File netpbm.changes of Package netpbm.32453

Fri Feb  2 14:11:42 UTC 2024 -

- added patches
  fix CVE-2017-5849 [bsc#1022790], CVE-2017-5849 [bsc#1022791]
  + netpbm-use-byrow-when-needed.patch

Fri Jan 29 12:34:25 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <>

- skip failing tests for armv7hl (bsc#1181571)

Fri May 31 10:36:25 UTC 2019 -

- enable the testsuite
- create netpbm-vulnerable subpackage and move pstopnm there

Thu May 16 07:48:14 UTC 2019 -

- asan_build: build ASAN included
- debug_build: build more suitable for debugging
- security update
- added patches
  CVE-2017-2579 [bsc#1024288], CVE-2017-2580 [bsc#1024291]
  + netpbm-CVE-2017-2579,2580.patch
  neccessary for running with ASAN
  + netpbm-asan.patch

Wed Jun 27 14:04:24 UTC 2018 -

- security update
  * CVE-2018-8975 [bsc#1086777]
    + netpbm-CVE-2018-8975.patch

Fri Dec 29 13:52:55 UTC 2017 -

- Add patch makeman-py3.patch to make sure to use python3 when
- Unpack the stuff only once

Mon Dec 18 13:30:51 UTC 2017 -

- updated to 10.80.1
  * pnmtopalm: Refuse to create a compressed image with more than 8
    bits per pixel.
  * pbmtext, libnetpbm font facilities: allow glyphs in font files
    that have no bitmap data; just used for their advance value to
    code a space.
  * pbmtext: Improve error message when there is a problem reading
    the font file.
  * libnetpbm font facilities: consider font invalid if a glyph is
    more than 65536 pixels high or wide.
  * ppmshadow: handle images with a black background and low
    contrast images (i.e. little difference between foreground and
  * ppmbrighten: fix bug: red pixels change hue.  Introduced in
    after Netpbm 10.11 (October 2002) and before Netpbm 10.18
    (September 2003).
  * palmtopnm: fix crash if invalid input contains color index that
    is not in the palette.  Always broken (palmtopnm was new in
    Netpbm 9.10 (October 2001)).
  * pnmtopalm: fix incorrect output with certain input files and
    -packbits_compression.  Always broken.  -packbits_compression
    was new in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005).
  * pnmtopalm: Correct error message recommending running
    pnmquant when the real solution is to run pnmremap to modify the
    image to Palm standard colors.
  * pnmtopalm: Fix bug causing "color not in colormap" failure with
    -colormap and maxval other than 255.
  * libnetpbm: font facilities: fix invalid memory reference with
    certain font files.
  * libnetpbm: ppm_readcolordict: Improve error message when there is
    a problem reading the color dictionary.  Affects ppmhist.
  * pgmmake: Fix bug: treats non-numeric gray-level argument as zero.
    Always broken (Pgmmake was new in Netpbm 10.32, February 2006).
  * pdbimgtopam, pamtopdbimg: fix various cases of incorrect output,
    some always present (programs were new in Netpbm 10.52.00
    (October 2010)).
  * libnetpbm: pnm_parsecolorn(), pnm_parsecolor(): fix parsing of
    rgb: color specifications: yields value slightly too dim.
    Affects many programs.  Broken in Netpbm 10.79 (June 2017).

Wed Aug  2 10:28:18 UTC 2017 -

- Version update to 10.79.3:
  * Fix license clash between GPL-2 and GPL-3
  * Few small fixes

Wed Jul 12 07:50:42 UTC 2017 -

- Drop patch netpbm-missing-file-close.patch fixed differently by
- Drop patch netpbm-jasper.patch which is no longer needed
- Remove accidental -O0 added to cflags
- Version update to 10.79.2:
  * Fix 'format-security' GNU compiler warning.
  * libnetpbm: pnm_parsecolorn(), pnm_parsecolor(): fix parsing of
    rgb: color specifications: yields value slightly too dim.
  * pamgauss: Add -maximize, -oversample .  Thanks Anton Shepelev
  * pnmconvol: Extend -normalize to be applicable to convolution
    kernels specified by PGM file.  Thanks Anton Shepelev
  * g3topbm: tolerate fill bits.
  * pbmtog3: Add -align8, -align16.
  * ppmshadow: Improve results for very small maxval.
  * ppmshadow: eliminate extraneous messages from pnmconvol.
  * libnetpbm: Improve error message for purported image that is
    exactly 1 byte long (so ends in the middle of what would be the
    magic number).
  * pbmtox10bm: Get the Perl interpreter for this Perl program from
    the PATH instead of hardcoded as /usr/bin/perl (like all other
    Netpbm Perl programs).
  * ppmcolormask: fix incorrect output when input maxval is not 255.
  * bmptopnm: fix crash when input is a Windows BMP with negative
    number for width.  Always broken.  (bmptopnm was new, as
    bmptoppm, in original Netpbm, 1992).
  * pamcomp: fix incorrect output with -mixtransparency.
    Always broken.  (-mixtransparency was new in Netpbm 10.56,
    September 2011).
  * pamcomp: remove debug trace message with -mixtransparency.
    Always broken.  (-mixtransparency was new in Netpbm 10.56,
    September 2011).
  * pnmtojpeg: fix array bounds violation in argument list.  Always
    broken (pnmtojpeg was new to Netpbm in Netpbm 8.2 (March 2000).
  * pamcrater: fix incorrect output with non-square image.
    Introduced in Netpbm 10.69 (December 2014).
  * svgtopam: fix treating negative width or height values in SVG
    like twos complement positive numbers; fail instead.  Always
    broken (svgtopam was new in Netpbm 10.33 (March 2006)).
  * svgtopam: fix error messages when input has splines or negative
    positions.  Always broken (svgtopam was new in Netpbm 10.33
    (March 2006)).
  * libnetpbm: fix bug: pm_system_XXX closes Standard Input if you
    supply a Standard Output accepter but not a Standard Input
    feeder.  Broken since Netpbm 10.40 (September 2007).
  *  Build: don't try to build standardppmdfont.c if it already
    exists (so don't require ppmdcfont to exist).  Broken around
    Netpbm 10.35 (2006).
   * Build: Define _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 in source files that use M_PI.
    While C libraries in the past have always provided this with
    just _XOPEN_SOURCE=null, it appears that M_PI is actually
    defined by Single Unix Specification 2, aka UNIX98, for which
    you need _XOPEN_SOURCE=500, and Cygwin has changed to enforce

Fri Jun  9 06:11:25 UTC 2017 -

- updated to 10.78.5
  * pamgauss: Fix skewed output with even dimension.
  * bmptopnm: fix crash when input is a Windows BMP with negative
              number for width.

Mon Jun  5 15:08:18 UTC 2017 -

- updated to 10.78.4
  * pamcrater: fix incorrect output with non-square image.
  * libnetpbm: fix bug: pm_system_XXX closes Standard Input if you
              supply a Standard Output accepter but not a Standard Input
  * fix incorrect output with -mixtransparency.
  * pamcomp: remove debug trace message with -mixtransparency.
  * pnmtojpeg: fix array bounds violation in argument list.
  * ppmpat: Add -color.
  * ppmpat: Add -argyle1, -argyle2.
  * pnmtotiff: Fail with -miniswhite or -minisblack on color image
              rather than produce an invalid TIFF.
  * tifftopnmcmyk: Default rows per strip to the TIFF library
              default instead of whatever yields 8K strips.
  * tifftonm: Fix incorrect PBM output with two-color paletted TIFF
  * tifftopnm: Fix memory corruption when image is more pixels than
              can be represented as a C unsigned integer.
  * tifftopnmcmyk: Fix bug: fails with very wide images and no
  * svgtopam: Fix crash when out of memory.
  * pnmcrop: Add -closeness
  * libnetpbm: ppmd_fill_path: remove debug trace.
  * pnmpad: Fix bug: incorrect output width.
- removed netpbm-no-build-date.patch: not needed since:
  *  --version global option: with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment
              variable, display source code datetime instead of build

Tue Nov 22 10:30:26 UTC 2016 -

- updated to 10.76.0
  * pnmquantall: Fix failure when temporary file location is
    not the same filesystem as the output file.
  * pnmquantall: Fix incorrect handling of when the Pnmremap or
    the final rename fails.
  * giftopnm: Fix bug: crash on little-endian computers that can't
    toleration unaligned memory access.  Thanks Ignatios Souvatzis
    (  Broken in Netpbm 10.47 (June 2009).
  * cmuwmtopbm: fix trivial memory leak.  Always broken (cmuwmtopbm
    was in primordial Pbmplus, in 1988).
  * Build: tifftopnm.c: fix undefined WIFSIGNALED, etc.

Tue Oct 25 10:54:59 UTC 2016 -

- Added patch:
  * netpbm-jasper.patch
    + Fix build with newer jasper

Mon Aug 22 15:39:46 UTC 2016 -

- updated to 10.75.1
  * see HISTORY for upstream changelog
  * refreshed, reduced, extended patches:

Thu Dec 17 11:29:19 UTC 2015 -

- updated to 10.72.4
  * see HISTORY for upstrem changelog 
  * added useful returns
    + netpbm-gcc-warnings.patch
  * forwardported
    . netpbm-security-code.patch

Tue Jun 23 14:00:50 UTC 2015 -

- Drop all libp? symlinks 

Mon May 11 14:46:14 UTC 2015 -

- updated to 10.70.4
  * pambackground: fix bug: segfault or incorrect results in most 
  * ppmtoarbtxt: Fix some undefined behavior when program limits
    are exceeded.
  * anytopnm: convert all images in a multi-image GIF instead of
    just the first.
  * nmnorm: add -bsingle, -wsingle.
  * pamtosvg: fix use of unset variable; probably results in a
  * pnmgamma -srgbtobt709, -bt709tosrgb: fix bug; incorrect output
    nearly always.
  * pamtilt: fix bug: unconditional crash.
  * pgmmorphconv: fix bug: always produces PGM Plain format.
  * giftopnm: Fix bug: crashes if purported GIF has neither a global
    color map nor a local one.
  * pgmmorphconv: add -gradient.
  * pnmhisteq: add -noblack and -nowhite.
  * tifftopnm: allow input file to be nonseekable.
  * Add yuy2topam.
  * Add pgmtosbig.
  * Add st4topgm, pgmtost4.
  * ppmtoarbtxt: fix bug: wrong output when high numbers represent
  * ppmtorgb3: Fix buffer overflow with long input file name.
  * st4topgm: Fix bug: with no argument, uses file named "'" instead
    of Standard Input.
  * pnmconvol: Fix bug: wrong output for pixels that convolve to
    negative values (should be clipped to zero).

Wed Nov 19 09:11:12 UTC 2014 -

- updated to 10.68.1
  * pnmconvol: add -bias .
  * Remove pnmcomp, install a pnmcomp symlink for pamcomp.
  * Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common
    options (e.g. -plain -quiet).
  * cameratopam: fix buffer overflow.
  * cameratopam: fix incorrect output.
  * ppmtopict: Fix unconditional crash.

Mon Sep  8 08:17:28 UTC 2014 -

- updated to 10.67.4
  * pcdovtoppm: Fix crash due to invalid operator == on some 
  * Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common
    options (e.g. -plain -quiet).
  * sgitopnm: add ability to convert 2-channel SGI image.
    Thanks Prophet of the Way <>.
  * etc. see HISTORY

- modified patches:
  * netpbm-make.patch (refreshed)
  * netpbm-security-code.patch (refreshed)

Mon Sep  8 02:07:35 UTC 2014 -

- minor: man pages from section 3 are developer docs, move 
  to -devel package

Sat Aug 30 16:56:34 UTC 2014 -

- fix license for spdx 1.2 (IJG is now part of it, loosing SUSE prefix)

Mon Jun 23 13:53:54 UTC 2014 -

- updated to 10.66.3
  * sgitopnm: fix bug: no output if input is RLE compressed. 
  * jpegtopnm -dumpexif: fix incorrect display of resolution.
  * jpegtopnm -dumpexif: fix truncated make, model, or datetime.
  * jpegtopnm -dumpexif: fix wild pointer with invalid EXIF data.
  * build fixes

Tue Apr  1 11:25:10 UTC 2014 -

- updated to 10.66.00
  * Add pamvalidate.
  * Add pamfix: Does what pamfixtrunc did, plus repairs excessive
    sample values.
  * pgmramp: add -diagonal.  
  * libnetpbm: Read functions validate that sample values do not
    exceed maxval.
  * etc. see HISTORY for details

Wed Nov 27 08:36:15 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 10.64.04
  * pnmtops: Fix bug: wrong output with -ascii85.  Introduced in
    10.63 (June 2013).
  * pnmtops: Fix bug: wrong output with -rle.  Introduced in
    10.63 (June 2013).
  * pnmtops: Fix bug: fails with message about waitpid() failing
    if invoked with SIGCHLD ignored.  Introduced in 10.56
    (September 2011).
  * pnmtops: Fix bug: closes Standard Error.  Introduced in
    10.64.02 (today).
  * pnmtops: Fix bug: program hangs if it inherits lots of open
    files.  Introduced in 10.56 (September 2011).
  * pngtopam: fix bug: ignores -gamma.  Introduced in 10.48
  * see HISTORY for details 
- removed wordaccess-include-be.patch (upstreamed)
- removed stdbool-after-jasper.patch (workaround not needed yet)

Thu Oct  3 20:47:11 UTC 2013 -

- fix include syntax for BigEndian platforms

Wed Sep 11 08:05:40 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 10.63.01
  * pngtopam: fix bug: ignores -gamma.  Introduced in 10.48
    (September 2009).
  * Add pamtowinicon, winicontopam.  Thanks Ludolf Holzheid.
  * pgmnoise: add -maxval, speed up.  Thanks Prophet of the Way.
  * etc. see doc/HISTORY
- added stdbool-after-jasper.patch, to be removed in the next 
  submission [bnc#839584]

Mon Dec 31 12:14:17 UTC 2012 -

- Update to 10.61.01:
  * pamstereogram: change -guidesize default from 10 to 20
  * pgmhist: Add -machine option.
  * pgmhist: Add -median, -quartile, and -decile options.
  * pamstereogram: Add -guidetop and -guidebottom options to replace
    trick where negative -guidesize means top, positive means
    bottom, absent means none.
  * pamstereogram: -smoothing smooths images even without -texfile.
  * pnmcat: set don't care bits in packed PBM output to zero so
    they are predictable.
  * etc. see doc/HISTORY

Sun Dec  2 14:44:51 UTC 2012 -

- Update libmin to 60.
- Added libjpeg-devel, libxml2-devel and pkgconfig(x11) as build requirements.

Wed Nov 21 08:25:24 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 10.60.03:
  * Xbmtopbm: fix incorrect output, memory leak.  Thanks Prophet of
              the Way <>.
  * Pamtojpeg2k: default to no compression ratio constraint and
              allow compression ratios less than 1.  Because of compression
              metadata, small images do require loss of quality in order to
              get down to a compression ratio of 1.
  * Sunicontopnm: Fix incorrect output for depth 8.  Always broken
              (depth = 8 capability was added in Netpbm 10.53 (December 2010).

              pamgauss: Fix bug: erroneously says -maxval is too big on 64 bit
              system.  Always broken (Pamgauss was added in 10.23 (July 2004).
  * xpmtoppm: major speedup for 3-character-per pixel files,
              memory reduction for all files: use hash table instead of
              linear search or direct index, go row by row.
  * xpmtoppm: fix bogus "color number too large" failure.  Broken
              in 10.49 (December 2009).
  * pnm_hashtuple: slight performance improvement from new hash
              function.  Thanks Prophet of the Way <>.
  * ppmtospu: wild memory accesses.  Always broken (program added in
              10.58 (March 2012).
  * pamtosrf: fix storage corruption.  Always broken (program added
              in 10.55 (June 2011).

Tue Nov 20 09:34:37 UTC 2012 -

- add url tag

Thu Sep  6 15:16:56 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 10.59.2:
  * transition super-stable --> advanced branch
  * builds with libpng15
  * patches summary:
    ->  dropped unneeded or upstreamed patches:
       - fixes.patch
       - libpng14.patch
       - manpages.patch
       - pamscale.patch
       - pnmtopng-CAN-2978.patch
    -> left patches
       # make.patch (suse specific)
       # no-build-time.patch (suse specific)
       # missing-file-close.patch (should be upstreamed in newer 
       # tmpfile.patch (rewritten) 
       # security-code.patch (taken from fedora, replacement of 
         former security.patch)
       # security-scripts.patch (taken from fedora, replacement of
         former security2.patch)

Thu Aug 30 10:04:11 UTC 2012 -

- license update: BSD-3-Clause and GPL-2.0+ and SUSE-IJG and MIT and
  SPDX format, as per Fedora declaration

Tue Aug  7 12:48:33 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 10.35.86:
  *  ppmtobmp: fix failure with "internal error" message on all
  *  pamscale: fix all black output with resampling.
  *  pgmtexture: fix integer overflow in difference variance.
  *  pgmtexture: fix array bounds violations in various calculations.
  *  pngtopnm: fix crash with invalid tIME chunk.

Tue Nov  1 14:29:33 UTC 2011 -

- updated to 10.35.82:
  * pnmtopng: fix bug: with -alpha specifying a mask which contains
              no fully transparent area, output PNG is fully opaque.
              Introduced in 10.29.
  * pnmquant: work with older Perl that doesn't have 3-argument open.
  * pnmtops: fix message: says "from top edge" where it means
              "from bottom edge."
  * pgmtexture: fix wrong sum variance result.  Wrong since the
              beginning.  Thanks Francois P. S. Luus <>.

Tue May 24 14:04:05 UTC 2011 -

- updated to 10.35.80:
  * asciitopgm: fix bug: memory corruption on too-long lines.
  * asciitopgm: fix bug: improper handling of blank lines.
  * pngtopnm: fix bug: -verbose reports history chunk present when
              it's really a palette.
  * bmptopnm: Don't crash on invalid zero value of image height in
              the BMP header of a compressed file.
  * bmptopnm: don't crash on large invalid value of 'colorsused' in
              the BMP header.
  * ilbmtoppm: Don't crash on image that has a transparent color
              index, but no color map.

Tue Nov 16 15:19:40 CET 2010 -

- updated to 10.35.77:
  * ppmtompeg: fix crash with free of unallocated memory.
  * Build: don't expect snprintf() to exist.
  * Build: don't use <strings.h> or bzero().

Wed Sep  1 11:13:33 CEST 2010 -

- updated to 10.35.76:
  * Pnmtopng:  -libversion doesn't report level of linked libz.
  * don't fail due to SIGRTMIN, SIGRTMAX being undefined.
  * palmtopnm: fix for pixel size 16.  Thanks Paul Bolle
  * fix -reduce.  Introduced in 10.27.
- build against libpng14
  * libpng14.patch

Tue Aug 31 03:55:28 UTC 2010 -

- Do not include build date in binaries 

Tue Apr  6 11:21:31 CEST 2010 -

- requires libpng12-compat-devel instead of libpng-devel for build:
  netpbm will be compatible with libpng 1.4 branch from 
  version 10.48

Tue Mar 30 12:33:31 CEST 2010 -

- updated to 10.35.74 (see doc/HISTORY)
  * upstreamed or outdated
    - colornames-init.diff (present in the code)
    - endian.patch (tested against bnc#105431)
    - pamtouil.patch (present in the code)
    - ximtoppm-fixes.patch (present in the code)
    - [partially, refreshed] fixes.patch
    - pngtomng-transparent.patch (tested against bnc#225258)
    - rgb.patch (/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt is in RGB_DB2 yet)
  * .dif renamed to make.patch
  * gcc45.patch merged into fixes.patch
Sat Feb 13 23:57:33 CET 2010 -

- fix harmless buffer-overflow to fix build with GCC 4.5

Fri Dec 18 22:20:11 CET 2009 -

- add baselibs.conf as a source

Tue Nov 24 18:59:59 CET 2009 -

- updated to 10.35.69 (see HISTORY)

Thu Aug  6 10:40:15 CEST 2009 -

- updated to 10.35.66 (see HISTORY)
  + mainly build fixes
- added fclose [bnc#528306]
  * missing-file-close.patch

Mon Jul 13 22:09:48 CEST 2009 -

- fix broken symlink

Wed Jun 17 16:28:54 CEST 2009 -

- improved generating of man pages [bnc#431226]
- fixed various warnings

Tue Jun 16 14:06:12 CEST 2009 -

- generate man pages from html

Mon Jun 15 16:56:54 CEST 2009 -

- updated to 10.35.64
  * for detailed changelog see
- use security patches from Fedora

Mon Jun  1 14:22:31 CEST 2009 -

- build fix: use non-conflicting name instead of "getline"

Wed Jan 14 10:22:46 CET 2009 -

- obsolete libnetpbm-XXbit instead of netpbm-XXbit

Wed Jan  7 12:34:56 CET 2009 -

- obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293)

Fri Nov 28 16:05:39 CET 2008 -

- fixed a crash in pamperspective by an update to newer 
  version [bnc#440954]

Wed Oct 22 15:11:50 CEST 2008 -

- fixed "pamscale -reduce" [bnc#391972]

Thu Apr 10 12:54:45 CEST 2008 -

- added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages
  for multilib support

Fri Feb  1 21:25:57 CET 2008 -

- fixed potential 1 byte array overread

Wed Nov 21 15:56:56 CET 2007 -

- compile with -flax-vector-conversions

Fri Nov  9 17:19:46 CET 2007 -

- use system libjasper [#339731]

Thu Jul 19 11:34:07 CEST 2007 -

- updated to 10.26.44 (many bugfixes)
- applied Shared Library Packaging Policy:
  * created libnetpbm-devel subpackage
  * renamed libnetpbm to libnetpbm10

Wed Apr 11 16:19:31 CEST 2007 -

- removed ppmtompeg sources [#261140]

Thu Mar 29 14:13:44 CEST 2007 -

- add flex BuildRequires

Wed Dec  6 11:21:08 CET 2006 -

- fixed pamtouil crash when -name was specified (pamtouil.patch)
- changed transparency handling (pnmtopng-transparent.patch) [#225258]

Thu Nov 30 17:34:42 CET 2006 -

- fixed missing manpages [#224478]
- fixed segfault in pbmtext [#224420]

Tue Nov 14 14:52:55 CET 2006 -

- fixed [#216670]
  - removed man pages that pointed to online documentation (manpages.patch)
  - added man pages generated from HTML documentation (manpages.tar.bz2)

Thu Mar 23 17:12:34 CET 2006 -

- fixed uninitialized variables [#155948]

Wed Jan 25 21:38:39 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Thu Jan 12 16:31:23 CET 2006 -

- compile with -fstack-protector

Thu Jan  5 17:46:45 CET 2006 -

- updated to 10.26.22

Tue Nov 15 19:17:40 CET 2005 -

- fixed possible buffer overflow [#133649]

Thu Oct 13 11:33:28 CEST 2005 -

- fixed possible buffer overflow (CAN-2005-2978) [#119601]

Mon Sep 26 17:52:57 CEST 2005 -

- fixed fiasco on bigendian [#105431]

Tue Aug  9 17:19:09 CEST 2005 -

- call ghostscript with the -dSAFER option [#102527]

Mon Aug  1 10:14:20 CEST 2005 -

- fixed symlink

Fri Jul 29 17:13:34 CEST 2005 -

- installed palm colormaps required by plucker

Thu Jul 28 20:58:18 CEST 2005 -

- updated to 10.26.12

Wed Jun 22 16:07:55 CEST 2005 -

- Fix aliasing bug.
- Don't strip binaries.

Thu Jan  6 12:31:14 CET 2005 -

- updated to 10.18.18
- fixed tempdir handling in anytopbm [#49446]

Fri Nov 19 11:27:44 CET 2004 -

- fixed file list

Tue Aug 31 22:08:00 CEST 2004 -

- fix uninitialized colornames in libppmcolor.c,
  that caused ppmtoxpm to segv on x86-64.

Fri Aug 27 10:19:05 CEST 2004 -

- Fix .so symlink

Thu Aug 26 16:06:55 CEST 2004 -

- updated to 10.18.15: many bugfixes, incuding pnmtopng fix [#42868]

Thu Mar 18 16:27:04 CET 2004 -

- do not pack /usr/bin/doc.url [#36329]

Fri Mar 05 14:10:33 CET 2004 -

- fixed pbmtextps [#32104]
- fixed dangerous compiler warnings

Mon Jan 26 17:49:30 CET 2004 -

- fixed temp files handling [#34036]

Sat Jan 10 16:38:36 CET 2004 -

- add %run_ldconfig

Thu Sep 18 10:55:50 CEST 2003 -

- fixed tail/head syntax [#31231]

Wed May 28 11:59:00 CEST 2003 -

- remove unpackaged files from buildroot

Thu Feb 13 18:22:39 CET 2003 -

- fix symlink for 

Tue Feb 11 18:47:07 CET 2003 -

- updated to 10.11.4

Mon Aug 05 17:05:05 CEST 2002 -

- removed g3topbm again

Mon Jul 29 14:07:27 CEST 2002 -

- Fix reference to perl in scripts.

Sat Jul 27 18:53:34 CEST 2002 -

- Create compatibility links for the old libraries to compile
  old sources

Sat Jul 27 09:50:13 CEST 2002 -

- %_lib fixes, use RPM_OPT_FLAGS and -fPIC

Fri Jul 26 21:39:00 CEST 2002 -

- fix neededforbuild

Fri Jul 26 12:25:48 CEST 2002 -

- updated to 10.5:
  - libraries libpbm, libpgm, libpnm, libppm merged to libnetpbm
  - documentation is in html only

Tue May 14 13:40:53 CEST 2002 -

- fixed usage of the %{_libdir} macro

Tue Feb 26 14:56:37 CET 2002 -

- fixed "#!/bin/sh" line in ppmtomap

Thu Feb  7 16:37:29 CET 2002 -

- updated to 9.24

Fri Feb  1 00:26:08 CET 2002 -

- changed neededforbuild <libpng> to <libpng-devel-packages>

Thu Jan 10 16:21:10 CET 2002 -

- update to 9.23:
    - bugfix release
- patched pnmtops to accept -dpi <number>x<number> [bug #12591]
- used macros %{_lib} and %{_libdir} 

Wed Dec  5 18:11:02 CET 2001 -

- update to 9.21:
  - new: pamdeinterlace, pnmquant, ppmtoneo, neotoppm

Tue Sep  4 10:13:47 CEST 2001 -

- removed jbigtopnm and pnmtojbig because of potential patent
  problems [bug #9903]
- fixed segfault in icontopnm

Thu Aug 23 18:48:36 CEST 2001 -

- added pm.h and pm_config.h to INTERFACE_HEADERS
  (pm.h is included by pbm.h and includes pm_config.h) 

Thu Aug 23 15:04:35 CEST 2001 -

- update to 9.16
    new:   pbmtopsg3 (Postscript G3 fax), pbmtonokia, ppmrainbow
           pamoil (a replacement for pgmoil)
    fixes and updates:
           ppmtogif, ppmtojpeg, xpmtoppm, pnmtopng/pngtopnm,
           giftopnm, ppm3d, tifftopnm, pgmcrater, pnmgamma,
           ppmcie, pnmscale, pnmscalefixed, ppmtoeyuv, eyuvtoppm
- removed hpcdtoppm from source, because selling and commercial 
  using is prohibited  

Tue Jun  5 14:23:11 CEST 2001 -

- upgrade on 9.14
- add documentation and examples for ppmtompeg fix bug #8647 

Thu Apr  5 17:38:19 CEST 2001 -

- make ln -s pnmtoplainpnm  pnmnoraw and ln -s gemtopnm  gemtopbm 

Tue Apr  3 10:44:48 CEST 2001 -

- Remove g2topbm again due conficts with g3utils

Mon Mar 26 14:47:55 CEST 2001 -

- update on 9.12 

Wed Mar 14 14:56:39 CET 2001 -

-  remove g3topbm due to conflict with g3utils

Wed Mar  7 18:04:02 CET 2001 -

- update on 9.11 

Wed Jan 24 11:59:36 CET 2001 -

- update on 9.10 

Fri Dec 22 00:48:09 MET 2000 -

- Add Provides + Obsoletes: libnetpb.
- Use some more macros in spec file.
- bzip2 source.

Tue Dec  5 15:16:05 CET 2000 -

- Be sure to compile with -fpic.

Mon Dec  4 19:10:35 CET 2000 -

- Fix again path to perl

Thu Nov 30 17:10:01 CET 2000 -

- remove g3topbm and pbmtog3 for conflict with g3utils

Tue Nov 28 11:35:39 CET 2000 -

- Use /usr/bin/perl

Tue Nov 28 10:11:44 CET 2000 -

- remove hpcdtoppm because conflict with photocd 

Mon Oct  2 18:11:17 CEST 2000 -

- update to 9.8 and rename libnetpb to libnetpbm

Fri Sep 29 01:24:47 CEST 2000 -

- fixed Makefile deps 

Mon Jul 10 15:32:37 CEST 2000 -

- fixed pbmtog3 to use fixed width of fax image (standard), added
  switch to allow usage of source image width
- updated man page of pbmtog3
- changed URLs of home page and source file

Tue Jun 20 12:15:57 CEST 2000 -

- added shhopt.h, libshhopt.*

Fri May 26 16:11:40 CEST 2000 -

- sorted

Fri May 19 16:43:31 CEST 2000 -

- fixed Imakefile

Tue May 16 12:09:10 CEST 2000 -

- update to 8.4
- added BuildRoot

Fri May 12 13:47:13 CEST 2000 -

- pbmplus.h: fix linux configuration.

Tue Feb 29 16:23:26 CET 2000 -

- Let ldconfig create correct links for shared libraries and add
  them to file list

Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 -

- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.

Thu Jan 14 00:25:12 MET 1999 -

- pbmplus.h: don't redeclare write on alpha

Wed Jun 17 16:33:08 MEST 1998 -

- patched to build for libc5 and glibc

Thu May 14 14:25:59 MEST 1998 -

- added patch to build pbmtosff from Christian Lademann

Tue May 12 18:21:56 MEST 1998 -

- extracted package from libgr / build from own sources
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