File sysconfig.keyboard of Package kbd.29031

## Path:        Hardware/Keyboard
## Description: Keyboard settings for the text console
## ServiceRestart: kbdsettings

## Type:        integer
## Default:
# Keyboard delay time in ms (250, 500, 750, 1000)

## Type:	string(2.0,2.1,2.3,2.5,2.7,3.0,3.3,3.7,4.0,4.3,4.6,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.7,7.5,8.0,8.6,9.2,10.0,10.9,12.0,13.3,15.0,16.0,17.1,18.5,20.0,21.8,24.0,26.7,30.0)
## Default:
# Keyboard repeat rate (2.0 - 30.0)

## Type:        list(bios,yes,no)
## Default:     bios
# NumLock on? ("yes" or "no" or "bios" for BIOS setting)
# This setting may interfere with GNOME /org/gnome/settings-daemon/peripherals/keyboard/remember-numlock-state DConf key.

## Type:        yesno
## Default:     no
# ScrollLock on? ("yes" or "no")

## Type:        yesno
## Default:     no
# CapsLock on? ("yes" or "no")

## Type:        yesno
## Default:     no
# Disable CAPS LOCK and make it a normal Shift key?
# (Ctrl Caps Lock will still toggle Caps Lock functionality)
# Note that you need to tweak the xkb maps or use xmodmap
# if you want to do the same under X-Windows. In ~/.Xmodmap:
# keycode 0x42 = Shift_L Shift_L

## Type:        string
## Default:
# ttys for the above settings 
# Example: "tty1 tty2"
# "" for tty's 1-6

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