File improvements-on-ansiblegate-module-354.patch of Package salt.28024

From b58056da2f5a12e3d614650904039c0655ce1221 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Graul <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 19:41:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improvements on "ansiblegate" module (#354)

* Allow collecting Ansible Inventory from a minion

* Prevent crashing if ansible-playbook doesn't return JSON

* Add new 'ansible.discover_playbooks' method

* Include custom inventory when discovering Ansible playbooks

* Enhance 'ansible.discover_playbooks' to accept a list of locations

* Remove unused constants from Ansible utils

* Avoid string concatenation to calculate extra cmd args

* Add unit test for ansible.targets

* Improve Ansible roster targetting

* Add tests for new ansiblegate module functions

* Fix issue dealing with ungrouped targets on inventory

* Enable ansible utils for ansible roster tests

* Remove unnecessary code from Ansible utils

* Fix pylint issue

* Fix issue in documentation

Fix issue parsing errors in ansiblegate state module
 salt/modules/                   | 167 +++++++++++++++++-
 salt/roster/                        |  17 +-
 salt/states/                    |  12 +-
 salt/utils/                         |  41 +++++
 .../pytests/unit/modules/  |  99 ++++++++++-
 .../example_playbooks/example-playbook2/hosts |   7 +
 .../example-playbook2/site.yml                |  28 +++
 .../playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yml |   5 +
 tests/unit/roster/             |   2 +-
 9 files changed, 367 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 salt/utils/
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/hosts
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/site.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yml

diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/
index 328d9b7b0a..f33be6a00e 100644
--- a/salt/modules/
+++ b/salt/modules/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ any Ansible module to respond.
 import fnmatch
 import json
 import logging
+import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
@@ -365,7 +366,171 @@ def playbooks(
     ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](**cmd_kwargs)
     log.debug("Ansible Playbook Return: %s", ret)
-    retdata = json.loads(ret["stdout"])
+    try:
+        retdata = json.loads(ret["stdout"])
+    except ValueError:
+        retdata = ret
     if "retcode" in ret:
         __context__["retcode"] = retdata["retcode"] = ret["retcode"]
     return retdata
+def targets(**kwargs):
+    """
+    Return the inventory from an Ansible inventory_file
+    :param inventory:
+        The inventory file to read the inventory from. Default: "/etc/ansible/hosts"
+    :param yaml:
+        Return the inventory as yaml output. Default: False
+    :param export:
+        Return inventory as export format. Default: False
+    CLI Example:
+    .. code-block:: bash
+        salt 'ansiblehost' ansible.targets
+        salt 'ansiblehost' ansible.targets inventory=my_custom_inventory
+    """
+    return __utils__["ansible.targets"](**kwargs)
+def discover_playbooks(path=None,
+                       locations=None,
+                       playbook_extension=None,
+                       hosts_filename=None,
+                       syntax_check=False):
+    """
+    Discover Ansible playbooks stored under the given path or from multiple paths (locations)
+    This will search for files matching with the playbook file extension under the given
+    root path and will also look for files inside the first level of directories in this path.
+    The return of this function would be a dict like this:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        {
+            "/home/foobar/": {
+                "my_ansible_playbook.yml": {
+                    "fullpath": "/home/foobar/playbooks/my_ansible_playbook.yml",
+                    "custom_inventory": "/home/foobar/playbooks/hosts"
+                },
+                "another_playbook.yml": {
+                    "fullpath": "/home/foobar/playbooks/another_playbook.yml",
+                    "custom_inventory": "/home/foobar/playbooks/hosts"
+                },
+                "lamp_simple/site.yml": {
+                    "fullpath": "/home/foobar/playbooks/lamp_simple/site.yml",
+                    "custom_inventory": "/home/foobar/playbooks/lamp_simple/hosts"
+                },
+                "lamp_proxy/site.yml": {
+                    "fullpath": "/home/foobar/playbooks/lamp_proxy/site.yml",
+                    "custom_inventory": "/home/foobar/playbooks/lamp_proxy/hosts"
+                }
+            },
+            "/srv/playbooks/": {
+                "example_playbook/example.yml": {
+                    "fullpath": "/srv/playbooks/example_playbook/example.yml",
+                    "custom_inventory": "/srv/playbooks/example_playbook/hosts"
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    :param path:
+        Path to discover playbooks from.
+    :param locations:
+        List of paths to discover playbooks from.
+    :param playbook_extension:
+        File extension of playbooks file to search for. Default: "yml"
+    :param hosts_filename:
+        Filename of custom playbook inventory to search for. Default: "hosts"
+    :param syntax_check:
+        Skip playbooks that do not pass "ansible-playbook --syntax-check" validation. Default: False
+    :return:
+        The discovered playbooks under the given paths
+    CLI Example:
+    .. code-block:: bash
+        salt 'ansiblehost' ansible.discover_playbooks path=/srv/playbooks/
+        salt 'ansiblehost' ansible.discover_playbooks locations='["/srv/playbooks/", "/srv/foobar"]'
+    """
+    if not path and not locations:
+        raise CommandExecutionError("You have to specify either 'path' or 'locations' arguments")
+    if path and locations:
+        raise CommandExecutionError("You cannot specify 'path' and 'locations' at the same time")
+    if not playbook_extension:
+       playbook_extension = "yml"
+    if not hosts_filename:
+       hosts_filename = "hosts"
+    if path:
+        if not os.path.isabs(path):
+            raise CommandExecutionError("The given path is not an absolute path: {}".format(path))
+        if not os.path.isdir(path):
+            raise CommandExecutionError("The given path is not a directory: {}".format(path))
+        return {path: _explore_path(path, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check)}
+    if locations:
+        all_ret = {}
+        for location in locations:
+            all_ret[location] = _explore_path(location, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check)
+        return all_ret
+def _explore_path(path, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check):
+    ret = {}
+    if not os.path.isabs(path):
+        log.error("The given path is not an absolute path: {}".format(path))
+        return ret
+    if not os.path.isdir(path):
+        log.error("The given path is not a directory: {}".format(path))
+        return ret
+    try:
+        # Check files in the given path
+        for _f in os.listdir(path):
+            _path = os.path.join(path, _f)
+            if os.path.isfile(_path) and _path.endswith("." + playbook_extension):
+                ret[_f] = {"fullpath": _path}
+                # Check for custom inventory file
+                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, hosts_filename)):
+                    ret[_f].update({"custom_inventory": os.path.join(path, hosts_filename)})
+            elif os.path.isdir(_path):
+                # Check files in the 1st level of subdirectories
+                for _f2 in os.listdir(_path):
+                    _path2 = os.path.join(_path, _f2)
+                    if os.path.isfile(_path2) and _path2.endswith("." + playbook_extension):
+                        ret[os.path.join(_f, _f2)] = {"fullpath": _path2}
+                        # Check for custom inventory file
+                        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_path, hosts_filename)):
+                            ret[os.path.join(_f, _f2)].update({"custom_inventory": os.path.join(_path, hosts_filename)})
+    except Exception as exc:
+        raise CommandExecutionError("There was an exception while discovering playbooks: {}".format(exc))
+    # Run syntax check validation
+    if syntax_check:
+        check_command = ["ansible-playbook", "--syntax-check"]
+        try:
+            for pb in list(ret):
+               if __salt__["cmd.retcode"](check_command + [ret[pb]]):
+                   del ret[pb]
+        except Exception as exc:
+            raise CommandExecutionError("There was an exception while checking syntax of playbooks: {}".format(exc))
+    return ret
diff --git a/salt/roster/ b/salt/roster/
index 7beaaf2075..d3b352de27 100644
--- a/salt/roster/
+++ b/salt/roster/
@@ -117,27 +117,32 @@ def targets(tgt, tgt_type="glob", **kwargs):
     Return the targets from the ansible inventory_file
     Default: /etc/salt/roster
-    inventory = __runner__["salt.cmd"](
-        "", "ansible-inventory -i {} --list".format(get_roster_file(__opts__))
-    )
-    __context__["inventory"] = __utils__["json.loads"](
-        __utils__["stringutils.to_str"](inventory)
+    __context__["inventory"] = __utils__["ansible.targets"](
+        inventory=get_roster_file(__opts__), **kwargs
     if tgt_type == "glob":
         hosts = [
             host for host in _get_hosts_from_group("all") if fnmatch.fnmatch(host, tgt)
+    elif tgt_type == "list":
+        hosts = [host for host in _get_hosts_from_group("all") if host in tgt]
     elif tgt_type == "nodegroup":
         hosts = _get_hosts_from_group(tgt)
+    else:
+        hosts = []
     return {host: _get_hostvars(host) for host in hosts}
 def _get_hosts_from_group(group):
     inventory = __context__["inventory"]
+    if group not in inventory:
+        return []
     hosts = [host for host in inventory[group].get("hosts", [])]
     for child in inventory[group].get("children", []):
-        if child != "ungrouped":
+        child_info = _get_hosts_from_group(child)
+        if child_info not in hosts:
     return hosts
diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/
index 4afe6a020d..af5cb0f0e5 100644
--- a/salt/states/
+++ b/salt/states/
@@ -184,7 +184,11 @@ def playbooks(name, rundir=None, git_repo=None, git_kwargs=None, ansible_kwargs=
         checks = __salt__["ansible.playbooks"](
             name, rundir=rundir, check=True, diff=True, **ansible_kwargs
-        if all(
+        if "stats" not in checks:
+            ret["comment"] = checks.get("stderr", checks)
+            ret["result"] = False
+            ret["changes"] = {}
+        elif all(
             not check["changed"]
             and not check["failures"]
             and not check["unreachable"]
@@ -213,7 +217,11 @@ def playbooks(name, rundir=None, git_repo=None, git_kwargs=None, ansible_kwargs=
         results = __salt__["ansible.playbooks"](
             name, rundir=rundir, diff=True, **ansible_kwargs
-        if all(
+        if "stats" not in results:
+            ret["comment"] = results.get("stderr", results)
+            ret["result"] = False
+            ret["changes"] = {}
+        elif all(
             not check["changed"]
             and not check["failures"]
             and not check["unreachable"]
diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e14037fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/salt/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import logging
+import os
+# Import Salt libs
+import salt.utils.json
+import salt.utils.path
+import salt.utils.stringutils
+import salt.modules.cmdmod
+from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
+__virtualname__ = "ansible"
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def __virtual__():  # pylint: disable=expected-2-blank-lines-found-0
+    if salt.utils.path.which("ansible-inventory"):
+        return __virtualname__
+    return (False, "Install `ansible` to use inventory")
+def targets(inventory="/etc/ansible/hosts", **kwargs):
+    """
+    Return the targets from the ansible inventory_file
+    Default: /etc/salt/roster
+    """
+    if not os.path.isfile(inventory):
+        raise CommandExecutionError("Inventory file not found: {}".format(inventory))
+    extra_cmd = []
+    if "export" in kwargs:
+        extra_cmd.append("--export")
+    if "yaml" in kwargs:
+        extra_cmd.append("--yaml")
+    inv =
+        "ansible-inventory -i {} --list {}".format(inventory, " ".join(extra_cmd))
+    )
+    if kwargs.get("yaml", False):
+        return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(inv)
+    else:
+        return salt.utils.json.loads(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(inv))
diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/
index 44c9b12acb..f357133000 100644
--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/
+++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 # Author: Bo Maryniuk <>
+import os
 import pytest
+import salt.config
+import salt.loader
 import salt.modules.ansiblegate as ansiblegate
 import salt.utils.json
+import salt.utils.path
 from import ANY, MagicMock, patch
+from import RUNTIME_VARS
 pytestmark = [
     pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Not supported on Windows"),
@@ -12,7 +18,7 @@ pytestmark = [
 def configure_loader_modules():
-    return {ansiblegate: {}}
+    return {ansiblegate: {"__utils__": {}}}
 def test_ansible_module_help():
@@ -133,3 +139,94 @@ def test_ansible_playbooks_return_retcode():
         ret = ansiblegate.playbooks("fake-playbook.yml")
         assert "retcode" in ret
+def test_ansible_targets():
+    """
+    Test ansible.targets execution module function.
+    :return:
+    """
+    ansible_inventory_ret = """
+    "_meta": {
+        "hostvars": {
+            "": {
+                "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": "/etc/ansible/my_ansible_private_key"
+            },
+            "": {
+                "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": "/etc/ansible/my_ansible_private_key"
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    "all": {
+        "children": [
+            "ungrouped"
+        ]
+    },
+    "ungrouped": {
+        "hosts": [
+            "",
+            ""
+        ]
+    }
+    """
+    ansible_inventory_mock = MagicMock(return_value=ansible_inventory_ret)
+    with patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value=True)):
+        opts = salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS.copy()
+        utils = salt.loader.utils(opts, whitelist=["ansible"])
+        with patch("", ansible_inventory_mock), patch.dict(
+            ansiblegate.__utils__, utils
+        ), patch("os.path.isfile", MagicMock(return_value=True)):
+            ret = ansiblegate.targets()
+            assert ansible_inventory_mock.call_args
+            assert "_meta" in ret
+            assert "" in ret["_meta"]["hostvars"]
+            assert (
+                "ansible_ssh_private_key_file"
+                in ret["_meta"]["hostvars"][""]
+            )
+            assert "all" in ret
+            assert len(ret["ungrouped"]["hosts"]) == 2
+def test_ansible_discover_playbooks_single_path():
+    playbooks_dir = os.path.join(
+        RUNTIME_VARS.TESTS_DIR, "unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/"
+    )
+    ret = ansiblegate.discover_playbooks(playbooks_dir)
+    assert playbooks_dir in ret
+    assert ret[playbooks_dir]["playbook1.yml"] == {
+        "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "playbook1.yml")
+    }
+    assert ret[playbooks_dir]["example-playbook2/site.yml"] == {
+        "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "example-playbook2/site.yml"),
+        "custom_inventory": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "example-playbook2/hosts"),
+    }
+def test_ansible_discover_playbooks_single_path_using_parameters():
+    playbooks_dir = os.path.join(
+        RUNTIME_VARS.TESTS_DIR, "unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/"
+    )
+    ret = ansiblegate.discover_playbooks(
+        playbooks_dir, playbook_extension="foobar", hosts_filename="deadbeaf"
+    )
+    assert playbooks_dir in ret
+    assert ret[playbooks_dir] == {}
+def test_ansible_discover_playbooks_multiple_locations():
+    playbooks_dir = os.path.join(
+        RUNTIME_VARS.TESTS_DIR, "unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/"
+    )
+    ret = ansiblegate.discover_playbooks(locations=[playbooks_dir, "/tmp/foobar"])
+    assert playbooks_dir in ret
+    assert "/tmp/foobar" in ret
+    assert ret[playbooks_dir]["playbook1.yml"] == {
+        "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "playbook1.yml")
+    }
+    assert ret[playbooks_dir]["example-playbook2/site.yml"] == {
+        "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "example-playbook2/site.yml"),
+        "custom_inventory": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "example-playbook2/hosts"),
+    }
diff --git a/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/hosts b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/hosts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75783285f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/hosts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/site.yml b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/site.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a64ebd5e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/example-playbook2/site.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+- name: update web servers
+  hosts: webservers
+  remote_user: root
+  tasks:
+  - name: ensure apache is at the latest version
+    yum:
+      name: httpd
+      state: latest
+  - name: write the apache config file
+    template:
+      src: /srv/httpd.j2
+      dest: /etc/httpd.conf
+- name: update db servers
+  hosts: databases
+  remote_user: root
+  tasks:
+  - name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version
+    yum:
+      name: postgresql
+      state: latest
+  - name: ensure that postgresql is started
+    service:
+      name: postgresql
+      state: started
diff --git a/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yml b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e258a101e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- hosts: all
+  gather_facts: false
+  tasks:
+    - ping:
diff --git a/tests/unit/roster/ b/tests/unit/roster/
index 7f1144454b..c4ab8b7639 100644
--- a/tests/unit/roster/
+++ b/tests/unit/roster/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class AnsibleRosterTestCase(TestCase, mixins.LoaderModuleMockMixin):
         opts = salt.config.master_config(
             os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_CONF_DIR, "master")
-        utils = salt.loader.utils(opts, whitelist=["json", "stringutils"])
+        utils = salt.loader.utils(opts, whitelist=["json", "stringutils", "ansible"])
         runner = salt.loader.runner(opts, utils=utils, whitelist=["salt"])
         return {ansible: {"__utils__": utils, "__opts__": {}, "__runner__": runner}}

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