File ChangeLog.txt of Package python-aliyun-python-sdk-ess.26140

2020-10-26 Version: 2.3.3
- Update ScalingConfig parameters.

2020-06-24 Version: 2.3.2
- ScalingConfig support ddh.

2020-03-24 Version: 2.3.1
- Add ListTagKeys, ListTagValues etc.

2019-04-04 Version: 2.3.0
1, ScalingConf systemDisk add DiskName and Description  parameters.
2, ScalingConf dataDisk add DiskName & Description & Encrypted & KMSKeyId  parameters.

2019-01-28 Version: 2.2.9
1, Support modify vSwitch of scalingGroup.
2, Support new target tracking scaling rule.

2018-12-05 Version: 2.2.8
1, Scaling group support vServerGroup.

2018-12-03 Version: 2.2.7
1,  Add a parameter to RemoveInstances.

2018-09-06 Version: 2.2.6
1, AutoScaling support launchTemplate.

2018-08-27 Version: 2.2.5
1, add Ess alarm task api, CreateAlarm, DeleteAlarm, DescribeAlarms, DeleteAlarm, EnableAlarm, DisableAlarm

2018-08-16 Version: 2.2.4
1, ModifyScalingConfiguration add imageName.
2, CreateScalingConfiguration add imageName.

2018-07-11 Version: 2.2.2
1, new function: Attach and Detach Rds instance of scalingGroup.

2018-07-05 Version: 2.2.1
1, new function, attach/detach load balancer of scalingGroup

2018-06-28 Version: 2.2.0
1, ScalingConfiguration support hostName and passwordInherit
2, ScalingConfiguration support modify

2018-06-13 Version: 2.1.6
1, Add lifecycleHook.

2018-05-07 Version: 2.1.5
1, Remove DescribeAccountAttributes.

2018-04-23 Version: 2.1.4
1, Add notificationConfiguration.
2, Add standby status.

2018-01-12 Version: 2.1.4
1, fix the TypeError while building the repeat params

2017-11-14 Version: 2.1.1
1, 重新开放DescribeScalingActivities接口。

2017-10-26 Version: 2.1.0
1, ESS支持蚂蚁金融云。
2, 调整ScalingConfiguration组件,新增userData,keyPairName,ramRoleName,deploymentSetId,securityEnhancementStrategy,tags共6个字段,增强伸缩组的弹性能力。
3, SDK接入日本、德国、迪拜、澳洲等地域,Region化的区域也可以使用当前版本SDK。

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