File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.26682

<patchinfo incident="26682">
  <issue tracker="jsc" id="SLE-21334"/>
  <summary>Recommended update for pdsh, slurm_22_05</summary>
  <description>This update for pdsh, slurm_22_05 fixes the following issues:

Slurm was updated to 22.05.5

- Fixes a number of moderate severity issues, noteable are:

  * Load hash plugin at slurmstepd launch time to prevent issues loading the
    plugin at step completion if the Slurm installation is upgraded.
  * Update nvml plugin to match the unique id format for MIG devices in new
    Nvidia drivers.
  * Fix multi-node step launch failure when nodes in the controller aren't in
    natural order. This can happen with inconsistent node naming (such as
    node15 and node052) or with dynamic nodes which can register in any order.
  * job_container/tmpfs - cleanup containers even when the .ns file isn't
    mounted anymore.
  * Wait up to PrologEpilogTimeout before shutting down slurmd to allow prolog
    and epilog scripts to complete or timeout. Previously, slurmd waited 120
    seconds before timing out and killing prolog and epilog scripts.

- Do not deduplicate files of testsuite Slurm configuration.
  This directory is supposed to be mounted over /etc/slurm
  therefore it must not contain softlinks to the files in
  this directory.

- Fix a potential security vulnerability in the test package
  (bsc#1201674, CVE-2022-31251).

- update to 22.05.2 with following fixes:

  * Fix regression which allowed the oversubscription of licenses.
  * Fix a segfault in slurmctld when requesting gres in job arrays.

- Allow log in as user 'slurm'. This allows admins to run certain
  priviledged commands more easily without becoming root.

update to 22.05.0 with following changes:

- Support for dynamic node addition and removal
- Support for native Linux cgroup v2 operation
- Newly added plugins to support HPE Slingshot 11 networks
  (switch/hpe_slingshot), and Intel Xe GPUs (gpu/oneapi)
- Added new acct_gather_interconnect/sysfs plugin to collect statistics
  from arbitrary network interfaces.
- Expanded and synced set of environment variables available in the
  Prolog/Epilog/PrologSlurmctld/EpilogSlurmctld scripts.
- New "--prefer" option to job submissions to allow for a "soft
  constraint" request to influence node selection.
- Optional support for license planning in the backfill scheduler with
  "bf_licenses" option in SchedulerParameters.

- Add a comment about the CommunicationParameters=block_null_hash
  option warning users who migrate - just in case.

- Update to 21.08.8 which fixes CVE-2022-29500 (bsc#1199278),
  CVE-2022-29501 (bsc#1199279), and CVE-2022-29502 (bsc#1199281).

- Added 'CommunicationParameters=block_null_hash' to slurm.conf, please
  add this parameter to existing configurations.

- Update to 21.08.7 with following changes:

  * openapi/v0.0.37 - correct calculation for bf_queue_len_mean in /diag.
  * Avoid shrinking a reservation when overlapping with downed nodes.
  * Only check TRES limits against current usage for TRES requested by the job.
  * Do not allocate shared gres (MPS) in whole-node allocations
  * Constrain slurmstepd to job/step cgroup like in previous versions of Slurm.
  * Fix warnings on 32-bit compilers related to printf() formats.
  * Fix reconfigure issues after disabling/reenabling the GANG PreemptMode.
  * Fix race condition where a cgroup was being deleted while another step
    was creating it.
  * Set the slurmd port correctly if multi-slurmd
  * Fix FAIL mail not being sent if a job was cancelled due to preemption.
  * slurmrestd - move debug logs for HTTP handling to be gated by debugflag
    NETWORK to avoid unnecessary logging of communication contents.
  * Fix issue with bad memory access when shrinking running steps.
  * Fix various issues with internal job accounting with GRES when jobs are
  * Fix ipmi polling on slurmd reconfig or restart.
  * Fix srun crash when reserved ports are being used and het step fails
    to launch.
  * openapi/dbv0.0.37 - fix DELETE execution path on /user/{user_name}.
  * slurmctld - Properly requeue all components of a het job if PrologSlurmctld
  * rlimits - remove final calls to limit nofiles to 4096 but to instead use
    the max possible nofiles in slurmd and slurmdbd.
  * Allow the DBD agent to load large messages (up to MAX_BUF_SIZE) from state.
  * Fix potential deadlock during slurmctld restart when there is a completing
  * slurmstepd - reduce user requested soft rlimits when they are above max
    hard rlimits to avoid rlimit request being completely ignored and
    processes using default limits.
  * Fix Slurm user commands displaying available features as active features
    when no features were active.
  * Don't power down nodes that are rebooting.
  * Clear pending node reboot on power down request.
  * Ignore node registrations while node is powering down.
  * Don't reboot any node that is power&lt;ing|ed&gt; down.
  * Don't allow a node to reboot if it's marked for power down.
  * Fix issuing reboot and downing when rebooting a powering up node.
  * Clear DRAIN on node after failing to resume before ResumeTimeout.
  * Prevent repeating power down if node fails to resume before ResumeTimeout.
  * Fix federated cloud node communication with srun and cloud_dns.
  * Fix jobs being scheduled on nodes marked to be powered_down when idle.
  * Fix problem where a privileged user could not view array tasks specified by
    &lt;array_job_id&gt;_&lt;task_id&gt; when PrivateData had the jobs value set.
 - Changes in Slurm 21.08.6
  * Fix plugin_name definitions in a number of plugins to improve logging.
  * Close sbcast file transfers when job is cancelled.
  * scrontab - fix handling of --gpus and --ntasks-per-gpu options.
  * sched/backfill - fix job_queue_rec_t memory leak.
  * Fix magnetic reservation logic in both main and backfill schedulers.
  * job_container/tmpfs - fix memory leak when using InitScript.
  * slurmrestd / openapi - fix memory leaks.
  * Fix slurmctld segfault due to job array resv_list double free.
  * Fix multi-reservation job testing logic.
  * Fix slurmctld segfault due to insufficient job reservation parse validation.
  * Fix main and backfill schedulers handling for already rejected job array.
  * sched/backfill - restore resv_ptr after yielding locks.
  * acct_gather_energy/xcc - appropriately close and destroy the IPMI context.
  * Protect slurmstepd from making multiple calls to the cleanup logic.
  * Prevent slurmstepd segfault at cleanup time in mpi_fini().
  * Fix slurmctld sometimes hanging if shutdown while PrologSlurmctld or
    EpilogSlurmctld were running and PrologEpilogTimeout is set in slurm.conf.
  * Fix affinity of the batch step if batch host is different than the first
    node in the allocation.
  * slurmdbd - fix segfault after multiple failover/failback operations.
  * Fix jobcomp filetxt job selection condition.
  * Fix -f flag of sacct not being used.
  * Select cores for job steps according to the socket distribution. Previously,
    sockets were always filled before selecting cores from the next socket.
  * Keep node in Future state if epilog completes while in Future state.
  * Fix erroneous --constraint behavior by preventing multiple sets of brackets.
  * Make ResetAccrueTime update the job's accrue_time to now.
  * Fix sattach initialization with configless mode.
  * Revert packing limit checks affecting pmi2.
  * sacct - fixed assertion failure when using -c option and a federation
  * Fix issue that allowed steps to overallocate the job's memory.
  * Fix the sanity check mode of AutoDetect so that it actually works.
  * Fix deallocated nodes that didn't actually launch a job from waiting for
    Epilogslurmctld to complete before clearing completing node's state.
  * Job should be in a completing state if EpilogSlurmctld when being requeued.
  * Fix job not being requeued properly if all node epilog's completed before
    EpilogSlurmctld finished.
  * Keep job completing until EpilogSlurmctld is completed even when "downing"
    a node.
  * Fix handling reboot with multiple job features.
  * Fix nodes getting powered down when creating new partitions.
  * Fix bad bit_realloc which potentially could lead to bad memory access.
  * slurmctld - remove limit on the number of open files.
  * Fix bug where job_state file of size above 2GB wasn't saved without any
    error message.
  * Fix various issues with no_consume gres.
  * Fix regression in 21.08.0rc1 where job steps failed to launch on systems
    that reserved a CPU in a cgroup outside of Slurm (for example, on systems
    with WekaIO).
  * Fix OverTimeLimit not being reset on scontrol reconfigure when it is
    removed from slurm.conf.
  * serializer/yaml - use dynamic buffer to allow creation of YAML outputs
    larger than 1MiB.
  * Fix minor memory leak affecting openapi users at process termination.
  * Fix batch jobs not resolving the username when nss_slurm is enabled.
  * slurmrestd - Avoid slurmrestd ignoring invalid HTTP method if the response
    serialized without error.
  * openapi/dbv0.0.37 - Correct conditional that caused the diag output to
    give an internal server error status on success.
  * Make --mem-bind=sort work with task_affinity
  * Fix sacctmgr to set MaxJobsAccruePer{User|Account} and MinPrioThres in
    sacctmgr add qos, modify already worked correctly.
  * job_container/tmpfs - avoid printing extraneous error messages in Prolog
    and Epilog, and when the job completes.
  * Fix step CPU memory allocation with --threads-per-core without --exact.
  * Remove implicit --exact when --threads-per-core or --hint=nomultithread
    is used.
  * Do not allow a step to request more threads per core than the
    allocation did.
  * Remove implicit --exact when --cpus-per-task is used. 

- update to 21.08.5 with following changes:
  * Fix issue where typeless GRES node updates were not immediately reflected.
  * Fix setting the default scrontab job working directory so that it's the home
    of the different user (*u &lt;user&gt;) and not that of root or SlurmUser editor.
  * Fix stepd not respecting SlurmdSyslogDebug.
  * Fix concurrency issue with squeue.
  * Fix job start time not being reset after launch when job is packed onto
    already booting node.
  * Fix updating SLURM_NODE_ALIASES for jobs packed onto powering up nodes.
  * Cray - Fix issues with starting hetjobs.
  * auth/jwks - Print fatal() message when jwks is configured but file could
    not be opened.
  * If sacctmgr has an association with an unknown qos as the default qos
    print 'UNKN*###' instead of leaving a blank name.
  * Correctly determine task count when giving --cpus-per-gpu, --gpus and
    *-ntasks-per-node without task count.
  * slurmctld - Fix places where the global last_job_update was not being set
    to the time of update when a job's reason and description were updated.
  * slurmctld - Fix case where a job submitted with more than one partition
    would not have its reason updated while waiting to start.
  * Fix memory leak in node feature rebooting.
  * Fix time limit permanetly set to 1 minute by backfill for job array tasks
    higher than the first with QOS NoReserve flag and PreemptMode configured.
  * Fix sacct -N to show jobs that started in the current second
  * Fix issue on running steps where both SLURM_NTASKS_PER_TRES and
  * Handle oversubscription request correctly when also requesting
  * Correctly detect when a step requests bad gres inside an allocation.
  * slurmstepd - Correct possible deadlock when UnkillableStepTimeout triggers.
  * srun - use maximum number of open files while handling job I/O.
  * Fix writing to Xauthority files on root_squash NFS exports, which was
    preventing X11 forwarding from completing setup.
  * Fix regression in 21.08.0rc1 that broke --gres=none.
  * Fix srun --cpus-per-task and --threads-per-core not implicitly setting
    *-exact. It was meant to work this way in 21.08.
  * Fix regression in 21.08.0 that broke dynamic future nodes.
  * Fix dynamic future nodes remembering active state on restart.
  * Fix powered down nodes getting stuck in COMPLETING+POWERED_DOWN when job is
    cancelled before nodes are powering up.

updated to 21.08.4 which fixes (CVE-2021-43337) which is only present in 21.08 tree.

  * CVE-2021-43337:
    For sites using the new AccountingStoreFlags=job_script and/or job_env
    options, an issue was reported with the access control rules in SlurmDBD
    that will permit users to request job scripts and environment files that
    they should not have access to. (Scripts/environments are meant to only be
    accessible by user accounts with administrator privileges, by account
    coordinators for jobs submitted under their account, and by the user

changes from 21.08.3:

  * This includes a number of fixes since the last release a month ago,
    including one critical fix to prevent a communication issue between
    slurmctld and slurmdbd for sites that have started using the new
    AccountingStoreFlags=job_script functionality.

- Utilize sysuser infrastructure to set user/group slurm.
  For munge authentication slurm should have a fixed UID across
  all nodes including the management server. Set it to 120
- Limit firewalld service definitions to SUSE versions &gt;= 15.

- added service definitions for firewalld (JSC#SLE-22741)

update to 21.08.2 

- major change:
  * removed of support of the TaskAffinity=yes option in cgroup.conf. Please
    consider using "TaskPlugins=cgroup,affinity" in slurm.conf as an option.
- minor changes and bugfixes:
  * slurmctld - fix how the max number of cores on a node in a partition are
    calculated when the partition contains multi*socket nodes. This in turn
    corrects certain jobs node count estimations displayed client*side.
  * job_submit/cray_aries - fix "craynetwork" GRES specification after changes
    introduced in 21.08.0rc1 that made TRES always have a type prefix.
  * Ignore nonsensical check in the slurmd for [Pro|Epi]logSlurmctld.
  * Fix writing to stderr/syslog when systemd runs slurmctld in the foreground.
  * Fix issue with updating job started with node range.
  * Fix issue with nodes not clearing state in the database when the slurmctld
    is started with clean*start.
  * Fix hetjob components &gt; 1 timing out due to InactiveLimit.
  * Fix sprio printing -nan for normalized association priority if
    PriorityWeightAssoc was not defined.
  * Disallow FirstJobId=0.
  * Preserve job start info in the database for a requeued job that hadn't
    registered the first time in the database yet.
  * Only send one message on prolog failure from the slurmd.
  * Remove support for TaskAffinity=yes in cgroup.conf.
  * accounting_storage/mysql - fix issue where querying jobs via sacct
    *-whole-hetjob=yes or slurmrestd (which automatically includes this flag)
    could in some cases return more records than expected.
  * Fix issue for preemption of job array task that makes afterok dependency
    fail. Additionally, send emails when requeueing happens due to preemption.
  * Fix sending requeue mail type.
  * Properly resize a job's GRES bitmaps and counts when resizing the job.
  * Fix node being able to transition to CLOUD state from non-cloud state.
  * Fix regression introduced in 21.08.0rc1 which broke a step's ability to
    inherit GRES from the job when the step didn't request GRES but the job did.
  * Fix errors in logic when picking nodes based on bracketed anded constraints.
    This also enforces the requirement to have a count when using such
  * Handle job resize better in the database.
  * Exclude currently running, resized jobs from the runaway jobs list.
  * Make it possible to shrink a job more than once.

- moved pam module from /lib64 to /usr/lib64 which fixes bsc#1191095 
  via the macro %_pam_moduledir

updated to 21.08.1 with following bug fixes:

  * Fix potential memory leak if a problem happens while allocating GRES for
    a job.
  * If an overallocation of GRES happens terminate the creation of a job.
  * AutoDetect=nvml: Fatal if no devices found in MIG mode.
  * Print federation and cluster sacctmgr error messages to stderr.
  * Fix off by one error in --gpu-bind=mask_gpu.
  * Add --gpu-bind=none to disable gpu binding when using --gpus-per-task.
  * Handle the burst buffer state "alloc-revoke" which previously would not
    display in the job correctly.
  * Fix issue in the slurmstepd SPANK prolog/epilog handler where configuration
    values were used before being initialized.
  * Restore a step's ability to utilize all of an allocations memory if --mem=0.
  * Fix --cpu-bind=verbose garbage taskid.
  * Fix cgroup task affinity issues from garbage taskid info.
  * Make gres_job_state_validate() client logging behavior as before 44466a4641.
  * Fix steps with --hint overriding an allocation with --threads-per-core.
  * Require requesting a GPU if --mem-per-gpu is requested.
  * Return error early if a job is requesting --ntasks-per-gpu and no gpus or
    task count.
  * Properly clear out pending step if unavailable to run with available
  * Kill all processes spawned by burst_buffer.lua including decendents.
  * openapi/v0.0.{35,36,37} - Avoid setting default values of min_cpus,
    job name, cwd, mail_type, and contiguous on job update.
  * openapi/v0.0.{35,36,37} - Clear user hold on job update if hold=false.
  * Prevent CRON_JOB flag from being cleared when loading job state.
  * sacctmgr - Fix deleting WCKeys when not specifying a cluster.
  * Fix getting memory for a step when the first node in the step isn't the
    first node in the allocation.
  * Make SelectTypeParameters=CR_Core_Memory default for cons_tres and cons_res.
  * Correctly handle mutex unlocks in the gres code if failures happen.
  * Give better error message if -m plane is given with no size.
  * Fix --distribution=arbitrary for salloc.
  * Fix jobcomp/script regression introduced in 21.08.0rc1 0c75b9ac9d.
  * Only send the batch node in the step_hostlist in the job credential.
  * When setting affinity for the batch step don't assume the batch host is node
  * In task/affinity better checking for node existence when laying out
  * slurmrestd - fix job submission with auth/jwt.

- Make configure arg '--with-pmix' conditional.
- Move openapi plugins to package slurm-restd.

updated to 21.08.0, major changes:

  * A new "AccountingStoreFlags=job_script" option to store the job scripts
    directly in SlurmDBD.
  * Added "sacct -o SubmitLine" format option to get the submit line 
    of a job/step.
  * Changes to the node state management so that nodes are marked as PLANNED
    instead of IDLE if the scheduler is still accumulating resources while
    waiting to launch a job on them.
  * RS256 token support in auth/jwt.
  * Overhaul of the cgroup subsystems to simplify operation, mitigate a number
    of inherent race conditions, and prepare for future cgroup v2 support.
  * Further improvements to cloud node power state management.
  * A new child process of the Slurm controller called "slurmscriptd"
    responsible for executing PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld scripts,
    which significantly reduces performance issues associated with enabling
    those options.
  * A new burst_buffer/lua plugin allowing for site-specific asynchronous job
    data management.
  * Fixes to the job_container/tmpfs plugin to allow the slurmd process to be
    restarted while the job is running without issue.
  * Added json/yaml output to sacct, squeue, and sinfo commands.
  * Added a new node_features/helpers plugin to provide a generic way to change
    settings on a compute node across a reboot.
  * Added support for automatically detecting and broadcasting shared libraries
    for an executable launched with "srun --bcast".
  * Added initial OCI container execution support with a new --container option
    to sbatch and srun.
  * Improved "configless" support by allowing multiple control servers to be
    specified through the slurmd --conf-server option, and send additional
    configuration files at startup including cli_filter.lua.

Changes in pdsh:

- Preparing pdsh for Slurm 22.05.
  * No later version of Slurm builds on 32 bit.
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