Package not found: home:dirkmueller:Factory/rocksndiamonds

File dont-force-gold-on-arm64.patch of Package go1.16.23540

Index: go/src/cmd/link/internal/ld/lib.go
--- go.orig/src/cmd/link/internal/ld/lib.go
+++ go/src/cmd/link/internal/ld/lib.go
@@ -1389,28 +1389,6 @@ func (ctxt *Link) hostlink() {
 			// Use lld to avoid errors from default linker (issue #38838)
 			altLinker = "lld"
-		if ctxt.Arch.InFamily(sys.ARM, sys.ARM64) && objabi.GOOS == "linux" {
-			// On ARM, the GNU linker will generate COPY relocations
-			// even with -znocopyreloc set.
-			//
-			//
-			// On ARM64, the GNU linker will fail instead of
-			// generating COPY relocations.
-			//
-			// In both cases, switch to gold.
-			altLinker = "gold"
-			// If gold is not installed, gcc will silently switch
-			// back to ld.bfd. So we parse the version information
-			// and provide a useful error if gold is missing.
-			cmd := exec.Command(*flagExtld, "-fuse-ld=gold", "-Wl,--version")
-			if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
-				if !bytes.Contains(out, []byte("GNU gold")) {
-					log.Fatalf("ARM external linker must be gold (issue #15696), but is not: %s", out)
-				}
-			}
-		}
 	if ctxt.Arch.Family == sys.ARM64 && objabi.GOOS == "freebsd" {
 		// Switch to ld.bfd on freebsd/arm64.
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