-sdt-devel # bsc#1084686
  - systemtap-server # Inherited from CODE12
  - sysuser-tools # bsc#1170398
  - texinfo # Inherited from SDK 12, bsc#1068879
  - trace-cmd #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - ucpp # Inherited from SDK12, Reason: bsc#982212
  - update-desktop-files # needed to build libreoffice bsc#1084887 bsc#1092764
  - vala # jsc#SLE-18648
  - valgrind-devel #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - valgrind #  Inherited from SDK 12
  - vim-plugin-devhelp #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xmlto # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1072364
  - xorg-x11-server-sdk # Inherited from SDK12
  - yasm-devel
  - yasm # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#1078769
  - yast2-widget-demo # bsc#1186426

  # libsolv bindings
  - perl-solv
  - python3-solv
  - ruby-solv

  - ant-antlr # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-commons-logging # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-contrib # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ant-javamail # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-jdepend # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-jmf # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-junit # Inherited from SDK12
  - antlr # Inherited from SDK12
  - antlr-devel
  - antlr-manual
  - antlr-java # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-manual # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-scripts # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-swing # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-apache-bcel # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-apache-bsf # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-apache-log4j # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-apache-oro # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-apache-regexp # Inherited from SDK12
  - ant-apache-resolver # Inherited from SDK12
  - objectweb-asm # jsc#SLE-8786
  - bsf # Inherited from SDK12
  - bsh2 # Inherited from SDK12
  - bsh2-classgen # Inherited from SDK12
  - gradle-local # jsc#SLE-8786
  - ivy-local # jsc#SLE-8786
  - jaxen # Inherited from SDK12
  - jdepend # Inherited from SDK12
  - jdom # Inherited from SDK12
  - jlex # Inherited from SDK12
  - jtidy # Inherited from SDK12
  - junit # Inherited from SDK12
  - junitperf # Inherited from SDK12
  - jython #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - maven # bsc#1184022
  - maven-local # jsc#SLE-8786
  - xmvn # jsc#SLE-8786
  - xmvn-subst # jsc#SLE-8786

  - plexus-component-metadata # jsc#SLE-8786
  - xmvn-bisect # jsc#SLE-8786

# Packages that fall under "dictionaries"
# Will be combined with other groups to a repo, separated for
# readability.
# 	Owner: ???

  - aspell # jsc#SLE-11655
  - hunspell #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hunspell-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15

# Defines the various documentation groups
# 	Owner: Documentation
# Currently existing groups:
# * documentation_minimal:
#   Very minimal set

  - apparmor-docs # Initial package for SLE 15, Inherited from SLE 12
  - man-pages-posix #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - man-pages #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1079085
  - nfs-doc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam-doc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sles-manuals_en #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - zziplib-devel # libzzip-0-13 pulled in by latex2html

# Contains everything part of the icewm group
# 	Owner: SLED Release Manager, Desktop Project Manager
# * desktop_icewm
#   contains the icewm desktop, part of a desktop applications module
  - icewm-default # Initial package for SLE 15
  - icewm-lang # recommended by icewm
  - icewm-lite # Initial package for SLE 15
  - icewm-theme-branding # Initial package for SLE 15
  - polkit-gnome #  needed when not running under GNOME
  - polkit-gnome-lang # recommended by polkit-gnome
  - xscreensaver-data # FATE#323630
  - xscreensaver # FATE#323630
  - xscreensaver-lang # FATE#323630

# Contains all fonts.
# 	Owner: Project Managers
# Needs to be splitted into "used by LeanOs for EULA" and rest:
#    "Overall download size: 307.2 MiB. ... After the operation, additional
#   867.7 MiB will be used."
# Currently existing groups:
# * fonts_initrd
#   Contains the fonts that need to go on LeanOS as the
#   installation system will load them if needed (EULAs etc)
# * fonts
#   all other fonts

  - arphic-uming-fonts # inherited from CODE 12, FATE#315354
  - ipa-gothic-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - un-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12

  - patterns-fonts-fonts: [recommended]
  # fonts that were part of CODE12
  - adobe-sourcecodepro-fonts # jsc#SLE-8245
  - alee-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - arabic-ae-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arabic-amiri-fonts # inherited from CODE 12, FATE#315354
  - arabic-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arabic-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arabic-kacst-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arabic-kacstone-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arabic-naqsh-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arphic-bkai00mp-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arphic-bsmi00lp-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arphic-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arphic-gbsn00lp-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arphic-gkai00mp-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - arphic-ukai-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - baekmuk-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - baekmuk-ttf-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - cantarell-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - cm-unicode-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - dejavu-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - ghostscript-fonts-other #   inherited from CODE 12
  - ghostscript-fonts-std #   inherited from CODE 12
  - ghostscript-fonts-std-converted # bsc#1169444
  - ghostscript-fonts
  - gnu-free-fonts
  - gnu-unifont-legacy-bitmap-fonts
  # TBD:  What about ghostscript-fonts-grops ?
  - google-caladea-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#305249
  - google-carlito-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#305249
  - google-droid-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,bnc#865384
  - google-noto-fonts-doc # inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - google-opensans-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#315354
  - google-poppins-fonts # needed for jsc#SLE-17350 and jsc#SLE-14772
  - google-roboto-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - indic-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - pothana2000-fonts # recommended by indic-fonts
  - intlfonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-arabic-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-asian-bitmap-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-bdf-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-chinese-big-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-chinese-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-ethiopic-bitmap-fonts
  - intlfonts-japanese-big-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-japanese-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-phonetic-bitmap-fonts
  - intlfonts-ttf-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - intlfonts-type1-fonts
  - ipa-ex-gothic-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,bnc#865384
  - ipa-ex-mincho-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,bnc#865384
  - ipa-mincho-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - ipa-pgothic-fonts # inherited from CODE 12,FATE#315354
  - ipa-pmincho-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#315354
  - khmeros-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - lato-fonts # jsc#SLE-8786
  - liberation-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  - lklug-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12,bnc#878292
  - mgopen-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - nanum-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#315354
  - nanum-gothic-coding-fonts # recommended by nanum-fonts
  - noto-coloremoji-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-kufiarabic-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-mono-fonts
  - noto-naskharabic-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-naskharabic-ui-fonts
  - noto-nastaliqurdu-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-arabic-fonts
  - noto-sans-arabic-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-armenian-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-bamum-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-bengali-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-bengali-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-display-fonts
  - noto-sans-cjk-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-devanagari-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-ethiopic-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-georgian-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-gujarati-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-gujarati-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-hebrew-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-jp-black-fonts
  - noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts
  - noto-sans-jp-fonts-full
  - noto-sans-jp-light-fonts
  - noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts
  - noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts
  - noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts
  - noto-sans-kannada-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-kannada-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-kayahli-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-khmer-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-khmer-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-kr-black-fonts
  - noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts
  - noto-sans-kr-fonts-full
  - noto-sans-kr-light-fonts
  - noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts
  - noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts
  - noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts
  - noto-sans-lao-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-lao-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-lepcha-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-lisu-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-malayalam-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-malayalam-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-mongolian-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-mono-fonts
  - noto-sans-myanmar-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-myanmar-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-newtailue-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-nko-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-oriya-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-oriya-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-saurashtra-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-sc-black-fonts
  - noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts
  - noto-sans-sc-fonts-full
  - noto-sans-sc-light-fonts
  - noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts
  - noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts
  - noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts
  - noto-sans-sinhala-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-sinhala-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-symbols-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-symbols2-fonts
  - noto-sans-syriaceastern-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-syriacestrangela-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-syriacwestern-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-taitham-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-taiviet-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-tamil-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-tamil-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-tc-black-fonts
  - noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts
  - noto-sans-tc-fonts-full
  - noto-sans-tc-light-fonts
  - noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts
  - noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts
  - noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts
  - noto-sans-telugu-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-telugu-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-thaana-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-thai-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-thai-ui-fonts
  - noto-sans-tibetan-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-tifinagh-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-vai-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-sans-yi-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-serif-armenian-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-serif-bengali-fonts
  - noto-serif-devanagari-fonts
  - noto-serif-display-fonts
  - noto-serif-ethiopic-fonts
  - noto-serif-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-serif-georgian-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-serif-gujarati-fonts
  - noto-serif-hebrew-fonts
  - noto-serif-jp-black-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-bold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-extralight-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-fonts-full # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-light-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-medium-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-regular-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-jp-semibold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kannada-fonts
  - noto-serif-khmer-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-serif-kr-black-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-bold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-extralight-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-fonts-full # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-light-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-medium-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-regular-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-kr-semibold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-lao-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - noto-serif-malayalam-fonts
  - noto-serif-myanmar-fonts
  - noto-serif-sc-black-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-bold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-extralight-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-fonts-full # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-light-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-medium-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-regular-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sc-semibold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-sinhala-fonts
  - noto-serif-tamil-fonts
  - noto-serif-tc-black-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-bold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-extralight-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-fonts-full # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-light-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-medium-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-regular-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-tc-semibold-fonts # jsc#SLE-12252
  - noto-serif-telugu-fonts
  - noto-serif-thai-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#320329
  - raleway-fonts
  - sazanami-fonts

  - sgi-bitmap-fonts #  inherited from CODE 12
  - sil-charis-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#315354
  - thai-fonts # FIXME: Part of SLE 12, but not in Factory
  - wqy-microhei-fonts  #  inherited from CODE 12,FATE#315354
  - x11-japanese-bitmap-fonts #   inherited from CODE 12
  # FIXME to be reviewed
  - intlfonts-euro-bitmap-fonts
  - efont-unicode-bitmap-fonts

# Contains stuff that we have for migration purposes. Running out
# of support soon, not encouraged to be used any more, "outdated".
# Owner: TBD
  - apache2-mod_php7 # Initial package for SLE 15
  - libpsm2-compat: [locked]
  - bridge-utils #  FATE#323639
  - bridge-utils-devel
  - compartm #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - convmv #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-crammd5 # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-digestmd5 # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-gs2 # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-gssapi # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-ntlm # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-otp # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-plain # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-scram # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-bdb # jsc#SLE-12191
  - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop-bdb # jsc#SLE-12191
  - dmraid # FATE#323743
  - dmraid-devel # FATE#323743
  - gv #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - clang5-checker # FATE#325696
  - clang5-devel # FATE#325696
  - iptables-nft # FATE#320520
  - libboost_locale_legacy # jsc#ECO-3147
  - libboost_numpy-py3-1_66_0 # bsc#1092361
  - libboost_numpy-py3-1_66_0-devel # bsc#1092361  # requires liboost_mpi1_66_0
  - libboost_regex_legacy # jsc#ECO-3147
  - libcap1-32bit: [x86_64] # FATE#324560
  - libcap1 # FATE#324560
  - libcgroup-devel # bsc#1167584
  - libcgroup-tools # bsc#1167584
  - libcgroup1 # bsc#1167584
  - libcgroup1-32bit # bsc#1167584
  - libldap-legacy # bsc#1095816
  - libLLVM5-32bit # FATE#325696
  - libLLVM5 # FATE#325696
  - libLTO5 # FATE#325696
  - libncurses5-32bit: [x86_64] # bsc#1078570
  - libncurses5 # bsc #1078570
  - libomp5-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le]
  - libopeniscsiusr0_1_0 # replaced by libopeniscsiusr0_2_0 in SP1, might be dropped?
  - llvm5-devel # FATE#325696
  - ncurses5-devel # bsc#1078570
  - netconsole-tools #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - ntp #  Inherited from SLE 12, replaced with crony [FATE#323411]
  - net-tools-deprecated # bsc#1059067
  - opa-fmgui # jsc#SLE-22354
  - openmpi-libs #    inherited from CODE 12, FATE#323413
  - openmpi #    inherited from CODE 12, FATE#316373, FATE#323413
  - openmpi-config # Inherited from CODE 12   FATE#321711, FATE#323413
  - openmpi-devel # Inherited from CODE 12, FATE#323413
  - pam-modules #  FATE#323456
  - pam-modules-32bit: [x86_64] #  FATE#323456, bsc#1079081
  - postfix-bdb # jsc#SLE-12191
  - postfix-bdb-lmdb # jsc#SLE-12191
  - postgresql13-contrib # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-devel # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-docs # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-pgagent # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-plperl # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-plpython # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-pltcl # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-server # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-server-devel # jsc#SLE-20673
  - postgresql13-llvmjit-devel
  - python3-urlgrabber # SR#257208
  - reiserfs-kmp-default # FATE#323394
  - system-group-obsolete #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - talk-server #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - talk #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - telnet-server #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - tunctl # bsc#1089471
  - vlan #  bsc#1071287, bsc#1089471
  - yudit #  Inherited from SLE 12

  # not strictly legacy, but I fear we need to provide Java 8
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-demo #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel

  - libopenssl10 # bsc#1175429
  - libopenssl-1_0_0-devel

  # requires openmpi
  - fftw3-mpi-devel: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le]

# Defines perl modules that should be in base system
  - perl-Bit-Vector
  - perl-Carp-Clan
  - perl-Date-Calc
  - perl-DateTime
  - perl-DBD-mysql
  - perl-DBD-SQLite
  - perl-JSON
  - perl-libintl-perl
  - perl-LWP-Protocol-https
  - perl-Params-Validate # SUMA-4.0 bsc#1120744
  - perl-String-ShellQuote
  - perl-Sub-Name
  - perl-Sub-Uplevel
  - perl-Test-Exception
  - perl-Win-Hivex
  - perl-XML-XPath
  - perl-Mail-SPF
  - perl-Encode-Detect # spamassassin
  - perl-Sys-Virt # virtualization
  - perl-core-DB_File # jsc#SLE-12212
# perl modules from sle_module_desktop_applications:
  - perl-Business-ISBN
  - perl-Business-ISBN-Data
  - perl-Business-ISMN
  - perl-Business-ISSN
  - perl-Class-Accessor
  - perl-Class-Factory-Util
  - perl-Crypt-RC4
  - perl-Data-Compare
  - perl-Data-Dump
  - perl-Data-Uniqid
  - perl-Date-Simple
  - perl-DateTime-Calendar-Julian
  - perl-DateTime-Format-Builder
  - perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime
  - perl-Digest-Perl-MD5
  - perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII
  - perl-Encode-HanExtra
  - perl-Encode-JIS2K
  - perl-Exporter-Tiny
  - perl-File-Copy-Recursive
  - perl-File-Find-Rule
  - perl-File-HomeDir
  - perl-File-Path
  - perl-File-Slurp
  - perl-File-Which
  - perl-Font-AFM
  - perl-HTML-Form
  - perl-HTML-Format
  - perl-HTML-Tree
  - perl-HTTP-Server-Simple
  - perl-IPC-Run3
  - perl-IPC-System-Simple
  - perl-List-AllUtils
  - perl-List-MoreUtils
  - perl-List-MoreUtils-XS
  - perl-List-SomeUtils
  - perl-List-SomeUtils-XS
  - perl-List-UtilsBy
  - perl-Log-Log4perl
  - perl-MIME-Charset
  - perl-Number-Compare
  - perl-OLE-Storage_Lite
  - perl-Package-DeprecationManager
  - perl-Params-Util
  - perl-Regexp-Common
  - perl-Sort-Key
  - perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
  - perl-Sub-Install
  - perl-Test-Warn
  - perl-Text-BibTeX
  - perl-Text-BibTeX-devel
  - perl-Text-CSV
  - perl-Text-Glob
  - perl-Text-Roman
  - perl-Tie-Cycle
  - perl-Tk
  - perl-Unicode-LineBreak
  - perl-WWW-Mechanize
  - perl-XML-LibXML-Simple
  - perl-XML-LibXSLT
  - perl-YAML-Tiny
  - perl-autovivification
  - perl-biber

# perl modules in development tools
  - perl-Algorithm-Diff
  - perl-Alien-Tidyp
  - perl-apparmor
  - perl-Archive-Extract
  - perl-Archive-Zip
  - perl-BerkeleyDB
  - perl-Bootloader-YAML
  - perl-BSD-Resource
  - perl-Capture-Tiny
  - perl-Class-Factory-Util
  - perl-Class-MethodMaker
  - perl-Class-Tiny
  - perl-Config-AutoConf
  - perl-Config-IniFiles
  - perl-Convert-BinHex
  - perl-Convert-TNEF
  - perl-Convert-UUlib
  - perl-CPAN-Meta-Check
  - perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements
  - perl-Crypt-DES
  - perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random
  - perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA
  - perl-Crypt-Rijndael
  - perl-Crypt-SSLeay
  - perl-Date-Manip
  - perl-DateTime-Format-Builder
  - perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime
  - perl-DBD-Pg
  - perl-Devel-CheckBin
  - perl-Devel-CheckLib
  - perl-Devel-Cover
  - perl-Digest-HMAC
  - perl-DNS-LDNS
  - perl-Error
  - perl-Expect
  - perl-ExtUtils-Config
  - perl-ExtUtils-Helpers
  - perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths
  - perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder
  - perl-FastCGI
  - perl-File-Path
  - perl-File-ShareDir-Install
  - perl-File-Slurp-Tiny
  - perl-File-Slurp-Unicode
  - perl-File-Temp
  - perl-File-Which
  - perl-Font-AFM
  - perl-Geography-Countries
  - perl-HTML-Format
  - perl-HTML-Tidy
  - perl-HTML-Tree
  - perl-Importer
  - perl-IO-CaptureOutput
  - perl-IO-String
  - perl-IO-stringy
  - perl-IP-Country
  - perl-libxml-perl
  - perl-Lingua-Translit
  - perl-Linux-Pid
  - perl-Mail-DKIM
  - perl-Mail-SpamAssassin
  - perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-iXhash2
  - perl-MailTools
  - perl-MIME-tools
  - perl-Mock-Config
  - perl-Module-Build
  - perl-Module-Build-Tiny
  - perl-Module-Find
  - perl-Module-Load-Conditional
  - perl-Module-Pluggable
  - perl-NetAddr-IP
  - perl-Net-CIDR-Lite
  - perl-Net-DNS
  - perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable
  - perl-Net-Ident
  - perl-Net-LibIDN
  - perl-Net-Libproxy
  - perl-Net-Oping
  - perl-Net-Patricia
  - perl-Net-Server
  - perl-Net-SNMP
  - perl-Package-DeprecationManager
  - perl-Params-Util
  - perl-Path-Class
  - perl-Path-Tiny
  - perl-PCP-LogSummary
  - perl-PCP-MMV
  - perl-PerlMagick
  - perl-Pod-Usage
  - perl-Readonly
  - perl-Readonly-XS
  - perl-RPC-XML
  - perl-Scalar-List-Utils
  - perl-Scope-Guard
  - perl-SGMLS
  - perl-Spiffy
  - perl-Sub-Info
  - perl-Sub-Install
  - perl-SUPER
  - perl-Switch
  - perl-Term-ProgressBar
  - perl-Term-Table
  - perl-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings
  - perl-Test2-Suite
  - perl-Test-Base
  - perl-Test-Deep
  - perl-Test-Differences
  - perl-Test-File-ShareDir
  - perl-Test-Inter
  - perl-Test-LeakTrace
  - perl-Test-MockModule
  - perl-Test-Most
  - perl-Test-Needs
  - perl-Test-NoWarnings
  - perl-Test-Requires
  - perl-Test-RequiresInternet
  - perl-Test-Simple
  - perl-Test-Strict
  - perl-Test-Warn
  - perl-Test-Warnings
  - perl-Test-Without-Module
  - perl-Test-YAML
  - perl-Text-CharWidth
  - perl-Text-CSV_XS
  - perl-Text-Diff
  - perl-Text-WrapI18N
  - perl-Text-Wrapper
  - perl-Tie-IxHash
  - perl-TimeDate
  - perl-Tk-devel
  - perl-Unicode-Collate
  - perl-Unix-Syslog
  - perl-XML-Bare
  - perl-XML-DOM
  - perl-XML-DOM-XPath
  - perl-XML-Filter-BufferText
  - perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter
  - perl-XML-RegExp
  - perl-XML-SAX-Writer
  - perl-XML-Structured
  - perl-XML-Writer-String
  - perl-XML-XPath # bsc#1060657
  - perl-XML-XPathEngine
  - perl-YAML
  - graphviz-perl
  - perl-doc

# Defines the various groups that should be part of the Web and Scripting module
# 	Owner: TBD
# Currently existing groups:
# * php7
#   PHP packages for version 7
# * web_scripting:
#   nodejs and companions

  - nodejs-common # FATE#322334
  - nodejs-default # jsc#SLE-17498
  - nodejs-devel-default # jsc#SLE-17498
  - nodejs16 # jsc#SLE-21236
  - nodejs16-docs # jsc#SLE-21236
  - nodejs16-devel # jsc#SLE-21236
  - npm16 # MU#17237
  - npm-default # jsc#SLE-17498
  - apache2-mod_php8 # jsc#SLE-18816

# Defines the various groups containing all PHP packages that are
# 	not required in sle_minimal or sle_base.
# 	Owner: TBD
# Currently existing groups:
# * php7
#   PHP packages for version 7
  - php7 #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-devel # devel package
  - php7-bcmath #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-bz2 #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-calendar #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-ctype #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-curl #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-dba #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-dom #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-enchant #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-exif #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-fastcgi #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-fileinfo #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-fpm #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-ftp #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-gd #   Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-gettext #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-gmp #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-iconv #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-imap #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-intl #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-json #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-ldap #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-mbstring #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-mysql #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-odbc #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-opcache #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-openssl #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-pcntl #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-pdo #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-pear-Archive_Tar # jsc#SLE-10860; merge back php7-pear-Archive_Tar in php7-pear
  - php7-pgsql #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-phar #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-posix #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-readline #  bsc#1170933
  - php7-shmop #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-snmp #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-soap #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-sockets #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-sodium # jsc#SLE-9162
  - php7-sqlite #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-sysvmsg #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-sysvsem #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-sysvshm #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-tidy #  bsc#1170933
  - php7-tokenizer #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-xmlreader #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-xmlrpc #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-xmlwriter #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-xsl #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-zip #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-zlib #  Initial package for SLE 15, taken from SLE12
  - php7-devel  # Reason: bsc#985067

# Defines the various groups containing all PHP packages that are
# 	not required in sle_minimal or sle_base.
# 	Owner: TBD
# Currently existing groups:
# * php8
#   PHP packages for version 8
  - php-composer2 # jsc#SLE-23635
  - php8 # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-bcmath # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-bz2 # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-calendar # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-cli # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-ctype # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-curl # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-dba # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-devel # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-dom # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-embed # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-enchant # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-exif # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-fastcgi # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-fileinfo # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-fpm # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-ftp # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-gd # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-gettext # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-gmp # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-iconv # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-intl # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-ldap # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-mbstring # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-mysql # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-odbc # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-opcache # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-openssl # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-pcntl # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-pdo # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-pgsql # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-phar # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-posix # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-readline # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-shmop # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-snmp # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-soap # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-sockets # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-sodium # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-sqlite # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-sysvmsg # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-sysvsem # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-sysvshm # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-test # jsc#SLE-18816 # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-tidy # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-tokenizer # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-xmlreader # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-xmlwriter # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-xsl # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-zip # jsc#SLE-18816
  - php8-zlib # jsc#SLE-18816

# Contains everything that is part of "Public Cloud"
# Owner: Alex Osthof, Robert Schweikert
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Amazon-Web-Services # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Amazon-Web-Services-Instance-Init # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Amazon-Web-Services-Instance-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Amazon-Web-Services-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Google-Cloud-Platform # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Google-Cloud-Platform-Instance-Init # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Google-Cloud-Platform-Instance-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Google-Cloud-Platform-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Microsoft-Azure # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Microsoft-Azure-Instance-Init # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Microsoft-Azure-Instance-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-Microsoft-Azure-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-OpenStack # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-OpenStack-Instance-Init # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-OpenStack-Instance-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - patterns-public-cloud-15-OpenStack-Tools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - amazon-ecs-init: [x86_64] # Initial package for CODE15
  - amazon-ssm-agent # Initial package for CODE 15
  - apache2-mod_wsgi # Initial package for CODE 15
  - aws-cli # Initial package for CODE 15
  - aws-efs-utils # bsc#1101451
  - aws-iam-authenticator # MU#11607
  - aws-nitro-enclaves-binaryblobs-upstream # jsc#SLE-22954
  - aws-nitro-enclaves-cli # jsc#SLE-22954
  - azure-cli-acr # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-acs # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-advisor # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-ams # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-appservice # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-backup # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-batchai # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-batch # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-billing # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-cdn # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-cloud # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-cognitiveservices # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-component # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-configure # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-consumption # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-container # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-core # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-cosmosdb # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-dla # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-dls # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-dms # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-eventgrid # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-eventhubs # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-extension # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-feedback # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-find # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-interactive # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-iot # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-keyvault # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-lab # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-monitor # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-network # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-nspkg # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-profile # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-rdbms # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-redis # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-reservations # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-resource # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-role # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-search # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-servicebus # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-servicefabric # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-sql # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-storage # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-taskhelp # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-cli-telemetry # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - azure-cli-vm # Initial package for CODE 15
  - azure-li-services # FATE#326575
  - azuremetadata # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cfn-lint # FATE#326961
  - cloud-init-config-suse # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-init # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-netconfig-azure # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-netconfig-ec2 # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-netconfig-gce # MU#17218
  - cloud-regionsrv-client-addon-azure # MU#21104
  - cloud-regionsrv-client-generic-config # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-regionsrv-client # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-regionsrv-client-plugin-azure # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-regionsrv-client-plugin-ec2 # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-regionsrv-client-plugin-gce # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-regionsrv-generic-config # Initial package for CODE 15
  - cloud-regionsrv # Initial package for CODE 15
  - docker-img-store-setup # Initial package for CODE 15
  - ec2-instance-connect # MU#16846
  - google-compute-engine-oslogin # Initial package for CODE 15
  - growpart # Initial package for CODE 15
  - growpart-rootgrow # Initial package for CODE 15, FATE#324768
  - kernel-azure: [aarch64,x86_64] # bsc#1198335
  - kernel-azure-base: [aarch64,x86_64] # bsc#1198335
  - kernel-azure-devel: [aarch64,x86_64] # bsc#1198335
  - kernel-devel-azure: [aarch64,x86_64] # bsc#1198335
  - kernel-source-azure: [aarch64,x86_64] # bsc#1198335
  - kernel-syms-azure: [aarch64,x86_64] # bsc#1198335
  - python3-aliyun-img-utils # MU#19568
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-aas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-acm # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-acms-open # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-actiontrail # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-adb # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-address-purification # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-aegis # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-afs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-airec # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-alidns # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-aligreen-console # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-alimt # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-alinlp # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-aliyuncvc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-amqp-open # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-appmallsservice # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-arms # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-arms4finance # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-baas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-brinekingdom # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-bss # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-bssopenapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cams # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cassandra # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cbn # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ccc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ccs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cdn # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-chatbot # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-clickhouse # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudauth # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudesl # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudgame # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudmarketing # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudphoto # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cloudwf # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cms # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-codeup # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-companyreg # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-core # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cr # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-crm # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-csb # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cspro # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-cusanalytic_sc_online # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-das # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dataworks-public # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dbfs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dbs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dcdn # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dds # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-democenter # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-devops-rdc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dms-enterprise # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-domain # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-domain-intl # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-drds # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dts # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dybaseapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dyplsapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dypnsapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dysmsapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-dyvmsapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-eas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-eci # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ecs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-edas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ehpc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-elasticsearch # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-emr # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ens # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ess # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-faas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-facebody # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-fnf # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-foas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ft # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-geoip # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-goodstech # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-gpdb # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-green # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-gts-phd # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hbase # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hbr # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-highddos # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hiknoengine # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hivisengine # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hpc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-hsm # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-httpdns # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imageaudit # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imageenhan # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imageprocess # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imagerecog # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imagesearch # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imageseg # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imgsearch # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-imm # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-industry-brain # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-iot # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-iqa # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ivision # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ivpd # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-jaq # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-jarvis # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-jarvis-public # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-kms # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ledgerdb # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-linkedmall # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-linkface # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-linkwan # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-live # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-lubancloud # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-market # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-mopen # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-mts # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-multimediaai # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-nas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-netana # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-nlp-automl # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-nls-cloud-meta # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-objectdet # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ocr # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ocs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-oms # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ons # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-onsmqtt # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-oos # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-openanalytics # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-openanalytics-open # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-opensearch # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ossadmin # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ots # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-outboundbot # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-paistudio # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-petadata # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-polardb # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-productcatalog # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-pts # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-push # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-pvtz # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-qualitycheck # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-quickbi-public # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-r-kvstore # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ram # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-rdc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-rds # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-reid # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-resourcemanager # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-retailcloud # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-risk # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ros # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-rtc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sae # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-saf # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sas # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sas-api # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-scdn # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-schedulerx2 # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sddp # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-slb # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-smartag # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-smc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-snsuapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-status # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-sts # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-tag # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-tesladam # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-teslamaxcompute # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-teslastream # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-trademark # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-ubsms # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-uis # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-unimkt # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-vcs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-viapiutils # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-videoenhan # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-videorecog # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-videosearch # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-videoseg # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-visionai # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-visionai-poc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-vod # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-voicenavigator # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-vpc # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-vs # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-waf-openapi # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-webplus # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-welfare-inner # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-workorder # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-xspace # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-xtrace # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-yundun # MU#16586
  - python3-aliyun-python-sdk-yundun-ds # MU#16586
  - python3-aws-sam-translator # FATE#326961
  - python3-azure-ai-anomalydetector # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-ai-metricsadvisor # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-ai-nspkg # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-ai-textanalytics # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-applicationinsights  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-batch # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-language-luis  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-language-nspkg  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-language-spellcheck  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-language-textanalytics  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-nspkg  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-autosuggest  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-customsearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-entitysearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-imagesearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-newssearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-nspkg  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-videosearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-visualsearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-computervision  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-contentmoderator  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-customvision  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-nspkg  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-common # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-communication-administration # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-communication-chat # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-communication-nspkg # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-communication-sms # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-data-nspkg # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-data-tables # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-datalake-store # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-eventgrid  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob-aio # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-graphrbac # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-identity # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-keyvault # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-loganalytics  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-advisor # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-authorization # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-azurestack # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-mgmt-batchai # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-batch # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-billing # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-botservice # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-cdn # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-commerce # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-compute # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-consumption # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-containerinstance # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-containerregistry # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-containerservice # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-databoxedge # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-mgmt-datafactory # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-store # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-datamigration # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-devspaces # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-dns # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-documentdb # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-eventgrid # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-eventhub # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-hdinsight # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-iotcentral # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-iothub # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-keyvault # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-kusto # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-loganalytics # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-logic # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-managementgroups # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-managementpartner # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-maps # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-media # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-monitor # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-msi # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-network # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-nspkg # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-policyinsights # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-rdbms # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-redis # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-relay # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-reservations # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-resource # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-scheduler # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-search # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-servermanager # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-servicebus # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-servicefabric # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-signalr # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-sql # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-storage # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-subscription # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-mgmt-vmwarecloudsimple # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-mgmt-web # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-monitor # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-multiapi-storage # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-nspkg # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-sdk  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-search-documents # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-search-nspkg # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-servicebus # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-servicefabric # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-servicemanagement-legacy # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-storage # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-azure-storage-blob # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-storage-common # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-storage-file  # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-storage-file-datalake # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-storage-file-share # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105
  - python3-azure-storage-nspkg # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-azure-storage-queue # Initial package for 15 SP1
  - python3-boto3 # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-Cerberus # FATE#326575
  - python3-cinderclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-click-man # MU#19568
  - python3-crcmod # MU#19568
  - python3-ec2imgutils # replaces ec2uploadimg, ec2deprecateimg, and ec2publishimg from SP0
  - python3-ec2metadata # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-gcemetadata # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-glanceclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-google-api-core # MU#16479
  - python3-google-cloud-core # MU#16479
  - python3-google-cloud-storage # MU#16479
  - python3-google-resumable-media # MU#16479
  - python3-googleapis-common-protos # MU#16479
  - python3-google-api-python-client  # FATE#325539, required by fence-agents in the cloud
  - python3-heat-cfntools # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-heatclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-httplib2 # FATE#325539, required by fence-agents in the cloud
  - python3-keystoneclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-neutronclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-novaclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-oauth2client-flask # FATE#325539, required by fence-agents in the cloud
  - python3-oauth2client-gce # FATE#325539, required by fence-agents in the cloud
  - python3-openstackclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-oss2 # MU#19568
  - python3-pyroute2 # bsc#1172736
  - python3-susepubliccloudinfo # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-swiftclient # Initial package for CODE 15
  - python3-uritemplate # FATE#325539, required by fence-agents in the cloud
  - python-azure-agent # Initial package for CODE 15
  - regionServiceClientConfigAzure # Initial package for CODE 15
  - regionServiceClientConfigEC2 # Initial package for CODE 15
  - regionServiceClientConfigGCE # Initial package for CODE 15
  - regionServiceClientConfigSAPAzure # Initial package for CODE 15
  - regionServiceClientConfigSAPEC2 # Initial package for CODE 15
  - regionServiceClientConfigSAPGCE # Initial package for CODE 15
  - rmt-server-pubcloud # SR#177279
  - rpm-ndb # jsc#SLE-12738
  - s3fs # Initial package for CODE 15
  - supportutils-plugin-cloud-init # jsc#SLE-19069
  - supportutils-plugin-suse-public-cloud # Initial package for CODE 15
  - susemanager-cloud-setup-proxy # bsc#1172786
  - susemanager-cloud-setup-server # bsc#1172786
  - terraform # bsc#1164271
  - terraform-provider-aws # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-azurerm  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-external  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-google  # jsc#ECO-2340
  - terraform-provider-helm  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-kubernetes  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-local  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-null  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-random  # bsc#1172786
  - terraform-provider-susepubliccloud # bsc#1164271
  - terraform-provider-tls # MU#17920
  # potential candididates for python3 group:
  - python3-Whoosh # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-atomicwrites # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-barbicanclient  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-capturer # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-coloredlogs # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-designateclient  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-humanfriendly-test # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-ironicclient  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-knack # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-monascaclient  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-more-itertools # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-octaviaclient  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-pathlib2 # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-portalocker # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-pydocumentdb # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-sphinxcontrib-apidoc  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-sshtunnel # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-statsd  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-systemd  # jsc#ECO-2130
  - python3-verboselogs # Initial package for SP1 for Public Cloud
  - python3-vsts # MU#18655 / jsc#ECO-3105

#   Defines the various GNOME groups
# 	Owner: SLED Release Manager, Desktop Project Manager
# Currently existing groups:
# * gnome_minimal:
#   Very minimal set
#   requires groups sle_base, sle_base_extension and x11*
# * gnome_standard
#   'normal' set off GNOME tools.
# * gnome_extended
#   stuff formerly in the SLE-WE product only
  - at-spi2-atk-gtk2 #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - accountsservice-lang
  - clutter-gtk-lang
  - clutter-lang
  - cogl-lang
  - desktop-data-SLE #   Initial package for SLE 15, dependecy:icewm-default
  - gdm #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gdm-lang
  - gdm-systemd
  - gnome-keyring #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-keyring-pam #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libgnome-keyring-lang
  - gnome-bluetooth-lang
  - gnome-control-center-lang
  - gnome-desktop-lang
  - gnome-extensions # bsc#1193396
  - gnome-keyring-lang
  - gnome-menus-lang
  - gnome-session #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-session-lang
  - gnome-settings-daemon #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-settings-daemon-lang
  - gnome-shell #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-lang
  - gnome-shell-classic #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-terminal #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-terminal-lang
  - gnome-tweaks #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-tweaks-lang
  - gnome-user-docs #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - gtk2-data #  hard requirement for gtk2
  - gtk2-metatheme-adwaita #  hard requirement for gtk2
  - gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita #  hard requirement for gtk2
  - gvfs-lang #recommended by gvfs
  - metatheme-adwaita-common #  hard requirement for gtk3
  - gtk3-metatheme-adwaita #  hard requirement for gtk3
  - gvfs-backend-samba #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gvfs-backends #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gvfs-fuse #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gvfs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libadwaita-1-0 # bsc#1198008
  - libadwaita-lang # bsc#1198008
  - libgnomesu #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libgnomesu-lang # recommended by libgnomesu
  - libnotify-tools # bsc#1068892
  - nautilus #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - nautilus-lang # recommended by nautilus
  - nautilus-extension-terminal #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - patterns-gnome-gnome_basis: [recommended]
  - pipewire
  - pipewire-lang
  - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 # SR#214404
  - pinentry-gnome3 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - shared-mime-info #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sle15-desktop-migration # bsc#1176056
  - system-role-server-default # SLE+GNOME
  - vte-lang # gnome_minimal:gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal
  - xdg-user-dirs-gtk #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xdg-user-dirs-gtk-lang # recommended by xdg-user-dirs-gtk
  - xdg-user-dirs-lang # recommended by xdg-user-dirs-gtk
  - yelp #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yelp-lang # recommended by yelp

  - system-role-basic-desktop # only for SLED / WE, FATE#324198, bsc#1083219
  - patterns-gnome-gnome_basic: [recommended]
  - alacarte #inherited from Code12
  - alacarte-lang #inherited from Code12
  - appstream-glib-lang # recommended by gnome-software
  - avahi-autoipd
  - avahi-utils-gtk
  - brasero #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - brasero-lang # recommended by brasero
  - brasero-nautilus #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - brltty-driver-at-spi2 # recommended by orca
  - brltty-driver-brlapi # recommended by orca
  - brltty-driver-speech-dispatcher # recommended by orca
  - brltty-lang # recommended by orca
  - canberra-gtk-play #   bsc#953862
  - caribou-gtk2-module # gnome_standard:caribou-gtk3-module
  - caribou-gtk3-module # gnome_standard:caribou
  - caribou # Initial package for SLE 15
  - caribou-lang # gnome_standard:caribou
  - chrome-gnome-shell #  Inherited from CODE12
  - cups-pk-helper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cups-pk-helper-lang # recommended by cups-pk-helper
  - dasher #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - dasher-lang # recommended by dasher
  - dconf-editor #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - dconf-editor-lang # recommended by dconf-editor
  - desktop-translations #   Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1091958
  - devilspie2 #  FATE#320018
  - devilspie2-lang
  - eog #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - eog-lang # recommended by eog
  - espeak #  FATE#316851 a11y
  - espeak-ng #  jsc#SLE-8245
  - espeak-ng-compat #  jsc#SLE-8245
  - evince #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evince-lang # recommended by evince-plugin-djvudocument
  - evince-plugin-djvudocument #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evince-plugin-dvidocument #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evince-plugin-pdfdocument #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evince-plugin-psdocument #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evince-plugin-tiffdocument #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evince-plugin-xpsdocument #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - file-roller #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - file-roller-lang # recommended by file-roller
  - firewall-config #  Initial package for SLE 15,FATE#320794
  - flatpak-zsh-completion # FATE#325524
  - fwupd-lang # needed by gnome-software
  - fwupd # needed by gnome-software
  - fwupdtpmevlog # jsc#SLE-16809
  - gcab-lang # recommended by gnome-software
  - gconf-editor #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gconf-editor-lang # recommended by gconf-editor
  - gconf-polkit # recommended by pulseaudio-module-gcon
  - gcr-ssh-agent # jsc#SLE-18648
  - gcr-ssh-askpass # new subpackage with SP1
  - gedit-devel #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gedit #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gedit-lang # recommended by gedit
  - gnome-calculator
  - gnome-calculator-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-calculator
  - gnome-characters #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-characters-lang # recommended by gnome-characters
  - gnome-packagekit-lang # recommended by gnome-packagekit
  - gnome-power-manager #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-power-manager-lang # recommended by gnome-power-manager
  - gnome-screenshot #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-screenshot-lang # recommended by gnome-screenshot
  - gnome-shell-extensions-common #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-extensions-common-lang # recommended by gnome-shell-classic
  - gnome-shell-extension-onboard  # maint upd. for SP1
  - gnome-shell-extension-user-theme # jsc#SLE-8244 jsc#SLE-8245
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-characters #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-software #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-software-lang # recommended by gnome-software
  - gnome-system-monitor #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-system-monitor-lang # recommended by gnome-system-monitor
  - gnome-themes #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-themes-lang # recommended by gnome-themes
  - gnome-user-docs-lang # gnome_minimal:gnome-user-docs
  - gnome-vfs2-lang
  - gspell-lang
  - gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang
  - gstreamer-plugins-rs # jsc#SLE-19966 and jsc#SLE-5511
  - gtksourceview-lang
  - gtkspell3-lang
  - gvfs-backend-afc # Initial package for SLE 15
  - gvim #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ibus-anthy # jsc#SLE-3872
  - ibus-cangjie # input method for Hong-Kong / Taiwan
  - ibus-chewing # input method for Chinese mainland
  - ibus-gtk
  - ibus-gtk3
  - ibus-hangul # input method for Korea
  - ibus-kkc # input method for Japan
  - ibus-lang
  - ibus-libpinyin # input method for Chinese mainland
  - ibus-libzhuyin # input method for Taiwan
  - ibus-m17n # input method, global
  - ibus-mozc: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # input method for Japan
  - ibus-pinyin # input method for Chinese mainland
  - ibus-rime # input method for Taiwan
  - ibus-skk # input method for Japan
  - ibus-table-chinese-array
  - ibus-table-chinese-cangjie
  - ibus-table-chinese-cantonese
  - ibus-table-chinese-easy
  - ibus-table-chinese-erbi
  - ibus-table-chinese-jyutping
  - ibus-table-chinese-quick
  - ibus-table-chinese-scj
  - ibus-table-chinese-stroke5
  - ibus-table-chinese-wu
  - ibus-table-chinese-wubi-haifeng
  - ibus-table-chinese-wubi-jidian
  - ibus-table-chinese-yong
  - ibus-table-cns11643
  - ibus-table-compose
  - ibus-table-devel  # devel package
  - ibus-table-emoji
  - ibus-table-extraphrase
  - ibus-table-extraphrase-devel  # devel package
  - ibus-table-hu-old-hungarian-rovas
  - ibus-table-latex
  - ibus-table-mathwriter
  - ibus-table-others
  - ibus-table-rusle
  - ibus-table-rustrad
  - ibus-table-thai
  - ibus-table-translit
  - ibus-table-translit-ua
  - ibus-table-yawerty
  - ibus-unikey # input method for Vietnam (bsc#1069115)
  - leveldb-devel # bsc#1078769
  - libamd2 # bsc#1181534
  - libboost_filesystem1_66_0-devel # libboost_filesystem1_66_0 is pulled in by ibus-rime
  - libcamd2 # bsc#1181534
  - libcanberra-gtk2-module
  - libcanberra-gtk3-module
  - libccolamd2 # bsc#1181534
  - libchewing-devel # libchewing3 is pulled in by ibus-chewing
  - libcryptui-devel
  - libgnomecanvas-lang
  - libhangul-devel # libhangul1 pulled by ibus-hangul
  - libjack-devel # needed to build pulseaudio
  - libkkc-devel # libkkc2 pulled by ibus-kkc
  - libpeas-lang # gnome_standard:eog
  - libpeas-loader-python3 # gnome_standard:eog
  - libqmi-tools # bsc#1073634 jsc#SLE-7247
  - librime-devel # librime1 pulled by ibus-rime
  - libskk-devel # libskk0 pulled by ibus-skk
  - libsuitesparseconfig5 # bsc#1181534
  - libumfpack5 # bsc#1181534
  - libwnck-lang # recommended by orca
  - mutter-lang # gnome_extended:patterns-gnome-gnome_imaging
  - nautilus-evince #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - nautilus-share #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - nautilus-share-lang # recommended by nautilus-share
  - NetworkManager # jsc#SLE-17767
  - NetworkManager-branding-SLE # jsc#SLE-17767
  - opencc-devel # ibus-pinyin pulls in libopencc2 and opencc
  - openssh-askpass-gnome #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - orca #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - orca-lang # recommended by orca
  - PackageKit #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - PackageKit-lang # recommended by PackageKit
  - QGnomePlatform # Initial package for SLE 15
  - sound-theme-freedesktop #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - speech-dispatcher-module-espeak #  Initial package for SLE 15, a11y
  - system-config-printer-common-lang # recommended by system-config-printer-dbus-service
  - system-config-printer-dbus-service #  Initial package for SLE 15, needed by gnome-control-center
  - totem-pl-parser-lang # gnome_standard:brasero
  - translation-update-ar #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-cs #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-da #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-de #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-es #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-fi #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-fr #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-hu #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-it #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-ja #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-ko #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-nb #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-nl #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-pl #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-pt_BR #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-pt #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-ru #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-sv #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-zh_CN #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - translation-update-zh_TW #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0
  - typelib-1_0-FwupdPlugin-1_0 # jsc#SLE-16809
  - typelib-1_0-GCab-1_0
  - typelib-1_0-GMime-3_0
  - typelib-1_0-kkc-1_0
  - udev-configure-printer #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - upower-lang # recommended by gnome-power-manager
  - vino #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - vino-lang # recommended by vino
  - xdg-desktop-portal-devel # needed by flatpak
  - xdg-desktop-portal-gnome # bsc#1194237 and jsc#SLE-18648
  - xdg-desktop-portal-gnome-lang # bsc#1194237 and jsc#SLE-18648
  - xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-lang # needed by flatpak
  - xdg-desktop-portal-gtk # needed by flatpak
  - xdg-desktop-portal-lang # needed by flatpak
  - yaml-cpp-devel # libyaml-cpp0_6 pulled by ibus-rime
  - zenity-lang
  - zinnia-devel # zinnia pulled in by ibus-mozc

  - typelib-1_0-Gsf-1
  - typelib-1_0-GSound-1_0
  - typelib-1_0-GSSDP-1_0
  - typelib-1_0-GUPnP-1_0
  - typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_0
  - typelib-1_0-Grss-0_7
  - typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3
  - typelib-1_0-GExiv2-0_10
  - typelib-1_0-GFBGraph-0_2
  - typelib-1_0-CryptUI-0_0
  - typelib-1_0-Champlain-0_12
  - typelib-1_0-Gom-1_0
  - patterns-gnome-gnome: [recommended]
  - patterns-gnome-gnome_imaging: [recommended]
  - patterns-gnome-gnome_multimedia: [recommended]
  - argyllcms
  - babl-devel # libbabl s part of Productivity
  - baobab #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - baobab-lang # gnome_extended:baobab
  - bijiben # bsc#1192326
  - bijiben-lang # bsc#1192326
  - bluez-cups #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bluez-firmware #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bogofilter-db
  - cheese #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cheese-lang # gnome_extended:cheese
  - colord-color-profiles
  - colord-gtk-lang # gnome_extended:patterns-gnome-gnome_imaging
  - colord #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - colord-lang # gnome_extended:colord
  - color-filesystem #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - deja-dup #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - deja-dup-lang # gnome_extended:deja-dup
  - desktop-data-SLE-extra #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - duplicity  # Needed by deja-dup
  - duplicity-lang  # Needed by deja-dup
  - eiciel #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - eiciel-lang # gnome_extended:eiciel
  - ekiga #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - ekiga-lang # gnome_extended:ekiga
  - ekiga-plugins-evolution # gnome_extended:ekiga
  - enigmail # FATE#323869
  - evolution-data-server-devel
  - evolution-data-server #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evolution-data-server-lang # gnome_extended:evolution
  - evolution-devel
  - evolution-ews #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evolution-ews-lang # gnome_extended:evolution-ews
  - evolution #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - evolution-lang # gnome_extended:evolution
  - evolution-plugin-bogofilter # gnome_extended:evolution
  - evolution-plugin-pst-import # gnome_extended:evolution
  - evolution-plugin-spamassassin # gnome_extended:evolution
  - evolution-plugin-text-highlight
  - farstream-devel # farstream pulled by pidgin
  - folks-devel
  - folks-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-contacts
  - freerdp-devel
  - freerdp-proxy # MU#15608
  - freerdp #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gegl-0_4-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-photos
  - gegl-devel
  - ghex #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ghex-lang # gnome_extended:ghex
  - gimp-devel
  - gimp #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-ca #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-da #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-de #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-el #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-en_GB #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-es #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-fi #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-fr #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-hr #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-it #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-ja #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-ko #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-lt #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-nl #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-nn #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-pl #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-pt_BR #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-ro #  MU#17126
  - gimp-help-ru #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-sl #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-sv #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-help-zh #  FATE#316806
  - gimp-lang # gnome_extended:gimp
  - gjs
  - gnome-backgrounds #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-clocks
  - gnome-clocks-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-clocks
  - gnome-color-manager #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-color-manager-lang #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-contacts
  - gnome-contacts-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-contacts
  - gnome-control-center-color #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-control-center-goa #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-control-center-user-faces #  FATE#320508
  - gnome-disk-utility #  FATE#316895
  - gnome-disk-utility-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-disk-utility
  - gnome-documents
  - gnome-documents-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-documents
  - gnome-initial-setup #  FATE#321126
  - gnome-initial-setup-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-initial-setup
  - gnome-logs #  FATE#320461
  - gnome-logs-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-logs
  - gnome-music #FATE#320503
  - gnome-music-lang #FATE#320503
  - gnome-online-accounts #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-online-accounts-lang #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-online-miners # bsc#1070273
  - gnome-photos #  FATE#323240
  - gnome-photos-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-photos
  - gnome-remote-desktop # jsc#SLE-8048
  - gnome-remote-desktop-lang # jsc#SLE-18648
  - gnome-session-wayland: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] # FATE#316497
  - gnome-shell-calendar #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-contacts #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-documents #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-calculator #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-clocks #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-photos #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-weather #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnote #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-shell-search-provider-seahorse #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-video-effects
  - gnome-weather #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnome-weather-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-weather
  - gnote
  - gnote-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-shell-search-provider-gnote
  - grilo-lang # bsc#1070273
  - grilo-plugins # bsc#1070273
  - grilo-plugins-lang # bsc#1070273
  - grilo-tools # bsc#1070273
  - gsound-devel
  - gsound #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gstreamer-plugins-ugly # FATE#323896
  - gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang
  - gtkspell-lang
  - hexchat-devel  # Initial package for SLE 15
  - hexchat #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hexchat-lang # gnome_extended:hexchat
  - hexchat-plugins-lua #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hexchat-plugins-perl #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hexchat-plugins-python3 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hp-drive-guard #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - liba52-devel # liba52-0 pulled in by gstreamer-plugins-ugly
  - libabw-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libcdr-devel # libcdr-0_1-1 is pulled in by gnome-documents
  - libcmis-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libcue-devel # needed to build tracker-miners
  - libdvdread-devel # needed to build gnome-disk-utility
  - libe-book-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libeot-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libepc-devel # needed to build totem
  - libepubgen-devel # libepubgen-0_1-1 pulled in by libreoffice-filters-optional
  - libexttextcat-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libfreehand-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libgdata-lang
  - libgexiv2-devel
  - libgrss-devel # libgrss0 pulled by typelib-1_0-Grss-0_7
  - libgsf-devel # libgsf-1-114 pulled by typelib-1_0-Gsf-1
  - libgsf-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-documents
  - libgssdp-devel # libgssdp-1_0-3 pulled by typelib-1_0-GSSDP-1_0
  - libgtop # jsc#SLE-8245
  - libgtop-lang # gnome_extended:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - libixion-0_14-0 # gnome_extended:liborcus-devel
  - libgweather-lang # gnome_extended:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - liblangtag-devel # bsc#1084887
  - libmspub-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libmysqlcppconn-devel # moved from sdk - reason: bsc#982212
  - libnma-lang
  - libnma-devel
  - libnumbertext-devel # libnumbertext-1_0-0 pulled by gnome-documents
  - libnumbertext-tools # libnumbertext-1_0-0 pulled by gnome-documents
  - libodfgen-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libopal-devel # libopal3_10_10 pulled by ekiga
  - liborcus-0_14-0 # gnome_extended:liborcus-devel
  - liborcus-devel # liborcus-0_13-0 pulled in by gnome-documents
  - libpagemaker-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libproxy1-config-gnome3 # gnome_extended:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - libproxy1-networkmanager # gnome_extended:NetworkManager-applet
  - libpst-devel # evolution-plugin-pst-import pulls in libpst4
  - libpurple-lang # gnome_extended:pidgin
  - libpurple-plugin-import-empathy
  - libpurple-plugin-rocketchat # jsc#SLE-8045
  - libpurple-plugin-sametime
  - libpurple-plugin-sipe-lang # gnome_extended:pidgin-plugin-sipe
  - libqxp-devel # libqxp-0_0-0 pulled in by gnome-documents
  - libreoffice-base-drivers-postgresql: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-base: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-calc-extensions: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-calc: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-draw: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-filters-optional: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-gnome: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-gtk3: [x86_64,aarch64] # bsc#1066093
  - libreoffice-icon-themes # bsc#1066361
  - libreoffice-impress: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - libreoffice-l10n-af: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ar: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-as: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-bg: [x86_64,aarch64]  #  FATE#319100
  - libreoffice-l10n-bn: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-br: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ca: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ckb: [aarch64,x86_64]  # jsc#SLE-17417
  - libreoffice-l10n-cs: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-cy: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-da: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-de: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-dz: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-el: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-eo: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-es: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-et: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-eu: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-fa: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-fi: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-fr: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-fur: [aarch64,x86_64]  # jsc#SLE-1741
  - libreoffice-l10n-ga: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-gl: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-gu: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-he: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-hi: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-hr: [x86_64,aarch64]  #  FATE#319100
  - libreoffice-l10n-hu: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-it: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ja: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-kk: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-kn: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ko: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-lt: [x86_64,aarch64]  #  FATE#319100
  - libreoffice-l10n-lv: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-mai: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ml: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-mr: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-nb: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-nl: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-nn: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-nr: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-nso: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-or: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-pa: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-pl: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-pt_BR: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-pt_PT: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ro: [x86_64,aarch64]  #  FATE#319100
  - libreoffice-l10n-ru: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-si: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-sk: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-sl: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-sr: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ss: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-st: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-sv: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ta: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-te: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-th: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-tn: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-tr: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-ts: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-uk: [x86_64,aarch64]  #  FATE#319100
  - libreoffice-l10n-ve: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-xh: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-zh_CN: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-zh_TW: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-l10n-zu: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-mailmerge: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-math: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-officebean: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-pyuno: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-voikko: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-writer-extensions: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice-writer: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libreoffice: [x86_64,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: support status
  - librevenge-devel # bsc#1084887
  - libvisio-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libvoikko-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] # libvoikko1 is pulled in by libreoffice-l10n-fi
  - libwmf-devel # libwmf-0_2-7 pulled by gimp
  - libwpd-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libwpg-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - libwps-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] # libwps-0_4-4 pulled by libreoffice-calc
  - libzmf-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - lpsolve-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - meanwhile-devel # libpurple-plugin-sametime pulls in libmeanwhile1
  - ModemManager-bash-completion # gnome_extended:ModemManager
  - ModemManager #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ModemManager-lang # gnome_extended:ModemManager
  - MozillaThunderbird-translations-common: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] # FATE#323869
  - MozillaThunderbird-translations-other: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] # FATE#323869
  - MozillaThunderbird: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] # FATE#323869
  - mythes-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - nautilus-deja-dup
  - nautilus-eiciel #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - NetworkManager-applet
  - NetworkManager-applet-lang
  - NetworkManager-connection-editor # FATE#318572
  - NetworkManager-devel
  - NetworkManager-lang #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # FATE#323497
  - NetworkManager-openconnect-lang: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # gnome_extended:NetworkManager-openconnect
  - NetworkManager-openconnect: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  FATE#323497
  - NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - NetworkManager-openvpn #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - NetworkManager-openvpn-lang # gnome_extended:NetworkManager-openvpn
  - NetworkManager-pptp-gnome #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - NetworkManager-pptp #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - NetworkManager-pptp-lang # gnome_extended:NetworkManager-pptp
  - NetworkManager-strongswan # jsc#SLE-5556
  - NetworkManager-strongswan-gnome # jsc#SLE-5556
  - NetworkManager-strongswan-lang # jsc#SLE-5556
  - openconnect-devel
  - openconnect-lang
  - openconnect-lang: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # gnome_extended:NetworkManager-openconnect
  - PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - PackageKit-gtk3-module # FATE#318572
  - pidgin-devel
  - pidgin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pidgin-plugin-otr #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pidgin-plugin-otr-lang # gnome_extended:pidgin-plugin-otr
  - pidgin-plugin-rocketchat # jsc#SLE-8045
  - pidgin-plugin-sipe #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - python3-QR-Code-generator # bsc#1168585
  - QR-Code-generator-devel # bsc#1168585
  - remmina # gnome_standard:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - remmina-devel
  - remmina-kiosk
  - remmina-lang # gnome_standard:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - remmina-plugin-exec
  - remmina-plugin-rdp # gnome_standard:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - remmina-plugin-secret
  - remmina-plugin-spice
  - remmina-plugin-st
  - remmina-plugin-vnc # gnome_standard:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - remmina-plugin-xdmcp
  - rp-pppoe # needed to build NM
  - seahorse-daemon #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - seahorse #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - seahorse-lang # gnome_extended:seahorse
  - simple-scan #  FATE#316798
  - simple-scan-lang # gnome_extended:simple-scan
  - tbb-devel # libtbb2 pulled by opencv-devel
  - totem-devel
  - totem-lang
  - totem-plugins
  - tracker
  - tracker-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-photos
  - tracker-miner-files
  - tracker-miners-lang # gnome_extended:gnome-documents
  - usbmuxd # desktop_extended_apps:imobiledevice-tools
  - xmlsec1-nss-devel # needed to build libreoffice
  - xmlsec1-openssl-devel # bsc#1101426

# Defines the packages that are part of the Installer Image
#   	Owner: SLES Release Manager

  - patterns-base-base: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-minimal_base: [recommended]
  - aaa_base #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bash #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bash-doc # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - bash-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - bcache-tools # FATE#315210, moved to minimal due to FATE#325346
  - bzip2 # Part of SLE 15, explicitely added after requires changes in other packages.
  - biosdevname: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - blog-plymouth # Initial package for SLE15
  - branding-SLE # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - btrfsmaintenance #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - btrfsprogs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - busybox-static # explicit added after patterns change
  - chrony #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1081000#c7
  - chrony-pool-empty # bsc#1156884, jsc#SLE-11424
  - chrony-pool-suse # bsc#1156884, jsc#SLE-11424
  - coreutils #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - coreutils-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - cpio-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - cpio-mt # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - cron #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1072602
  - cronie #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1072602
  - crypto-policies # jsc#SLE-20287
  - cryptsetup #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cryptsetup-lang # jsc#SLE-145149
  - cryptsetup-ssh # jsc#SLE-20275
  - device-mapper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - diffutils # required by aaa_base
  - diffutils-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - dirmngr # jsc#SLE-17559
  - dosfstools #  Needed for partitioning and kiwi requires
  - dracut #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - dracut-fips #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - dracut-sshd # jsc#SLE-12273
  - dump-rmt # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - dwarves # jsc#SLE-17288
  - e2fsprogs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ecryptfs-utils # Initial package for SLE 15
  - ed #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - elfutils #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - elfutils-debuginfod # jsc#SLE-248029
  - elfutils-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - fcoe-utils #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#1054985
  - filesystem #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - findutils-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - fipscheck #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - firewalld #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#320794, FATE#323436
  - firewalld-lang #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#320794, FATE#323436
  - firewalld-rpcbind-helper # Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#320794, FATE#323436
  - gio-branding-SLE # sle_minimal:firewalld
  - glib2-lang # sle_minimal:cryptconfig
  - glibc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - glibc-extra # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - glibc-lang # sr#225669
  - glibc-locale # needed for en_US locale
  - gpg2-lang # sle_minimal:btrfsmaintenance
  - gptfdisk #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - grep-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - haveged #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hfsutils #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#1054985
  - hmaccalc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hyper-v: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1069798
  - iproute2 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - iputils #  Initial package for SLE 15 SP1, bsc#1121411
  - iscsiuio # Initial package for SLE15, bsc#1079364
  - issue-generator #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - jfsutils #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#1054985
  - kbd #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - kdump #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - kdumpid #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - kernel-zfcpdump: [s390x] #  bsc#1166513
  - kernel-default #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - kernel-firmware-all #  Initial package for SLE 15, compressed firmware from 15sp4 (jsc#SLE-19648)
  - kexec-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - kmod #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - less #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libbtrfs0 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libdbus-1-3 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libibverbs1 # was pulled in before by multipath-tools-rbd bsc#1099037
  - libinih0 # dependency of xfsprogs
  - libopenssl1_1 #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323920
  - libopenssl1_1-hmac #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323920
  - libpwquality-lang # sle_minimal:cryptconfig
  - libpwquality-tools # jsc#SLE-23623
  - libHBAAPI2 #    Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1068156
  - libstdc++6-locale # Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#944324
  - lvm2 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - mailx # needed by cronie, bsc#1072602
  - master-boot-code: [x86_64] # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1072416
  - mdadm #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - mokutil: [x86_64,aarch64] # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1182640
  - multipath-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15 [HPservers requirement]
  - net-tools-lang # sle_minimal:rollback-helper
  - nvme-cli # bsc#1127815
  - nvme-stas # jsc#SLE-23901
  - nfs-client #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#1054985
  - open-iscsi #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#1054985
  - openssh #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - openssh-fips # bsc#1191024
  - openssh-helpers # sle_minimal:kdump
  - openssl-3 # jsc#SLE-17856 / jsc#SLE-19044
  - pam #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - procps #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - publicsuffix # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - python-rpm-macros # bsc#1194749 was formerly pulled in by python3-base
  - raspberrypi-eeprom: [aarch64] # jsc#SLE-13566
  - raspberrypi-eeprom-firmware: [aarch64] # jsc#SLE-13566
  - raspberrypi-firmware: [aarch64]  # bsc 1130015
  - raspberrypi-firmware-config: [aarch64]  # bsc 1130015
  - raspberrypi-firmware-dt: [aarch64]  # bsc 1130015
  - readline-doc # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - rollback-helper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - rpm #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - rpm-config-SUSE # jsc#SLE-17074
  - salt-minion #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sed-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - sg3_utils #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - shadow #  Initial package for SLE 15:
  - snapper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - snapper-zypp-plugin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sudo #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - suse-build-key #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - susefirewall2-to-firewalld # FATE#323436
  - suseconnect-ng #  replacing SUSEConnect jsc#SLE-17603
  - sysconfig #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-group-hardware #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-group-wheel #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-user-bin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-user-daemon #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-user-mail #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-user-news #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1088896
  - system-user-nobody #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-user-root #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - systemd #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - systemd-container # Initial package for SLE 15
  - systemd-coredump # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1089496
  - systemd-doc # SR#228340
  - systemd-lang # SR#228340
  - systemd-presets-common-SUSE  # FATE#326424
  - sysuser-shadow #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - tar #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1062001
  - tar-lang # sle_minimal:tar
  - tar-rmt # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - target-isns #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#317929
  - terminfo # Initial package for SLE 15
  - terminfo-base # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1081747
  - terminfo-iterm # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1081747
  - terminfo-screen # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1081747
  - tgt #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - u-boot-rpiarm64: [aarch64]  # bsc 1130015, jsc SLE-7276 / bsc 1164080
  - u-boot-rpiarm64-doc: [aarch64]  # jsc SLE-7276 / bsc 1164080
  - udev #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - udftools # FATE#326877
  - util-linux-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - vim #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - vim-small #  MU#16074
  - wget # pulled in in 15:GA by SUSEConnect, requirement dropped in an update
  - which #  bsc#1055472
  - wicked-service #  Initial package for SLE 15  [/sbin/ifup]
  - xen-tools-domU: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1076738
  - xfsprogs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xz-lang # sle_minimal:aaa_base
  - zchunk # bsc#1196704
  - zypper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - zypper-lifecycle-plugin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - zypper-needs-restarting # Initial package for SLE 15 SP1, split off of zypper

  # x86_64 only
  - open-vm-tools: [x86_64]
  - open-vm-tools-sdmp: [x86_64] # MU#15737

  # ppc64le only
  - librtas2: [ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - powerpc-utils: [ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15

  # bootloader
  - fwupdate-efi: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#322805
  - fwupdate: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#322805
  - grub2 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - grub2-branding-SLE: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - grub2-i386-pc #  TBD Initial package for SLE 15
  - grub2-snapper-plugin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - grub2-x86_64-efi: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libfwup1: [x86_64,aarch64] # needed by fwupdate, several modules affectedd
  - shim: [x86_64,aarch64] #  Initial package for SLE 15 bsc#1182210
  - shim-susesigned: [x86_64] #  MU#16785
    #- aarch64
  - tboot: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#322831

  # s390x
  - grub2-s390x-emu: [s390x] #  dependency:grub2

  # ppc64le
  - grub2-powerpc-ieee1275: [ppc64le] #  dependency:grub2

  # aarch64
  - grub2-arm64-efi: [aarch64] #  dependency:shim
  - bcm43xx-firmware: [aarch64] #  Initial package, inherited from CODE12

  - sles-release: [silent] # we need this for the solver to have a defined release

  - xorriso: [locked]
  - zeromq-tools: [locked]
  - zypper-aptitude: [locked]
  - python-base: [locked]

# Defines the various X-related groups
# 	Owner: X delvemoment...
# Currently existing groups:
# * x11_base:
#   Basic set of X11 libraries, complete in it self
# * x11_extended:
#   set of X11 libraries needed if you  use other
#   groups/functionalities, e.g. X11-requirements coming with the use of
#   GNOME etc.
# 	* x11_wayland:
#   packages required if you use wayland

  - patterns-base-x11: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-basic_desktop: [recommended] # jsc#SLE-5558
  - patterns-base-x11-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-x11_enhanced: [recommended]
  - patterns-yast-x11_yast: [recommended] # Initial package for SLE 15
  - autocutsel # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#862315#c4
  - bdftopcf # x11_base:xorg-x11
  - evieproto-devel # used to build libXevie
  - intel-media-driver # bsc#1116042
  - libdmx-devel # libdmx1 is pulled by xorg-x11-devel
  - libigdgmm-devel # bsc#1116042
  - libinput10 #  FATE#322696
  - libinput-tools # FATE#322696
  - libinput-udev #  FATE#322696
  - libspirv-cross-c-shared-devel  # jsc#SLE-7744
  - libvdpau_r300: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # recommended by xf86-video-ati
  - libvdpau_r600: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # recommended by xf86-video-ati
  - libvdpau_radeonsi: [x86_64] # recommeded by xf86-video-ati
  - Mesa-libva: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # x11_base:xf86-input-evdev
  - shaderc # jsc#SLE-7744
  - shaderc-devel  # jsc#SLE-7744
  - spirv-cross  # jsc#SLE-7744
  - spirv-tools-devel # jsc#SLE-7744
  - vulkan # jsc#SLE-7744
  - vulkan-doc # jsc#SLE-7744
  - vulkan-tools # jsc#SLE-7744
  - vulkan-validationlayers # jsc#SLE-7744
  - x3270 # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1057395
  - xdmbgrd # Initial package for SLE 15
  - xdpyinfo # x11_base:xorg-x11
  - xf86-input-evdev: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xf86-input-libinput # jsc#SLE-18632
  - xf86-video-amdgpu: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323161
  - xf86-video-ati: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323161, bsc#1089424
  - xf86-video-dummy # Reason: bsc#1117991
  - xf86-video-fbdev: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323161
  - xf86-video-intel: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323161
  - xf86-video-qxl: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323161
  - xf86-video-vesa: [x86_64]
  - xf86-video-vmware: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323161
  - xorg-x11-devel #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1077489
  - xorg-x11-driver-video: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xorg-x11-essentials #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xorg-x11 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xorg-x11-libs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xorg-x11-server-extra #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xorg-x11-server #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xorg-x11-util-devel # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1077489
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc # Initial package for SLE15, required by several packages
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc-novnc # FATE#323880
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc-module # FATE#323880
  - xrandr #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xrdp #  FATE#317086 , required by sle_module_sap_applications:patterns-sap-hana
  - xrefresh # x11_base:xorg-x11
  - xterm
  - xtermset #  Inherited from CODE12
  - yast2-x11 #  bnc#884447  TBD
  # FIXME to be reviewed
  - xhost
  - xorg-x11-fonts
  - xorg-x11-fonts-converted # boo#1169444
  - xorg-x11-fonts-core
  - xorg-x11-fonts-legacy # bsc#1169444

  - patterns-base-x11_raspberrypi: [recommended] # jsc#SLE-4142
  - editres #  bsc#862315#c4
  - intel-vaapi-driver: [x86_64] # Initial package for SLE 15
  - Mesa-demo-x # need glxinfo for debugging
  - MozillaFirefox-translations-common
  - MozillaFirefox-translations-other
  - rendercheck # Inherited from SLE 12, bsc#862315
  - viewres # Inherited from SLE 12, bsc#862315
  - x11perf #  bsc#862315#c4
  - x11-tools # Initial package for SLE 15
  - xbacklight #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xclock #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xcursorgen #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xcursor-themes #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xev #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xeyes # bsc#1072289
  - xf86-input-wacom: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xfd #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xfontsel #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xgamma #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xinput #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xkbevd #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xkbprint #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xkbutils #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xkill #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xlogo #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xlsatoms #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xlsclients #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xlsfonts #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xmag #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xorgxrdp: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le] # recommended by xrdp
  - xrestop #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xscope #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xsetmode #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xsetpointer #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xvinfo #  bsc#862315#c4
  - xwd # Inherited from SLE12
  - xwininfo #  bsc#862315#c4

  - xorg-x11-server-wayland: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - wayland-devel

  - libpsm2-compat: [locked]
  - sle-module-basesystem-release
  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-basesystem
  # supplementing packages
  - atmel-firmware
  - adaptec-firmware
  - ucode-amd
  - squashfs
  - exfatprogs #SLE-16156
  - smbios-utils-bin: [x86_64]
  - smbios-utils-python: [x86_64]
  - skelcd-control-SLES: [silent] # requires crucial yast modules
  - u-boot-tools # for aarch64, but allow cross-usage, too

  - sle-module-web-scripting-release

  - sle-module-legacy-release

  - sle-module-transactional-server-release

  - sle-module-containers-release

  - sle-module-hpc-release
  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64]

  - typelib-1_0-GtkVnc-1_0
  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-server-applications
  - migrate-sles-to-sles4sap: [x86_64,ppc64le]
  - patterns-rpm-macros: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-directory_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-directory_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-fips: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-fips-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-hwcrypto: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-hwcrypto-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-oracle_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-oracle_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-sap_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-enterprise-sap_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-file_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-file_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-gateway_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-gateway_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-lamp_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-lamp_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-mail_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-mail_server-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-printing: [recommended]
  - patterns-server-printing-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-wbem-WBEM: [recommended]
  - patterns-wbem-WBEM-32bit: [recommended]
  - patterns-yast-yast2_install_wf: [recommended]
  - sle-module-server-applications-release
  # FIXME to be reviewed
  - acpica: [x86_64, aarch64]
  - erlang-rabbitmq-client # jsc#SLE-10913
  - ibmswtpm2
  - librabbitmq-devel # jsc#SLE-12262
  - librabbitmq4 # jsc#SLE-12262
  - nss-mdns
  - nut
  - nut-drivers-net
  - nut-devel
  - openCryptoki-devel: [ppc64le,s390x,x86_64] # bsc#1069893
  - rabbitmq-server # jsc#SLE-10913
  - rabbitmq-server-plugins # jsc#SLE-10913
  - star-rmt
  - tuned # MU#15498
  - virt-what # MU#15498

  - samba-libs-python: [locked] # use python3 variant
# TODO: blocks texlive atm - python-base: [locked]
  - sle-module-desktop-applications-release
  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-desktop-applications
  # FIXME to be reviewed
  - ImageMagick-config-7-upstream # bsc#1178993
  - alsa-plugins-pulse
  - conky # FATE#323638
  - conky-doc # FATE#323638
  - vim-plugin-conky # FATE#323638
  - editres
  - emacs-x11
  - gcr-viewer
  - gcr-lang
  - gnome-themes-accessibility-gtk2
  - gstreamer-libnice # bsc#1165209
  - jakarta-commons-discovery
  - libexiv2-devel # needed by PackageHub
  - libmicrohttpd-devel # libmicrohttpd12 is pulled in by conky
  - libmng-devel # needed by PackageHub
  - log4j12-mini: [locked]
  - m17n-db
  - m17n-db-lang
  - mousetweaks
  - mousetweaks-lang # recommended by mousetweaks
  - mpg123 # bsc#1082683
  - mpg123-pulse
  - pavucontrol # SR#260366
  - pavucontrol-lang # SR#260366
  - pulseaudio-bash-completion
  - pulseaudio-esound-compat
  - pulseaudio-gdm-hooks
  - pulseaudio-module-gconf
  - pulseaudio-module-gsettings
  - pulseaudio-module-x11
  - pulseaudio-module-zeroconf
  - pulseaudio-utils
  - pulseaudio-zsh-completion
  - python3-bottle
  - sane-backends-autoconfig
  - sound-theme-freedesktop
  - spice-vdagent #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - vorbis-tools
  - vorbis-tools-lang
  - wsdl4j
  - libnfs-devel # needed to build gvfs
  - fwupd-devel # needed to build gnome-software

  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-desktop-productivity: [x86_64]
  - libavformat-devel #ensure it is only available in desktop_productivity and packagehub_subpackages, duplication allowed

  - sle-module-development-tools-release

  - sle-module-development-tools-obs-release
  - kiwi-boot-descriptions
  - kiwi-boot-requires
  - kiwi-filesystem-requires
  - kiwi-image-docker-requires
  - kiwi-image-iso-requires
  - kiwi-image-oem-requires
  - kiwi-image-pxe-requires
  - kiwi-image-tbz-requires
  - kiwi-image-vmx-requires
  - kiwi-systemdeps
  - kiwi-systemdeps-bootloaders
  - kiwi-systemdeps-containers
  - kiwi-systemdeps-core
  - kiwi-systemdeps-disk-images
  - kiwi-systemdeps-filesystems
  - kiwi-systemdeps-image-validation
  - kiwi-systemdeps-iso-media
  - umoci
  - translation-update-upstream # needed to rebuild GNOME
  - suse-xsl-stylesheets #needed to rebuild GNOME
  - fontpackages-devel #needed to rebuild GNOME
  - jq # needed to build chrome-gnome-shell
  - highlight # needed to build evolution
  - sysuser-tools # needed to build geoclue2
  - llvm-clang-devel # needed to build gnome-builder
  - apache-rpm-macros
  - binutils-gold # needed to build webkit2gtk3
  - python3-pylint #needed to build totem
  - rust-std # needed to build librsvg
  - http-parser-devel # needed to build libgit2
  - strip-nondeterminism # needed to build avahi
  - libdwarf-devel # needed to build flatpak
  - icu # needed to build libreoffice bsc#1084887
  - memory-constraints # needed to build libreoffice bsc#1084887
  - gettext-tools-mini # needed to build gtk3
  - gettext-runtime-mini # needed to build gtk3
  - cdparanoia # needed to build gnome-vfs2
  - lensfun-devel # needed to build babl
  - libspiro-devel # needed to build babl
  - suitesparse-devel # needed to build babl
  - python3-smbus # MU#17106
  - system-user-grafana # MU#17888
  - system-user-prometheus # MU#17888

  - sle-module-public-cloud-release

# Packages belonging in the context of Virtualization
# Reason to have this in an extra group is that it may become
# part of Servers but not Desktops or all serverbased products
# It could end up in the base module never-the-less.
# 	Owner: TPM Virtualization
# Currently existing groups:
# * virtualization
#   The part not requiring desktop or scripting languages
# * virtualization_gui
#   The rest ;)

  - patterns-server-kvm_server: [recommended]
  # FIXME: we remove udhcp deps on vm-install, we need to get a tool to replace it
  - patterns-server-kvm_tools: [recommended]
  - guestfsd #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316275
  - guestfs-data #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316275
  - guestfs-tools #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316275
  - ldmtool # FATE#320858
  - libguestfs0 #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316275
  - python3-libguestfs #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316275
  - guestfs-winsupport #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316275
  - kvm_stat # Recommended by virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_server, FATE#325017
  - libldm-1_0-0-devel # libldm-1_0-0 pulled by ldmtool
  - libvirglrenderer0 # retain inherited library after update for jsc#SLE-23552
  - libvirt # BSC#1057320
  - libvirt-bash-completion  # new for 15 SP1
  - libvirt-daemon-qemu #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libvirt-daemon-xen: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libvirt-daemon-hooks # FATE#324177
  - libvirt-client
  - ovmf: [x86_64,aarch64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319531
  - ovmf-tools: [x86_64,aarch64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319531
  - python3-virt-tuner # jsc#SLE-18837
  - qemu-arm: [aarch64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-audio-alsa: [x86_64] # Iniial package for SLE 15 SP1
  - qemu-audio-pa: [x86_64] # Iniial package for SLE 15 SP1
  - qemu-audio-spice: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-block-curl #  Initial package for SLE 15, bnc#882008
  - qemu-block-ssh #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#315181, FATE#319446
  - qemu-block-iscsi
  - qemu-chardev-baum # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-chardev-spice: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-guest-agent #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#315347
  - qemu-hw-display-qxl: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu: [x86_64,s390x]  # bsc#1180271, bsc#1181103
  - qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci: [x86_64,s390x]  # bsc#1180271, bsc#1181103
  - qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw: [s390x] # (bsc#1181103)
  - qemu-hw-usb-host # bsc#1198175
  - qemu-hw-usb-redirect: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-ovmf-x86_64: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319531
  - qemu-ppc: [ppc64le]
  - qemu #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - qemu-ksm # jsc#SLE-11692
  - qemu-lang #  initial package for sle 15
  - qemu-s390x: [s390x]  # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-seabios: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - qemu-sgabios: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - qemu-skiboot: [ppc64le]  # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-ui-curses  # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-ui-gtk: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-ui-opengl: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-ui-spice-app: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-ui-spice-core: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271
  - qemu-uefi-aarch64: [aarch64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319531
  - qemu-x86: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-role-kvm
  - sev-tool: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-8354
  - swtpm # jsc#SLE-16993
  - swtpm-devel # jsc#SLE-16993
  - vhostmd #  BSC#1068979
  - virglrenderer-devel # livirglrenderer is pulled in by qemu
  - virt-p2v
  - virt-v2v-bash-completion
  - virt-v2v-man-pages-ja
  - virt-v2v-man-pages-uk
  - vm-dump-metrics #  BSC#1068979

  # Xen
  - patterns-server-xen_server: [x86_64,recommended]
  - patterns-server-xen_tools: [x86_64,recommended]
  - xen: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - grub2-x86_64-xen: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - system-role-xen: [x86_64]

  # x86_64 only ?
  - qemu-block-rbd #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#318349

  # FIXME to be reviewed
  - libvirt-daemon-config-network #  BSC#1057318
  - libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl: [x86_64]
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-interface
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-secret
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct #  sr#226616
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd: [x86_64, aarch64]
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi
  - libvirt-lock-sanlock
  - libvirt-nss
  - supermin
  - sanlock-devel # sanlock pulled in by libvirt-lock-sanlock

  - xen-devel: [x86_64]
  - spice-gtk-devel
  - libspice-server-devel
  - libvirt-devel
  - libvirt-doc
  - libguestfs-devel
  - libvirt-glib-devel
  - libosinfo-devel
  - usbredir-devel
  - gtk-vnc-devel

  - virt-install #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - virt-manager #  Initial package for SLE 15

  - virt-top #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - virt-v2v #  Initial package for SLE 15
  # virt-viewer is moved to basesystem to have it available in SLED too (bsc#1083398)

  # Xen
  - xen-tools: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - xen-tools-xendomains-wait-disk: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-10172, bsc#1055731

  # x86_64 only ?
  - qemu-ipxe #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - qemu-kvm: [x86_64,s390x] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - qemu-vgabios: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1180271

#  for update tests, group needs to be  removed for GA
#   	Owner: Maintenance, Benjamin Brunner

#  - update-test-affects-package-manager
#  - update-test-broken
#  - update-test-feature
#  - update-test-interactive
#  - update-test-optional
#  - update-test-reboot-needed
#  - update-test-relogin-suggested
#  - update-test-retracted
#  - update-test-security
#  - update-test-trivial

# Contains all QT libraries
#   Owner: SLED Release Manager, Desktop Project Manager
# General Fate: FATE#320330
# * qt_standard
#   'normal' set off qt tools, for all products witha a basic QT enablement
# * qt_extended
#   stuff formerly in the SLE-WE product only

  - libQt5Core5 #  Initial package for SLE 15, dependency of ft2demos
  - libQt5Gui5 #  Initial package for SLE 15, dependency of ft2demos
  - libQt5Widgets5 #  Initial package for SLE 15, dependency of ft2demos
  - libQtQuick5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330, dependencies:libQt5Bluetooth5-imports,libQt5Multimedia5
  - libQt5X11Extras5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libqt5-qttranslations

# note that some of those added due to dependencies may still go to standard
  - libQt5Bluetooth5-imports #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Bluetooth5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Multimedia5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Nfc5-imports #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Nfc5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5WebSockets5-imports #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5WebSockets5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3 # gnome_extended:patterns-gnome-gnome
  - libQt5Sql5-mysql # qt_standard:libQtQuick5
  - libQt5Sql5-postgresql # qt_standard:libQtQuick5
  - libQt5Sql5-unixODBC # qt_standard:libQtQuick5

  # all dependencies of python-qt5:
  - libQt5Designer5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Help5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Location5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5SerialPort5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5Svg5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330
  - libQt5WebChannel5 #  Inherited from CODE12,FATE#320330

  # other Qt5 packages:
  - libQt5Positioning5
  - libQt5Script5
  - libqt5-qtimageformats
  - libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects
  - libqt5-qtquickcontrols  # bsc#1093073
  - libqt5-qtquickcontrols2
  - libQt5QuickControls2-5
  - libQt5QuickTemplates2-5
  - libQt5Sensors5
  - libQt5Sensors5-imports
  - libqt5-qtwayland
  - libQt5WaylandClient5
  - libQt5WaylandCompositor5
  - libQt5WebChannel5-imports
  - libQt5Xdg3
  - libQt5XdgIconLoader3
  - libQt53DAnimation5
  - libQt53DCore5
  - libqt5-qt3d-imports
  - libqt5-qt3d-tools
  - libQt53DExtras5
  - libQt53DInput5
  - libQt53DLogic5
  - libQt53DQuick5
  - libQt53DQuickAnimation-devel
  - libQt53DQuickAnimation5
  - libQt53DQuickExtras5
  - libQt53DQuickInput5
  - libQt53DQuickRender5
  - libQt53DQuickScene2D5
  - libQt53DRender5

# Contains every python package that is not required in sle_minimal
#         (or sle_base, atm)
# Owner: TBD

  - python-base: [locked]
  - asciidoc # jsc#SLE-16747
  - breezy # jsc#SLE-21914
  - mercurial # jsc#SLE-21914
  - python3-adal # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-alembic
  - python3-apparmor
  - python3-appdirs
  - python3-atspi
  - python3-audit # jsc#SLE-17857
  - python3-bcrypt
  - python3-beautifulsoup4
  - python3-blinker
  - python3-blist # overlap: sle_devtools:python3-blis sle_containers:python3-cassandra-driver
  - python3-boto3
  - python3-botocore
  - python3-brlapi
  - python3-cephfs
  - python3-certifi
  - python3-chardet
  - python3-click
  - python3-Cython # overlap: sle_devtools:python3-Cython sle_containers:python3-cassandra-driver
  - python3-dasbus # jsc#SLE-21551
  - python3-dbus-python
  - python3-defusedxml # jsc#SES-114 req. by python-python3-saml
  - python3-distro # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1122789
  - python3-dmidecode
  - python3-dnspython # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1122791
  - python3-docopt
  - python3-docutils
  - python3-ecdsa # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-extras
  - python3-fasteners # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-fixtures
  - python3-Flask
  - python3-Flask-Babel
  - python3-Flask-BabelEx
  - python3-Flask-Gravatar
  - python3-Flask-HTMLmin
  - python3-Flask-Login
  - python3-Flask-Mail
  - python3-Flask-Migrate
  - python3-Flask-Paranoid
  - python3-Flask-Principal
  - python3-Flask-Script
  - python3-Flask-Security-Too
  - python3-Flask-SQLAlchemy
  - python3-Flask-WTF
  - python3-future
  - python3-gedit
  - python3-gobject
  - python3-gobject2
  - python3-gpgme # bsc#1096921
  - python3-html5lib
  - python3-htmlmin
  - python3-httplib2 # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-idna
  - python3-ipaddr
  - python3-ipy # jsc#SLE-17857
  - python3-itsdangerous
  - python3-javapackages
  - python3-jmespath
  - python3-kerberos # jsc#SLE-16674
  - python3-keylime # jsc#SLE-18265
  - python3-ldap # dependency of some samba yast2 packages
  - python3-libxml2 # jsc#SLE-21255
  - python3-linecache2
  - python3-linux-procfs # dependency of tuned
  - python3-logutils
  - python3-keyring # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-monotonic # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-M2Crypto # required by libstorage-smis-plugin, osc
  - python3-Mako
  - python3-netaddr # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-netifaces # bsc#1063735
  - python3-newt # bsc#1064714
  - python3-oauthlib # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-oauth2client # FATE#325539, required by fence-agents in the cloud
  - python3-packaging
  - python3-paramiko
  - python3-pbr
  - python3-pecan
  - python3-pexpect # bsc#1070483
  - python3-pkgconfig # FATE#322329 req. by python-python3-saml
  - python3-policycoreutils # jsc#SLE-17857
  - python3-psycopg2
  - python3-py
  - python3-pybeam
  - python3-Pygments
  - python3-pyinotify # bsc#1192500
  - python3-PyNaCl
  - python3-pyOpenSSL # bsc#1063735
  - python3-pyparsing
  - python3-pyrsistent
  - python3-python-editor
  - python3-python-mimeparse
  - python3-python3-saml # jsc#SES-114 FATE#322329
  - python3-pytz
  - python3-pyudev
  - python3-PyJWT # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-PyYAML
  - python3-requests
  - python3-requests-aws
  - python3-requests-oauthlib # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-rpm # bsc#1063735
  - python3-rsa # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-s3transfer
  - python3-SecretStorage # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120673
  - python3-setuptools # Reason: FATE#318137
  - python3-setuptools-test # MU#17358
  - python3-setuptools-wheel # MU#17358
  - python3-Sphinx_4_2_0 # overlap: public_cloud:python3-sphinxcontrib-apidoc sle_devtools:python3-breathe / bsc#1195789
  - python3-simplejson #bsc#1064718
  - python3-six
  - python3-solv # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1123656
  - python3-speaklater
  - python3-SQLAlchemy
  - python3-sqlparse
  - python3-sshtunnel
  - python3-talloc
  - python3-testtools
  - python3-tornado
  - python3-traceback2
  - python3-unittest2
  - python3-urllib3
  - python3-waitress
  - python3-webencodings
  - python3-WebOb
  - python3-WTForms
  - python3-WebTest
  - python3-Werkzeug
  - python3-websocket-client #required by python3-docker and patterns-public-cloud-15-Microsoft-Azure
  - python3-wrapt # SUMA 4.0 bsc#1120788
  - python3-xattr # kiwi-template-sap, kiwi-templates-SLES15-JeOS
  - python3-xmlsec # jsc#SES-114 req. by python-python3-saml
  - samba-python3 # bsc#1125403

  - python3-devel
  - python3-gobject2-devel # see also bsc#989043
  - python3-ldb-devel
  - python3-talloc-devel
  - python3-lxml-devel
  - python3-numpy-devel
  - python3-sip-devel

# Packages belonging in the context of NVDimm
# Reason to have this in an extra group is that it may become
# part of Servers but not Desktops or all Serverbased products
# FATEs associated: 320463, 319636, 319653, 319673
# 	Owner: ???

  - nvmetcli # FATE#322737
  - ndctl: [x86_64, ppc64le] #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#326817, bsc#1123024
  - pmdk: [x86_64, ppc64le] # FATE#322653, bsc#1179401
  - pmdk-convert: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-4873, FATE#326234
  - pmdk-tools: [x86_64, ppc64le] # FATE#322653, bsc#1179401
  - libpmem1: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libpmemblk1: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libpmemlog1: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libpmemobj1: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ipmctl: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15 SP1, FATE#325527
  - ipmctl-data: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15 SP1, FATE#325527
  - ipmctl-devel: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15 SP1, FATE#325527
  - libipmctl2: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15 SP1, FATE#325527
  - libvmem1: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libvmmalloc1: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15

# Contains every package that is part of the Container module
# Owner: Federica Teodori <>

  - bmake # MU#20861
  - buildah # JIRA#SLE-3944
  - containerd # Initial package for SLE 15
  - containerized-data-importer-manifests # 
  - container-diff # jsc#SLE-9265
  - container-suseconnect # To be able to build containers outside of IBS
  - docker # Initial package for SLE 15
  - docker-bash-completion # Initial package for SLE 15
  - docker-libnetwork # Initial package for SLE 15
  - docker-runc # Initial package for SLE 15
  - helm # jsc#SLE-21606
  - helm-bash-completion # jsc#SLE-21606
  - helm-zsh-completion # jsc#SLE-21606
  - helm-mirror # bsc#1172787
  - kubernetes1.18-client # jsc#ECO-1013
  - kubernetes1.18-client-common # jsc#ECO-1013
  - kubevirt-manifests # jsc#ECO-2411, jsc#SLE-15935,
  - kubevirt-virtctl # jsc#ECO-2411, jsc#SLE-15935
  - libnvidia-container-devel # MU#20861
  - libnvidia-container-static # MU#20861
  - libnvidia-container-tools # MU#20861
  - libnvidia-container1 # MU#20861
  - nvidia-container-runtime # MU#20861
  - nvidia-container-toolkit # MU#20861
  - obs-service-docker_label_helper # jsc#ECO-2411, jsc#SLE-15935
  - podman # JIRA#SLE-3944
  - podman-cni-config # JIRA#SLE-3944
  - podman-docker # jsc#SLE-18349
  - podman-remote # jsc#SLE-18349
  - python3-arrow #  bsc#1184441
  - python3-cassandra-driver #  jsc#SLE-16243
  - python3-seccomp # jsc#SLE-18349
  - zypper-docker # Initial package for SLE 15

# Contains every package that is part of SLES for SAP and not
# part of SLES or HA directly.
# Owner: ReleaseManager SLES for SAP (Matthias Frühauf)

  - samba-libs-python: [locked] # use python3 variant
  # patterns
  - patterns-sap-b1: [recommended] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - patterns-sap-hana: [recommended] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - patterns-sap-nw: [recommended] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - clamsap #  Inherited from CODE12
  - ClusterTools2 #  Inherited from CODE12
  - HANA-Firewall: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - kiwi-template-sap: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - release-notes-sles-for-sap # Initial package for SLE 15
  - drbd-formula # jsc#SLE-6971, jsc#SLE-4047, jsc#SLE-4037, jsc#SLE-4031
  - grafana-ha-cluster-dashboards # bsc#1183690
  - grafana-sap-hana-dashboards # bsc#1183690
  - grafana-sap-netweaver-dashboards # bsc#1183690
  - grafana-sap-providers # bsc#1183690
  - grafana-sleha-provider # bsc#1183690
  - habootstrap-formula # jsc#SLE-6971, jsc#SLE-4047, jsc#SLE-4037, jsc#SLE-4031
  - iscsi-formula # jsc#ECO-1965 jsc#ECO-2443 jsc#SLE-4047
  - prometheus-ha_cluster_exporter # jsc#SLE-10545
  - prometheus-hanadb_exporter # jsc#SLE-10545
  - prometheus-sap_host_exporter # jsc#SLE-10545
  - python3-shaptools  # jsc#SLE-6971, jsc#SLE-4047, jsc#SLE-4037, jsc#SLE-4031
  - salt-shaptools # jsc#SLE-6971, jsc#SLE-4047, jsc#SLE-4037, jsc#SLE-4031
  - saphanabootstrap-formula # jsc#SLE-6971, jsc#SLE-4047, jsc#SLE-4037, jsc#SLE-4031
  - sapnwbootstrap-formula # jsc#SLE-6971, jsc#SLE-4047, jsc#SLE-4037, jsc#SLE-4031
  - SAPHanaSR #  Inherited from CODE12
  - SAPHanaSR-doc #  Inherited from CODE12
  - SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut #  Inherited from CODE12
  - SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut-doc #  Inherited from CODE12
  - sap-installation-wizard: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - sap-installation-start # bnc#1066951 sap-installation-wizard is not started after the installation
  - sap-netscape-link #  Inherited from CODE12
  - sapstartsrv-resource-agents # MU#18777
  - saprouter-systemd #  Inherited from CODE12
  - sap-suse-cluster-connector # FATE#323465: [ECO] sap_suse_cluster_connector to be enhanced to match the new NW-HA-CLU 7.40 certification
  - saptune: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - sapwmp # jsc#SLE-7348
  - supportutils-plugin-ha-sap # bsc#1172792
  - yast2-hana-firewall: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - yast2-hana-update  # maintupd.
  - yast2-rdp #  Inherited from CODE12
  - yast2-sap-ha #  Inherited from CODE12
  - yast2-sap-scp: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - yast2-sap-scp-prodlist: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12
  - yast2-saptune #  Inherited from CODE12

#  Defines the packages that are part of a Base installation
#        Owner: SLES Release Manager

  - libobjc4 # added specifically as libobjc4 will otherwise be pulled in
  - patterns-base-apparmor: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-basesystem: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-bootloader: [recommended] # jsc#SLE-18100
  - patterns-base-documentation: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-enhanced_base: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-fips: [recommended] # MU#20322/MU#20323
  - patterns-base-minimal_base: [recommended]
  - patterns-base-sw_management: [recommended]
  - patterns-yast-yast2_basis: [recommended] # Initial package for SLE 15
  - patterns-yast-yast2_desktop: [recommended] # bsc#1159875
  - patterns-yast-yast2_server: [recommended] # bsc#1159875
  # gcc8 FATE#326486:
  - libasan6 # MU#16622 / jsc#ECO-2373
  - libgfortran5 # FATE#326486
  - libubsan1 # FATE#326486
  # - libquadmath0 #  FATE#326486, pulled by libquadmath0-32bit
  # - libquadmath0-32bit: [x86_64] #  FATE#326486, pulled by libgfortran4-32bit
  # endgcc8 FATE#326486:
  - ServiceReport # jsc#SLE-13288
  - aaa_base-extras #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - acl #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - adcli-doc # recommended package for adcli (sssd dependency)
  - alsa #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - alsa-plugins #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - apparmor-parser-lang # recommended by profiles
  - apparmor-profiles #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - apparmor-rpm-macros
  - arm-trusted-firmware-a80x0: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mm: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mq: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-poplar: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-qemu: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-qemu_sbsa: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rk3328: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rk3368: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rpi3: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rpi4: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_a64: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_h6: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-tegra186: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-tegra210: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware-tools: [aarch64] # bsc#1173489
  - arm-trusted-firmware-zynqmp: [aarch64] # bsc#1195129
  - arm-trusted-firmware: [aarch64] # bsc#1173489
  - attr #  Inherited from CODE 12
  - autofs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - autoyast2 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - avahi # bsc#1054688
  - avahi-lang
  - avahi-utils # bsc#1054688
  - barrel # SR#258110
  - barrel-lang # SR#261148
  - bash-completion #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bash-completion-doc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - bc # required on power, make it arch unspecific
  - binutils # initial package for SLE 15
  - bluez # bsc#1158452
  - bolt # jsc#SLE-19358
  - bolt-tools # jsc#SLE-19358
  - canutils # jsc#SLE-12146
  - ceph-common #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#318329
  - checkmedia #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - checkpolicy # jsc#SLE-17857
  - cifs-utils #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - clamav #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cmsfs: [s390x] #  bsc#1166976
  - collectd # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-connectivity # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-dbi # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-ipmi # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-java # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-lua # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-mcelog # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-memcachec # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-mysql # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-notify-desktop # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-nut # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-openldap # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-ovs # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-pcie # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-pinba # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-postgresql # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-procevent # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-python3 # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-smart # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-snmp # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-synproxy # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-sysevent # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-uptime # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-virt # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-write_stackdriver # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugin-write_syslog # SLE-9892
  - collectd-plugins-all # SLE-9892
  - collectd-spamassassin # SLE-9892
  - collectd-web # SLE-9892
  - collectd-web-js # SLE-9892
  - command-not-found # Initial package for SLE 15
  - compat-libpthread-nonshared # bsc#1178526
  - conntrack-tools #  inherited from HA 12, FATE#324143
  - conntrackd
  - coreutils-doc # bsc#1189454
  - cosign # jsc#SLE-23476
  - cpio #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cpupower #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cracklib-dict-small # needed for containers and JeOS
  - cryptctl: [x86_64,ppc64le] #  Inherited from CODE12, jsc#SLE-11473
  - crypto-policies-scripts # jsc#SLE-20287
  - crda # FATE#324763
  - cups-filters #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#865766
  - cups #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - cyrus-sasl-crammd5 #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - cyrus-sasl-gssapi #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - cyrus-sasl #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - cyrus-sasl-otp #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - cyrus-sasl-plain #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - cyrus-sasl-saslauthd #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - db48-utils #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dbus-1-x11 # Inherited from CODE12, required by several packages
  - dbxtool # MU#16777
  - dconf # needed by libglib2
  - deltarpm # initial package for SLE 15
  - dhcp-client #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dhcp #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dnsmasq # bsc#1075948
  - dos2unix #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dracut-ima # FATE#323908, bsc#1066246
  - driverctl: [s390x] # jsc#SLE-21878
  - duperemove #  Initial package for SLE 15, TBD: sle_minimal candidate?
  - efivar #  Inherited from CODE 12
  - emacs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - emacs-nox # avoid emacs-x11 in base
  - emacs-x11: [locked] # not in sle_base!
  - emacs-el # Inherited from CODE12
  - enscript # Inherited from CODE12
  - expect # bsc#1059651
  - fail2ban # jsc#SLE-11611
  - fbiterm # bsc#1132329 FATE#325746
  - fetchmail #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - fio # bsc#1117653 FATE#326814 bsc#1129706 bsc#1160360
  - flex # Overlap: legacy:clang5-devel sle_devtools:patterns-devel-base-devel_basis
  - freeipmi: [aarch64,x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, dependency:nut; TBD: inclusion into other IPMI packages
  - freeipmi-ipmiseld: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - freeipmi-devel: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - fribidi #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gd-devel # Overlap: sle_webserver:nginx-source sle_desktop_devel_packages:gd-devel
  - geoipupdate # bsc#1168176
  - geoipupdate-legacy # bsc#1168176
  - geolite2legacy # bsc#1168176
  - ghostscript-x11 #  Overlap: legacy:gv desktop_base_apps:ghostscript-x11
  - glibc-i18ndata #  Inherited from CODE12
  - glibc-info #  Inherited from CODE12
  - glibc-profile #  Inherited from CODE12
  - gpart #  Inherited from CODE12
  - gpgme #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gpm #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - graphviz # Overlap:  sle_misc_applications:ibutils-ui sle_devtools:graphviz-devel
  - groff-full # sle_base:man
  - gsettings-backend-dconf #  hard requirement for gsettings
  - gssproxy #  jsc#SLE-6952
  - gstreamer-devel # Overlap: virtualization_devel:spice-gtk-devel sle_desktop_devel_packages:cheese-devel
  - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel # Overlap: virtualization_devel:spice-gtk-devel sle_desktop_devel_packages:cheese-devel
  - gswrap # jsc#SLE-21706
  - gtk2-branding-SLE # bsc#1071917
  - gtk2-lang
  - gtk2-devel # jsc#SLE-18648
  - gtk3-branding-SLE
  - gtk3-lang
  - gtk4-branding-SLE # bsc#1192286
  - gtk4-schema # jsc#SLE-18648
  - gxditview # sle_base:man
  - hdparm #  Inherited from CODE12
  - ldb-tools # jsc#PM-1374
  - ledmon # bsc#1176850
  - libgnutls30-hmac # bsc#1169042
  - libgtksourceview-3_0-1 # Overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_tools gnome_standard:gedit-devel
  - libgts-0_7-5 # Overlap: sle_misc_applications:ibutils-ui  sle_devtools:gts-devel
  - libibmad5 #    inherited from CODE 12; Overlap: ofed:ibsim sle_devtools:opa-address-resolution
  - libmarkdown2 # bsc#1171240
  - hostinfo # Get Sys Info
  - hplip-hpijs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - hplip-sane #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - inotify-tools # jsc#SLE-17886
  - insserv-compat # Initial package for SLE 15, required for some ISVs, e.g. SAP
  - intel-SINIT # Inherited from  SLE 12
  - ipmitool #  Initial package for SLE 15, dependency:nut; TBD: inclusion into other IPMI packages
  - iproute2-arpd # bsc#1175281
  - iproute2-bash-completion #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - iprutils: [ppc64le] # FATE#322236
  - ipsec-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12,FATE#323321
  - ipvsadm #    inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1075174, FATE#321936
  - irqbalance: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - iso-codes #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - iso-codes-lang # sle_base:iso-codes
  - iso_ent # Initial package for SLE 15
  - iw # bsc#1070915
  - jq # FATE#324417
  - kernel-64kb: [aarch64] # jsc#SLE-15406
  - kernel-default-base # bsc#1116740 - used for JeOS
  - keylime-agent # jsc#SLE-18265
  - keylime-config # jsc#SLE-18265
  - keylime-firewalld # jsc#SLE-18265
  - keylime-registrar # jsc#SLE-18265
  - keylime-tpm_cert_store # jsc#SLE-18265
  - keylime-verifier # jsc#SLE-18265
  - kmod-bash-completion # Inital package fro SLE 15
  - kmscon # jsc#SLE-16598
  - krb5-client #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - krb5-plugin-preauth-otp #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - krb5-plugin-preauth-pkinit #  Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - lftp #  Initial package for SLE 15,  inherited, FATE#313673
  - libada11 # MU#21075
  - libatomic_ops-devel # Overlap: sle_webserver:nginx-source sle_devtools:libatomic_ops-devel
  - libbluetooth3 #  Initial package for SLE 15,  inherited,
  - libboost_atomic1_66_0  # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_chrono1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_container1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_context1_66_0: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_coroutine1_66_0: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_date_time1_66_0  # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_fiber1_66_0: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_graph1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_iostreams1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_locale1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_log1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_math1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_python-py3-1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_random1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_signals1_66_0 # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_thread1_66_0  # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libburn4 # Overlap: sle_module_sap_applications:kiwi-template-sap  gnome_standard:brasero
  - libcaca-devel # libcaca0 pulled in by gnuplot, bsc#1125845
  - libcap-progs # bsc#1065834
  - libcap-ng-utils  # bsc#1079562
  - libcheck0 # overlap between HA and DevTools.
  - libclang9 # jsc#SLE-7452
  - libcollectdclient-devel #SLE-9892
  - libcollectdclient1 #SLE-9892
  - libcontainers-common # overlap: skopeo (server apps module) and buildah / podman (container module)
  - libcryptopp-devel # MU#15762
  - libcryptopp8_6_0
  - libdfp1: [ppc64le,s390x] # bsc#1070719
  - libdfp-devel: [ppc64le,s390x] # bsc#1070719
  - libekmfweb1: [s390x] # bsc#1181578
  - libekmfweb1-devel: [s390x] # bsc#1181578
  - libelf1 # Initial package for SLE 15,  inherited, crash-kmp needs it implicit
  - libenchant1 # Overlap: php7:php7-enchant gnome_extended:gtkspell-lang
  - libfabric # FATE#319253, required by rpmemd
  - libfltk1 # Overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_tools desktop_base_apps:tigervnc
  - libgd3 # Overlap: sle_misc_applications:gnuplot sle_module_desktop_applications:emacs-x11
  - libglut3 # Overlap: sle_misc_applications:libcaca-devel sle_desktop_devel_packages:freeglut-devel
  - libgo19 # MU#21075
  - libgpiod-utils # jsc#SLE-7312
  - libgpiod2 # jsc#SLE-7312
  - libhidapi-devel # FATE#323337
  - libhidapi-hidraw0 # FATE#323337
  - libhugetlbfs # Inital package, bsc#1060762
  - libidn-tools # jsc#SLE-22543
  - libidn2-tools # jsc#SLE-22543
  - libinfinipath4 # explicitly added for SP1 as it was part of SP0
  - libiscsi8 #  Initial package for SLE 15 ; FATE#320080, dependency:qemu-block-iscsi
  - libisoburn1 # Overlap: sle_module_sap_applications:kiwi-template-sap desktop_base_apps:dvd+rw-tools
  - libisofs6 # Overlap: sle_module_sap_applications:kiwi-template-sap gnome_standard:brasero
  - libitm1 # bsc#1170907
  - libjpeg8 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libjq-devel #FATE#324417
  - libjson-c3 # FATE#323337
  - libkmip-devel # jsc#SLE-18267
  - libkmip-tools # jsc#SLE-18267
  - libkmip0 # jsc#SLE-18267
  - libLLVM7
  - libLLVM9 # jsc#SLE-7452
  - liblttng-ctl0: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # overlap of lttng-tools-devel, lttng-tools
  - libncurses5: [locked] # should stay in legacy
  - libncurses5-32bit: [locked] # should stay in legacy
  - libndctl6: [x86_64,ppc64le] # explicit to reduce overlap and limit to platforms
  - libneon27 # needed by Server Applications (nut-drivers-net) and Desktop Apps (pulseaudio-gdm-hooks)
  - libnet9 # added here to make dependencies between modules more easy (FIXME: studying the possibility to remove deps on resource-agents
  - libnscd1 # Inherited from CODE12, as we have libnscd1-32bit...
  - libopae-c1: [x86_64] # fate#325137
  - libhwloc15 # bsc#1169224
  - libhwloc5 # bsc#1169224 - added here for backward compatibility
  - libopus-devel # Overlap: virtualization_devel:spice-gtk-devel sle_desktop_devel_packages:libopus-devel
  - libosinfo-1_0-0 # Productivity (gnome-documents) and Server apps (patterns-server-kvm_tools) need it
  - libosinfo-lang # Productivity (gnome-documents) and Server apps (patterns-server-kvm_tools) need it
  - libostree-1-1 # overlap desktop-applications / containers modules
  - libp11-devel # jsc#SLE-7482
  - libpng12-0 # needed by inkskape-extensions-fig and patterns-sap-hana
  - libpcre2-16-0 # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1066844, dependency: git-core
  - libpcre2-32-0 # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1066844, dependency: git-core
  - libpcre2-8-0 # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1066844, dependency: git-core
  - librsync2 #  dependency: csync2, duplicity
  - libsoup-devel # Overlap: virtualization_devel:spice-gtk-devel sle_desktop_devel_packages:gnome-software-devel
  - libsoup2-devel # Overlap: virtualization_devel:spice-gtk-devel sle_desktop_devel_packages:gnome-software-devel
  - libsoup2-lang # jsc#SLE-18648
  - libspice-client-glib-2_0-8 # Inherited from CODE12,
  - libspice-client-glib-helper # Inherited from CODE12,  bsc#994858
  - libspice-client-gtk-3_0-5 # Inherited from CODE12,
  - libstdc++6-devel-gcc11 # MU#21075
  - libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 # MU#21075
  - libstoragemgmt1 #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#314409
  - libstoragemgmt #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#314409
  - libstoragemgmt-udev # FATE#3234 # FATE#3234344
  - libstorage-ng-lang # recommended by libstorage-ng
  - libtcmalloc4 # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#982432
  - libtcnative-1-0 # Overlap: tomcat8:libtcnative-1-0 sle_devtools_java:gradle-local
  - libteamdctl0 #  Inherited from CODE12, FATE#318389, FATE#318572, dependency:NetworkManager
  - libtidy5 # Overlap: php8:php8-tidy php7:php7-tidy / php8:php8-tidy sle_devtools:docbook2x / php7:php7-tidy sle_devtools:docbook2x
  - libtpm2_pkcs11-0 # jsc#SLE-20526
  - libusbredirhost1 # Inherited from CODE12
  - libusbredirparser1 # Inherited from CODE12
  - libu2f-host0 # FATE#323337
  - libu2f-host-devel # FATE#323337
  - libu2f-server0 # FATE#323337
  - libu2f-server-devel # FATE#323337
  - libusbgx1 #  FATE#322314
  - libusbgx-tools #  FATE#322314
  - libvma9: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # jsc#SLE-15165
  - libvma: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # bsc#1050705
  - libvdeplug3 # Overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_server sle_desktop_devel_packages:libvdehist-devel
  - libvte-2_91-0 # overlap:  virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_server gnome_minimal:gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal
  - libleveldb1 # required for desktop and SES
  - libvulkan_intel # bsc#1180522
  - libvulkan_lvp # bsc#1180522
  - libvulkan_radeon # bsc#1180522
  - libwebpdemux2 # required for desktop and SES
  - libwebpmux3 # Overlap: sle_webserver:nginx-source sle_module_desktop_applications:emacs-x11
  - libxml++ # jsc#SLE-5552
  - libxml++-devel # jsc#SLE-5552
  - libxmlsec1-1 #  needed by open-vm-tools, added explicitly to reduce 'overlap'
  - libxmlsec1-openssl1 # bsc#1101426, needed by open-vm-tools
  - libykclient3 # FATE#323337
  - libykclient-devel # FATE#323337
  - libykcs11-1 # FATE#323337
  - libykcs11-devel # FATE#323337
  - libykpers-1-1 # FATE#323337
  - libykpers-devel # FATE#323337
  - libykpiv1 # FATE#323337
  - libykpiv-devel # FATE#323337
  - libyubikey0 # FATE#323337
  - libyubikey-devel # FATE#323337
  - libyubikey-tools # FATE#323337
  - libyui-ncurses-tools  # bsc#1113291
  - libyui-qt # used by yast, use a package, not real package name bsc#1181257
  - libyui-qt-pkg # used by yast, use a package, not real package name bsc#1181257
  - libXaw3d8 # Overlap: legacy:gv, sle_module_desktop_applications:emacs-x11
  - libzfcphbaapi0: [s390x] # bsc#1094884
  - libzip5 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - libzpc-devel: [s390x] # jsc#SLE-18746
  - libzpc1: [s390x] # jsc#SLE-18746
  - lsb-release # needed for multiple external apps
  - lshw: [ppc64le,x86_64] # FATE#322439, bsc#1124500
  - lshw-lang: [ppc64le,x86_64]
  - lsvpd: [ppc64le] # FATE#322222
  - lz4 # bsc#1062467
  - man #  Inherited from CODE12
  - mcelog: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE 15, requested by Lenovo, FATE#322691
  - mgetty #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1060907
  - minicom #  bsc#1067183
  - minicom-lang
  - mksh #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#317031
  - mlocate #  Inherited from CODE12
  - mlocate-lang # recommended by mlocate
  - mmdblookup # MU#14214
  - mozilla-nss-sysinit # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#954062
  - mtools # Inherited from CODE12
  - mutt-doc # recommended by mutt
  - mutt #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - mutt-lang # recommended by mutt
  - nfs-kernel-server #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - nftables # FATE#320520
  - nscd #  Inherited from CODE12
  - numad #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - numatop # 15 SP1, FATE#326395
  - nvme-cli #  Initial package for SLE 15, on purpose for all platforms
  - nvme-cli-bash-completion # jsc#SLE-18153
  - nvme-cli-zsh-completion # jsc#SLE-18153
  - ocaml: [locked] # unwanted here - moved to sle_devtools
  - onboard # new as maint.upd.
  - onboard-data # new as maint.upd.
  - onboard-lang # new as maint.upd.
  - oniguruma-devel # required for libonig4, pulled by libjq1
  - opae: [x86_64] # FATE#323188
  - opae-devel: [x86_64] # FATE#323188
  - OpenIPMI #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - opensc # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#325369
  - openldap2-client # bsc#1060184
  - openscap-containers # jsc#SLE-12852 / SR#260559
  - openscap-content #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - openscap-utils #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#10775502
  - openscap #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - openssl-engine-libp11 # jsc#SLE-7482
  - openucx-tools #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#324050
  - openvpn-auth-pam-plugin  # bsc#1061173
  - openvpn # bsc#1061173
  - osasnmpd: [s390x] # bsc#1066419
  - osinfo-db # Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1013983
  - osinfo-db-tools # Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1013983, needed by virtualization
  - p11-kit-nss-trust # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#320869
  - p11-kit-server #  jsc#SLE-18495
  - p7zip #  Initial package for SLE 15,FATE#316460
  - pam-extra # bsc#1168584
  - pam_apparmor # Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam_krb5 # Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam_mount # Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam_pkcs11 # Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam_snapper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam_ssh #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - pam_u2f # FATE#323337
  - pam_yubico # FATE#323337
  - patch #  SUMA-4.0 bsc#1120746
  - parted-lang
  - pciutils-ids
  - pcre2-devel # Overlap: sle_webserver:nginx-source sle_desktop_devel_packages:pcre2-devel
  - pcsc-tools # FATE#323826
  - perl-Config-Crontab # part of SP0
  - perl-Convert-ASN # MU#13682
  - perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker # jsc#SLE-16733
  - perl-Glib # jsc#SLE-16733
  - perl-Gtk2 # jsc#SLE-16733
  - perl-Gtk3 # jsc#SLE-23074
  - perl-IO-SessionData  # FATE#326524
  - perl-IO-Socket-INET6 # added here to make dependencies between modules more easy (HA)
  - perl-Net-IP # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1083371
  - perl-pcsc # FATE#323826
  - perl-SOAP-Lite  # FATE#326524
  - perl-Socket6 # added here to make dependencies between modules more easy (HA)
  - perl-Task-Weaken  # FATE#326524
  - perl-XML-Parser-Lite  # FATE#326524
  - perl-XML-SAX-Expat # was in basesystem by dependency on SP2, ensure it stays there for future SPx)
  - perl-XML-Simple # was in basesystem by dependency on SP2, ensure it stays there for future SPx)
  - perl-ldap # MU#13682
  - permissions-zypp-plugin # bsc#1114383
  - pesign-obs-integration # Overlap: public_cloud:kernel-syms-azure sle_devtools:kernel-syms
  - pesign: [x86_64, aarch64] # Overlap: public_cloud:kernel-syms-azure sle_devtools:kernel-install-tools
  - pixz # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#316220, bsc#1082782
  - plymouth # bsc#1067481
  - plymouth-dracut # bsc#1067481
  - plymouth-lang # SR#263854
  - plymouth-plugin-label-ft # jsc#SLE-11080
  - poppler-tools # bsc#1073540
  - postgresql #    Initial package for SLE 15, in basesystem as several packages from various modules require it
  - telnet # added here to make dependencies between modules more easy (HA)
  - policycoreutils-lang # recommended by policycoreutils-newrole
  - policycoreutils-newrole # bsc#1040330
  - policycoreutils-python-utils # bsc#1194806
  - postfix #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - postfix-doc
  - postfix-ldap # jsc#SLE-12191
  - ppc64-diag: [ppc64le] # FATE#322225
  - procinfo # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1081777
  - procmail # Inherited from CODE12
  - psmisc #  Initial package for SLE 15,bsc#1056646
  - psmisc-lang
  - purge-kernels-service # FIXME to be removed once patterns-base is fixed, jsc#SLE-10162
  - python-rpm-generators # MU#13986
  - python3-argcomplete # bsc#1172786
  - python3-cairo # Initial Package for SLE 15, used by Server  and Desktop Module
  - python3-cheroot # Initial Package for SLE 15, required by python3-CherryPy
  - python3-CherryPy # Initial Package for SLE 15, required by salt-api and Desktop Module
  - python3-curses # sle_base:zypper-log
  - python3-dbm # sle_base:zypper-log
  - python3-gevent # Initial Package for SLE 15,  recommended by salt-minion
  - python3-gobject-cairo # Initial Package for SLE 15, used by Server  and Desktop Module
  - python3-gobject-Gdk # Initial Package for SLE 15, used by Server  and Desktop Module
  - python3-idle # sle_base:zypper-log
  - python3-libvirt-python # bsc#1058958, Overlap: virtualization and sle_manager_tools group
  - python3-jsonschema # bsc#1180403, dependency of docker-compose from PackageHub -> move from public_cloud
  - python3-libnvme # jsc#SLE-18153
  - python3-pip # sle_base:zypper-log
  - python3-pip-wheel # MU#17359
  - python3-portend # Initial Package for SLE 15, required by python3-CherryPy
  - python3-PrettyTable # Initial Package for SLE 15, needed by ceph-common
  - python3-pycurl # Initial Package for SLE 15, used by Server  and Desktop Module
  - python3-PySocks # Initial Package for SLE 15,  recommended by salt-minion
  - python3-scripttest # MU#17483
  - python3-selinux # jsc#SLE-17857
  - python3-tempora # Initial Package for SLE 15, required by python3-CherryPy
  - python3-tk # sle_base:zypper-log
  - python3-wheel # bsc#1172786
  - python3-zipp # jsc#SLE-11315
  - python3-zypp-plugin # bsc#1065283
  - qatengine: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-20907
  - qatlib # jsc#SLE-13417
  - qatlib-devel # jsc#SLE-13417
  - qatzip: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-20906
  - qemu-tools #  initial package for SLE 15; overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_tools sle_devtools:kiwi-templates-SLES15-JeOS
  - quota #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - quota-nfs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - radvd #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - rbd-nbd # jsc#SLE-11021
  - realmd  #  jsc#SLE-5527
  - realmd-lang  #  jsc#SLE-5527
  - rekor # jsc#SLE-23476
  - restorecond # new for SLE 15 SP1 to fix selinux setup
  - rpcbind #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - rpcgen # bsc#1181134
  - rpmemd: [x86_64] # Initial package for SLE15
  - rrdtool # bsc#1088307
  - rshim # jsc#SLE-16809
  - rsocket  # Reason: bsc#1040159, required by rdma-core-devel
  - rsync # needed for log
  - rsyslog #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-builder #  Package Hub enablement bsc#1124304
  - s390-tools-chreipl-fcp-mpath: [s390x] # jsc#SLE-18324
  - s390-tools-hmcdrvfs: [s390x] # bsc#1066419
  - s390-tools-zdsfs: [s390x] # bsc#1066419
  - salt-bash-completion # Initial package for SLE15
  - salt-doc # Initial package for SLE15
  - salt-zsh-completion # Initial package for SLE15
  - samba-ceph # jsc#SLE-11405
  - samba-client #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - samba-dsdb-modules # Overlap: sle_misc_applications:yast2-aduc sle_module_python2.*: python2:samba-ad-dc
  - samba-gpupdate # SR#259332
  - samba-libs-python: [locked] # use python3 variant
  - samba-libs-python3 # explicit to be prefered over the python2 variant.
  - samba #  Inherited from CODE 12
  - samba-winbind #  Inherited from CODE 12
  - sbl # Inherited from CODE 12
  - scap-security-guide # bsc#1183164
  - scap-security-guide-debian # bsc#1183164
  - scap-security-guide-redhat # bsc#1183164
  - scap-security-guide-ubuntu # bsc#1183164
  - scap-workbench # jsc#SLE-24105
  - screen #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - secvarctl: [ppc64le] # jsc#SLE-18126
  - sed #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - selinux-tools # jsc#SLE-17857
  - sensors: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]  # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1088856
  - servicelog: [ppc64le] # FATE#322224
  - setools-console #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - setools-libs #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - setserial #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1060907
  - shared-python-startup # bsc#1171748
  - sharutils #  Initial package for SLE 15, required by amavisd-new,too
  - sharutils-lang # bsc#1081748
  - skopeo # Overlap: virtualization:python3-virt-bootstrap sle_devtools:kiwi-systemdeps
  - sles-installer-sap-bone-release # jsc#SLE-23087
  - smartmontools #  Inherited from CODE 12
  - smc-tools: [s390x] # FATE#322618
  - smc-tools-completion: [s390x] # bsc#1181360
  - snipl: [s390x] # FATE#322117
  - socat # bsc#1063031, jsc#SLE-6760
  - socket_wrapper #  jsc#SLE-6952
  - spax  # bsc#1059135
  - spectre-meltdown-checker # jsc#SLE-5515
  - sqlite3 # Overlap: sle_module_ha:patterns-ha-ha_sles gnome_standard:ibus-pinyin
  - ssh-import-id # jsc#SLE-20868
  - sssd-ad #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-dbus #  bsc#1105307
  - sssd #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-ipa #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-kcm # jsc#SLE-17763
  - sssd-krb5-common #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-krb5 #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-ldap #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-proxy #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-tools # Initial package for SLE 15
  - sssd-winbind-idmap # jsc#SLE-7363
  - star  #  bsc#1059135
  - strongswan  #  bsc#1066859
  - strongswan-doc  #  bsc#1066859
  - strongswan-hmac  #  bsc#1066859
  - strongswan-ipsec  #  bsc#1066859
  - strongswan-libs0  #  bsc#1066859
  - sudo-plugin-python # bsc#1173200
  - supportutils # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1057501
  - supportutils-plugin-salt # FATE#326488
  - syslinux: [x86_64] # Overlap: sle_module_server_applications:syslinux sle_devtools:kiwi-pxeboot
  - sysstat # Overlap: sle_module_server_applications:patterns-server-enterprise-oracle_server sle_devtools:pcp-import-iostat2pcp
  - system-role-text-mode # bsc#1084616
  - tcsh # required shell
  - tcsh-lang
  - tcpd # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1075814
  - tdb-tools # bsc#1060184
  - termcap #  Inherited from CODE12
  - tftpboot-installation-common # FATE#322275
  - tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-SP4-aarch64 # FATE#322275
  - tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-SP4-ppc64le # FATE#322275
  - tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-SP4-s390x # FATE#322275
  - tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-SP4-x86_64 # FATE#322275
  - tftp #  Inherited from CODE 12
  - thunderbolt-user-space # FATE#324014
  - tigervnc # FATE#312636; Overlap: virtualization and desktop_base_apps
  - time #  Inherited from CODE12
  - tpm2.0-abrmd #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#315631
  - tpm2.0-tools #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#315631
  - tpm2-0-tss #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#315631
  - tpm2-pkcs11 # jsc#SLE-20526
  - tpm2-tss-engine  # FATE#325619
  - tpm2-tss-engine-bash-completion  # FATE#325619
  - tpm-tools #    Inherited from CODE12
  - tpm-tools-pkcs11 # FATE#315631
  - tpm-quote-tools # FATE#323077
  - typelib-1_0-GtkSource-3_0 # Overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_tools gnome_standard:gedit-devel
  - typelib-1_0-GtkSource-4 # Overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_tools gnome_standard:gedit-devel
  - typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 # Overlap: sle_devtools:devhelp-devel gnome_extended:evolution-devel
  - typelib-1_0-Vte-2.91 # Overlap: virtualization:patterns-server-kvm_tools sle_desktop_devel_packages:vte-devel
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 # OVerlap: sle_devtools:devhelp-devel gnome_extended:evolution-devel
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-4_0 # OVerlap: sle_devtools:devhelp-devel gnome_extended:evolution-devel
  - typelib-1_0-libdazzle-1_0 # Overlap: sle_devtools:gnome-builder gnome_extended:gnome-music
  - ucode-intel: [x86_64] # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066856
  - umoci # Overlap: sle_devtools:kiwi-systemdeps sle_containers:umoci
  - unar # Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1081507
  - unrar_wrapper # bsc#1081507
  - usbguard # jsc#SLE-20295
  - usbguard-tools # jsc#SLE-20295
  - usbutils #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - vim-data #  bsc#1060189
  - virt-viewer # bsc#1083398
  - w3m #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - webkit2gtk3-soup2-devel # Overlap: sle_devtools:devhelp-devel gnome_extended:evolution-devel
  - wireguard-tools  # MU#15792
  - whois #  Inherited from CODE12
  - wol # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1083955
  - wol-udev-rules
  - wpa_supplicant #  dependency:Initial package for SLE15
  - xalan-c # Inherited from SDK 15, Reason: FATE#320903
  - xdelta3 # required by SLEPOS
  - xkeyboard-config-lang # recommends of emacs, used by more modules.
  - xfsdump #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1061177
  - xmlcharent # Inherited from CODE12
  - xorriso # Overlap: sle_module_sap_applications:kiwi-template-sap sle_devtools:dracut-kiwi-live
  - xz #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-add-on #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-apparmor # bsc#1058825
  - yast2-audit-laf # bsc1058825
  - yast2-auth-client # sle_module_server_applications:patterns-yast-yast2_basis
  - yast2-auth-server # sle_module_server_applications:patterns-server-directory_server
  - yast2-boot-server # bsc#1083955
  - yast2-cio: [s390x] # FATE#316579, bsc#1068326
  - yast2-control-center-qt #   Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-dhcp-server #  BSC#1059168
  - yast2-dns-server #  BSC#1059170
  - yast2-firstboot #  BSC#1065637
  - yast2-firstboot-wsl # jsc#SLE-20413
  - yast2-ftp-server #  BSC#1058724
  - yast2-http-server #  BSC#1058723
  - yast2-iscsi-lio-server #  BSC#1057272
  - yast2-journal #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-kdump #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-ldap #  BSC#1059176
  - yast2-mail #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1059175
  - yast2-migration #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071757
  - yast2-nfs-client #  BSC#1058861
  - yast2-nfs-server #  BSC#1059177
  - yast2-nis-client #  BSC#1058493
  - yast2-nis-server #  BSC#1058493
  - yast2-online-update-configuration #  BSC#1059528
  - yast2-online-update-frontend #  BSC#1059528
  - yast2-printer #  BSC#1058711
  - yast2-registration #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-samba-client # bsc#1060184
  - yast2-samba-server # bsc#1060184
  - yast2-snapper #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-sound #  BSC#1058711
  - yast2-squid #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-sudo
  - yast2-support #  bsc#1059581
  - yast2-tftp-server #  Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1056801
  - yast2-trans-af # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ar # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-bg # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-bn # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-bs # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ca # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-cs # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-cy # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-da # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-de # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-el # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-en_GB # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-es # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-et # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-fa # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-transfer #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-fi # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-fr # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-gl # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-gu # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-hi # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-hr # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-hu # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-id # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-it # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ja # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-jv # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ka # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-km # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ko # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-lo # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-lt # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-mk # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-mr # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-nb # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-nl # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-pa # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-pl # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-pt_BR # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-pt # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ro # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ru # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-si # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-sk # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-sl # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-sr # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-stats #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-sv # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-ta # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-th # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-tr # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-uk # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-vi # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-wa # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-xh # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-zh_CN # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-zh_TW # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-trans-zu # Initial package for SLE 15
  - yast2-vm: [aarch64,x86_64,s390x] # BSC#1057318; Overlap: virtualization_gui:yast2-vm sle-module-basesystem-release
  - yast2-vpn # FATE#320616
  - ykclient # FATE#323337
  - ykpers # FATE#323337
  - ypbind #  BSC#1058493
  - yubico-piv-tool # FATE#323337
  - yubikey-manager #  FATE#323337
  - zip #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - zram-generator # jsc#SLE-18818
  - zsh #  Inherited from SLE 12
  - zstd # jsc#SLE-11313
  - zypper-log #  Initial package for SLE 15
  # FIXME to be reviewed later
  - desktop-file-utils
  - fonts-config
  - glib-networking
  - glib-networking-lang
  - gsettings-desktop-schemas
  - gsettings-desktop-schemas-lang # FIXME check if really needed
  - fuse
  - fuse3
  - gnutls
  - libfuse3-3
  - lksctp-tools
  - lockdev
  - mkisofs
  - mozilla-nss-tools
  - myspell-dictionaries
  - myspell-en
  - myspell-en_US # sle_base:myspell-en
  - myspell-lightproof-en # sle_base:myspell-en
  - myspell-de_DE # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-de
  - myspell-es_ES # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-es
  - myspell-lightproof-hu_HU # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-hu
  - myspell-lightproof-pt_BR # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-pt_BR
  - myspell-lightproof-ru_RU # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-ru
  - myspell-nb_NO # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-nb
  - myspell-ro_RO # gnome_extended:libreoffice-l10n-ro
  - udisks2
  - udisks2-lang # recommended
  - typelib-1_0-UDisks-2_0
  - unbound-anchor
  - unixODBC
  - mariadb-connector-odbc # FATE#324398
  - psqlODBC # addition to unixODBC, FATE#324501
  - which
  - xdg-utils
  - zisofs-tools
  - polkit-default-privs
  - wireshark # FATE#323341
  - GeoIP # sle_module_server_applications:wireshark
  - GeoIP-data
  - at-spi2-core-lang
  - atk-lang
  - gconf2-lang
  - gdk-pixbuf-lang
  - gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer
  - gstreamer-lang
  - gstreamer-plugins-base-lang
  - gstreamer-plugins-good-lang
  - json-glib-lang
  - libsecret-lang
  - libsoup-lang
  - shared-mime-info-lang

# this list is autogenerated from source packages used on the base module
# basically from packages ending with -devel
# manually edited.
  - alsa-devel
  - aspell-devel # jsc#SLE-11655
  - audit-devel
  - augeas-devel
  - avahi-compat-howl-devel
  - avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel
  - babeltrace-devel: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - bash-completion-devel
  - bash-devel
  - bind-devel
  - binutils-devel
  - bison-lang # sle_module_basesystem:sle-module-basesystem-release
  - blog-devel
  - brlapi-devel
  - c-ares-devel # libcares2 is pulled by sssd-ad
  - celt051-devel # required for virtualization
  - cifs-utils-devel
  - clamav-devel
  - clang7-devel
  - clucene-core-devel
  - cpupower-devel
  - cracklib-devel
  - cups-devel
  - cups-filters-devel
  - cyrus-sasl-devel
  - dbus-1-devel
  - dbus-1-glib-devel
  - device-mapper-devel
  - dhcp-devel
  - dialog-devel
  - dialog-lang # sle_base:alsa
  - docbook_4
  - docbook-xsl-stylesheets
  - double-conversion-devel
  - e2fsprogs-devel
  - ecryptfs-utils-devel
  - efivar-devel
  - enchant-devel
  - expect-devel
  - fftw3-devel # needed by server and desktop (libofa-devel)
  - file-devel
  - fipscheck-devel
  - flac-devel
  - fontconfig-devel
  - freeipmi-devel: [aarch64,x86_64]
  - freetype2-devel
  - fribidi-devel
  - fstrm-devel
  - fuse-devel
  - fwupdate-devel: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - gamin-devel
  - gcc-fortran # Required by ofed and hpc -> overlap
  - gc-devel
  - gdbm-devel
  - gdk-pixbuf-xlib-devel # bsc#1196684
  - ghostscript-devel
  - giflib-devel
  - git-core
  - glib2-devel
  - glibc-devel
  - gmp-devel
  - gobject-introspection-devel
  - gpm-devel
  - graphite2-devel
  - graphviz-devel # Initial package for SLE 15
  - gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel
  - gtk-doc
  - gtk-doc-manual # jsc#SLE-8244 jsc#SLE-8245
  - gtk-doc-manual-lang # jsc#SLE-8244 jsc#SLE-8245
  - harfbuzz-devel
  - haveged-devel
  - hivex-devel
  - hplip-devel
  - hunspell-devel
  - hwinfo-devel
  - inotify-tools-devel # jsc#SLE-17886
  - ipset-devel
  - isl-devel
  - iso-codes-devel
  - java-11-openjdk-devel # jsc#SLE-18742
  - java-17-openjdk-devel # jsc#SLE-18742
  - jemalloc-devel # fate#323344
  - jemalloc-devel-static # fate#323344
  - json-glib-devel # Overlap: virtualization:libldm-1_0-0-devel gnome_standard:libkkc-devel
  - kernel-64kb-devel: [aarch64] # jsc#SLE-15406
  - kernel-default-devel
  - kernel-devel
  - kernel-macros
  - keyutils-devel
  - krb5-devel
  - libacl-devel
  - libaddrxlat-devel
  - libaio-devel
  - libao-devel
  - libapparmor-devel
  - libarchive-devel
  - libasm-devel
  - libassuan-devel
  - libatasmart-devel
  - libattr-devel
  - libavahi-devel
  - libavahi-glib-devel
  - libbasicobjects-devel
  - libblkid-devel # bsc#1072364
  - libblkid-devel-static # bsc#1072364
  - libboost_atomic1_66_0-devel  # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_chrono1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_container1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_context1_66_0-devel: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_coroutine1_66_0-devel: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_date_time1_66_0-devel  # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_fiber1_66_0-devel: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64] # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_graph1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_iostreams1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_locale1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_log1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_math1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_python-py3-1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_random1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_regex1_66_0-devel # sle_minimal
  - libboost_serialization1_66_0-devel # sle_minimal
  - libboost_signals1_66_0-devel # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_stacktrace1_66_0-devel # sle_minimal
  - libboost_system1_66_0-devel
  - libboost_thread1_66_0-devel  # after discussing with maintainer, also bsc#1077627
  - libboost_timer1_66_0-devel # sle_minimal
  - libboost_type_erasure1_66_0-devel # sle_minimal
  - libboost_wave1_66_0-devel # sle_minimal
  - libbrotli-devel # libbrotlicommon1 is pulled in by soem applications
  - libbsd-devel
  - libbtrfs-devel
  - libbz2-devel
  - libc++abi-devel: [x86_64]
  - libcap-devel
  - libcap-ng-devel
  - libcephfs-devel
  - libcollection-devel
  - libcom_err-devel
  - libcom_err-devel-static # bsc#1072364
  - libconfig-devel
  - libconfig++-devel
  - libcreaterepo_c-devel
  - libcroco-devel
  - libcryptmount-devel
  - libcryptsetup-devel
  - libcurl-devel
  - libdaemon-devel
  - libdatrie-devel
  - libdb-4_8-devel
  - libdbi-devel # librrd8 pulls in libdbi3
  - libdhash-devel
  - libdmmp-devel
  - libdnet-devel
  - libdw-devel
  - libdwarves-devel # jsc#SLE-17288
  - libebl-devel
  - libedit-devel
  - libelf-devel
  - libepoxy-devel
  - libesmtp-devel
  - libestr-devel
  - libevdev-devel
  - libevent-devel
  - libexpat-devel
  - libext2fs-devel
  - libext2fs-devel-static # bsc#1072364
  - libfabric-devel
  - libfastjson-devel
  - libfdisk-devel
  - libfdt-devel
  - libffi-devel
  - libfido2-devel # FATE#323337, will pull in the right lib
  - libgcrypt-devel
  - libgnutls-devel
  - libgnutlsxx-devel
  - libgpg-error-devel
  - libgpgme-devel
  - libgpgmepp-devel
  - libgstphotography-1_0-0
  - libgudev-1_0-devel
  - libhugetlbfs-devel
  - libHX-devel
  - libICE-devel
  - libicu-devel
  - libidn2-devel
  - libidn-devel
  - libini_config-devel
  - libinih-devel # dependency of xfsprogs
  - libinput-devel
  - libipa_hbac-devel
  - libipq-devel
  - libiptc-devel
  - libirs-devel
  - libiscsi-devel
  - libiw-devel
  - libjansson-devel
  - libjbig-devel
  - libjpeg8-devel
  - libjson-c-devel
  - libkate-devel
  - libkcapi-devel
  - libkdumpfile-devel
  - libkmod-devel
  - libkms-devel
  - libksba-devel
  - libkyotocabinet-devel
  - liblcms2-devel
  - libldapcpp-devel
  - liblogging-devel
  - liblognorm-devel
  - liblz4-devel
  - libmaxminddb-devel # MU#14214
  - libmediacheck-devel # libmediacheck required by linuxrc
  - libmetalink-devel
  - libmnl-devel
  - libmount-devel
  - libmspack-devel
  - libndctl-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # libndctl6 pulled by rpmemd, [FATE#326234]
  - libneon-devel
  - libnetcontrol-devel
  - libnet-devel
  - libnetfilter_conntrack-devel
  - libnetfilter_cthelper-devel
  - libnetfilter_cttimeout-devel
  - libnetfilter_queue-devel
  - libnetlink-devel
  - libnettle-devel
  - libnfnetlink-devel
  - libnftnl-devel
  - libnghttp2_asio-devel
  - libnghttp2-devel
  - libnl3-devel
  - libnscd-devel # Inherited from CODE12, as we have libnscd1-32bit...
  - libnsl-devel
  - libnuma-devel
  - libnvme-devel # jsc#SLE-18153
  - liboath-devel # bsc#1089302#c4
  - libomp7-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le]
  - libopenssl-devel
  - libopts-devel
  - libOSMesa-devel
  - libpath_utils-devel
  - libpcap-devel
  - libpciaccess-devel
  - libpfm-devel
  - libpipeline-devel
  - libpng12-devel
  - libpng16-compat-devel
  - libpng16-devel
  - libpoppler-devel
  - libpoppler-glib-devel
  - libpoppler89
  - libprotobuf-c-devel
  - libproxy-devel
  - libpsl-devel
  - libpsm2-devel: [x86_64]  # Reason: mvpich2-psm-devel-2.2 dep
  - libpulse-devel
  - libpwquality-devel
  - libqgpgme-devel
  - libQt5Concurrent-devel
  - libQt5Core-devel
  - libQt5Core-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5DBus-devel
  - libQt5DBus-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5Gui-devel
  - libQt5Gui-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5KmsSupport-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5Network-devel
  - libQt5Network-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5OpenGL-devel
  - libQt5OpenGL-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5PlatformHeaders-devel
  - libQt5PlatformSupport-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5PrintSupport-devel
  - libQt5PrintSupport-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtbase-common-devel
  - libqt5-qtbase-devel
  - libqt5-qtbase-private-headers-devel
  - libqt5-qtdeclarative-devel
  - libqt5-qtdeclarative-tools  # TBD: why is this HERE?
  - libqt5-qtserialport-devel
  - libqt5-qtsvg-devel
  - libqt5-qtwebchannel-devel
  - libqt5-qtwebsockets-devel
  - libqt5-qtx11extras-devel
  - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel
  - libQt5SerialPort5
  - libQt5Sql5-sqlite
  - libQt5Sql-devel
  - libQt5Sql-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5Svg5
  - libQt5Test-devel
  - libQt5Test-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5WebChannel5
  - libQt5WebSockets5
  - libQt5Widgets-devel
  - libQt5Widgets-private-headers-devel
  - libQt5Xml-devel
  - librados-devel
  - libradospp-devel
  - librbd-devel
  - libref_array-devel
  - libreiserfscore-devel
  - librgw-devel
  - librsync-devel
  - librtas-devel: [ppc64le]  # needed for bnc#929370
  - libsamba-errors-devel
  - libsamba-policy-devel
  - libsamba-policy-python-devel: [locked]  # required by libsamba-policy-devel, we migth need to lock this
  - libsamba-policy-python3-devel # required by libsamba-policy-devel, force py3 version
  - libsamplerate-devel
  - libscg-devel
  - libschily-devel
  - libseccomp-devel
  - libselinux-devel
  - libsemanage-devel # bsc#1073511
  - libsepol-devel
  - libservicelog-devel: [ppc64le] # libservicelog pulled by ppc64-diag
  - libsgutils-devel
  - libsha1detectcoll-devel # libsha1detectcoll1 pulled by git-core
  - libsmartcols-devel
  - libsmbios-devel: [x86_64]
  - libSM-devel
  - libsnapper-devel
  - libsndfile-devel
  - libsodium-devel
  - libsolv-devel
  - libssh2-devel
  - libssh-devel # needed by Package Hub
  - libsss_certmap-devel
  - libsss_idmap-devel
  - libsss_nss_idmap-devel
  - libsss_simpleifp-devel
  - libstoragemgmt-devel
  - libstorage-ng-devel
  - libtasn1-devel
  - libteam-devel
  - libtiff-devel
  - libtirpc-devel
  - libucm-devel
  - libucp-devel
  - libucs-devel
  - libuct-devel
  - libudisks2-0-devel # jsc#SLE-10905
  - libunistring-devel
  - libunwind-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64]
  - liburcu-devel
  - libusb-1_0-devel
  - libusbgx-devel
  - libustr-devel
  - libuuid-devel
  - libuuid-devel-static # bsc#1072364
  - libuv-devel
  - libverto-devel
  - libvma-devel: [aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64]
  - libvmtools-devel: [x86_64]
  - libvorbis-devel
  - libvpd2-devel
  - libwacom-devel
  - libX11-devel
  - libx86emu-devel
  - libxalan-c-devel
  - libxatracker-devel: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le]
  - libXau-devel
  - libXaw-devel
  - libxcb-devel-doc
  - libXcursor-devel
  - libXdamage-devel
  - libxerces-c-devel
  - libXfont2-devel
  - libxml2-devel
  - libxml-security-c-devel
  - libxshmfence-devel
  - libxslt-devel
  - libxtables-devel
  - libyajl-devel
  - libyaml-devel
  - libyui-devel
  - libyui-ncurses-devel
  - libyui-ncurses-pkg-devel
  - libyui-qt-graph
  - libyui-qt-graph-devel
  - libzio-devel
  - libzip-devel
  - libzypp-devel
  - lksctp-tools-devel
  - llvm7-devel
  - lockdev-devel
  - lttng-ust-devel: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - lua53-devel
  - lvm2-devel
  - lzo-devel
  - lzo-devel-static # bsc#1072364
  - make-lang # sle_base_devel_packages:libqt5-qtbase-common-devel
  - libmariadbprivate # Buildreq. of mariadb-connector-odbc
  - Mesa-devel
  - Mesa-dri-devel
  - Mesa-libd3d-devel: [x86_64]
  - Mesa-libEGL-devel
  - Mesa-libglapi-devel
  - Mesa-libGL-devel
  - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel
  - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel
  - Mesa-libGLESv3-devel
  - Mesa-libVulkan-devel: [x86_64]
  - Mesa-vulkan-device-select # SR#225746
  - Mesa-vulkan-overlay # SR#225746
  - minizip-devel
  - mozilla-nspr-devel
  - mozilla-nss-devel
  - mpc-devel
  - mpfr-devel
  - mtdev-devel
  - multipath-tools-devel
  - ncurses5-devel
  - ncurses-devel
  - net-snmp-devel
  - nfsidmap-devel
  - npth-devel
  - OpenIPMI-devel
  - open-iscsi-devel # open-iscsi is in minimal
  - openjade-devel
  - openjpeg2
  - openjpeg2-devel
  - openldap2-devel
  - openldap2-devel-static
  - open-lldp-devel
  - openpgm-devel
  - openscap-devel
  - openslp-devel
  - opensp-devel
  - openvpn-devel
  - p11-kit-devel
  - pam-devel
  - parted-devel
  - pciutils-devel
  - pcre-devel
  - pcsc-lite-devel
  - pkcs11-helper-devel
  - plymouth-devel
  - polkit-devel
  - popt-devel
  - postfix-devel
  - procps-devel
  - qatzip-devel: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-20906
  - qpdf-devel
  - qrencode-devel
  - rados-objclass-devel
  - rdma-core-devel
  - readline-devel
  - rhash-devel
  - rpm-devel
  - rrdtool-devel
  - ruby2.5-devel-extra
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-bundler
  - ruby-devel
  - samba-devel # SR#263713
  - setools-devel
  - snappy-devel
  - speex-devel
  - sqlite3-devel
  - subversion-devel
  - sudo-devel
  - sysfsutils-devel
  - systemd-devel
  - talloc-man
  - tcl-devel
  - tcpd-devel
  - tevent-man
  - tpm2.0-abrmd-devel
  - tpm2-0-tss-devel  # Reason: FATE#321508
  - tpm2-pkcs11-devel # jsc#SLE-20526
  - tpm2-tss-engine-devel  # FATE#325619
  - tpm-tools-devel
  - trousers-devel
  - unbound-devel
  - unixODBC-devel
  - usbguard-devel # jsc#SLE-20295
  - utempter-devel
  - utf8proc-devel # libutf8proc2 pulled by subversion-devel
  - xcb-proto-devel  # libxcb1
  - xcb-util-image-devel
  - xcb-util-keysyms-devel
  - xcb-util-renderutil-devel
  - xcb-util-wm-devel
  - xf86-input-evdev-devel: [x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le]
  - xf86-input-libinput-devel # jsc#SLE-18632
  - xfsprogs-devel
  - xkbcomp-devel
  - xrdp-devel
  - xz-devel
  - xz-static-devel
  - yast2-core-devel
  - yast2-testsuite
  - yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-devel
  - zeromq-devel
  - zlib-devel
  - zlib-devel-static # bsc#1070047

# Defines the various groups containing the stuff that should be provided
#   	Owner: Project Managers
# 	Currently existing groups:
# 	* tomcat8:
# 	  Tomcat8 applications
# 	* sle_databases:
# 	  databases like mariadb, postgresql
# 	* sle_webserver:
# 	  apache2 and consorts
# 	* admin_tools
# 	  various applications that are useful for administrators; incl. security tools
# 	  mostlikely gets merged with other group(s)
# 	* sle_misc_applications
# 	  various applications that are useful, but belong rather to a Server than a Desktop
# 	  used as a kind of 'sle_base_server'
# 	* ima_applications
# 	  All around the "Integrity Measurement Architecture", see FATE 323906

  - apache-commons-beanutils #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - apache-commons-httpclient # Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - apache-commons-digester #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - apache-commons-fileupload #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - jakarta-commons-launcher #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - jakarta-commons-modeler #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - jakarta-taglibs-standard #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - libtcnative-1-0-devel # bsc#1172789
  - tomcat #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - tomcat-admin-webapps # Inherited from CODE12
  - tomcat-webapps # Inherited from CODE12
  - xml-commons-resolver # Inherited from SDK12, bsc#982212

  - postgresql-contrib  # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1095788
  - postgresql-devel # might be needed for rebuild
  - postgresql-docs # postgresql10-docs requires it
  - postgresql-jdbc # jsc#SLE-12561
  - postgresql-plperl # bsc#1086004
  - postgresql-plpython # bsc#1086004
  - postgresql-pltcl # bsc#1086004
  - postgresql-server-devel # jsc#SLE-11079
  - postgresql14-pgagent # jsc#SLE-20673
  - mariadb-client #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - mariadb-errormessages #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - mariadb #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - mariadb-tools #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - libmariadb_plugins #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - libmariadbd-devel # jsc#SLE-8269
  - postfix-mysql # Inherited from SLE 12
  - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - pgadmin4 # FATE#323396
  - pgadmin4-web # FATE#323396
  - pgadmin4-doc # FATE#323396

  - apache-rex  # Reason: jsc#SLE-10860; req. by php7
  - apache-rpm-macros-control  # Reason: bsc#969792; req. by apache2-devel
  - apache2-mod_apparmor #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - apache2-mod_auth_mellon # MU#16510
  - apache2-mod_auth_mellon-diagnostics # MU#16510
  - apache2-mod_auth_mellon-doc # MU#16510
  - apache2-mod_auth_openidc # SP1, FATE#324447
  - apache2-mod_jk #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - apache2-mod_nss #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - apache2-mod_security2 #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 # SUMA-4.0 bsc#1120782
  - apache2-doc # Inherited from CODE12
  - apache2 #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - apache2-devel # bsc#1060762
  - apache2-worker
  - libcjose-devel  # libcjose0 is pulled by apache2-mod_auth_openidc
  - nginx # fate#323994
  - nginx-source # FATE#323994

  - sblim-sfcb # FATE#319116
  - sblim-sfcc-devel # FATE#319116, bsc#1090323
  - sblim-wbemcli # FATE#319116
  - openwsman-server # FATE#319116
  - libwsman-devel # bsc#1092354
  - sblim-indication_helper # FATE#319116
  - sblim-indication_helper-devel # FATE#319116, bsc#109032
  - sblim-sfcCommon-devel # FATE#319116, bsc#109032
  - sblim-cmpiutil # FATE#319116
  - sblim-cmpi-devel # FATE#319116
  - sblim-cmpi-base # FATE#319116
  - sblim-cmpi-base-devel # FATE#319116, bsc#1090323
  - sblim-cmpi-c++-devel # FATE#319116, bsc#1090323

  - fftw3-openmp-devel
  - fftw3-threads-devel
  - frr-devel # jsc#SLE-13591
  - quagga-devel

  - patterns-certification-common-criteria: [recommended] # jsc#ECO-2528 jsc#SLE-12227 jsc#SLE-12905
  - 389-ds-devel # FATE#323362
  - 389-ds # Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323362
  - accel-config: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-12869/jsc#SLE-13348
  - accel-config-devel: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-12869/jsc#SLE-13348
  - apcupsd #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - at #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - bind-chrootenv #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - bind-doc # sle_module_server_applications:patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server
  - bind #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - cachefilesd #    Inherited from CODE12
  - cgdcbxd # bnc#896787, FATE#313783, bsc#1067489
  - clone-master-clean-up # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#321159, bsc#1086298
  - davfs2 #    Inherited from CODE 12, FATE#318116
  - ddclient #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - ddpt #    Inherited from CODE12, copy offload functionality, wished by hare
  - dehydrated-apache2 # FATE#323377
  - dehydrated-nginx # jsc#SLE-11727
  - dehydrated # FATE#323377
  - delayacct-utils # Inherited from SLES12, bsc#1081770
  - dhcp-relay #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dhcp-server #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dhcp-tools #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - dovecot23-backend-mysql #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23-backend-pgsql #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23-backend-sqlite #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23-devel
  - dovecot23-fts #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23-fts-lucene #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23-fts-solr #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23-fts-squat #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dovecot23 #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - dpdk-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319169
  - dpdk-kmp-default: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#315704
  - dpdk-thunderx: [aarch64] # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#321960
  - dpdk-thunderx-devel: [aarch64]  # Reason: FATE#321541
  - dpdk-thunderx-kmp-default: [aarch64] # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#321960
  - dpdk-tools: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319169
  - dpdk: [x86_64,ppc64le,aarch64] #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#319169
  - dump #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - FirmwareUpdateKit: [x86_64] #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-client-devel
  - freeradius-client #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-client-libs #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-devel
  - freeradius-server #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-krb5 #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-ldap #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-libs #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-mysql #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-perl #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-postgresql #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-python3 # jsc#SLE-11896
  - freeradius-server-sqlite #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - freeradius-server-utils #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - frr # jsc#SLE-13591
  - genwqe-tools: [s390x,ppc64le] # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066425, FATE#322241
  - genwqe-vpd: [s390x,ppc64le] # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066425, FATE#322241
  - genwqe-zlib: [s390x,ppc64le] # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066425, FATE#322241
  - gnuplot-doc #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - gnuplot #  Initial package for SLE 15
  - ibmtss-base #  FATE#322244
  - ibmtss-devel  # Reason: FATE#321601
  - ibmtss #  FATE#322244
  - ibutils-ui #    Initial package for SLE 15, split-off, bsc#1030891
  - intel-cmt-cat: [x86_64] #    Initial package for SLE 15,FATE#322762
  - ipmitool-bmc-snmp-proxy # FATE#322044
  - krb5-plugin-kdb-ldap #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - krb5-server #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - libaccel-config1: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-12869/jsc#SLE-13348
  - libapr-util1-dbd-mysql # bsc#1088141
  - libapr-util1-dbd-pgsql # bsc#1088141
  - libapr-util1-dbd-sqlite3 # bsc#1088141
  - libcpuset1 # Inherited from CODE12
  - libcpuset-devel
  - libev-devel # libev4 pulled by krb5-plugin-kdb-ldap
  - libHBAAPI2-devel
  - libica-devel: [s390x] #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066939, bsc#948386,FATE#322025
  - libica-devel-static: [s390x] # bsc#948386,FATE#322025
  - libica-tools: [s390x] #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066939
  - libiscsi-utils #    Initial package for SLE 15 ; FATE#320080
  - librdkafka-devel # FATE#326983
  - librdkafka1 # FATE#326983
  - libmemcached-devel # bsc#1070746
  - libmemcachedutil2 # Inherited from CODE 12, FATE#319323, bsc#1069192
  - libmlag_pb0 # jsc#SLE-13591
  - libpmemblk-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # Reason: bsc#987722 / bsc#1179401
  - libpmem-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # Reason: bsc#987722 / bsc#1179401
  - libpmemkv1: [x86_64] # jsc#sle-13670
  - libpmemkv_json_config1: [x86_64] # jsc#sle-13670
  - libpmemlog-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # Reason: bsc#987722 / bsc#1179401
  - libpmemobj-cpp-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # libpmem1 is pulled by pmdk-tools / bsc#1179401
  - libpmemobj-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # Reason: bsc#987722 / bsc#1179401
  - libpmempool-devel: [x86_64,ppc64le] # Reason: bsc#987722 / bsc#1179401
  - libpqos-devel: [x86_64] # libpqos pulled by intel-cmt-cat
  - libquagga_pb0 # bsc#1089651
  - librelp-devel # librelp0 pulled by rsyslog-module-relp
  - librpma0: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-15914
  - librpmem-devel: [x86_64] # libpmem1 is pulled by pmdk-tools
  - libslirp-devel # bsc#1184047
  - libsmputils-devel # libsmputils1-1 is pulled in by smp_utils
  - libstoragemgmt-arcconf-plugin #   FATE#323434
  - libstoragemgmt-hpsa-plugin # bsc#1178636
  - libstoragemgmt-local-plugin # FATE#323434
  - libstoragemgmt-megaraid-plugin # bsc#1178636
  - libstoragemgmt-netapp-plugin #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#314409
  - libstoragemgmt-nfs-plugin # FATE#323434
  - libstoragemgmt-smis-plugin #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#314409
  - libteam5 #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#318389
  - libteam-tools #    Inherited from CODE12, FATE#318389
  - libusb-compat-devel # libusb-0_1-4 pulled by nut
  - libvmem-devel: [x86_64] # libpmem1 is pulled by pmdk-tools
  - libvmmalloc-devel: [x86_64] # libpmem1 is pulled by pmdk-tools
  - linuxptp #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1066859
  - md_monitor #    Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1076140
  - memcached-devel
  - memcached # Inherited from CODE 12, FATE#319323, bsc#1069192
  - mirror #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - mvapich2-devel
  - mvapich2-devel-static
  - nut-drivers-net #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - nut #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - opa-snapconfig # FATE#325855
  - openCryptoki-32bit: [x86_64] # Inherited from CODE12
  - openCryptoki-64bit: [ppc64le,s390x] # Inherited from CODE12
  - openCryptoki # Inherited from CODE12 [bsc#1070121]
  - openhpi-clients # FATE#325975
  - openhpi-daemon # FATE#325975
  - openhpi-devel # FATE#325975
  - openhpi # FATE#325975
  - open-isns-devel
  - open-isns # FATE#316901
  - openslp-server #    Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#105543
  - openssl-ibmca: [s390x] # FATE#324114
  - openssl-ibmpkcs11  # FATE#323768
  - openssl_tpm_engine # Inherited from SLES12
  - openvpn-auth-pam-plugin #    Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1055538
  - openvswitch-devel
  - openvswitch #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#313292
  - openvswitch-ipsec # bsc#1180878, ECO-2242
  - openvswitch-pki # ECO-2242
  - openvswitch-test # ECO-2242
  - openvswitch-vtep # ECO-2242
  - oracleasm-kmp-default # Inherited from SLES12, bsc#1053298
  - orarun: [x86_64,s390x] #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1052634
  - ovn-central # bsc1178587
  - ovn-devel # bsc1178587
  - ovn-docker # bsc1178587
  - ovn-host # bsc1178587
  - ovn-vtep # bsc1178587
  - pam_radius # bsc#1089661
  - pidentd # bsc#1085966
  - pmemkv-devel: [x86_64] # jsc#sle-13670
  - pmemkv-python: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-13670
  - powerman #    FATE#321725
  - prctl # Inherited from SLES12, bsc#1081776
  - python3-dmidecode #    FATE#319016, bsc#1068279
  - python3-targetcli-fb #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#320188
  - quagga # Inherited from CODE 12, bsc#1089651
  - rarpd # Inherited from CODE 12
  - rasdaemon #    FATE#323475
  - redis # MU#16619
  - rmt-server #    FATE#323994
  - rpma-devel: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-15914
  - rsyslog-module-gssapi #    Inherited from CODE12
  - rsyslog-module-gtls # Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1119429
  - rsyslog-module-mmnormalize # bsc#1178627
  - rsyslog-module-mysql #    Inherited from CODE12
  - rsyslog-module-pgsql #    Inherited from CODE12
  - rsyslog-module-relp #    Inherited from CODE12
  - rsyslog-module-snmp #    Inherited from CODE12
  - rsyslog-module-udpspoof #    Inherited from CODE12
  - salt-api # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1078504
  - salt-cloud # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071451
  - salt-fish-completion # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071451, rq by mc
  - salt-master # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071451
  - salt-proxy # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071451, rq by mc
  - salt-ssh # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071451
  - salt-standalone-formulas-configuration
  - salt-syndic # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1071451, rq by mc
  - sca-appliance-agent #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-appliance-broker #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-appliance-common #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-appliance-patdev #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-patterns-base #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-patterns-hae #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-patterns-sle11 #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-patterns-sle12 #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-patterns-sle15 #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-patterns-suma #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - sca-server-report #  Needed for gathering Sys Info
  - setools-tcl #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited from CODE12
  - shibboleth-sp-devel # Reason: FATE#318304
  - shibboleth-sp #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited, FATE#318304
  - smp_utils # Inherited from CODE15
  - squid #    Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1055539
  - stunnel # FATE#325358
  - subversion-server #  subversion is on development tools
  - sysstat-isag #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1056345
  - system-role-common-criteria # bsc#1189377
  - tcmu-runner #    Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#320188
  - tree #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1056345
  - vsftpd #    Inherited from CODE12, bsc#1055535
  - wsmancli # jsc#SLE-22844
  - xca # jsc#SLE-11521
  - yast2-aduc # FATE#325747
  - yast2-gpmc # SLE 15 SP1, FATE#325747
  - yast2-instserver # Inherited from SLES15
  - yast2-isns # Inherited from SLES15
  - yast2-rmt
  - yast2-samba-provision # FATE#325747
  - ypserv # bsc#1058493
  - zramcfg #    Initial package for SLE 15, inherited, FATE#318957

  # aarch64 only
  - odp-libs: [aarch64] #    FATE#321977
  - odp-thunderx-libs: [aarch64] #    FATE#321977
  - odp-devel: [aarch64]  # Reason: FATE#321977
  - odp-thunderx-devel: [aarch64]  # Reason: FATE#321977

  - acct #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - acpica: [x86_64,aarch64] #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - adjtimex #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - aide #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - amavisd-new #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - amavisd-new-docs # admin_tools:amavisd-new
  - apparmor-utils #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - apparmor-utils-lang # Initial package for SLE 15
  - appres #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - arptables #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - arpwatch #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - audit #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - audit-audispd-plugins #    Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1085003, bsc#1082744
  - bing #    Inherited from CODE 12, TBD: bsc#1034957
  - busybox #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - ckermit #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - cpuset # Inherited from CODE 12
  - createrepo_c # Initial package for SLE 15, bsc#1075670
  - dd_rescue #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - dd_rescue-crypt # admin_tools:dd_rescue
  - dd_rescue-lzo # admin_tools:dd_rescue
  - dropwatch #    Inherited from CODE 12, FATE#317052
  - dstat #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - ethtool #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - fping #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter # bsc#1124963
  - icmpinfo # Initial package for SLE 15
  - iftop #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - iotop # Initial package for SLE 15
  - libwscodecs1 # Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323341
  - nethogs # Inherited from CODE12, FATE#313501
  - netlabel-tools # Initial package for SLE 15
  - netcat-openbsd # overlap between virtualization and manager
  - nfs4-acl-tools # Initial package for SLE 15
  - nmap #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - numactl #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - mcstrans #    BSC#1073511
  - python3-semanage #    BSC#1073511
  - sdparm #    Inherited from CODE12
  - seccheck #    Inherited from CODE12
  - spamassassin # BSC#1080980 - spamassassin is missed
  - tack #    Inherited from CODE12
  - tcpdump #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - traceroute #    Initial package for SLE 15
  - yp-tools #    Initial package for SLE 15

  - libimaevm3 # jsc#SLE-18270
  - ima-evm-utils-devel
  - evmctl #    FATE#323906
  - ima-inspect # FATE#323906

#  Contains everything that is part of "HPC"
#    * Originally created: SLE-12-SP2 - FATE#320596
#    * Added aarch64: FATE#321147
#    * Owner: TPM HPC (Antoine Ginies)
#    * TPM: Antoine Ginies
#    * contains: packages which are needed for HPC computing

# patterns (FATE#323494)
  - patterns-hpc-compute_node: [recommended]
  - patterns-hpc-development_node: [recommended]
  - patterns-hpc-workload_server: [recommended]
  - patterns-hpc-libraries: [recommended]
# system roles (FATE#323494)
  - system-role-hpc-compute: [recommended]
  - system-role-hpc-server: [recommended]
# system packages
  - release-notes-sle_hpc # FATE#324131, bsc#1095053

  # cpuid
  - cpuid: [x86_64] #    FATE#319512
  # memkind
  - memkind: [x86_64] #    FATE#318914
  - memkind-devel: [x86_64] #    FATE#318914
  - libmemkind0: [x86_64] #    FATE#318914
  # pmix
  - pmix: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-10791
  - pmix-devel: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-10791
  - pmix-headers: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-10791
  - pmix-mca-params: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-10791
  - libpmix2: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-10791
  - libmca_common_dstore1: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-10791
  # conman
  - conman: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#321724
  # clustduct
  - clustduct: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#326456
  # dolly
  - dolly: [x86_64,aarch64] #  jsc#SLE-16454
  # hwloc
  - hwloc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#319511, jsc#SLE-8510
  - hwloc-data: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#319511, jsc#SLE-8510
  - hwloc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#319511, jsc#SLE-8510
  - hwloc-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#319511, jsc#SLE-8510
  # lua-luafilesystem
  - lua53-luafilesystem: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321704
  # lua-luaposix
  - lua53-luaposix: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321704
  - luaposix-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321704
  # lua-luaterm
  - lua53-luaterm: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321704
  # lua-lmod
  - lua-lmod: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321704
  - lua-lmod-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321704
  # munge
  - munge: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321706
  - libmunge2: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321706
  - munge-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321706
  # mrsh
  - mrsh: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321722
  - mrsh-rsh-compat: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321722
  - mrsh-server: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321722
  - mrsh-rsh-server-compat: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321722
  # pdsh
  - pdsh: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321714
  - pdsh-genders: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#325288
  - pdsh-slurm: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#325289
  - pdsh-dshgroup: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321714
  - pdsh-machines: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321714
  - pdsh-netgroup: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321714
  # prun-ohpc
  - prun-ohpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321713
  # slurm
  - slurm: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-node: [x86_64,aarch64] #   FATE#324574
  - slurm-cray: [x86_64,aarch64] # jsc#SLE-19983
  - slurm-config: [x86_64,aarch64] #   FATE#324574
  - libnss_slurm2: [x86_64,aarch64] #   jsc#SLE-8491
  - libpmi0: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#316379
  - libslurm36: [x86_64,aarch64] #    bsc#1179631, jsc#ECO-2412
  - perl-slurm: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-auth-none: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-config-man: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-lua: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-munge: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-pam_slurm: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-plugins: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-slurmdbd: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-sql: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#316379
  - slurm-torque: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#323988
  - slurm-sview: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - slurm-webdoc: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - slurm-rest: [x86_64,aarch64] # bsc#848963
# slurm - not shipped: slurm-openlava, slurm-seff, slurm-sjstat, slurm-hdf5
  # suse-hpc
  - suse-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321705
  # gnu-compilers-hpc
  - gnu-compilers-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321705
  - gnu-compilers-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321705
  - gnu-compilers-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321705
  - gnu11-compilers-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8604
  - gnu11-compilers-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8604
  - gnu11-compilers-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8604
  # ganglia : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # prometheus_slurm_exporter
  - golang-github-vpenso-prometheus_slurm_exporter: [x86_64,aarch64] # jsc#SLE-16591
  # genders
  - genders: [x86_64,aarch64]  # FATE#324149
  - genders-base: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - genders-devel: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libgenders0: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - libgendersplusplus2: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - perl-genders: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - python3-genders: [x86_64,aarch64] # bsc#1190900
  - genders-perl-compat: [x86_64,aarch64]
  # Spack
  - spack: [x86_64,aarch64]  # jsc#SLE-15347
  - spack-info: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - spack-man: [x86_64,aarch64]
  # eth-ff
  - eth-basic-tools: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-19364
  - eth-fastfabric: [x86_64] # jsc#SLE-19364

  # mvapich2
    # master
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2_2_3_3-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8544
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-doc: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm_2_3_3-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-8544
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-doc: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64] #    FATE#321712
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_3-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64] #    jsc#SLE-8544
  # openmpi3
  - libopenmpi3-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-docs: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-8237
  # openmpi4
  - libopenmpi4-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-16462
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-16462
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-16462
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-16462
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-docs: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-16462
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-16462
  # mpich
    # master
  - mpich-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#323977
  - mpich-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#323977
  - mpich_3_3_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#323977 jsc#SLE-8574
  - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#323977
  - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#323977
  - mpich-ofi_3_3_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] # jsc#SLE-8574
  - mpich-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#323977
  # mpiP
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-doc: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - mpiP_3_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721 jsc#SLE-16462
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721 jsc#SLE-16462
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-doc: [x86_64,aarch64] # jsc#SLE-16462
  - mpiP_3_5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #  FATE#321721 jsc#SLE-16462
  - mpiP-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721
  - mpiP-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721
  - mpiP-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-doc: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - mpiP_3_5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721
  - mpiP-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721 & FATE#323977
  - mpiP-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721 & FATE#323977
  - mpiP-gnu-mpich-hpc-doc: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - mpiP_3_5-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321721 & FATE#323977
  # papi
  - libpapi-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321720
  - papi-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321720
  - papi-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321720
  - papi_5_7_0-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321720
  # hdf5

  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - libhdf5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224

  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462
  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462
  - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462
  - libhdf5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#327108 jsc#SLE-16462
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#327108 jsc#SLE-16462
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 jsc#SLE-16462

  - hdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - hdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#327108
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#327108
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717

  - hdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977
  - hdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977
  - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977
  - libhdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#327108
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # FATE#327108
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717 & FATE#323977

  - hdf5-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] # bsc#1099770
  - hdf5-hpc-examples: [x86_64,aarch64] # bsc#1099770
  - hdf5-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321710 & FATE#321717
  # netcdf : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # openblas
  - libopenblas-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321708
  - libopenblas-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321708
  - libopenblas-pthreads-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321708
  - libopenblas-pthreads-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321708
  # scalapack : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # petsc : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # fftw3 : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # python-numpy
  - python3-numpy-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321709
  - python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64,aarch64] #    FATE#321709
  # gsl : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # superlu: remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # metis : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # imb
  - imb-gnu-mpich-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #   FATE#324155
  - imb-gnu-openmpi3-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #   jsc#SLE-7773, jsc#SLE-8224
  - imb-gnu-openmpi4-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #   FATE#324155 jsc#SLE-16462
  - imb-gnu-mvapich2-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #   FATE#324155
  # hypre : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # python-scipy
  - python3-scipy-gnu-hpc: [x86_64,aarch64] #   FATE#324152
  # scotch : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # ocr : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # mumps : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
  # trilinos : remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
# adios (HPC): remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)
# boost (HPC): remove starting from SLE15SP4 (jsc#SLE-17777)

# Contains everything that is part of "OFED"
# 	Owner: TBD, pth/sf/TPMs

  - patterns-ofed-ofed: [recommended]
  - patterns-ofed-ofed-32bit: [recommended]
  - dapl-debug-devel
  - dapl-debug #    inherited from CODE 12
  - dapl-debug-libs # inherited from SDK 12
  - dapl-devel
  - dapl #    inherited from CODE 12
  - dapl-utils #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ibacm #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ibsim #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ibutils #    inherited from CODE 12, contains graphical stuff; should get splitted
  - ibutils-devel
  - infiniband-diags #    inherited from CODE 12
  - iwpmd #    inherited from CODE 12, FATE#319831
  - libdat2-2 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libfabric1 #    inherited from CODE 12, FATE#319253
  - libibdm1 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libibnetdisc5 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libibumad3 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libibverbs-utils #    inherited from CODE 12, bsc#867997
  - libpsm2-compat: [locked] # use libinfinipath4 instead
  - libpsm_infinipath1: [x86_64] #    inherited from CODE 12
  - librdmacm-utils # bsc#1069839
  - mpich-devel # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpich-ofi-devel # added per request by aginies
  - mpi-selector #    inherited from CODE 12
  - mstflint #    inherited from CODE 12
  - mvapich2-psm: [x86_64] #    inherited from CODE 12
  - mvapich2-psm-devel: [x86_64]
  - mvapich2-psm2: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE15, bsc#1085083
  - mvapich2-psm2-devel: [x86_64] #  Initial package for SLE15, bsc#1085083
  - mvapich2-doc # Initial package for SLE15
  - mvapich2 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libopasadb1_0_0: [x86_64] # bsc#1076593 , required by opa-address-resolution
  - opa-address-resolution: [x86_64] # bsc#1076593
  - opa-address-resolution-devel: [x86_64] # bsc#1083499
  - opa-fastfabric: [x86_64] #    inherited from CODE 12, FATE#319232
  - opa-fm: [x86_64] #    inherited from CODE 12, FATE#319230
  - openmpi2-config # Initial package for SLE 15,  FATE#321711, FATE#323413
  - openmpi2-devel # Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323413
  - openmpi2-docs # Initial package for SLE15
  - openmpi2 #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#316373, FATE#323413
  - openmpi2-libs #  Initial package for SLE 15, FATE#323413
  - openmpi3-config # jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-devel # jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-docs # jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3 #  jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi3-libs #  jsc#SLE-8237
  - openmpi4 # bsc#1195365
  - openmpi4-config # bsc#1195365
  - openmpi4-devel # bsc#1195365
  - openmpi4-docs # bsc#1195365
  - openmpi4-libs # bsc#1195365
  - opensm-devel
  - opensm #    inherited from CODE 12
  - qperf #    inherited from CODE 12
  - rdma-ndd #    inherited from CODE 12,bsc#1040183
  - rds-tools #    inherited from CODE 12
  - srp_daemon #    inherited from CODE 12
  - mpitests-mpich # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpitests-mvapich2 # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpitests-mvapich2-psm: [x86_64] # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpitests-mvapich2-psm2: [x86_64] # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpitests-openmpi2 # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpitests-openmpi3 # Initial package for SLE15
  - mpitests-openmpi4 # bsc#1195365

#  Contains everything that is part of "HA
#    * Owner: TPM HA (Lee Martin)
#    * TPM: Lee Martin
#    * contains: packages which are needed for HA / GEO
#    Currently existing:
#    * ha / geo

  - samba-libs-python: [locked] # use python3 variant
  - patterns-ha-ha_sles: [recommended] #    inherited from CODE 12
  - sle-ha-release: [silent] # should not be part of the module, only the extension
  - hawk2 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - cluster-glue #    inherited from CODE 12
  - corosync #    inherited from CODE 12
  - corosync-qdevice #    missing on the media1
  - corosync-qnetd #    missing on the media1
  - corosync-testagents #    missing on the media1
  - crmsh #    inherited from CODE 12
  - crmsh-scripts #    inherited from CODE 12
  - csync2 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ctdb #    inherited from CODE 12
  - doxygen2man # SR#225445
  - fence-agents-devel
  - fence-agents #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ha-cluster-bootstrap #    inherited from CODE 12
  - haproxy #    inherited from CODE 12
  - keepalived # SR#213900
  - ldirectord #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libcfg6 #    missing on the media1
  - libcmap4 #    missing on the media1
  - libcorosync_common4 #    missing on the media1
  - libcorosync-devel
  - libcpg4 #    missing on the media1
  - libglue2 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libglue-devel
  - libnetfilter_cthelper0 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libnetfilter_cttimeout1 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libpacemaker3 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libpacemaker-devel
  - libpcreposix0 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libqb-tests #    bsc#1131328
  - libqb-tools #    bsc#1131328
  - libquorum5 #    missing on the media1
  - libsam4 #    missing on the media1
  - libtotem_pg5 #    missing on the media1
  - libvotequorum8 #    missing on the media1
  - monitoring-plugins-metadata #    inherited from CODE 12
  - omping #    inherited from CODE 12
  - pacemaker-cli #    inherited from CODE 12
  - pacemaker-cts #    inherited from CODE 12
  - pacemaker #    inherited from CODE 12
  - pacemaker-remote #    inherited from CODE 12
  - perl-Net-INET6Glue #    inherited from CODE 12
  - system-role-ha #    FATE#324757
  # list all python3 to get them on media until
  # crmshell portage to py3 will be done
  # python-PyYAML already listed in public_cloud
  - python3-cluster-preflight-check
  - python3-gv # bsc#1190902
  - python3-python-dateutil
  - python3-pexpect
  - python3-parallax
  - resource-agents #    inherited from CODE 12
  - sbd #    inherited from CODE 12

# Storage and filesystem
  - libdlm #    inherited from CODE 12
  - libdlm3 #    inherited from CODE 12
  - scsires #    inherited from CODE 12
  - dlm-kmp #    inherited from CODE 12
  - dlm-kmp-default #    inherited from CODE 12
  - dlm-kmp-trace #    inherited from CODE 12
  - drbd #    inherited from CODE 12
  - drbd-kmp-default #    inherited from CODE 12
  - drbd-kmp-trace #    inherited from CODE 12
  - drbd-utils #    inherited from CODE 12
  - cluster-md-kmp-default #    inherited from CODE 12
  - cluster-md-kmp-trace #    inherited from CODE 12
  - gfs2-kmp-default #    inherited from CODE 12
  - gfs2-kmp-trace #    inherited from CODE 12
  - gfs2-utils #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ocfs2-kmp-default #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ocfs2-kmp-trace #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ocfs2-tools #    inherited from CODE 12
  - ocfs2-tools-o2cb #    inherited from CODE 12
  - lvm2-clvm #    inherited from CODE 12
  - lvm2-lockd #    FATE#323203

# Documentation
# RN will be back when ready on the media
# - release-notes-ha #    inherited from CODE 12

  - yast2-cluster #    inherited from CODE 12
  - yast2-drbd #    inherited from CODE 12
  - yast2-iplb #    inherited from CODE 12
  - yast2-multipath #    inherited from CODE 12
  - yast2-rear: [x86_64,ppc64le] #    inherited from CODE 12; rear23 only for selective platforms available

  - ebiso: [x86_64] #    inherited from CODE 12
    # - rear-SUSE double check needed
  - rear23a: [x86_64,ppc64le] #    inherited from CODE 12

  - patterns-ha-geo-ha_geo: [recommended] #    inherited from CODE 12
  - yast2-geo-cluster #    inherited from CODE 12
  - booth #    inherited from CODE 12

# texlive collections
  - texlive-collection-basic
  - texlive-collection-binextra
  - texlive-collection-context
  - texlive-collection-fontsrecommended
  - texlive-collection-fontutils
  - texlive-collection-langczechslovak
  - texlive-collection-langenglish
  - texlive-collection-langeuropean
  - texlive-collection-langfrench
  - texlive-collection-langgerman
  - texlive-collection-langitalian
  - texlive-collection-langpolish
  - texlive-collection-langportuguese
  - texlive-collection-langspanish
  - texlive-collection-latex
  - texlive-collection-latexrecommended
  - texlive-collection-luatex
  - texlive-collection-metapost
  - texlive-collection-xetex
  - texlive-bin-devel
  - texlive-devel
  - texlive-kpathsea-devel
  - texlive-ptexenc-devel
  - texlive-synctex-devel
  - texlive-texlua-devel
  - texlive-texluajit-devel: [x86_64,aarch64]
  - texlive-scheme-full: [recommended]
  - texlive-scheme-basic
  - texlive-scheme-context
  - texlive-scheme-gust
  - texlive-scheme-infraonly
  - texlive-scheme-medium
  - texlive-scheme-minimal
  - texlive-scheme-small
  - texlive-scheme-tetex

# This contains the packages that were part of the SDK on SLE 12 SP3.
#  Plan: Remove packages that
#     - are already in another module
#     - end on -devel

  - xiterm # (requested on sle-beta ML by for SLE 15)

  - sle-module-live-patching-release
  - patterns-lp-lp_sles: [recommended]
  - glibc-livepatches: [x86_64] # SR#259783
  - kernel-livepatch-tools
  - kernel-livepatch-tools-devel # bsc#1121403
  - kernel-default-livepatch
  - kernel-default-livepatch-devel
  - libpulp0 # jsc#SLE-20049
  - libpulp-tools # jsc#SLE-20049
  - lifecycle-data-sle-module-live-patching
  - openssl-1_1-livepatches: [x86_64] # SR#259785

  - sle-manager-tools-release
  - spacewalk-check # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - spacewalk-client-setup # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - spacewalk-client-tools # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-spacewalk-check # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-spacewalk-client-setup # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-spacewalk-client-tools # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-rhnlib # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-hwdata # required by spacewalk-client-tools
  - hwdata # required by python3-hwdata
  - spacewalksd # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-osa-common # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-dmidecode # required by spacewalk-client-tools
  - python3-jabberpy # required by osad
  - rhn-custom-info # SUSE Manager Core Package
  - python3-spacewalk-backend-libs # SUSE Manager Core Package required by rhnpush
  - spacewalk-koan # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-spacewalk-koan # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - koan # required by spacewalk-koan
  - spacewalk-oscap # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-spacewalk-oscap # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - spacewalk-remote-utils # SUSE Manager Core Package
  - supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client # supportutils plugin for SUSE Manager clients
  - suseRegisterInfo # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-suseRegisterInfo # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - zypp-plugin-spacewalk # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-zypp-plugin-spacewalk # SUSE Manager Core Package traditional registration
  - python3-spacewalk-usix # SUSE Manager Core Package required by osad, rhn-virtualization, rhnpush
  - python3-docker # required by salt for building container in SUSE Manager
  - python3-docker-pycreds # required by python3-docker
  - mgr-cfg-actions
  - mgr-cfg-management
  - mgr-custom-info
  - mgr-osa-dispatcher
  - mgr-osad
  - mgr-push
  - mgr-virtualization-host
  - python3-mgr-cfg-actions
  - python3-mgr-cfg-management
  - python3-mgr-osa-common
  - python3-mgr-osad
  - python3-mgr-push
  - python3-mgr-virtualization-common
  - python3-mgr-virtualization-host

# See FATE# 326327 comment 11.
# in preparation of the new module we group the packages here. Selection may
# get changed still.
  - cetcd-devel
  - health-checker
  - health-checker-plugins-caasp
  - health-checker-plugins-kubic
  - health-checker-testing
  - libcetcd0
  - patterns-base-transactional_base # FATE#326327
  - read-only-root-fs
  - read-only-root-fs-volatile
  - rebootmgr
  - system-role-transactional-server
  - systemd-presets-branding-transactional-server
  - transactional-update
  - transactional-update-zypp-config  # bsc#1111319

# See FATE#326547 [MODULE] create Real Time module
  - patterns-rt-rt_sles: [recommended]
  - system-role-real-time-text-mode # Only for Real Time, bsc#1123315
  - sle-module-rt-release # FATE#326547

# Real Time
  - kernel-rt-base #    FATE#326547
  - kernel-rt-devel #    FATE#326547
  - kernel-rt #    FATE#326547
  - kernel-rt_debug   # bsc#1184903
  - kernel-rt_debug-devel #    FATE#326547
  - kernel-source-rt #    FATE#326547
  - kernel-devel-rt #    FATE#326547
  # needs pesign from devTools.
  - kernel-syms-rt #    FATE#326547
  - libcpuset-devel #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - rt-tests #    Initial package for SLE15
  - ibmrtpkgs #    Initial package for SLE15

# SLES compatibility KMPs
  - crash-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - oracleasm-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  # lttng-tools is part of the DevTools Module
  # lttng-tools-devel is part of the DevTools Module
  - lttng-modules-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12

# Storage and filesystem
  - dlm-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  # conflicts with HA module
  # - drbd-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  # - drbd-utils #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - cluster-md-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - gfs2-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - ocfs2-kmp-rt #    Inherited from CODE 12

# Product Documentation
# RN will be back when ready on the media
  - release-notes-sle_rt #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - sle-rt-quick_en #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - sle-rt-hw_en #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - sle-rt-shielding_en #    Inherited from CODE 12
  - sle-rt-virtguide_en #    Inherited from CODE 12

  - sle-module-certifications-release # jsc#SLE-17010

# TODO: blocks python310-setuptools atm - python-base: [locked]
  - python310-base # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-curses  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-dbm  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-devel  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-idle  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-pip  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-setuptools  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-tk  # jsc#SLE-18038
  - python310-tools # jsc#SLE-18038
  - sle-module-python3-release # jsc#SLE-23605

  - cpu-mitigations-formula
  - mgr-osa-dispatcher
  - postgresql-contrib
  - postgresql-server
  - postgresql14-contrib
  - postgresql14-server
  - python3-ws4py
  - release-notes-susemanager
  - salt-api
  - salt-master
  - sle-module-suse-manager-server-release
  - smdba
  - spacewalk-base-minimal
  - spacewalk-postgresql
  - spacewalk-reports
  - spacewalk-utils
  - supportutils-plugin-susemanager
  - susemanager
  - susemanager-branding-oss
  - susemanager-docs_en
  - susemanager-docs_en-pdf
  - susemanager-tools
  - syslinux
  - syslinux-x86_64
  - yast2-migration
  - bind-formula
  - dhcpd-formula
  - golang-github-QubitProducts-exporter_exporter
  - golang-github-lusitaniae-apache_exporter
  - golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter
  - grafana-formula
  - locale-formula
  - patterns-base-enhanced_base
  - prometheus-exporters-formula
  - prometheus-formula
  - prometheus-jmx_exporter
  - prometheus-jmx_exporter-tomcat
  - prometheus-postgres_exporter
  - spacecmd
  - susemanager-tftpsync
  - tftpd-formula
  - virtualization-formulas
  - vsftpd-formula

  - python3-rhnlib
  - release-notes-susemanager-proxy
  - sle-module-suse-manager-proxy-release
  - spacewalk-proxy-broker
  - spacewalk-proxy-common
  - spacewalk-proxy-installer
  - spacewalk-proxy-management
  - spacewalk-proxy-package-manager
  - spacewalk-proxy-redirect
  - spacewalk-ssl-cert-check
  - supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client
  - supportutils-plugin-susemanager-proxy
  - golang-github-QubitProducts-exporter_exporter
  - golang-github-boynux-squid_exporter
  - golang-github-lusitaniae-apache_exporter
  - golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter
  - patterns-base-enhanced_base
  - spacewalk-proxy-docs
  - susemanager-tftpsync-recv
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