File subversion.README.SUSE of Package subversion.17992

Quickstart document for Apache Subversion on openSUSE.

For the full documentation, install the package subversion-doc and see
An online version can be found at


0. upgrading to Apache Subversion 1.10
1. mini-howto
2. allowing anonymous read access
3. serving several repositories with SVNParentPath 
4. serving the repositories at "/"
5. running svnserve
6. running svnserve under a different user
7. quickstart for mod_dontdothat


0. upgrading to Apache Subversion 1.10

- concerns when upgrading from earlier versions
  * Upgrading the Working Copy
    1.10 uses the same working copy format as 1.8 and 1.9. When upgrading
    a working copy from a client earlier than 1.8, a one-time execution of
    "svn upgrade" is required. After that, clients earlier than 1.8 will
    be unable to use the working copy. For details, please see:
  * Upgrading the Repository
    1.10 can read and write repositories created by earlier versions.
    "svnadmin upgrade" may be used to upgrade to FSFS format 8 of 1.10,
    after which the repository will be no longer be usable for 1.9 servers.
    An optional dump/load cycle may be used to apply FSFS improvements
    to past revisions, for 1.10 this is the LZ4 compression feature.


1. mini-howto

To run a subversion server, you need to configure apache2 to load two modules: 
mod_dav and mod_dav_svn.

  zypper in subversion-server
  a2enmod dav
  a2enmod dav_svn

A default/example configuration of the dav_svn module can be found in
/etc/apache2/conf.d/subversion.conf. The current default configuration
automatically includes this file the default server configuration.

The MaxKeepAliveRequests option in httpd.conf needs to be increased from 100
(the default) to at least 1000 (there is no reason why it could not be 10000).
This will improve performance by allowing serf clients to use fewer TCP
connections to the server. Clients using neon will also work fine with this

Create some directories to contain the repositories and other files:

  mkdir -p /srv/svn/repos
  mkdir -p /srv/svn/user_access
  mkdir -p /srv/svn/html

Edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/subversion.conf and uncomment the desired sections.

The first section "project related HTML files" is optional and will allow you
to return some static content when /repos is accessed alone. If you do not need
this, discard this section. 

If instead you wish to show a list of repositories, set "SVNListParentPath on"
later. See for details:

The section following that will configure a repository to be served out of 
the path /srv/svn/repos/myproject1. Note that the location "/repo/myproject1"
and "SVNPath" is specified explicitly, see section 3 for an alternative.

To create the repository itself:

  cd /srv/svn/repos
  svnadmin create project1
  chown -R wwwrun:www project1/{db,locks}

If using svnserve is not planned, /srv/svn/repos may be owned by wwrun:www.
Otherwise see instruction in the svnserve section on how to use the user and
group svn.

The webserver must be (re)started:

  rcapache2 restart

To create the user access files:

  touch /srv/svn/user_access/project1_passwdfile
  chown root:www /srv/svn/user_access/project1_passwdfile
  chmod 640 /srv/svn/user_access/project1_passwdfile

  htpasswd2 /srv/svn/user_access/project1_passwdfile user1
  htpasswd2 /srv/svn/user_access/project1_passwdfile user2

Create the group file for project1:

  project1_committers: user2
  project1_readers: user1 user2

You can test access by:

  svn info


2. allowing anonymous read access

To allow anonymous read access, remove the <Limit GET...> section and move the
three Auth* statements into the <LimitExcept GET...> section.


3. serving several repositories with SVNParentPath 

When serving several repositories, instead of specifying each location with
SVNPath in a separate location, you can use SVNParentPath with a single location.
Change the <Location ...> directive form the template to start with the following:

  <Location /repos/>
    DAV svn
    SVNParentPath /srv/svn/repos
    SVNListParentPath on  

Do not forget to restart the apache service to make the configuration effective.

  service apache2 restart


4. serving the repositories at "/"

Include the configuration into the relevant vhost configuration. Uncomment the 
section in the template files labeled 'Hosting svn at "/"' and adjust as required.
Note that this example uses "SVNParentPath" as given in the previous section.


5. running svnserve

Subversion repositories can be via the svnserve daemon and a special network 
protocol. svnserve should not run as root user. The startup scripts expects a 
user/group named 'svn'.

The subversion package creates an user and group svn.

If you want to expose the repository via both svnserve and mod_dav_svn
(Apache httpd) in parallel, ensure that the apache user is part of the
svn group.

  usermod -A svn wwwrun

This requires a restart of the apache2 service to become effective.

Change the permissions to let the svn group write, and set the setgid flag
on the repositories.

  chown -R svn:svn /srv/svn/repos
  chmod -R g+ws /srv/svn/repos

Then proceed to create repositories using svnadmin create described above.

In either case, if using svnserve, ensure that the repositories are owned by

The settings files with the options passed to the daemon is is located in:


To start, ensure proper ownership of repositories and run:

  systemctl start svnserve

For further information about multi-method repository access, see

You can test repository access by:

  svn info svn://

Please note that by default, svnserve is configured to be started with -R,
meaning read-only access only. Remove to allow write access, after you have
configured access via


To configue authentication for svnserve, see


6. running svnserve under a different user

By default, the svnserve daemon will run with the svn:svn user and group.
To configure the user under which the svnserve daemon will be executed:

  systemctl edit svnserve

Enter overriding settings as required:



  systemctl cat svnserve

Adjust permissions to /srv/svn/repos, /var/run/svnserve to allow the required
read/write access.

Make systemd pick up the changed unit file and restart the service:

  systemctl daemon-reload
  systemctl restart svnserve


7. quickstart for mod_dontdothat

The apache module mod_dontdothat can be used to prevent users from causing high
load on the server, e.g. checking out the root of the tree or the tags or 
branches directories. 

Make sure mod_dontdothat is loaded:
$ a2enmod dontdothat

Add configuration for the module, e.g.

<Location />
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /srv/svn/repos/
  SVNListParentPath on
  # [...other configuration...]
  <IfModule mod_dontdothat.c>
    DontDoThatConfigFile /srv/svn/mod_dontdothat.config
    DontDoThatDisallowReplay off

Restart apache to make the change effective.

A fairly standard file /srv/svn/mod_dontdothat.config may contain:

/*/trunk = allow
/ = deny
/* = deny
/*/tags = deny
/*/branches = deny
/*/* = deny
/*/*/tags = deny
/*/*/branches = deny

This allows checking out of /trunk and each branch, but disallows checking out
all branches or the complete repository at once.

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