File go1.19.changes of Package go1.19.26300

Tue Oct  4 18:21:57 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- go1.19.2 (released 2022-10-04) includes security fixes to the
  archive/tar, net/http/httputil, and regexp packages, as well as
  bug fixes to the compiler, the linker, the runtime, and the
  go/types package.
  Refs boo#1200441 go1.19 release tracking
  CVE-2022-41715 CVE-2022-2879 CVE-2022-2880
  * go#55951 boo#1204023 security: fix CVE-2022-41715 regexp/syntax: limit memory used by parsing regexps
  * go#55926 boo#1204024 security: fix CVE-2022-2879 archive/tar: unbounded memory consumption when reading headers
  * go#55843 boo#1204025 security: fix CVE-2022-2880 net/http/httputil: ReverseProxy should not forward unparseable query parameters
  * go#55270 cmd/compile: internal compiler error: method Len on *uint8 not found
  * go#55152 cmd/compile: typebits.Set: invalid initial alignment: type Peer has alignment 8, but offset is 4
  * go#55149 go/types: no way to construct the signature of append(s, "string"...) via the API
  * go#55124 fatal error: bulkBarrierPreWrite: unaligned arguments (go 1.19.1, looks like regression)
  * go#55114 cmd/link: new darwin linker warning on -pagezero_size and -no_pie deprecation
  * go#54917 cmd/compile: Value live at entry
  * go#54764 runtime/cgo(.text): unknown symbol __stack_chk_fail_local in pcrel (regression in 1.19 when building for i686)

Tue Sep  6 19:24:28 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- go1.19.1 (released 2022-09-06) includes security fixes to the
  net/http and net/url packages, as well as bug fixes to the
  compiler, the go command, the pprof command, the linker, the
  runtime, and the crypto/tls and crypto/x509 packages.
  Refs boo#1200441 go1.19 release tracking
  CVE-2022-27664 CVE-2022-32190
  * go#54376 bsc#1203185 CVE-2022-27664 net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY
  * go#54635 bsc#1203186 CVE-2022-32190 net/url: JoinPath doesn't strip relative path components in all circumstances
  * go#54736 cmd/go: cannot find package when importing dependencies with the unix build constraint
  * go#54734 cmd/go: git fetch errors dropped when producing pseudo-versions for commits
  * go#54726 cmd/compile: compile failed with "Value live at entry"
  * go#54697 cmd/compile: ICE at composite literal assignment with alignment > PtrSize
  * go#54675 runtime: morestack_noctxt missing SPWRITE, causes "traceback stuck" assert
  * go#54665 runtime: segfault running ppc64/linux binaries with kernel 5.18
  * go#54660 cmd/go: go test -race does not set implicit race build tag
  * go#54643 crypto/tls: support ECDHE key exchanges when ec_point_formats is missing in ClientHello extension
  * go#54637 cmd/go: data race in TestScript
  * go#54633 cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost: racing writes to Origin fields
  * go#54629 cmd/compile: miscompilation of partially-overlapping array assignments
  * go#54420 cmd/pprof: graphviz node names are funny with generics
  * go#54406 cmd/link: trampoline insertion breaks DWARF Line Program Table output on Darwin/ARM64
  * go#54309 cmd/compile: internal compiler error: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
  * go#54295 crypto/x509: panics on invalid curve instead of returning error
  * go#54243 cmd/compile: internal compiler error when compiling code with unbound method of generic type
  * go#54239 misc/cgo: TestSignalForwardingExternal sometimes fails with wrong signal SIGINT
  * go#54235 cmd/compile: internal compiler error of atomic type and offsetof

Mon Aug 22 20:44:19 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- Define go_bootstrap_version go1.16 without suse_version checks
- Simplify conditional gcc_go_version 12 on Tumbleweed, 11 elsewhere
- Add _constraints for worker disk space 5G needed by SLE-15 x86_64
- SLE-12 s390x use bcond_without gccgo to bootstrap using gcc11go
  * Workaround for SLE-12 s390x build error while writing linker data:
    bad carrier sym for symbol crypto/internal/nistec.p256OrdMul.args_stackmap
    created by cmd/link/internal/ld.writeBlocks

Fri Aug 19 17:53:40 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>

- Bootstrap using go1.16 on SLE-15 and newer. go1.16 is
  bootstrapped using gcc-go 11 or 12. This allows dropping older
  versions of Go from Factory.

Tue Aug  9 05:56:23 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- Rebase gcc-go.patch onto upstream changes in go/src/make.bash and
  go/src/make.rc. Used for SLE-12 go bootstrap builds with gcc8.

Tue Aug  2 17:19:11 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- go1.19 (released 2022-08-02) is a major release of Go.
  go1.19.x minor releases will be provided through August 2023.
  go1.19 arrives five months after go1.18. Most of its changes are
  in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries.
  As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of
  compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to
  compile and run as before.
  Refs boo#1200441 go1.19 release tracking
  * See release notes Excerpts
    relevant to OBS environment and for SUSE/openSUSE follow:
  * There is only one small change to the language, a very small
    correction to the scope of type parameters in method
    declarations. Existing programs are unaffected.
  * The Go memory model has been revised to align Go with the
    memory model used by C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Rust, and
    Swift. Go only provides sequentially consistent atomics, not
    any of the more relaxed forms found in other languages. Along
    with the memory model update, Go 1.19 introduces new types in
    the sync/atomic package that make it easier to use atomic
    values, such as atomic.Int64 and atomic.Pointer[T].
  * go1.19 adds support for the Loongson 64-bit architecture
    LoongArch on Linux (GOOS=linux, GOARCH=loong64). The ABI
    implemented is LP64D. Minimum kernel version supported is 5.19.
  * The riscv64 port now supports passing function arguments and
    result using registers. Benchmarking shows typical performance
    improvements of 10% or more on riscv64.
  * Go 1.19 adds support for links, lists, and clearer headings in
    doc comments. As part of this change, gofmt now reformats doc
    comments to make their rendered meaning clearer. See "Go Doc
    Comments" for syntax details and descriptions of common
    mistakes now highlighted by gofmt. As another part of this
    change, the new package go/doc/comment provides parsing and
    reformatting of doc comments as well as support for rendering
    them to HTML, Markdown, and text.
  * The new build constraint "unix" is now recognized in //go:build
    lines. The constraint is satisfied if the target operating
    system, also known as GOOS, is a Unix or Unix-like system. For
    the 1.19 release it is satisfied if GOOS is one of aix,
    android, darwin, dragonfly, freebsd, hurd, illumos, ios, linux,
    netbsd, openbsd, or solaris. In future releases the unix
    constraint may match additional newly supported operating
  * The -trimpath flag, if set, is now included in the build
    settings stamped into Go binaries by go build, and can be
    examined using go version -m or debug.ReadBuildInfo.
  * go generate now sets the GOROOT environment variable explicitly
    in the generator's environment, so that generators can locate
    the correct GOROOT even if built with -trimpath.
  * go test and go generate now place GOROOT/bin at the beginning
    of the PATH used for the subprocess, so tests and generators
    that execute the go command will resolve it to same GOROOT.
  * go env now quotes entries that contain spaces in the
    CGO_LDFLAGS, and GOGCCFLAGS variables it reports.
  * go list -json now accepts a comma-separated list of JSON fields
    to populate. If a list is specified, the JSON output will
    include only those fields, and go list may avoid work to
    compute fields that are not included. In some cases, this may
    suppress errors that would otherwise be reported.
  * The go command now caches information necessary to load some
    modules, which should result in a speed-up of some go list
  * The vet checker "errorsas" now reports when errors.As is called
    with a second argument of type *error, a common mistake.
  * The runtime now includes support for a soft memory limit. This
    memory limit includes the Go heap and all other memory managed
    by the runtime, and excludes external memory sources such as
    mappings of the binary itself, memory managed in other
    languages, and memory held by the operating system on behalf of
    the Go program. This limit may be managed via
    runtime/debug.SetMemoryLimit or the equivalent GOMEMLIMIT
    environment variable. The limit works in conjunction with
    runtime/debug.SetGCPercent / GOGC, and will be respected even
    if GOGC=off, allowing Go programs to always make maximal use of
    their memory limit, improving resource efficiency in some
  * In order to limit the effects of GC thrashing when the
    program's live heap size approaches the soft memory limit, the
    Go runtime also attempts to limit total GC CPU utilization to
    50%, excluding idle time, choosing to use more memory over
    preventing application progress. In practice, we expect this
    limit to only play a role in exceptional cases, and the new
    runtime metric /gc/limiter/last-enabled:gc-cycle reports when
    this last occurred.
  * The runtime now schedules many fewer GC worker goroutines on
    idle operating system threads when the application is idle
    enough to force a periodic GC cycle.
  * The runtime will now allocate initial goroutine stacks based on
    the historic average stack usage of goroutines. This avoids
    some of the early stack growth and copying needed in the
    average case in exchange for at most 2x wasted space on
    below-average goroutines.
  * On Unix operating systems, Go programs that import package os
    now automatically increase the open file limit (RLIMIT_NOFILE)
    to the maximum allowed value; that is, they change the soft
    limit to match the hard limit. This corrects artificially low
    limits set on some systems for compatibility with very old C
    programs using the select system call. Go programs are not
    helped by that limit, and instead even simple programs like
    gofmt often ran out of file descriptors on such systems when
    processing many files in parallel. One impact of this change is
    that Go programs that in turn execute very old C programs in
    child processes may run those programs with too high a
    limit. This can be corrected by setting the hard limit before
    invoking the Go program.
  * Unrecoverable fatal errors (such as concurrent map writes, or
    unlock of unlocked mutexes) now print a simpler traceback
    excluding runtime metadata (equivalent to a fatal panic) unless
    GOTRACEBACK=system or crash. Runtime-internal fatal error
    tracebacks always include full metadata regardless of the value
  * Support for debugger-injected function calls has been added on
    ARM64, enabling users to call functions from their binary in an
    interactive debugging session when using a debugger that is
    updated to make use of this functionality.
  * The address sanitizer support added in Go 1.18 now handles
    function arguments and global variables more precisely.
  * The compiler now uses a jump table to implement large integer
    and string switch statements. Performance improvements for the
    switch statement vary but can be on the order of 20%
    faster. (GOARCH=amd64 and GOARCH=arm64 only)
  * The Go compiler now requires the -p=importpath flag to build a
    linkable object file. This is already supplied by the go
    command and by Bazel. Any other build systems that invoke the
    Go compiler directly will need to make sure they pass this flag
    as well.
  * The Go compiler no longer accepts the -importmap flag. Build
    systems that invoke the Go compiler directly must use the
    -importcfg flag instead.
  * Like the compiler, the assembler now requires the -p=importpath
    flag to build a linkable object file. This is already supplied
    by the go command. Any other build systems that invoke the Go
    assembler directly will need to make sure they pass this flag
    as well.
  * Command and LookPath no longer allow results from a PATH search
    to be found relative to the current directory. This removes a
    common source of security problems but may also break existing
    programs that depend on using, say, exec.Command("prog") to run
    a binary named prog (or, on Windows, prog.exe) in the current
    directory. See the os/exec package documentation for
    information about how best to update such programs.
  * On Windows, Command and LookPath now respect the
    NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath environment variable, making
    it possible to disable the default implicit search of “.” in
    PATH lookups on Windows systems.
  * crypto/elliptic: Operating on invalid curve points (those for
    which the IsOnCurve method returns false, and which are never
    returned by Unmarshal or by a Curve method operating on a valid
    point) has always been undefined behavior and can lead to key
    recovery attacks. If an invalid point is supplied to Marshal,
    MarshalCompressed, Add, Double, or ScalarMult, they will now
    panic. ScalarBaseMult operations on the P224, P384, and P521
    curves are now up to three times faster, leading to similar
    speedups in some ECDSA operations. The generic (not platform
    optimized) P256 implementation was replaced with one derived
    from a formally verified model; this might lead to significant
    slowdowns on 32-bit platforms.
  * crypto/rand: Read no longer buffers random data obtained from
    the operating system between calls. Applications that perform
    many small reads at high frequency might choose to wrap Reader
    in a bufio.Reader for performance reasons, taking care to use
    io.ReadFull to ensure no partial reads occur. The Prime
    implementation was changed to use only rejection sampling,
    which removes a bias when generating small primes in
    non-cryptographic contexts, removes one possible minor timing
    leak, and better aligns the behavior with BoringSSL, all while
    simplifying the implementation. The change does produce
    different outputs for a given random source stream compared to
    the previous implementation, which can break tests written
    expecting specific results from specific deterministic random
    sources. To help prevent such problems in the future, the
    implementation is now intentionally non-deterministic with
    respect to the input stream.
  * crypto/tls: The GODEBUG option tls10default=1 has been
    removed. It is still possible to enable TLS 1.0 client-side by
    setting Config.MinVersion. The TLS server and client now reject
    duplicate extensions in TLS handshakes, as required by RFC
    5246, Section and RFC 8446, Section 4.2.
  * crypto/x509: CreateCertificate no longer supports creating
    certificates with SignatureAlgorithm set to
    MD5WithRSA. CreateCertificate no longer accepts negative serial
    numbers. CreateCertificate will not emit an empty SEQUENCE
    anymore when the produced certificate has no
    extensions. ParseCertificate and ParseCertificateRequest now
    reject certificates and CSRs which contain duplicate
    extensions. The new CertPool.Clone and CertPool.Equal methods
    allow cloning a CertPool and checking the equivalence of two
    CertPools respectively. The new function ParseRevocationList
    provides a faster, safer to use CRL parser which returns a
    RevocationList. Parsing a CRL also populates the new
    RevocationList fields RawIssuer, Signature, AuthorityKeyId, and
    Extensions, which are ignored by CreateRevocationList. The new
    method RevocationList.CheckSignatureFrom checks that the
    signature on a CRL is a valid signature from a Certificate. The
    ParseCRL and ParseDERCRL functions are now deprecated in favor
    of ParseRevocationList. The Certificate.CheckCRLSignature
    method is deprecated in favor of
    RevocationList.CheckSignatureFrom. The path builder of
    Certificate.Verify was overhauled and should now produce better
    chains and/or be more efficient in complicated scenarios. Name
    constraints are now also enforced on non-leaf certificates.
  * crypto/x509/pkix: The types CertificateList and
    TBSCertificateList have been deprecated. The new crypto/x509
    CRL functionality should be used instead.
  * debug/elf: The new EM_LOONGARCH and R_LARCH_* constants support
    the loong64 port.
  * debug/pe: The new File.COFFSymbolReadSectionDefAux method,
    which returns a COFFSymbolAuxFormat5, provides access to COMDAT
    information in PE file sections. These are supported by new
    IMAGE_COMDAT_* and IMAGE_SCN_* constants.
  * runtime: The GOROOT function now returns the empty string
    (instead of "go") when the binary was built with the -trimpath
    flag set and the GOROOT variable is not set in the process
  * runtime/metrics: The new /sched/gomaxprocs:threads metric
    reports the current runtime.GOMAXPROCS value. The new
    /cgo/go-to-c-calls:calls metric reports the total number of
    calls made from Go to C. This metric is identical to the
    runtime.NumCgoCall function. The new
    /gc/limiter/last-enabled:gc-cycle metric reports the last GC
    cycle when the GC CPU limiter was enabled. See the runtime
    notes for details about the GC CPU limiter.
  * runtime/pprof: Stop-the-world pause times have been
    significantly reduced when collecting goroutine profiles,
    reducing the overall latency impact to the application. MaxRSS
    is now reported in heap profiles for all Unix operating systems
    (it was previously only reported for GOOS=android, darwin, ios,
    and linux).
  * runtime/race: The race detector has been upgraded to use thread
    sanitizer version v3 on all supported platforms except
    windows/amd64 and openbsd/amd64, which remain on v2. Compared
    to v2, it is now typically 1.5x to 2x faster, uses half as much
    memory, and it supports an unlimited number of goroutines. On
    Linux, the race detector now requires at least glibc version
    2.17 and GNU binutils 2.26. The race detector is now supported
    on GOARCH=s390x. Race detector support for openbsd/amd64 has
    been removed from thread sanitizer upstream, so it is unlikely
    to ever be updated from v2.
  * runtime/trace: When tracing and the CPU profiler are enabled
    simultaneously, the execution trace includes CPU profile
    samples as instantaneous events.
  * syscall: On PowerPC (GOARCH=ppc64, ppc64le), Syscall, Syscall6,
    RawSyscall, and RawSyscall6 now always return 0 for return
    value r2 instead of an undefined value. On AIX and Solaris,
    Getrusage is now defined.

Tue Jul 12 23:39:16 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- go1.19rc2 (released 2022-07-12) is a release candidate version of
  go1.19 cut from the master branch at the revision tagged
  Refs boo#1200441 go1.19 release tracking

Wed Jul  6 21:40:49 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- go1.19rc1 (released 2022-07-06) is a release candidate version of
  go1.19 cut from the master branch at the revision tagged
  Refs boo#1200441 go1.19 release tracking

Tue Jun 14 20:00:43 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- Trace viewer html and javascript files moved from misc/trace in
  previous versions to src/cmd/trace/static in go1.19.
  * Added files with mode 0644:

Fri Jun 10 20:39:05 UTC 2022 - Jeff Kowalczyk <>

- go1.19beta1 (released 2022-06-10) is a beta version of go1.19 cut
  from the master branch at the revision tagged go1.19beta1.
  Refs boo#1200441 go1.19 release tracking
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