File add-engine-relaying-libvirt-events.patch of Package salt.8688

From 8192d69c83f9470ac74ac66cef9f5d629d619b1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?C=C3=A9dric=20Bosdonnat?= <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 15:46:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add engine relaying libvirt events

Libvirt API offers clients to register callbacks for various events.
libvirt_events engine will listen on a libvirt URI (local or remote)
for events and send them to the salt event bus.

Special thanks to @isbm for the code cleanup help
 salt/engines/            | 702 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/unit/engines/ | 159 +++++
 2 files changed, 861 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 salt/engines/
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/engines/

diff --git a/salt/engines/ b/salt/engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1c9d09067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/salt/engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+An engine that listens for libvirt events and resends them to the salt event bus.
+The minimal configuration is the following and will listen to all events on the
+local hypervisor and send them with a tag starting with ``salt/engines/libvirt_events``:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    engines:
+        - libvirt_events
+Note that the automatically-picked libvirt connection will depend on the value
+of ``uri_default`` in ``/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf``. To force using another
+connection like the local LXC libvirt driver, set the ``uri`` property as in the
+following example configuration.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    engines:
+        - libvirt_events:
+            uri: lxc:///
+            tag_prefix: libvirt
+            filters:
+                - domain/lifecycle
+                - domain/reboot
+                - pool
+Filters is a list of event types to relay to the event bus. Items in this list
+can be either one of the main types (``domain``, ``network``, ``pool``,
+``nodedev``, ``secret``), ``all`` or a more precise filter. These can be done
+with values like <main_type>/<subtype>. The possible values are in the
+CALLBACK_DEFS constant. If the filters list contains ``all``, all
+events will be relayed.
+Be aware that the list of events increases with libvirt versions, for example
+network events have been added in libvirt 1.2.1.
+Running the engine on non-root
+Running this engine as non-root requires a special attention, which is surely
+the case for the master running as user `salt`. The engine is likely to fail
+to connect to libvirt with an error like this one:
+    [ERROR   ] authentication unavailable: no polkit agent available to authenticate action 'org.libvirt.unix.monitor'
+To fix this, the user running the engine, for example the salt-master, needs
+to have the rights to connect to libvirt in the machine polkit config.
+A polkit rule like the following one will allow `salt` user to connect to libvirt:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
+        if ("org.libvirt") == 0 &&
+            subject.user == "salt") {
+            return polkit.Result.YES;
+        }
+    });
+:depends: libvirt 1.0.0+ python binding
+.. versionadded:: Fluorine
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
+import logging
+# Import salt libs
+import salt.utils.event
+# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
+from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
+# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module,import-error
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    import libvirt
+except ImportError:
+    libvirt = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+def __virtual__():
+    '''
+    Only load if libvirt python binding is present
+    '''
+    if libvirt is None:
+        msg = 'libvirt module not found'
+    elif libvirt.getVersion() < 1000000:
+        msg = 'libvirt >= 1.0.0 required'
+    else:
+        msg = ''
+    return not bool(msg), msg
+    'domain': 'domainEventRegisterAny',
+    'network': 'networkEventRegisterAny',
+    'pool': 'storagePoolEventRegisterAny',
+    'nodedev': 'nodeDeviceEventRegisterAny',
+    'secret': 'secretEventRegisterAny'
+# Handle either BLOCK_JOB or BLOCK_JOB_2, but prefer the latter
+if hasattr(libvirt, 'VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB_2'):
+    'domain': (('lifecycle', None),
+               ('reboot', None),
+               ('rtc_change', None),
+               ('watchdog', None),
+               ('graphics', None),
+               ('io_error', 'VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR_REASON'),
+               ('control_error', None),
+               ('disk_change', None),
+               ('tray_change', None),
+               ('pmwakeup', None),
+               ('pmsuspend', None),
+               ('balloon_change', None),
+               ('pmsuspend_disk', None),
+               ('device_removed', None),
+               ('block_job', BLOCK_JOB_ID),
+               ('tunable', None),
+               ('agent_lifecycle', None),
+               ('device_added', None),
+               ('migration_iteration', None),
+               ('job_completed', None),
+               ('device_removal_failed', None),
+               ('metadata_change', None),
+               ('block_threshold', None)),
+    'network': (('lifecycle', None),),
+    'pool': (('lifecycle', None),
+             ('refresh', None)),
+    'nodedev': (('lifecycle', None),
+                ('update', None)),
+    'secret': (('lifecycle', None),
+               ('value_changed', None))
+def _compute_subprefix(attr):
+    '''
+    Get the part before the first '_' or the end of attr including
+    the potential '_'
+    '''
+    return ''.join((attr.split('_')[0], '_' if len(attr.split('_')) > 1 else ''))
+def _get_libvirt_enum_string(prefix, value):
+    '''
+    Convert the libvirt enum integer value into a human readable string.
+    :param prefix: start of the libvirt attribute to look for.
+    :param value: integer to convert to string
+    '''
+    attributes = [attr[len(prefix):] for attr in libvirt.__dict__ if attr.startswith(prefix)]
+    # Filter out the values starting with a common base as they match another enum
+    prefixes = [_compute_subprefix(p) for p in attributes]
+    counts = {p: prefixes.count(p) for p in prefixes}
+    sub_prefixes = [p for p, count in counts.items() if count > 1]
+    filtered = [attr for attr in attributes if _compute_subprefix(attr) not in sub_prefixes]
+    for candidate in filtered:
+        if value == getattr(libvirt, ''.join((prefix, candidate))):
+            name = candidate.lower().replace('_', ' ')
+            return name
+    return 'unknown'
+def _get_domain_event_detail(event, detail):
+    '''
+    Convert event and detail numeric values into a tuple of human readable strings
+    '''
+    event_name = _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_', event)
+    if event_name == 'unknown':
+        return event_name, 'unknown'
+    prefix = 'VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_{0}_'.format(event_name.upper())
+    detail_name = _get_libvirt_enum_string(prefix, detail)
+    return event_name, detail_name
+def _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, data):
+    '''
+    Convenience function adding common data to the event and sending it
+    on the salt event bus.
+    :param opaque: the opaque data that is passed to the callback.
+                   This is a dict with 'prefix', 'object' and 'event' keys.
+    :param conn: libvirt connection
+    :param data: additional event data dict to send
+    '''
+    tag_prefix = opaque['prefix']
+    object_type = opaque['object']
+    event_type = opaque['event']
+    # Prepare the connection URI to fit in the tag
+    # qemu+ssh://user@host:1234/system -> qemu+ssh/user@host:1234/system
+    uri = urlparse(conn.getURI())
+    uri_tag = [uri.scheme]
+    if uri.netloc:
+        uri_tag.append(uri.netloc)
+    path = uri.path.strip('/')
+    if path:
+        uri_tag.append(path)
+    uri_str = "/".join(uri_tag)
+    # Append some common data
+    all_data = {
+        'uri': conn.getURI()
+    }
+    all_data.update(data)
+    tag = '/'.join((tag_prefix, uri_str, object_type, event_type))
+    # Actually send the event in salt
+    if __opts__.get('__role') == 'master':
+        salt.utils.event.get_master_event(
+            __opts__,
+            __opts__['sock_dir']).fire_event(all_data, tag)
+    else:
+        __salt__['event.send'](tag, all_data)
+def _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, event, event_data):
+    '''
+    Helper function send a salt event for a libvirt domain.
+    :param opaque: the opaque data that is passed to the callback.
+                   This is a dict with 'prefix', 'object' and 'event' keys.
+    :param conn: libvirt connection
+    :param domain: name of the domain related to the event
+    :param event: name of the event
+    :param event_data: additional event data dict to send
+    '''
+    data = {
+        'domain': {
+            'name':,
+            'id': domain.ID(),
+            'uuid': domain.UUIDString()
+        },
+        'event': event
+    }
+    data.update(event_data)
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, data)
+def _domain_event_lifecycle_cb(conn, domain, event, detail, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain lifecycle events handler
+    '''
+    event_str, detail_str = _get_domain_event_detail(event, detail)
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'event':  event_str,
+        'detail': detail_str
+    })
+def _domain_event_reboot_cb(conn, domain, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain reboot events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {})
+def _domain_event_rtc_change_cb(conn, domain, utcoffset, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain RTC change events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'utcoffset': utcoffset
+    })
+def _domain_event_watchdog_cb(conn, domain, action, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain watchdog events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'action': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_', action)
+    })
+def _domain_event_io_error_cb(conn, domain, srcpath, devalias, action, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain I/O Error events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'srcPath': srcpath,
+        'dev': devalias,
+        'action': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_', action),
+        'reason': reason
+    })
+def _domain_event_graphics_cb(conn, domain, phase, local, remote, auth, subject, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain graphics events handler
+    '''
+    def get_address(addr):
+        '''
+        transform address structure into event data piece
+        '''
+        data = {'family': _get_libvirt_enum_string('{0}_ADDRESS_'.format(prefix), addr['family']),
+                'node': addr['node'],
+                'service': addr['service']}
+        return addr
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'phase': _get_libvirt_enum_string(prefix, phase),
+        'local': get_address(local),
+        'remote': get_address(remote),
+        'authScheme': auth,
+        'subject': [{'type': item[0], 'name': item[1]} for item in subject]
+    })
+def _domain_event_control_error_cb(conn, domain, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain control error events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {})
+def _domain_event_disk_change_cb(conn, domain, old_src, new_src, dev, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain disk change events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'oldSrcPath': old_src,
+        'newSrcPath': new_src,
+        'dev': dev,
+        'reason': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DISK_', reason)
+    })
+def _domain_event_tray_change_cb(conn, domain, dev, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain tray change events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'dev': dev,
+        'reason': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_TRAY_CHANGE_', reason)
+    })
+def _domain_event_pmwakeup_cb(conn, domain, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain wakeup events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'reason': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _domain_event_pmsuspend_cb(conn, domain, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain suspend events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'reason': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _domain_event_balloon_change_cb(conn, domain, actual, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain balloon change events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'actual': actual
+    })
+def _domain_event_pmsuspend_disk_cb(conn, domain, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain disk suspend events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'reason': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _domain_event_block_job_cb(conn, domain, disk, job_type, status, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain block job events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'disk': disk,
+        'type': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_', job_type),
+        'status': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_', status)
+    })
+def _domain_event_device_removed_cb(conn, domain, dev, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain device removal events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'dev': dev
+    })
+def _domain_event_tunable_cb(conn, domain, params, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain tunable events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'params': params
+    })
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+def _domain_event_agent_lifecycle_cb(conn, domain, state, reason, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain agent lifecycle events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'state': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_STATE_', state),
+        'reason': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_REASON_', reason)
+    })
+def _domain_event_device_added_cb(conn, domain, dev, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain device addition events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'dev': dev
+    })
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+def _domain_event_migration_iteration_cb(conn, domain, iteration, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain migration iteration events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'iteration': iteration
+    })
+def _domain_event_job_completed_cb(conn, domain, params, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain job completion events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'params': params
+    })
+def _domain_event_device_removal_failed_cb(conn, domain, dev, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain device removal failure events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'dev': dev
+    })
+def _domain_event_metadata_change_cb(conn, domain, mtype, nsuri, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain metadata change events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'type': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_', mtype),
+        'nsuri': nsuri
+    })
+def _domain_event_block_threshold_cb(conn, domain, dev, path, threshold, excess, opaque):
+    '''
+    Domain block threshold events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_domain_event(opaque, conn, domain, opaque['event'], {
+        'dev': dev,
+        'path': path,
+        'threshold': threshold,
+        'excess': excess
+    })
+def _network_event_lifecycle_cb(conn, net, event, detail, opaque):
+    '''
+    Network lifecycle events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'network': {
+            'name':,
+            'uuid': net.UUIDString()
+        },
+        'event': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_', event),
+        'detail': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _pool_event_lifecycle_cb(conn, pool, event, detail, opaque):
+    '''
+    Storage pool lifecycle events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'pool': {
+            'name':,
+            'uuid': pool.UUIDString()
+        },
+        'event': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_', event),
+        'detail': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _pool_event_refresh_cb(conn, pool, opaque):
+    '''
+    Storage pool refresh events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'pool': {
+            'name':,
+            'uuid': pool.UUIDString()
+        },
+        'event': opaque['event']
+    })
+def _nodedev_event_lifecycle_cb(conn, dev, event, detail, opaque):
+    '''
+    Node device lifecycle events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'nodedev': {
+            'name':
+        },
+        'event': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_NODE_DEVICE_EVENT_', event),
+        'detail': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _nodedev_event_update_cb(conn, dev, opaque):
+    '''
+    Node device update events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'nodedev': {
+            'name':
+        },
+        'event': opaque['event']
+    })
+def _secret_event_lifecycle_cb(conn, secret, event, detail, opaque):
+    '''
+    Secret lifecycle events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'secret': {
+            'uuid': secret.UUIDString()
+        },
+        'event': _get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_SECRET_EVENT_', event),
+        'detail': 'unknown'  # currently unused
+    })
+def _secret_event_value_changed_cb(conn, secret, opaque):
+    '''
+    Secret value change events handler
+    '''
+    _salt_send_event(opaque, conn, {
+        'secret': {
+            'uuid': secret.UUIDString()
+        },
+        'event': opaque['event']
+    })
+def _cleanup(cnx):
+    '''
+    Close the libvirt connection
+    :param cnx: libvirt connection
+    '''
+    log.debug('Closing libvirt connection: %s', cnx.getURI())
+    cnx.close()
+def _callbacks_cleanup(cnx, callback_ids):
+    '''
+    Unregister all the registered callbacks
+    :param cnx: libvirt connection
+    :param callback_ids: dictionary mapping a libvirt object type to an ID list
+                         of callbacks to deregister
+    '''
+    for obj, ids in callback_ids.items():
+        register_name = REGISTER_FUNCTIONS[obj]
+        deregister_name = register_name.replace('Reg', 'Dereg')
+        deregister = getattr(cnx, deregister_name)
+        for callback_id in ids:
+            deregister(callback_id)
+def _register_callback(cnx, tag_prefix, obj, event, real_id):
+    '''
+    Helper function registering a callback
+    :param cnx: libvirt connection
+    :param tag_prefix: salt event tag prefix to use
+    :param obj: the libvirt object name for the event. Needs to
+                be one of the REGISTER_FUNCTIONS keys.
+    :param event: the event type name.
+    :param real_id: the libvirt name of an alternative event id to use or None
+    :rtype integer value needed to deregister the callback
+    '''
+    libvirt_name = real_id
+    if real_id is None:
+        libvirt_name = 'VIR_{0}_EVENT_ID_{1}'.format(obj, event).upper()
+    if not hasattr(libvirt, libvirt_name):
+        log.warning('Skipping "%s/%s" events: libvirt too old', obj, event)
+        return None
+    libvirt_id = getattr(libvirt, libvirt_name)
+    callback_name = "_{0}_event_{1}_cb".format(obj, event)
+    callback = globals().get(callback_name, None)
+    if callback is None:
+        log.error('Missing function %s in engine', callback_name)
+        return None
+    register = getattr(cnx, REGISTER_FUNCTIONS[obj])
+    return register(None, libvirt_id, callback,
+                    {'prefix': tag_prefix,
+                     'object': obj,
+                     'event': event})
+def _append_callback_id(ids, obj, callback_id):
+    '''
+    Helper function adding a callback ID to the IDs dict.
+    The callback ids dict maps an object to event callback ids.
+    :param ids: dict of callback IDs to update
+    :param obj: one of the keys of REGISTER_FUNCTIONS
+    :param callback_id: the result of _register_callback
+    '''
+    if obj not in ids:
+        ids[obj] = []
+    ids[obj].append(callback_id)
+def start(uri=None,
+          tag_prefix='salt/engines/libvirt_events',
+          filters=None):
+    '''
+    Listen to libvirt events and forward them to salt.
+    :param uri: libvirt URI to listen on.
+                Defaults to None to pick the first available local hypervisor
+    :param tag_prefix: the begining of the salt event tag to use.
+                       Defaults to 'salt/engines/libvirt_events'
+    :param filters: the list of event of listen on. Defaults to 'all'
+    '''
+    if filters is None:
+        filters = ['all']
+    try:
+        libvirt.virEventRegisterDefaultImpl()
+        cnx = libvirt.openReadOnly(uri)
+        log.debug('Opened libvirt uri: %s', cnx.getURI())
+        callback_ids = {}
+        all_filters = "all" in filters
+        for obj, event_defs in CALLBACK_DEFS.items():
+            for event, real_id in event_defs:
+                event_filter = "/".join((obj, event))
+                if event_filter not in filters and obj not in filters and not all_filters:
+                    continue
+                registered_id = _register_callback(cnx, tag_prefix,
+                                                   obj, event, real_id)
+                if registered_id:
+                    _append_callback_id(callback_ids, obj, registered_id)
+        exit_loop = False
+        while not exit_loop:
+            exit_loop = libvirt.virEventRunDefaultImpl() < 0
+    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
+        log.exception(err)
+    finally:
+        _callbacks_cleanup(cnx, callback_ids)
+        _cleanup(cnx)
diff --git a/tests/unit/engines/ b/tests/unit/engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6608aaf648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+unit tests for the libvirt_events engine
+# Import Python libs
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+# Import Salt Testing Libs
+from import LoaderModuleMockMixin
+from import skipIf, TestCase
+from import (
+    NO_MOCK,
+    MagicMock,
+    patch)
+# Import Salt Libs
+import salt.engines.libvirt_events as libvirt_events
+# pylint: disable=protected-access,attribute-defined-outside-init,invalid-name,unused-argument,no-self-use
+class EngineLibvirtEventTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
+    '''
+    Test cases for salt.engine.libvirt_events
+    '''
+    def setup_loader_modules(self):
+        patcher = patch('salt.engines.libvirt_events.libvirt')
+        self.mock_libvirt = patcher.start()
+        self.mock_libvirt.getVersion.return_value = 2000000
+        self.mock_libvirt.virEventRunDefaultImpl.return_value = -1  # Don't loop for ever
+        self.mock_libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE = 0
+        self.mock_libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_REBOOT = 1
+        self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+        self.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'mock_libvirt')
+        return {libvirt_events: {}}
+    @patch('salt.engines.libvirt_events.libvirt',
+           VIR_PREFIX_NONE=0,
+           VIR_PREFIX_ONE=1,
+           VIR_PREFIX_TWO=2,
+           VIR_PREFIX_SUB_FOO=0,
+           VIR_PREFIX_SUB_BAR=1,
+           VIR_PREFIX_SUB_FOOBAR=2)
+    def test_get_libvirt_enum_string_subprefix(self, libvirt_mock):
+        '''
+        Make sure the libvirt enum value to string works reliably with
+        elements with a sub prefix, eg VIR_PREFIX_SUB_* in this case.
+        '''
+        # Test case with a sub prefix
+        assert libvirt_events._get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_PREFIX_', 2) == 'two'
+    @patch('salt.engines.libvirt_events.libvirt',
+           VIR_PREFIX_FOO=0,
+           VIR_PREFIX_FOO_BAR=1,
+           VIR_PREFIX_BAR_FOO=2)
+    def test_get_libvirt_enum_string_underscores(self, libvirt_mock):
+        '''
+        Make sure the libvirt enum value to string works reliably and items
+        with an underscore aren't confused with sub prefixes.
+        '''
+        assert libvirt_events._get_libvirt_enum_string('VIR_PREFIX_', 1) == 'foo bar'
+    @patch('salt.engines.libvirt_events.libvirt',
+    def test_get_domain_event_detail(self, mock_libvirt):
+        '''
+        Test get_domain_event_detail function
+        '''
+        assert libvirt_events._get_domain_event_detail(1, 2) == ('undefined', 'unknown')
+        assert libvirt_events._get_domain_event_detail(0, 1) == ('defined', 'updated')
+        assert libvirt_events._get_domain_event_detail(4, 2) == ('unknown', 'unknown')
+    @patch('salt.engines.libvirt_events.libvirt', VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE=1000)
+    def test_event_register(self, mock_libvirt):
+        '''
+        Test that the libvirt_events engine actually registers events catch them and cleans
+        before leaving the place.
+        '''
+        mock_cnx = MagicMock()
+        mock_libvirt.openReadOnly.return_value = mock_cnx
+        mock_cnx.networkEventRegisterAny.return_value = 10000
+        libvirt_events.start('test:///', 'test/prefix')
+        # Check that the connection has been opened
+        mock_libvirt.openReadOnly.assert_called_once_with('test:///')
+        # Check that the connection has been closed
+        mock_cnx.close.assert_called_once()
+        # Check events registration and deregistration
+        mock_cnx.domainEventRegisterAny.assert_any_call(
+                None, mock_libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE,
+                libvirt_events._domain_event_lifecycle_cb,
+                {'prefix': 'test/prefix', 'object': 'domain', 'event': 'lifecycle'})
+        mock_cnx.networkEventRegisterAny.assert_any_call(
+                None, mock_libvirt.VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE,
+                libvirt_events._network_event_lifecycle_cb,
+                {'prefix': 'test/prefix', 'object': 'network', 'event': 'lifecycle'})
+        # Check that the deregister events are called with the result of register
+        mock_cnx.networkEventDeregisterAny.assert_called_with(
+                mock_cnx.networkEventRegisterAny.return_value)
+        # Check that the default 'all' filter actually worked
+        counts = {obj: len(callback_def) for obj, callback_def in libvirt_events.CALLBACK_DEFS.items()}
+        for obj, count in counts.items():
+            register = libvirt_events.REGISTER_FUNCTIONS[obj]
+            assert getattr(mock_cnx, register).call_count == count
+    def test_event_skipped(self):
+        '''
+        Test that events are skipped if their ID isn't defined in the libvirt
+        module (older libvirt)
+        '''
+        self.mock_libvirt.mock_add_spec([
+                'openReadOnly',
+                'virEventRegisterDefaultImpl',
+                'virEventRunDefaultImpl',
+                'VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE'], spec_set=True)
+        libvirt_events.start('test:///', 'test/prefix')
+        # Check events registration and deregistration
+        mock_cnx = self.mock_libvirt.openReadOnly.return_value
+        mock_cnx.domainEventRegisterAny.assert_any_call(
+                None, self.mock_libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE,
+                libvirt_events._domain_event_lifecycle_cb,
+                {'prefix': 'test/prefix', 'object': 'domain', 'event': 'lifecycle'})
+        # Network events should have been skipped
+        mock_cnx.networkEventRegisterAny.assert_not_called()
+    def test_event_filtered(self):
+        '''
+        Test that events are skipped if their ID isn't defined in the libvirt
+        module (older libvirt)
+        '''
+        libvirt_events.start('test', 'test/prefix', 'domain/lifecycle')
+        # Check events registration and deregistration
+        mock_cnx = self.mock_libvirt.openReadOnly.return_value
+        mock_cnx.domainEventRegisterAny.assert_any_call(
+                None, 0, libvirt_events._domain_event_lifecycle_cb,
+                {'prefix': 'test/prefix', 'object': 'domain', 'event': 'lifecycle'})
+        # Network events should have been filtered out
+        mock_cnx.networkEventRegisterAny.assert_not_called()

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