File tcp_wrappers_7.6-ipv6-1.6.diff of Package tcpd

;; IPv6 patch for tcp_wrappers_7.6 1.6
;; Aug 23, 1999 by Hajimu UMEMOTO <>
;; This patch supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stack and IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
;; You can replace stock tcpd or libwrap.a with this.
;; IPv6 address pattern is as a `[net]/prefixlen' pair.
;; This patch was tested on KAME/FreeBSD, KAME/FreeBSD3, KAME/NetBSD,
;; RedHat 5.1 with kernel 2.1.126, and RedHat 6.0 with kernel 2.2.10.
;; Back out change for field separater.  Now, field separater is `:'
;; not `|'.  To specify IPv6 address, enclose IPv6 address with `['
;; and `]'.
;; For Linux users:
;; If your libc doesn't have sockaddr_storage, try target `linux-old'.

--- fix_options.c.orig
+++ fix_options.c
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) fix_options
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
+#ifdef INET6
+#include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
 #include <netinet/ip.h>
@@ -41,6 +44,22 @@ struct request_info *request;
     unsigned int opt;
     int     optlen;
     struct in_addr dummy;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr_storage ss;
+    int sslen;
+    /*
+     * check if this is AF_INET socket
+     * XXX IPv6 support?
+     */
+    sslen = sizeof(ss);
+    if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ss, &sslen < 0)) {
+	syslog(LOG_ERR, "getpeername: %m");
+	clean_exit(request);
+    }
+    if (ss.ss_family != AF_INET)
+	return;
     if ((ip = getprotobyname("ip")) != 0)
 	ipproto = ip->p_proto;
--- hosts_access.5.orig
+++ hosts_access.5
@@ -85,10 +85,17 @@ member of the specified netgroup. Netgro
 for daemon process names or for client user names.
 .IP \(bu
 An expression of the form `n.n.n.n/m.m.m.m\' is interpreted as a
-`net/mask\' pair. A host address is matched if `net\' is equal to the
+`net/mask\' pair. A IPv4 host address is matched if `net\' is equal to the
 bitwise AND of the address and the `mask\'. For example, the net/mask
 pattern `\' matches every address in the
 range `\' through `\'.
+.IP \(bu
+An expression of the form `[n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n]/m\' is interpreted as a
+`[net]/prefixlen\' pair. A IPv6 host address is matched if
+`prefixlen\' bits of `net\' is equal to the `prefixlen\' bits of the
+address. For example, the [net]/prefixlen pattern
+`[3ffe:505:2:1::]/64\' matches every address in the range
+`3ffe:505:2:1::\' through `3ffe:505:2:1:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff\'.
 The access control language supports explicit wildcards:
--- hosts_access.c.orig
+++ hosts_access.c
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) hosts_acces
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
+#ifdef INET6
+#include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -83,6 +86,10 @@ static int client_match();
 static int host_match();
 static int string_match();
 static int masked_match();
+#ifdef INET6
+static int masked_match4();
+static int masked_match6();
 /* Size of logical line buffer. */
@@ -317,6 +324,13 @@ char   *string;
     int     n;
+#ifdef INET6
+    /* convert IPv4 mapped IPv6 address to IPv4 address */
+    if (STRN_EQ(string, "::ffff:", 7)
+	&& dot_quad_addr(string + 7) != INADDR_NONE) {
+	string += 7;
+    }
     if (tok[0] == '.') {			/* suffix */
 	n = strlen(string) - strlen(tok);
 	return (n > 0 && STR_EQ(tok, string + n));
@@ -327,20 +341,55 @@ char   *string;
     } else if (tok[(n = strlen(tok)) - 1] == '.') {	/* prefix */
 	return (STRN_EQ(tok, string, n));
     } else {					/* exact match */
+#ifdef INET6
+	struct in6_addr pat, addr;
+	int len, ret;
+	char ch;
+	len = strlen(tok);
+	if (*tok == '[' && tok[len - 1] == ']') {
+	    ch = tok[len - 1];
+	    tok[len - 1] = '\0';
+	    ret = inet_pton(AF_INET6, tok + 1, pat.s6_addr);
+	    tok[len - 1] = ch;
+	    if (ret != 1 || inet_pton(AF_INET6, string, addr.s6_addr) != 1)
+		return NO;
+	    return (!memcmp(&pat, &addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)));
+	}
 	return (STR_EQ(tok, string));
 /* masked_match - match address against netnumber/netmask */
+#ifdef INET6
 static int masked_match(net_tok, mask_tok, string)
 char   *net_tok;
 char   *mask_tok;
 char   *string;
+    return (masked_match4(net_tok, mask_tok, string) ||
+	    masked_match6(net_tok, mask_tok, string));
+static int masked_match4(net_tok, mask_tok, string)
+static int masked_match(net_tok, mask_tok, string)
+char   *net_tok;
+char   *mask_tok;
+char   *string;
+#ifdef INET6
+    u_int32_t net;
+    u_int32_t mask;
+    u_int32_t addr;
     unsigned long net;
     unsigned long mask;
     unsigned long addr;
      * Disallow forms other than dotted quad: the treatment that inet_addr()
@@ -352,8 +401,61 @@ char   *string;
 	return (NO);
     if ((net = dot_quad_addr(net_tok)) == INADDR_NONE
 	|| (mask = dot_quad_addr(mask_tok)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+#ifndef INET6
 	tcpd_warn("bad net/mask expression: %s/%s", net_tok, mask_tok);
 	return (NO);				/* not tcpd_jump() */
     return ((addr & mask) == net);
+#ifdef INET6
+static int masked_match6(net_tok, mask_tok, string)
+char   *net_tok;
+char   *mask_tok;
+char   *string;
+    struct in6_addr net, addr;
+    u_int32_t mask;
+    int len, mask_len, i = 0;
+    char ch;
+    if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, string, addr.s6_addr) != 1)
+	    return NO;
+    if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&addr)) {
+	if ((*(u_int32_t *)&net.s6_addr[12] = dot_quad_addr(net_tok)) == INADDR_NONE
+	 || (mask = dot_quad_addr(mask_tok)) == INADDR_NONE)
+	    return (NO);
+	return ((*(u_int32_t *)&addr.s6_addr[12] & mask) == *(u_int32_t *)&net.s6_addr[12]);
+    }
+    /* match IPv6 address against netnumber/prefixlen */
+    len = strlen(net_tok);
+    if (*net_tok != '[' || net_tok[len - 1] != ']')
+	return NO;
+    ch = net_tok[len - 1];
+    net_tok[len - 1] = '\0';
+    if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, net_tok + 1, net.s6_addr) != 1) {
+	net_tok[len - 1] = ch;
+	return NO;
+    }
+    net_tok[len - 1] = ch;
+    if ((mask_len = atoi(mask_tok)) < 0 || mask_len > 128)
+	return NO;
+    while (mask_len > 0) {
+	if (mask_len < 32) {
+	    mask = htonl(~(0xffffffff >> mask_len));
+	    if ((*(u_int32_t *)&addr.s6_addr[i] & mask) != (*(u_int32_t *)&net.s6_addr[i] & mask))
+		return NO;
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (*(u_int32_t *)&addr.s6_addr[i] != *(u_int32_t *)&net.s6_addr[i])
+	    return NO;
+	i += 4;
+	mask_len -= 32;
+    }
+    return YES;
+#endif /* INET6 */
--- inetcf.c.orig
+++ inetcf.c
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ extern void exit();
   * guesses. Shorter names follow longer ones.
 char   *inet_files[] = {
+#ifdef INET6
+    "/usr/local/v6/etc/inet6d.conf",	/* KAME */
     "/private/etc/inetd.conf",		/* NEXT */
     "/etc/inet/inetd.conf",		/* SYSV4 */
     "/usr/etc/inetd.conf",		/* IRIX?? */
--- misc.c.orig
+++ misc.c
@@ -58,9 +58,31 @@ int     delimiter;
     char   *cp;
+#ifdef INET6
+    int bracket = 0;
+    for (cp = string; cp && *cp; cp++) {
+	switch (*cp) {
+	case '[':
+	    bracket++;
+	    break;
+	case ']':
+	    bracket--;
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    if (bracket == 0 && *cp == delimiter) {
+		*cp++ = 0;
+		return cp;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    return (NULL);
     if ((cp = strchr(string, delimiter)) != 0)
 	*cp++ = 0;
     return (cp);
 /* dot_quad_addr - convert dotted quad to internal form */
--- refuse.c.orig
+++ refuse.c
@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) refuse.c 1.
 void    refuse(request)
 struct request_info *request;
+#ifdef INET6
+    syslog(deny_severity, "refused connect from %s (%s)",
+	   eval_client(request), eval_hostaddr(request->client));
     syslog(deny_severity, "refused connect from %s", eval_client(request));
     /* NOTREACHED */
--- rfc931.c.orig
+++ rfc931.c
@@ -68,20 +68,50 @@ int     sig;
 /* rfc931 - return remote user name, given socket structures */
 void    rfc931(rmt_sin, our_sin, dest)
+#ifdef INET6
+struct sockaddr *rmt_sin;
+struct sockaddr *our_sin;
 struct sockaddr_in *rmt_sin;
 struct sockaddr_in *our_sin;
 char   *dest;
     unsigned rmt_port;
     unsigned our_port;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr_storage rmt_query_sin;
+    struct sockaddr_storage our_query_sin;
+    int alen;
     struct sockaddr_in rmt_query_sin;
     struct sockaddr_in our_query_sin;
     char    user[256];			/* XXX */
     char    buffer[512];		/* XXX */
     char   *cp;
     char   *result = unknown;
     FILE   *fp;
+#ifdef INET6
+    /* address family must be the same */
+    if (rmt_sin->sa_family != our_sin->sa_family) {
+	STRN_CPY(dest, result, STRING_LENGTH);
+	return;
+    }
+    switch (our_sin->sa_family) {
+    case AF_INET:
+	alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+	break;
+    case AF_INET6:
+	alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+	break;
+    default:
+	STRN_CPY(dest, result, STRING_LENGTH);
+	return;
+    }
      * Use one unbuffered stdio stream for writing to and for reading from
      * the RFC931 etc. server. This is done because of a bug in the SunOS
@@ -92,7 +122,11 @@ char   *dest;
      * sockets.
+#ifdef INET6
+    if ((fp = fsocket(our_sin->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != 0) {
     if ((fp = fsocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != 0) {
 	setbuf(fp, (char *) 0);
@@ -112,6 +146,25 @@ char   *dest;
 	     * addresses from the query socket.
+#ifdef INET6
+	    memcpy(&our_query_sin, our_sin, alen);
+	    memcpy(&rmt_query_sin, rmt_sin, alen);
+	    switch (our_sin->sa_family) {
+	    case AF_INET:
+		((struct sockaddr_in *)&our_query_sin)->sin_port = htons(ANY_PORT);
+		((struct sockaddr_in *)&rmt_query_sin)->sin_port = htons(RFC931_PORT);
+		break;
+	    case AF_INET6:
+		((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&our_query_sin)->sin6_port = htons(ANY_PORT);
+		((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&rmt_query_sin)->sin6_port = htons(RFC931_PORT);
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (bind(fileno(fp), (struct sockaddr *) & our_query_sin,
+		     alen) >= 0 &&
+		connect(fileno(fp), (struct sockaddr *) & rmt_query_sin,
+			alen) >= 0) {
 	    our_query_sin = *our_sin;
 	    our_query_sin.sin_port = htons(ANY_PORT);
 	    rmt_query_sin = *rmt_sin;
@@ -121,6 +174,7 @@ char   *dest;
 		     sizeof(our_query_sin)) >= 0 &&
 		connect(fileno(fp), (struct sockaddr *) & rmt_query_sin,
 			sizeof(rmt_query_sin)) >= 0) {
 		 * Send query to server. Neglect the risk that a 13-byte
@@ -129,8 +183,13 @@ char   *dest;
 		fprintf(fp, "%u,%u\r\n",
+#ifdef INET6
+			ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)rmt_sin)->sin_port),
+			ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)our_sin)->sin_port));
@@ -144,8 +203,13 @@ char   *dest;
 		    && ferror(fp) == 0 && feof(fp) == 0
 		    && sscanf(buffer, "%u , %u : USERID :%*[^:]:%255s",
 			      &rmt_port, &our_port, user) == 3
+#ifdef INET6
+		    && ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)rmt_sin)->sin_port) == rmt_port
+		    && ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)our_sin)->sin_port) == our_port) {
 		    && ntohs(rmt_sin->sin_port) == rmt_port
 		    && ntohs(our_sin->sin_port) == our_port) {
 		     * Strip trailing carriage return. It is part of the
--- scaffold.c.orig
+++ scaffold.c
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ static char sccs_id[] = "@(#) scaffold.c
 #include <syslog.h>
 #include <setjmp.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#if defined(INET6) && !defined(USE_GETIPNODEBY)
+#include <resolv.h>
 #ifndef INADDR_NONE
 #define	INADDR_NONE	(-1)		/* XXX should be 0xffffffff */
@@ -57,6 +60,9 @@ struct hostent *hp;
 	 /* void */ ;
     if ((hb = (struct hostent_block *) malloc(sizeof(struct hostent_block)
+#ifdef INET6
+			 + strlen(hp->h_name) + 1
 			 + (hp->h_length + sizeof(char *)) * count)) == 0) {
 	fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, out of memory\n");
@@ -66,6 +72,11 @@ struct hostent *hp;
     hb->host.h_addr_list = hb->addr_list;
     hb->host.h_addr_list[count] = 0;
     data = (char *) (hb->host.h_addr_list + count + 1);
+#ifdef INET6
+    hb->host.h_name = data + hp->h_length * count;
+    strcpy(hb->host.h_name, hp->h_name);
+    hb->host.h_addrtype = hp->h_addrtype;
     for (count = 0; (addr = hp->h_addr_list[count]) != 0; count++) {
 	hb->host.h_addr_list[count] = data + hp->h_length * count;
@@ -74,6 +85,100 @@ struct hostent *hp;
     return (&hb->host);
+#if defined(INET6) && !defined(USE_GETIPNODEBY)
+/* merge_hostent - merge hostent in one memory block */
+static struct hostent *merge_hostent(hp1, hp2)
+struct hostent *hp1, *hp2;
+    struct hostent_block {
+	struct hostent host;
+	char   *addr_list[1];
+    };
+    struct hostent_block *hb;
+    int     count, count2;
+    char   *data;
+    char   *addr;
+    for (count = 0; hp1->h_addr_list[count] != 0; count++)
+	 /* void */ ;
+    for (count2 = 0; hp2->h_addr_list[count2] != 0; count2++)
+	 /* void */ ;
+    count += count2;
+    if ((hb = (struct hostent_block *) malloc(sizeof(struct hostent_block)
+			 + strlen(hp1->h_name) + 1
+			 + (hp1->h_length + sizeof(char *)) * count)) == 0) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, out of memory\n");
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    memset((char *) &hb->host, 0, sizeof(hb->host));
+    hb->host.h_length = hp1->h_length;
+    hb->host.h_addr_list = hb->addr_list;
+    hb->host.h_addr_list[count] = 0;
+    data = (char *) (hb->host.h_addr_list + count + 1);
+    hb->host.h_name = data + hp1->h_length * count;
+    strcpy(hb->host.h_name, hp1->h_name);
+    hb->host.h_addrtype = hp1->h_addrtype;
+    for (count = 0; (addr = hp1->h_addr_list[count]) != 0; count++) {
+	hb->host.h_addr_list[count] = data + hp1->h_length * count;
+	memcpy(hb->host.h_addr_list[count], addr, hp1->h_length);
+    }
+    for (count2 = 0; (addr = hp2->h_addr_list[count2]) != 0; count2++) {
+	hb->host.h_addr_list[count] = data + hp1->h_length * count;
+	memcpy(hb->host.h_addr_list[count], addr, hp1->h_length);
+	++count;
+    }
+    return (&hb->host);
+static struct hostent *gethostbyname64(host)
+char *host;
+    struct hostent *hp, *hp2;
+    int h_error;
+    if ((hp = getipnodebyname(host, AF_INET6,
+			      &h_error)) != 0) {
+	hp2 = dup_hostent(hp);
+	freehostent(hp);
+	return (hp2);
+    }
+    struct hostent *hp1;
+    u_long res_options;
+    if ((_res.options & RES_INIT) == 0) {
+	if (res_init() < 0) {
+	    tcpd_warn("%s: res_init() failed", host);
+	    return (NULL);
+	}
+    }
+    res_options = _res.options;
+    _res.options |= RES_USE_INET6;
+    if ((hp1 = gethostbyname2(host, AF_INET6)) != NULL)
+	hp1 = dup_hostent(hp1);
+    if ((hp2 = gethostbyname2(host, AF_INET)) != NULL)
+	hp2 = dup_hostent(hp2);
+    _res.options = res_options;
+    if (hp1 && hp2) {
+	hp = merge_hostent(hp1, hp2);
+	free((char *) hp1);
+	free((char *) hp2);
+	return (hp);
+    }
+    if (hp1)
+	return (hp1);
+    if (hp2)
+	return (hp2);
+    return (NULL);
 /* find_inet_addr - find all addresses for this host, result to free() */
 struct hostent *find_inet_addr(host)
@@ -91,6 +196,15 @@ char   *host;
 	h.h_addr_list = addr_list;
 	h.h_addr_list[0] = (char *) &addr;
 	h.h_length = sizeof(addr);
+#ifdef INET6
+	h.h_addrtype = AF_INET;
+	h.h_name = (char *) malloc(strlen(host)+1);
+	if (! h.h_name){
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, out of memory\n");
+	    exit(1);
+	}
+	strncpy(h.h_name, host, strlen(host)+1);
 	return (dup_hostent(&h));
@@ -104,19 +218,33 @@ char   *host;
 	tcpd_warn("%s: not an internet address", host);
 	return (0);
+#ifdef INET6
+    if ((hp = gethostbyname64(host)) == 0) {
     if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == 0) {
 	tcpd_warn("%s: host not found", host);
 	return (0);
+#ifdef INET6
+    if (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET6) {
+	tcpd_warn("%d: not an internet host", hp->h_addrtype);
+	free((char *) hp);
     if (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET) {
 	tcpd_warn("%d: not an internet host", hp->h_addrtype);
 	return (0);
     if (STR_NE(host, hp->h_name)) {
 	tcpd_warn("%s: hostname alias", host);
 	tcpd_warn("(official name: %.*s)", STRING_LENGTH, hp->h_name);
+#ifdef INET6
+    return (hp);
     return (dup_hostent(hp));
 /* check_dns - give each address thorough workout, return address count */
@@ -125,7 +253,13 @@ int     check_dns(host)
 char   *host;
     struct request_info request;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr_storage sin;
+    char *ap;
+    int alen;
     struct sockaddr_in sin;
     struct hostent *hp;
     int     count;
     char   *addr;
@@ -135,10 +269,30 @@ char   *host;
     request_init(&request, RQ_CLIENT_SIN, &sin, 0);
     memset((char *) &sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
+#ifdef INET6
+    sin.ss_family = hp->h_addrtype;
+    switch (hp->h_addrtype) {
+    case AF_INET:
+	ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)&sin)->sin_addr;
+	alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+	break;
+    case AF_INET6:
+	ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sin)->sin6_addr;
+	alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+	break;
+    default:
+	return (0);
+    }
     sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
     for (count = 0; (addr = hp->h_addr_list[count]) != 0; count++) {
+#ifdef INET6
+	memcpy(ap, addr, alen);
 	memcpy((char *) &sin.sin_addr, addr, sizeof(sin.sin_addr));
 	 * Force host name and address conversions. Use the request structure
--- socket.c.orig
+++ socket.c
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) socket.c 1.
 #include <syslog.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#ifdef INET6
+#include <resolv.h>
 extern char *inet_ntoa();
 /* Local stuff. */
@@ -74,8 +80,13 @@ char   *name;
 void    sock_host(request)
 struct request_info *request;
+#ifdef INET6
+    static struct sockaddr_storage client;
+    static struct sockaddr_storage server;
     static struct sockaddr_in client;
     static struct sockaddr_in server;
     int     len;
     char    buf[BUFSIZ];
     int     fd = request->fd;
@@ -104,7 +115,11 @@ struct request_info *request;
 	memset(buf, 0 sizeof(buf));
+#ifdef INET6
+    request->client->sin = (struct sockaddr *)&client;
     request->client->sin = &client;
      * Determine the server binding. This is used for client username
@@ -117,7 +132,11 @@ struct request_info *request;
 	tcpd_warn("getsockname: %m");
+#ifdef INET6
+    request->server->sin = (struct sockaddr *)&server;
     request->server->sin = &server;
 /* sock_hostaddr - map endpoint address to printable form */
@@ -125,10 +144,33 @@ struct request_info *request;
 void    sock_hostaddr(host)
 struct host_info *host;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr *sin = host->sin;
+    char *ap;
+    int alen;
+    if (!sin)
+	return;
+    switch (sin->sa_family) {
+    case AF_INET:
+	ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sin)->sin_addr;
+	alen = sizeof(struct in_addr);
+	break;
+    case AF_INET6:
+	ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sin)->sin6_addr;
+	alen = sizeof(struct in6_addr);
+	break;
+    default:
+	return;
+    }
+    host->addr[0] = '\0';
+    inet_ntop(sin->sa_family, ap, host->addr, sizeof(host->addr));
     struct sockaddr_in *sin = host->sin;
     if (sin != 0)
 	STRN_CPY(host->addr, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), sizeof(host->addr));
 /* sock_hostname - map endpoint address to host name */
@@ -136,8 +178,21 @@ struct host_info *host;
 void    sock_hostname(host)
 struct host_info *host;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr *sin = host->sin;
+    char addr[128];
+    int h_error;
+    u_long res_options;
+    struct hostent *hp = NULL;
+    char *ap;
+    int alen;
     struct sockaddr_in *sin = host->sin;
     struct hostent *hp;
     int     i;
@@ -147,11 +202,42 @@ struct host_info *host;
      * have to special-case, in order to avoid false alerts from the
      * host name/address checking code below.
+#ifdef INET6
+    if (sin != NULL) {
+	switch (sin->sa_family) {
+	case AF_INET:
+	    if (((struct sockaddr_in *)sin)->sin_addr.s_addr == 0) {
+		strcpy(host->name, paranoid);	/* name is bad, clobber it */
+		return;
+	    }
+	    ap = (char *) &((struct sockaddr_in *)sin)->sin_addr;
+	    alen = sizeof(struct in_addr);
+	    break;
+	case AF_INET6:
+	    ap = (char *) &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sin)->sin6_addr;
+	    alen = sizeof(struct in6_addr);
+	    break;
+	defalut:
+	    strcpy(host->name, paranoid);	/* name is bad, clobber it */
+	    return;
+	}
+	hp = getipnodebyaddr(ap, alen, sin->sa_family, &h_error);
+	hp = gethostbyaddr(ap, alen, sin->sa_family);
+    }
+    if (hp) {
     if (sin != 0 && sin->sin_addr.s_addr != 0
 	&& (hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &(sin->sin_addr),
 			       sizeof(sin->sin_addr), AF_INET)) != 0) {
 	STRN_CPY(host->name, hp->h_name, sizeof(host->name));
+#if defined(INET6) && defined(USE_GETIPNODEBY)
+	freehostent(hp);
 	 * Verify that the address is a member of the address list returned
@@ -166,15 +252,53 @@ struct host_info *host;
 	 * we're in big trouble anyway.
+#ifdef INET6
+	hp = getipnodebyname(host->name, sin->sa_family,
+			     AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_ALL, &h_error);
+	if ((_res.options & RES_INIT) == 0) {
+	    if (res_init() < 0) {
+		inet_ntop(sin->sa_family, ap, addr, sizeof(addr));
+		tcpd_warn("can't verify hostname: res_init() for %s failed",
+			  addr);
+		strcpy(host->name, paranoid);	/* name is bad, clobber it */
+		return;
+	    }
+	}
+	res_options = _res.options;
+	if (sin->sa_family == AF_INET6)
+	    _res.options |= RES_USE_INET6;
+	else
+	    _res.options &= ~RES_USE_INET6;
+	hp = gethostbyname2(host->name,
+			    (sin->sa_family == AF_INET6 &&
+			     IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sin)->sin6_addr)) ?
+				AF_INET : sin->sa_family);
+	_res.options = res_options;
+	if (!hp) {
 	if ((hp = gethostbyname(host->name)) == 0) {
 	     * Unable to verify that the host name matches the address. This
 	     * may be a transient problem or a botched name server setup.
+#ifdef INET6
+	    tcpd_warn("can't verify hostname: getipnodebyname(%s, %s) failed",
+	    tcpd_warn("can't verify hostname: gethostbyname2(%s, %s) failed",
+		      host->name,
+		      (sin->sa_family == AF_INET) ? "AF_INET" : "AF_INET6");
 	    tcpd_warn("can't verify hostname: gethostbyname(%s) failed",
 	} else if (STR_NE(host->name, hp->h_name)
 		   && STR_NE(host->name, "localhost")) {
@@ -198,10 +322,19 @@ struct host_info *host;
 	    for (i = 0; hp->h_addr_list[i]; i++) {
+#ifdef INET6
+		if (memcmp(hp->h_addr_list[i], ap, alen) == 0) {
+		    freehostent(hp);
+		    return;			/* name is good, keep it */
+		}
 		if (memcmp(hp->h_addr_list[i],
 			   (char *) &sin->sin_addr,
 			   sizeof(sin->sin_addr)) == 0)
 		    return;			/* name is good, keep it */
@@ -210,10 +343,20 @@ struct host_info *host;
 	     * server.
+#ifdef INET6
+	    inet_ntop(sin->sa_family, ap, addr, sizeof(addr));
+	    tcpd_warn("host name/address mismatch: %s != %.*s",
+		      addr, STRING_LENGTH, hp->h_name);
 	    tcpd_warn("host name/address mismatch: %s != %.*s",
 		      inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), STRING_LENGTH, hp->h_name);
 	strcpy(host->name, paranoid);		/* name is bad, clobber it */
+#if defined(INET6) && defined(USE_GETIPNODEBY)
+	if (hp)
+	    freehostent(hp);
@@ -223,7 +366,11 @@ static void sock_sink(fd)
 int     fd;
     char    buf[BUFSIZ];
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr_storage sin;
     struct sockaddr_in sin;
     int     size = sizeof(sin);
--- tcpd.c.orig
+++ tcpd.c
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) tcpd.c 1.10
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <syslog.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
@@ -120,7 +121,12 @@ char  **argv;
     /* Report request and invoke the real daemon program. */
+#ifdef INET6
+    syslog(allow_severity, "connect from %s (%s)",
+	   eval_client(&request), eval_hostaddr(request.client));
     syslog(allow_severity, "connect from %s", eval_client(&request));
     (void) execv(path, argv);
     syslog(LOG_ERR, "error: cannot execute %s: %m", path);
--- tcpd.h.orig
+++ tcpd.h
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@
 struct host_info {
     char    name[STRING_LENGTH];	/* access via eval_hostname(host) */
     char    addr[STRING_LENGTH];	/* access via eval_hostaddr(host) */
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr *sin;		/* socket address or 0 */
     struct sockaddr_in *sin;		/* socket address or 0 */
     struct t_unitdata *unit;		/* TLI transport address or 0 */
     struct request_info *request;	/* for shared information */
--- tcpdchk.c.orig
+++ tcpdchk.c
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) tcpdchk.c 1
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef INET6
+#include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -397,6 +400,26 @@ char   *pat;
+#ifdef INET6
+static int is_inet6_addr(pat)
+    char *pat;
+    struct in6_addr addr;
+    int len, ret;
+    char ch;
+    if (*pat != '[')
+	return (0);
+    len = strlen(pat);
+    if ((ch = pat[len - 1]) != ']')
+	return (0);
+    pat[len - 1] = '\0';
+    ret = inet_pton(AF_INET6, pat + 1, &addr);
+    pat[len - 1] = ch;
+    return (ret == 1);
 /* check_host - criticize host pattern */
 static int check_host(pat)
@@ -423,14 +446,27 @@ char   *pat;
     } else if (mask = split_at(pat, '/')) {	/* network/netmask */
+#ifdef INET6
+	int mask_len;
+	if ((dot_quad_addr(pat) == INADDR_NONE
+	    || dot_quad_addr(mask) == INADDR_NONE)
+	    && (!is_inet6_addr(pat)
+		|| ((mask_len = atoi(mask)) < 0 || mask_len > 128)))
 	if (dot_quad_addr(pat) == INADDR_NONE
 	    || dot_quad_addr(mask) == INADDR_NONE)
 	    tcpd_warn("%s/%s: bad net/mask pattern", pat, mask);
     } else if (STR_EQ(pat, "FAIL")) {		/* obsolete */
 	tcpd_warn("FAIL is no longer recognized");
 	tcpd_warn("(use EXCEPT or DENY instead)");
     } else if (reserved_name(pat)) {		/* other reserved */
 	 /* void */ ;
+#ifdef INET6
+    } else if (is_inet6_addr(pat)) { /* IPv6 address */
+	addr_count = 1;
     } else if (NOT_INADDR(pat)) {		/* internet name */
 	if (pat[strlen(pat) - 1] == '.') {
 	    tcpd_warn("%s: domain or host name ends in dot", pat);
--- tcpdmatch.c.orig
+++ tcpdmatch.c
@@ -68,8 +68,15 @@ char  **argv;
     int     ch;
     char   *inetcf = 0;
     int     count;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr_storage server_sin;
+    struct sockaddr_storage client_sin;
+    char *ap;
+    int alen;
     struct sockaddr_in server_sin;
     struct sockaddr_in client_sin;
     struct stat st;
@@ -173,12 +180,35 @@ char  **argv;
 	if ((hp = find_inet_addr(server)) == 0)
 	memset((char *) &server_sin, 0, sizeof(server_sin));
+#ifdef INET6
+	server_sin.ss_family = hp->h_addrtype;
+	switch (hp->h_addrtype) {
+	case AF_INET:
+	    ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)&server_sin)->sin_addr;
+	    alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+	    break;
+	case AF_INET6:
+	    ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&server_sin)->sin6_addr;
+	    alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    exit(1);
+	}
+#ifdef SIN6_LEN
+	server_sin.ss_len = alen;
 	server_sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
 	request_set(&request, RQ_SERVER_SIN, &server_sin, 0);
 	for (count = 0; (addr = hp->h_addr_list[count]) != 0; count++) {
+#ifdef INET6
+	    memcpy(ap, addr, alen);
 	    memcpy((char *) &server_sin.sin_addr, addr,
 	     * Force evaluation of server host name and address. Host name
@@ -230,12 +260,35 @@ char  **argv;
     if ((hp = find_inet_addr(client)) == 0)
     memset((char *) &client_sin, 0, sizeof(client_sin));
+#ifdef INET6
+    client_sin.ss_family = hp->h_addrtype;
+    switch (hp->h_addrtype) {
+    case AF_INET:
+	ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)&client_sin)->sin_addr;
+	alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+	break;
+    case AF_INET6:
+	ap = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&client_sin)->sin6_addr;
+	alen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+	break;
+    default:
+	exit(1);
+    }
+#ifdef SIN6_LEN
+    client_sin.ss_len = alen;
     client_sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
     request_set(&request, RQ_CLIENT_SIN, &client_sin, 0);
     for (count = 0; (addr = hp->h_addr_list[count]) != 0; count++) {
+#ifdef INET6
+	memcpy(ap, addr, alen);
 	memcpy((char *) &client_sin.sin_addr, addr,
 	 * Force evaluation of client host name and address. Host name
--- update.c.orig
+++ update.c
@@ -46,10 +46,18 @@ va_list ap;
 	    request->fd = va_arg(ap, int);
+#ifdef INET6
+	    request->client->sin = va_arg(ap, struct sockaddr *);
 	    request->client->sin = va_arg(ap, struct sockaddr_in *);
+#ifdef INET6
+	    request->server->sin = va_arg(ap, struct sockaddr *);
 	    request->server->sin = va_arg(ap, struct sockaddr_in *);
--- workarounds.c.orig
+++ workarounds.c
@@ -166,11 +166,22 @@ struct sockaddr *sa;
 int    *len;
     int     ret;
+#ifdef INET6
+    struct sockaddr_storage *sin = (struct sockaddr_storage *) sa;
     struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) sa;
     if ((ret = getpeername(sock, sa, len)) >= 0
+#ifdef INET6
+	&& ((sin->__ss_family == AF_INET6
+	     && IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sin)->sin6_addr))
+	    || (sin->ss_family == AF_INET
+		&& ((struct sockaddr_in *)sin)->sin_addr.s_addr == 0))) {
 	&& sa->sa_family == AF_INET
 	&& sin->sin_addr.s_addr == 0) {
 	errno = ENOTCONN;
 	return (-1);
     } else {
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