File libostree.spec of Package libostree.25683

# spec file for package libostree
# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

Name:           libostree
Version:        2018.9
Release:        0
Summary:        Git for operating system binaries
License:        LGPL-2.0-or-later
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE ostree-grub2-location.patch boo#974714 -- Fix path to grub-mkconfig_lib
Patch0:         ostree-grub2-location.patch
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM libostree-CVE-2014-9862.patch boo#1201770 -- fix arbitrary write on heap.
Patch1:         libostree-CVE-2014-9862.patch

BuildRequires:  bison
BuildRequires:  gjs
BuildRequires:  gnome-common
BuildRequires:  gobject-introspection-devel >= 1.34.0
BuildRequires:  gpgme-devel
BuildRequires:  libattr-devel
BuildRequires:  libcap-devel
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(e2p)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(fuse) >= 2.9.2
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0) >= 2.36.0
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libarchive) >= 2.8.0
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(liblzma) >= 5.0.5
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) >= 2.39.1
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libsystemd)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(mount) >= 2-23.0
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(systemd)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(zlib)
# Package was renamed from ostree to libostree with version 2017.2
Provides:       ostree = %{version}
Obsoletes:      ostree < %{version}

OSTree is a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned
filesystem trees. While it takes over some of the roles of tradtional
"package managers" like dpkg and rpm, it is not a package system; nor
is it a tool for managing full disk images. Instead, it sits between
those levels, offering a blend of the advantages (and disadvantages)
of both.

%package -n libostree-1-1
Summary:        Git for operating system binaries
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n libostree-1-1
OSTree is a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned
filesystem trees. While it takes over some of the roles of tradtional
"package managers" like dpkg and rpm, it is not a package system; nor
is it a tool for managing full disk images. Instead, it sits between
those levels, offering a blend of the advantages (and disadvantages)
of both.

%package -n typelib-1_0-OSTree-1_0
Summary:        Git for operating system binaries  -- GObject bindings
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n typelib-1_0-OSTree-1_0
OSTree is a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned
filesystem trees. While it takes over some of the roles of tradtional
"package managers" like dpkg and rpm, it is not a package system; nor
is it a tool for managing full disk images. Instead, it sits between
those levels, offering a blend of the advantages (and disadvantages)
of both.

%ifnarch s390 s390x %{arm}
%package        grub2
Summary:        GRUB2 integration for OSTree
# Package was renamed from ostree to libostree with version 2017.2
Group:          System/Boot
Provides:       ostree-grub2 = %{version}
Obsoletes:      ostree-grub2 < %{version}
%ifnarch aarch64
Requires:       grub2
Requires:       grub2-efi

%description grub2
GRUB2 integration for OSTree

%package devel
Summary:        Git for operating system binaries -- Development files
# Package was renamed from ostree to libostree with version 2017.2
Group:          Development/Languages/C and C++
Requires:       libostree-1-1 = %{version}
Requires:       typelib-1_0-OSTree-1_0 = %{version}
Provides:       ostree-devel = %{version}
Obsoletes:      ostree-devel < %{version}

%description devel
OSTree is a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned
filesystem trees. While it takes over some of the roles of tradtional
"package managers" like dpkg and rpm, it is not a package system; nor
is it a tool for managing full disk images. Instead, it sits between
those levels, offering a blend of the advantages (and disadvantages)
of both.

%autosetup -p1

%configure --with-dracut
make %{?_smp_mflags}

find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" -delete -print

# openSUSE rcFOO links
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
ln -s %{_sbindir}/service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcostree-prepare-root
ln -s %{_sbindir}/service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcostree-remount

%post -n libostree-1-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libostree-1-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig
%service_add_pre ostree-prepare-root.service
%service_add_pre ostree-remount.service

%service_del_preun ostree-prepare-root.service
%service_del_preun ostree-remount.service.service

%service_add_post ostree-prepare-root.service
%service_add_post ostree-remount.service
%tmpfiles_create %{_tmpfilesdir}/ostree-tmpfiles.conf

%service_del_postun ostree-prepare-root.service
%service_del_postun ostree-remount.service

%license COPYING
%dir %{_libexecdir}/ostree
%dir %{_libexecdir}/libostree
%dir %{_libexecdir}/dracut
%dir %{_libexecdir}/dracut/modules.d
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d
%dir %{_tmpfilesdir}
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/*ostree
%exclude %{_libexecdir}/libostree/grub2*

%files -n libostree-1-1

%files -n typelib-1_0-OSTree-1_0

%files devel

%ifnarch s390 s390x %{arm}
%files grub2
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d/

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