File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.16636

<patchinfo incident="16636">
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1176820">Why does yast set BRIDGE_STP='on' for bridge networks?</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1177025">autoyast does not write hostname anymore</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1177191">yast2-dns doesn't save hostname changes on aarch64</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1173915">Failed to parse hostname during installation</issue>
  <summary>Recommended update for yast2-network</summary>
  <description>This update for yast2-network fixes the following issues:

- Fixes an issue when initializing the bridge STP configuration. (bsc#1176820)
- Write hostname changes when modified through the 'dns' client. (bsc#1177191)
- Do not crash when there are more than one parsing hostnames obtained by wicked through DHCP. (bsc#1173915)    
- Write the virtualization network configuration properly during an autoinstallation. (bsc#1177025)    
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