File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.20853
<patchinfo incident="20853">
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1185748">Error updating python2-pytz from Leap 15.2</issue>
<summary>Recommended update for python-pytz</summary>
<description>This update for python-pytz fixes the following issues:
- Add %pyunittest shim for platforms where it is missing.
- Remove real directory of %{python_sitelib}/pytz/zoneinfo when upgrading, before it is replaced by a symlink. (bsc#1185748)
- update to 2021.1:
* update to IANA 2021a timezone release
- update to 2020.5:
* update to IANA 2020e timezone release
- update to 2020.4:
* update to IANA 2020d timezone release
- update to version 2020.1:
* Test against Python 3.8 and Python 3.9
* Bump version numbers to 2020.1/2020a
* use .rst extension name
* Make FixedOffset part of public API
- Update to 2019.3
* IANA 2019c
- Add versioned dependency on timezone database to ensure the correct data is installed
- Add a symlink to the system timezone database
- update to 2019.2
* IANA 2019b
* Defer generating case-insensitive lookups